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File: 3 KB, 228x221, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5847213 No.5847213 [Reply] [Original]

I'm dropping some cash on BAT as soon as Binance comes up. Give me one good reason (besides the other coin you want to shill) why I shouldn't.

>> No.5847264

>Brave Browser

>> No.5847317

>not using ungoogled chromium

>> No.5847357

It's basically red salt, just buy the real salt instead

>> No.5847368

Literally all crypto's promise is a product after 5 years, BZC is the only one of 20 coins that's actually finished.

>> No.5847373

He asked for reasons against, not for

>> No.5847405

shut the fuck up OP!!!!!!

>> No.5847487


Because you hate money.

>> No.5847494

because as soon as pewdiepie starts shilling this, it will become the coin of the alt-right

>> No.5847528

Coins are dying. WEED stocks are the future.

>> No.5847557

You definitely should. Dropped 2k on it today.

>> No.5847614

That's not really a negative to me.

>> No.5847794

So it's Himalayan sea salt than?

>> No.5847842

This is retarded. And thousands of toubers are shilling it not just pewdiepie. The only reason i wouldnt go balls deep in bat rn is because i think another coin is gonna 10× first

>> No.5847937
File: 59 KB, 600x338, 2760adc6dc50495dc9310d992b2eba68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to live in a world where people are paid freaking basic attention tokens to watch adds?

>> No.5847978

dont listen to op he is part of that pump n dump group


they are targeting BAT

>> No.5848044

OP here. Fuck off.

>> No.5848045

which coin

>> No.5848070

Can’t think of a reason, it’s already close to its peak market cap position maybe? Max x5 possibly before being stable with the market. Still a great buy though imo.

>> No.5848083
File: 36 KB, 778x512, 1513369617455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, now facebook and google takes all the money. I want some too

>> No.5848107

>insert verification can

>> No.5848137

I bought $10k worth last night because an anon rolled dubs for it, solid team behind it, and a solid white paper and purpose
I don't even feel bad, this seems like it might be a longer hold than anticipated, but it's worthwhile

>> No.5848141

Black mirror has that episode with people cycling on bikes to earn credits. This is pretty much the beginning of that.

>> No.5848150
File: 86 KB, 1556x887, batcup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this, OP. BAT will go 200%, maybe 300% to the moon in the next couple days. Followed by a moon mission like you've never seen before. Classic cup and handle TA.

If you don't know who Eich is, and how he shaped the modern web, you don't deserve to be rich. This man has never had a project that hasn't been a huge success.

Also, fresh news.

>> No.5848176

BAT is getting added to GDAX alongside Auger, Decred, and Monero. It is known.

>> No.5848178

It’s a bit. Seen the same message double posted before in unrelated threads but with that coins name.

>> No.5848186

Well, now that's an interesting thought. I mean, what a world we live in where 5x isn't fucking amazing. But still, how long will it take to 2x or 3x?

>> No.5848191

Lol, you will never get cheaper bat, hop on now or forever get left behind.

>> No.5848201

I said thats the only reason lol. There is no other coin in my opinion. I think bat will be 50 bil in market cap by 2018. Thats nearly 100×. Im all in and HODLING

>> No.5848243

Very few people know this. How did you know?


>> No.5848256

I know who that is for sure. Makes a project like this hard to ignore. The man has spent his life in the browser.

>> No.5848278

The CEO is a homophobe.

>> No.5848286
File: 202 KB, 1807x789, bathandle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than a week, look at the cup and handle. Once it reaches the end of the handle, it will go almost completely vertical.

>> No.5848294

someone was shilling the "speakers at coinbase" youtube channel last night:


>> No.5848303

>people cycling on bikes to earn credits
you just described TRX

>> No.5848312

Hey, it's you. I remember that thread. I put $10k on FUN last night around the same time you did, kinda neat. Hope we both make it.

Quick rundown on the whitepaper?

