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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58482811 No.58482811[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

AVI will put gamefi back on the map and it will be the most successful token on biz this cycle

>> No.58482848

you think we can 100x from this level?

>> No.58482926

100 mill mc easy once it's on Base. If all the cb connections are true leading to a potential cb listing, then yes 100x from here

>> No.58482949

>if the rumors we made up are true
kek. I heard xbox was interested in a partnership and will use avi as currency in the store

>> No.58482997
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>> No.58483215

I just wish the team stopped posting and reposting those furry-looking foxes on Twitter. It's embarrassing and turns a lot of people off the project.

>> No.58483244

I just wish the team stopped posting and reposting those furry-looking foxes on Twitter. They're hot and I can't stop jacking off to them

>> No.58483329

Dead furry faggot coin

>> No.58483336
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>> No.58483337

I just wish the team posted and reposted more of those furry-looking foxes on Twitter. They're hot and I need to jack off to more of them

>> No.58483360

16M stacklet reporting in sisters

>> No.58483404

I just wish the team posted and reposted more of those furry-looking foxes on Twitter. They're hot and I need to jack off to more of them

>> No.58483483

>Why is AVI so slow and careful?
Because exploits as big as this won't be happening to AVI

>> No.58483535


>> No.58483559

They aren’t being careful
The team has one jr engineer that has never programmed anything blockchain related
They wont have a functional product for years

>> No.58483566

at least they're doing something, let them grow you furry faggot loving boy kisser

>> No.58483579

>jesse pollack shilled a "base deployer" that just doubles the given tokens supply and rugs everyone, obviously unaudited
>official base bridge now redirects to a bridge with zero auditing
>now this pump fun exploit
this space is constantly so fucking awesome
i really appreciate avi being slow and careful with everything
even if people ignore avi now, itll just turn into process of elimination as everything else keeps collapsing from very obvious negligence

the arcade has already been in private alpha for a while
you can test the skybridge RIGHT NOW and get paid thousands if you find any bugs
dont be retarded

>> No.58483623

bro...there's a 300 count post up about how incompetent the dev team has shown themselves to be. they aren't going slow because they are being methodical, they are going slow because they are beginners

>> No.58483659

Shut the fuck up, dog. Aren't you tired yet?

>> No.58483669

tired of avicucks posting on my board

>> No.58483743

HomieLander, when are you going to use your power for good? You have the power to pump shit to the moon, yet you fud everything. Become the anti-hero instead of the villain. Not all of the rumors are rumors anymore. Clearly, NDAs have been signed and even you know that

>> No.58483744


>> No.58483841

Why were Avi niggers shit talking about my /biz/ bros? Are you not racist chuds but actually furry tranny faggots?

>> No.58483879

I just wish the team posted and reposted more of those furry-looking foxes on Twitter. They're hot and I need to jack off to more of them

>> No.58484082

This is completely false. The team has multiple developers, none of which are junior by any means. Hacken also wouldn't be reposting random community members' AVI posts if they didn't think they were legit. Also, anyone with development experience who took the time to play around the testnet (not just use the UI) have been impressed with how rock solid the contracts are.

>> No.58484094
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>> No.58484104

You keep posting these sexy fox men I might actually buy in.

>> No.58484242
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>> No.58484430
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>re: this seminar
>maybe 50 people attended total, and multiple people from the same projects joined (eg. jaraiya and broski confirmed attendance here, stixil/magic and kerasu would also make sense)
what the fuck? i thought it wouldve been way more people in attendance
actually crazy to have these specifics, coinbase has clearly had eyes on this

>> No.58484473

AVI team attending this is huge.

All the fud is really ramping up again as price cools down for a while. biz bought the top kek. better sell now and cry even louder once we're at x100.

>> No.58484488

also i completed the fucking 9 trillion second wait, what is this. you're missing out if you panic because of a massive correction. whole market is down. nothing has changed.

>> No.58484565
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>> No.58484577
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is this bullish or bearish?
are we going to die?!

