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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58472017 No.58472017 [Reply] [Original]

>305 million shares outstanding
>187 million traded yesterday
>196 million traded today
>T+2 regime; individual shares aren't supposed be able to trade for 2 days after a trade to allow for settlement
Also aren't like 100 million wrapped up in DRS and funds that can't just sell on a whim? What is going on?

>> No.58472032
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>Also aren't like 100 million wrapped up in DRS and funds that can't just sell on a whim?
It's 76 million shares that are DRS'd, which is 25% of all shares outstanding.
>What is going on?
Kikery. Simple as.

>> No.58472495

Yeah it makes no sense, and is fully illegal. For anyone who isn’t regarded they know this isn’t retail trading. Normies though think it’s because Keith Gill tweeted lmfao.

>> No.58472540

kill yourself reddit faggot

>> No.58472562
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kek hedgies

>> No.58472601
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yes we've been saying this for three years. now watch the fireworks

>> No.58472628

>day trading is illegal
>I know enough about the market to put my money in it

>> No.58472701
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It's over

For the shorts

>> No.58472879


>> No.58472943

They cant do shit against is lmao
mathematically impossible

>> No.58472963

Kill yourself faggot shill

>> No.58473137

So if you own the float over nine thousand times (9000), why can't you apes even drs the float one (1) time?

>> No.58473254

i kek at this comment every single time
it's funny because it's true

>> No.58473343

i bought some

>> No.58473415 [DELETED] 
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At least say it right and say "retardio" like the real biz kings

>> No.58474151

Oh boy, that's a Buck the Bunny hole to go down... Look up theories about why the DRS count hasn't deviated more than a million or so in more than a year.

>> No.58475033

The T+2 for settlement is for funds, not the shares exchanged for funds. You can trade quicker than two business days with the same stocks provided you (or your broker) has cash that’s settled instead. You’re confusing cash settlement with fungible stocks and extrapolating all this was a misunderstanding.
There isn’t anything illegal about a share trading more than once, not anything special about any one specific share.

>> No.58475400

Oh, man, where to start... First, if you're day-trading, you need a margin account, not a cash account. Second, settlement involves funds AND shares (obviously). On T, sold shares are earmarked and cash for purchases is held. T+2, they get delivered. MMs are SUPPOSED to only sell short if they have a reasonable expectation of locating a share to earmark (this is a legal way to naked short), but there should be no such expectation if every share that exists is already earmarked to be delivered. Day-traders can't pass the same share back and forth; it's a different, non-fungible share of the same stock each time. The whole point of settlement is to allow time to verify and move each half of the transaction before another can take place. Imagine a share changing hands 100 times in a day, except time 5 and 27 and 63 the buyer didn't have funds. Who owns the share?

>> No.58475414


>> No.58475630
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They just keep halting trading. They halted it like 38 times yesterday. Aren't they just halting whenever it goes up so they can sell and force the price to drop so then they can just buy at the lower and resume trading so it goes up?

>> No.58475657
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>Roaringkitty mentions 4chan
Fuck roaringkitty might be here. Act cool.

>> No.58475680
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Maybe roaring kitty was niggerfaggot all along? If i'm right give me a shoutout you cuck

>> No.58475686

Kek baggies

>> No.58475823

I just lost all my money on GME and my grandma just called me a fucking nigger

>> No.58475856

I'm ruined

>> No.58475867

Legal and wall street are oxymorons

>> No.58476006

its a scam obviously

but its one that is backed by the full institutional weight of the illuminati and GMEbaggies wont do shit when they get blatanly defrauded again.

>> No.58476045

Do y'all just get paid per post or something? This isn't even he general.

>> No.58476775

Hold up what anime is this gif from??

>> No.58476791
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>stock limply floating at 35-36 dollars for 4 hours now

Can this shit die already, I have some puts I want to cash out on

>> No.58476809
File: 193 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20240513_164753_268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies are unironically cheering for blackrock, jane street and rentech bags and think they're "sticking it to the man" or "btfoing hedgies"

kill every fucking retarded 105-IQ sheep normgroid nigger that falls for pop activism ON SIGHT

>> No.58477239

Paprika, movie by Satoshi Kon

>> No.58478021

After hours lookin soft

>> No.58478044

>vol: 11k

nevermind lol

>> No.58478081

Well, if I end up on BlackRock's side of the Great Reset, I'll smuggle some actual non-cockroach burgers for you guys in the pods.

>> No.58478146

blackrock cant just unload shares at fair market value. someone has gotta buy their pumped bags. nothin wrong with that

>> No.58479057

Blow your brains out kike

>> No.58479179
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How will we know its you?

>> No.58479263

>305 million shares outstanding
>187 million traded yesterday
>196 million traded today
did you personally verify this ledger execution on your local machine?
your node does not perform a mathematical check on the trading ledger using time stamped signatures?

then looks like you are trusting some black box to perform these operations
therefore, the numbers are whatever they want it to be

anyone who thinks "the law" will stop fraudulent execution is a total and utter moron and deserves to lose money

>> No.58479266

>Look up theories about why the DRS count hasn't deviated
no theory needed
your centralized system can report whatever it wants, with impunity

gg no re

>> No.58479272

she'll have nice tits and an adams apple

>> No.58479273


>> No.58479277

>gme schizos get blessed by god and have the chance to dump their bags after three years
>They double down on a dead retail chain
Why is this so hilarious to me?

>> No.58479283
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I wonder if Ryan Cohen has thought about doing literally anything with that video game retailer he bought a few years ago?

>> No.58479288

did you know you can buy and sell shares more than once per day? shocking i know!
>the absolute state

>> No.58479356

Blackrock and Vanguard lend out 100% of their shares to short sellers.

>> No.58479419

literally greener than you faggot lol

>> No.58479424

Whatttttt Institutions buy, trade, hold and sell shares!? On a stock market!? No fucking wayyyyyy Jimbo!!! You forget Blackrock literally holds a top 5 share of every bluechip. Now suck me the fuck off, cunt.

>> No.58479492

dont u have anything better to do :/

>> No.58479545
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I dumped my 2021 bags
It's like god gave me a chance to redeem my stupidity kek

>> No.58480770

The burgers he brings won't be made of cockroaches.

>> No.58480773

In Biden's economy? Lol

>> No.58480836
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>xxx million shares amazing
I don't get it