>> No.5848332
File: 638 KB, 796x450, batmeme7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More reason you should buy it.

>> No.5848335


>> No.5848375

nice gif

>> No.5848381

Not many people are supposed to know this, but yes. Not all of them will be added tho, BAT, AUGUR and GOLEM, will come first. The rest, I'm not sure.

>> No.5848383

Giving users a part of the profits is certainly not a bad thing, but I'd rather that the parasitic advertising just fuck off, even if I know it's not realistic.

Yeah, some of the ongoing projects that I see in ICOs scare me. I take comfort in the fact that the vast majority half assed vaporware get rich quick schemes that will never go anywhere.

>> No.5848438

>mentioning this in a place full of homophobes/transphobes/racists ooook.

>> No.5848454
File: 230 KB, 563x542, 1597885621341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in while you can anon

>> No.5848476

Ah, I forgot that he supports ACTUAL marriage. Definitely buying in now.

>> No.5848493
File: 211 KB, 327x316, 1444273083971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuphandle on 30minute bars

>> No.5848518


>> No.5848558

Please don't shill this coin until after I accumulate, thank you.

>> No.5848581

Who knows. Probably not long. I’ve picked up 700 to hold long term anyway. Not much but I’m poor. BAT should do a 2-3x soon from all the news and real world progress. It actually has potential as a company to make money and the token itself has value. I mean if it gets a Coinbase listing even simultaneously with other tokens then that’s when I see it going to the 5x maybe even up to x10 although I don’t see it going to much above or eventually bellow around a 25 market cap coin. Maybe up to top 15 as others die over the years. Purely because it is neich compared to something like your xrp, xlm or req which have universal uses. That being said BAT does have ideas for expanding beyond advertising revenue so guess time will be the judge. Over the next year or so I see it going from 25-15 in market cap and holding their indefinitely. A long term stable hold which is due a pump and has great future potential depending on how it is expanded. This would be on my list to survive and thrive a dot com like bubble burst in crypto. It’s solid. Could be one if the Google’s, ebays or Amazon’s of crypto. Hopefully not a myspace or AOL.

>> No.5848666

BAT whitepaper? to be completely short, it rewards people using a browser (extension?) called brave who don't block ads, ad-makers that have ads that aren't intrusive or malicious (like pop unders, fake download buttons, redirection, I'm sure you can think of annoying shit), and content creators/domains that host the ads. team is comprised of people who have a LOT of relevant background, ie: founder is co-creator of mozilla and firefox, a few other members too, credentials like kernel, yahoo, aol, netscape.

>> No.5848668
File: 308 KB, 1180x2393, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I could sway you.

>> No.5848680


>> No.5848743
File: 84 KB, 1556x905, batcup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted the daily one too. In case you didn't know, crypto markets move fast.

>> No.5848864

I'm in BAT since 2000SAT but if you think it's cup/handle you're seeing shit that isn't there nigger.

>> No.5848937

Many people seem to differ


>> No.5848941

It’s called 15 million merits. Pretty fucked up and not to far off from a potential future...

>> No.5848978

real niggas been in since 5k sat

>> No.5849170


>> No.5849219

Go back to your own thread asshole

>> No.5849597

Excellent. Maybe I should go all in.

>> No.5849669

Isn't this the episode where the guy is forced to watch his gf/ex's sex tape?
Anyways, that's not related to the post you quoted, but more so to BAT: it's more along the lines of instead of forcing users to watch ads, it rewards people who do, which in turn rewards those who host them, and the ad makers themselves if feedback on their ads are "positive," which is measured by "attentiveness"
I don't really know how it works, but with the current state of the number of people using ad blockers, rampant malvertising, and domains with whopping numbers of ads in order to maximize ad revenue, it's a coin that serves a real world purpose and has application. I would put that above a lot of these other shitcoins that are either vaporware or all competing to accomplish the same things

>> No.5849733


People want less ads, not more. Pretty simple.