>> No.58484750
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i feel so smug holding this coin, its unreal

>> No.58484772

This is the bottom

>> No.58484814
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>kerasu cold drops that seminar proof in the other thread and then elaborates in the tg
>says picrel immediately after
kerasu if youre in this thread too, thank you for all the giga hopium
your spoonfeeding has been like shovels and yet people still wont get it

>> No.58484903

I was the one doubtposting kerasu’s invite in the other thread. Kerasu, I was only shitposting. I’m sure I suffer from some kind of mental illness but, fudding my own bags brings me peace in my life.

>> No.58484935
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I smell something brewing

>> No.58485058


Oh. They're integrating sky bridge into the smartwallet.

Now that's interesting.

>> No.58485141

>”invite only”
>”space is limited, so please sign up today”
So is it invite only or first come first serve?

>> No.58485146


>Respond fast or we'll just get someone else to replace you.

>> No.58485152

>>”invite only”
>So is it invite only
the absolute state of fuddies

>> No.58485164


I can't believe the NDA fucking silence from the AVI team on this one.

Flat out fucking called it.

>> No.58485188

its an email newsletter if we're being honest. they are obviously subscribed to some kind of coinbase or base chain newsletter and thats all the invitation mean. this is the kind of shit you guys read into way to much and the fact that the team lets you do that or even trys to feed the intrigue makes me trust them less.
>there's not much I can say about it but coinbase is doing some cool stuff
yeah, we get it, coinbase is demoing changes they are making to their wallet....this does not validate anything aviator is doing though so for them to use it as tg hype is retarded.

>> No.58485195

for what its worth, I get a bunch of these emails too....because I've subscribes to project newletters that I'm interested in. this is how you get invited to hackathons and workshops as a developer

>> No.58485201
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they were doing the whole coinbase NDA silence thing from the very beginning, but the only reason to believe it then was simply just trusting them for paying for all project expenses out of pocket and their past reputation with shib.
the next possible sign was unironically jesses silence around avi. he has been avoiding interacting with literally anything remotely avi-related like the plague. very well still could have been a complete coincidence.
hearing about this seminar, though- i think this is the first undeniable piece of REAL evidence we've gotten regarding this whole coinbase angle

there were 50 people total in attendance, many being repeats from the same projects.
here, ill share a tidbit from a few days ago
>avi has open communications with some base projects
>received the seminar invite, decided to ask other projects if they got the invite too
>asks the dev of boomer, a project where the dev has open comms with jesse and has met jesse and a few other coinbase execs in person
>they did not get invited
no, the 50 people in attendance did not just get an automated coinbase newsbyte.
lazy attempt

>> No.58485213

that email is the fucking invite retard. everyone subscribed got that same email. doesn't have anything to do with knowing jesse, hence why the guy that knows jesse didnt' get the "invite".

>they've been doing the whole coinbase NDA silence thing from teh beginning
yeah, which is why I have no trust. they absolutely have not had any NDA with coinbase before they ever had a product build. that's not how coinbase operates retard.

>> No.58485224
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>everyone subscribed got that same email.
post yours
dont come back until you do

>> No.58485226


The NDA silence wasn't them going 'Ooooohhhh we've got an NDAAAAAAA', but rather, complete, dead, legally enforced silence from the chattiest dev team in crypto.

>> No.58485260

I'm not subscribed to base chain shit. Its a seminar from coinbases about their wallet, something base chain developers would be interested in
what NDA silence? some retard in the tg will suggest some coinbase connection and they just won't comment on it. thats the game. let moonboys speculate. they didn't even have fucking code when this shit started. coinbase absolutely did not have some deal with them. who tf do you think these guys are? they are kids, fresh out of school, with no work experience or industry connections. cut the bullshit.

>> No.58485271


Now you're just making stuff up anon.

>> No.58485278

kek bottom seller. Buy signal

>> No.58485285

ok, find me the base shit you CAN subscribe to where you would get this invite.
you can do that at least, right?
theyre not running RSVPs for a youtube livestream you giganigger, you could comfortably fit everyone in attendance from BOTH days combined inside a classroom

>> No.58485286

what are you even talking about? you keep saying NDA.... there is no NDA. nobody has ever said there's an NDA. I'm the one making things up?
or were you disputing that they are fresh out of school green boys? that's the truth. stixil is 25, went to school for CS, never worked a job in that industry before.
you are welcome to fill me in on what I missed if you want to shill this team to me. what makes the qualified and connected?

