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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58485128 No.58485128[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

WTF is happening teasing whale niggers?

>> No.58485130
File: 48 KB, 189x189, SNEED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's sneeding

>> No.58485136

Bullrun cancelled. Chainlink pump must be stop.

>> No.58485143

whale niggers tounge my anus

>> No.58485215

singularity incoming, all of biz is going to be billionaires.

>> No.58485229

is it happening? asking for a friend

>> No.58485234

I'm going to be fucking passed if link takes off before I get my moass gains

>> No.58485244

>The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is a significant player in the financial industry, particularly in the United States. It provides clearing, settlement, and information services for various financial markets, including equities, fixed income securities, derivatives, and more.

>Essentially, the DTCC acts as a middleman, facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers of financial assets. It ensures that transactions are processed smoothly, efficiently, and securely. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity and stability of financial markets.

>As for Chainlink, it's a blockchain project that aims to connect smart contracts with real-world data. Its partnership with DTCC could have significant implications for the financial industry. By integrating Chainlink's technology, the DTCC may be exploring ways to enhance its services, possibly by leveraging blockchain technology to improve transparency, security, and efficiency in financial transactions. This partnership has likely garnered attention and excitement because it represents a significant step toward the integration of blockchain technology into traditional financial infrastructure.

>> No.58485264

Is DTCC actually integrating link or is it just a proof of concept?

>> No.58485265

CCIP's officially being used by the big boys now. It was all true. All of it.

>> No.58485269

It's all part of the plan. GME MOASS is the show for the normies to show why the DTCC needs this tracking. LINK will moon as a result. Checkem

>> No.58485273

i did the maths on the DTCC's 2.5 quadrillion. If Chainlink took a tenth of a penny on the dollar for each of these transations, each of the billion Link tokens would earn $2500/year. If a staked Link took one third of that for the staker (two-thirds going to nodes etc)that would be $850/year per staked Link per staker. So a 7000-Link wallet would earn $6M per year in staking revenue.
And that's just the DTCC. Add Swift earnings and everything else to that.
Suddenly, $15 seems kinda cheap

>> No.58485293

Holy kek I’m dropping link and sending a fax to my custodian instead if it costs me fucking 0.1% in fees to utilize

>> No.58485311

was just an asspulled amount. feel free to put another deciamal point in there. Then it would be $600k/year per 7000 wallet. Think you could handle that? I know i could. Plus all the rest.

>> No.58485412
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Don't forget to add SWIFT txs too anon...

>> No.58485888

lets say divide that by two so we're not being too bullish, $3m per 7k staked wallet seems fair

>> No.58486237

checked! I'll settle for $3M, esp as I have 9 wallets

>> No.58486281
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>> No.58486302

sexy get

>> No.58486416 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 1024x1024, photo_2024-04-01_21-59-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Base chain is going to blow up very soon, we all know it. $Hungry on base. Reflections. Team burned their airdrops for a clean bubblemap and non-FUD environment. Not going to stay at sub 100k for long.

>> No.58486417

Dump it.
Dump it all.

>> No.58487236

Are people actually this fucking retarded to believe this?

Why would the network begin to collect .1 percent in fees when CCIP fees (in it's current state) are not calculated based on a percentage of value of the transactions, but rather they're denominated in fixed dollar amounts. If anything the volume of transactions is a better ballpark indicator of the revenue being generated by CCIP fees (yes i'm aware the CL network offers other services), that too is also assuming a best case scenario where every transaction is a cross chain one.

>> No.58487265


>> No.58487386

Yes but really any estimating is idiotic because we have no clue how LINK will be used in totality and how much will be staked. DTCC processes 800 million tx a year which at the lowest rate only amounts to $72M in LINK paid but one must assume banks and companies will also be using functions, automations, maybe even VRF, lots more use on CCIP, and of course oracle calls. That all combined with X amount needing to be staked to secure value (which is how we originally were thinking about value years ago) makes it very hard to build any realistic assumption based models. If there is $20B of money going through one tx it’s likely that person will want $20B of collateral to back up the tx on the very off chance something goes wrong. Suddenly that one tx necessitates LINK to have minimally a $20B mcap. It’s this purpose that the $81,000 marines were building off of.

>> No.58487401

1 LINK = 81 thousand dollars*

*in monopoly money