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File: 83 KB, 220x280, Minecraft_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58472845 No.58472845 [Reply] [Original]

This should exist

>> No.58472873

Get fucked

>> No.58472874

but why

>> No.58472884

You would be able to make a living grinding for items in MC.

>> No.58472895

Items in MC are already free. Why would people pay for something that's free you fucktard

>> No.58472899

Have you ever been on a server with an economy system? People WILL pay for items in MC, you see.

>> No.58472905

I used to sell Diablo 2 items for forum gold on d2jsp. Those have actual rarity. Minecraft is just shit anybody can find easily, even diamonds

>> No.58472912

A lot of the interesting stuff requires you to have items in large quantities. You wouldn't be selling one diamond, you would be selling a chest full of diamonds.

>> No.58472925

so why do you need nfts if people are already doing it?

>> No.58472934

portability across servers. you can gather items on one server and sell them to someone on a different server.

microcuck doesn't allow nfts so these features would have to be built into something like minetest

>> No.58472939

this would require chainlink

>> No.58472949

if some nerdo created this, it would be just a matter of time before superverse partnerships with them lol

>> No.58472956

i have zero programming skill but hey maybe if the idea gains some traction some nerdo will make it. I'm not talking about a game where you can earn special nfts during gameplay, I'm talking like where the actual items you gather each are an NFT. for example if you have a diamond in your inventory you have a diamond nft that can be traded in the marketplace. etc

>> No.58472974

because of botting. not to mention straight up cheating. you're already playing the game on a fully centralized server run by an admin who has control over the entire game state, there is zero reason to involve a blockchain aside from allowing morons to pay the admin ETH to open the terminal and type /give elytra. the day "crypto gaming!!11" finally expires cannot come soon enough
no one would or should ever allow this, any vulnerability or degradation of a different server would wreck your own server's economy. "web3 interoperability" is a total meme and detriment to games, it makes them even less secure than they already are

>> No.58473010

I think that in the far future, after everything has been automated, p2e games will be the main method by which people make money. Yes there are problems that need to be ironed out but they're not insurmountable problems.

For example one solution would be to have a fixed number of servers that run on-chain using something like RLC or ICP

>> No.58473034

icp/rlc don't run the game "on-chain", they load the game code locally on your computer and you play it. what you're imagining is a game where every block position and every action are submitted as transactions, which is extraordinarily expensive, an absolute nightmare for the local game client to continuously reconcile (because it has to read from the chain), and is still vulnerable to exploits. Games have a massive attack surface, introduce financial incentives and you will need to be putting out fires constantly. And by that I mean you'll need a full team responsible for monitoring cheats and mitigating damage from exploits. Decentralization will be going straight out the window because your anticheat will require you to validate gameplay and ban people, which means your game is very far from permissionless. And of course there are bots: bot makers are incredibly clever and will farm your items undetectably across many accounts. And you won't be able to stop them

>> No.58473053

It would require some engineering effort, but it's not categorically impossible. "I" am not doing anything as I have no programming skill. It's just an idea.

Ultimately, I think that "most people play games to earn crypto" thing is inevitable in the long run. I'm just kind of jealous that I was born too early for that.

>> No.58473062

unfortunately, it is actually categorically impossible

>> No.58473084

I've been playing gxds unchained for a while now, and while the game has some problems (namely its sickly combination of pay to win and win to earn) it does actually mint tradeable nfts.

I see no reason why this couldn't be scaled up to something more complex than a card game.

>> No.58473106

turn-based games are well suited to transactional gameplay, that won't scale into a real time environment. I can also tell you that if your game has any sort of popularity, there are already bots that have optimized gameplay strategies that simply farm rewards all day long constantly. I'll also mention that you as a player have no way to tell if the developer, who wrote the entire codebase, is anonymously running bots themselves to farm their own rewards and sell them into whatever liquidity is provided by players

>> No.58473162
File: 61 KB, 976x850, 1448564542452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that should be the most Retardio(tm) thing I've ever read my dude

>> No.58473279

So the consensus on /biz/ seems to be that crypto gaming is bad. Interesting...

>> No.58473333

metaverse is just a game server

>> No.58473379

Metaverse is NOT just a game server, though. Metaverse requires blockchain

>> No.58473492

its not 2020 anymore nigga YOURE LATE

>> No.58474138

Used to run a server. Honestly a great idea but would take some work to be implemented. You'd probably have to have a specific modded client people use to even enter to prevent cheating. Then there is the problem of somehow making items finite but without taking away from the game. This is where things get hard. Best thing I can think of is something similar to Hypixel's Skyblock which is just a massive MMO in minecraft, which does remove the whole sandbox aspect, but makes an incredibly interactive MMO with minecraft crafting involved which makes things really interesting. That last bit is the main reason for its success, and it does have an entire economy with hundreds of thousands of dollars being spent in game. Thing is recreating an entire Minecraft MMO similar to their "SkyBlockMMO" would be such a monumental task it'd unironically take half a mil or more to fund. Hopefully they decide to restart the entire game and implement more direct item ownership and economic freedom using smart contracts but its a tall order.

>> No.58474559
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 21718FCA-F29C-4A8F-ACEE-0B189C6E982C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else remembers

>> No.58474660

Right... In that case they could just implement a real money auction house. NFTs not needed.

>> No.58475639
File: 60 KB, 488x330, tab110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have that with RuneScape
>Free trade
>All items have a value
>All items can be created by the players
>There's a natural demand for things so you actually can cash out
No blockchain needed

>> No.58476855

probably kill myself as soon as it gets dark, maybe try to eat some food-shaped ones and sleep in the square bed regretting my job, my lack of interest in dexview charts., or just cry
and then drop sand on me