>> No.5849797

People know ads are necessary. Ads today are too intrusive and slow. This could make ads tolerable.

>> No.5849938

He has to watch her become a reality tv whore yeah.
BAT could turn into that kind of token tho ;)
Cycle for your credits to create the power needed for your tv and ads.

>> No.5850206

Oh, you get BAT for viewing the ads basically and content creators/websites get a %. They are trying or actually working with twitch, YouTube etc. Who are always fighting the A’s lockers. This should be win/win really. The ads get seem and ppl don’t care as they fair ‘paid’ plus twitch and YouTube are happy because they save money combating the blockers. Advocacy Cher could screw it up actually if they manage to get it to pay out without viewing the ad lol. Not a bad idea for a programmer, make an adblocker that takes a % of he payment for watching while blocking the ad still. Maybe the battle won’t be over for the ads but it’s a bit of insentive to watch them which people will go for. Even a small % increase in pol watching ads is invaluable to the advertising industry.
So it will find some real world use and it’s got a solid team behind it. To get rich in the dot com boom all you had to do was pick something that didn’t become vapourware. Sure you can find moon missions but this is a near guarantee for a get rich slowly.

>> No.5850229
File: 8 KB, 300x300, 1-B42s7aE8Qgluk1EyBcCDlw-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about REQ? YC owns 25% of coinbase so it would only make sense?

>> No.5850272

>People know ads are necessary

People also know taxes are necessary
That doesn't stop people from hating them and would do anything to have less of them. Your argument means nothing.

>> No.5850300

Perhaps, but it won't be Q1 2018 like the coins I mentioned. Might not even be 2018 at all. There is a thorough process for a coin to be listed and request just hasn't been around long enough.

>> No.5850371

The post you linked is a screencap of that very episode

>> No.5850387

I would probably watch a video ad if I got paid for it.

>> No.5850399
File: 10 KB, 645x773, 1513197917401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allright, ty for info anon.

>> No.5850500

>ICOs that scare you
Care to give some examples? Some of this is sneaking in a skynet direction desu

>> No.5850847
File: 100 KB, 1004x1004, batmeme9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of them. There is very few projects that will be left standing when this bubble bursts. Fortunatley, Bat will be one of them.

>> No.5851530

what others do you think will withstand?

>> No.5851568

are you fucking high? Or trying to pump a dead coin?

>> No.5851607

What's it like to suck cock for money?

>> No.5851741

The only reason people get behind this is because the co founder of Firefox is behind it. If it didn’t have his name behind it, it would never get any attention and it would be the laughing stock of the crypto world. As it stands, it’s just a stupid idea that has zero chance of success or adoption. I don’t care if jake Paul, Logan Paul, pew die pie,, every big YouTuber on earth shill, people aren’t going want to watch ads for a useless token

>> No.5851801

agreed. salt is fucking dead. fuck that piece of shit coin.

>> No.5851837

and Peter Thiel, don't forget his faggot ass VC fund....plus, do you akschually know what it takes to create a programming language, bet not faggot.

>> No.5851972

>people aren’t going want to watch ads for a useless token

this is true. crypto aside, tons of companies have tried this before. nobody wants to pay you personally to watch an ad. you'd get like .004 cents per video you watched. it never worked out. remember NETZERO when it first launched?

budweiser doesn't want YOU to see their ad. they want to be the advertiser FOR someone. like a racecar, or a sporting event or a network.

still, i bet this has some good gains.

>> No.5852200

kek, I'm old enough to remember Netzero. This did remind me of that, but I couldn't remember the name of the service. That was a disaster.

>> No.5852456


i used it and got free internet off it for a bit.

unrelated but... i need to trade LTC/ETH or LTC/BTC on binance. how do i tell which one is the better deal? like LTC/ETH is -5% and LTC/BTC is -10% ... i'd go with the -5% right?

can't get anyone to respond to that, i know i should know it.