>> No.58485302

if you are a developer, you look for developer resources. idk what else to tell you anon, its not a super secret club. sign up on the coinbase developer platform...subscribe to the newletters.

>> No.58485314
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>sign up on the coinbase developer platform...subscribe to the newletters.
hey anon, guess what
I AM subscribed, and have been for years now
get the fuck out of here, bottom seller

>> No.58485316
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>> No.58485803

Kerasu here - it was an invite-only seminar that you had to register for because there were limited spots. It was not open to the public. It was sent to select builders, but not all.

Also, I'm in my 30's, have worked for the leading media conglomerate in the world in their Times Square division on multi-million dollar marketing campaigns and paired activations for companies with worldwide brand recognition with celebrity endorsements/involvement. Im addition to that, I have over 15 years of experience in the film industry, as there is a lot of crossover between media industries and that was my initial trade before various promotions. I now work for a government agency in their PR division and literally handle media for certain White House events. I and several other members of the team (some of which are totally behind the scenes) have our own LLCs with a wealth of combined project management experience. Our developers are literally genius level and have well-paying jobs in devlopment outside of crypto, as well as experience developing for crypto prodcuts you have undoudtedly used. While Stixil may be on the younger side of the team, through his involvement with Shib, he has a lot of knowledge of the inner workings of the industry, connections, funding to pay for things out-of-pocket vs. selling AVI or relying on a VC, an advisor who has helped our project immensely, and actually is skilled enough to assist on testing code and keeping up with our developers. Magic is a brilliant accountant with a lot of legal experience, who has also advised Shib. Broski and others have also had sucessful careers and are talented at community building snd project managementI, in addition to experience at Shib, which I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss in terms of the connections that were made.

I don't share this on a regular basis because I prefer for my work to speak for itself, but I'm tired of reading the blatant lies spread by folks who are either ignorant or simply fudding.

>> No.58485962

I'm being edged again, mom! HELP!
Goddamn I'm so glad i am early in this shit. Fuaaark.

>> No.58485966
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AVI's trash now

>> No.58485985
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its my trash

>> No.58485995

keep it trash man kek

>> No.58486009
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>> No.58486050

Im sand deep in this trash

>> No.58486051

another mans trash is my treasure

>> No.58486054
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>> No.58486283

Good for you. Big beliver

>> No.58486307
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>> No.58486382

>I now work for a government agency in their PR division
anon, I mostly just like to talk shit and am not to be taken seriously...but this part does not give credibility to your resume. just fyi. I always assume people in gov jobs are there because they failed in the private sector

>> No.58486537

If I were to guess there are hundreds of thousands / millions of People that are subscribed to coinbase, yet out of all those people that are subscribed 3 of AVI‘s team members managed to get invites and attended this meeting. That’s a hell of a coincidence.

Hilm, why do you keep fudding your bag? You’ve been doing this shit for at least the past 5 months yet they STILL allow you in the TG. Ffs

>> No.58486920

Very nice, but...what color are you hands?

>> No.58487041
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We're done with the whole price going down thing now, right?

>> No.58487089

Invite says “exclusive”

>> No.58487239

I have to take it seriously because other people will see your comments and won't differentiate. Also, I wasn't trying to add notoriety, just offer context and an honest answer. You're totally wrong about the government job thing though - people hop back and forth between it and the private sector all the time. Plus the agency I work for is funded much differently than others and we are well taken care of, if it matters. I got my position there because of my prior work history not despite it.

>> No.58487374

>the agency I work for is funded differently
You’re a propagandist anon…

>> No.58487501

Lol, literally nothing I'm saying is false or misleading. But it's your prerogative to believe what you want. And if you're referring to my job, I do not create or support propaganda. I took the position I did because I can actually help people in a real way through it.

>> No.58487687
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>I do not create or support propaganda. I took the position I did because I can actually help people in a real way through it.

>> No.58487689

Leave kerasu alone!!!