>> No.5852461

If you think this is about getting paid to watch ads, you haven't read the whitepaper and you have no idea what this token is actually about.

>> No.5852562


People didn't buy things off the internet back then. Now, it's all they use to buy things. Digital advertising has changed. The internet has changed. Adapt with the times or get left behind.

A company is willing to pay more to target their consumer base. Users want to see things they actually want to buy, and get paid for it. It's a mutual relationship.

None of this mans projects have ever failed before, he literally shaped the modern web. He killed Internet Explorer with FireFox, and he's about to do it again to Chrome with Brave. Don't take my word for it tho, just wait a year.

>> No.5852668

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.5852669


i bought at 2.70, i'm not complaining. just don't think it'll work. we'll see.

can you answer my question up there about LTC and BTC/ETH?

>> No.5853018

I usually go with whatever is more negative. But it depends, if you're gonna use the btc/eth to buy something right away, it doesn' matter. Although, Eth is faster and cheaper for transporting money.

>> No.5853089

>if you're gonna use the btc/eth to buy something right away, it doesn' matter

i think that's the part i was missing.

thank you. going to sell off the last of my LTC here in a bit and going to do it from binance instead of LTC>USD>ETH ... didn't realize binance had LTC for some reason.

>> No.5853263
File: 69 KB, 939x526, 3ef847eef436f556a4e647c0e30211d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incase you missed this 'declaration of war' from the AMA.

>> No.5853425

I was in the ama when it was happening. I haven't been this bullish on a coin since I bought ETH at $10.

>> No.5853522

Me neither, on the front end as far as public adoption and use goes this is going to be the winner. Pardon my shit post earlier.

>> No.5853620

Binance paying 4-5 cents higher than bittrex right now. Gonna scoop some more off trex.

>> No.5853764

I cream my pants every time I envision BAT wrecking Google's shit.

>> No.5853866
File: 61 KB, 838x532, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at 11.40.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prepare for liftoff

>> No.5854029
File: 88 KB, 1556x887, batcup2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think this cup and handle is juicy, look at the one on the daily. My dick is literally so hard right now.

We haven't seen anything yet. It's also trading 5 cents higher on binance than bittrex right now because the chinks are awake.

>> No.5854096

how fucking high are you right now? not even close bitch

>> No.5854260

He created a fucking scripting language. Assholes on here can't even punch their way out of a fucking python paper bag. Don't expect them to realize amazing tech.

>> No.5854283
File: 12 KB, 640x640, 1475293208458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TA on 30min chart

>> No.5854299

It's, they will see when this goes 300% by monday.

>> No.5854330

Look at the one I posted just under on the daily.

>> No.5854331

In the brave browser you don't have to see ads at all, and if you do, you get paid to see them fuck face

>> No.5854338
File: 66 KB, 689x725, asuka ohayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 11K BAT enough to make it? I want to buy more but it seems overpriced now considering I bought most at 30 cents

>> No.5854380


Yes it could easily 10x if it gains traction. 100x if a big youtuber/strimmer picks it up.

>> No.5854394


>> No.5854586

It will go another 30-40% tomorrow. This is my opinion based on TA. Then it will go 100%-200% in a weeks time.

>> No.5854606

BAT is one of the /comfiest/ coins. Don't waste your time on poorcucks. One of my favorite aspects of the project is the close community with whom Brendan is actively involved.

>> No.5854930

He literally knows everyone in the industry. This coin is 50bn marketcap minimum.

>> No.5855059

I bought in at 4k sats some hours ago and after dropping badly then slowly rising back, the fucking value has been stuck at 4399 for about 20 minutes

>> No.5855088

Go to bed, you will be a happy man in the morning.

>> No.5855264

With BAT you don't have to be worried. It is the most stable coin there is. Always going up since the end of november, never drops that much, just up, UP, UP

>> No.5855701

I'm out for the night boys, see you 30% up higher in the morning.