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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 50 KB, 678x525, 27b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58471372 No.58471372 [Reply] [Original]

APU has done a 4.5x in the last 30 days and it says here you didn't buy.

>> No.58471815

>i waited an hour and 25 minutes to post this

>> No.58471828

Correct. I'm not buying anything until market stabilized. 4.5x is literally nothing in crypto. I won't put my money into shit for a 4x with a risk of 90% downturn in a shitty volatile market. I'll wait until shit picks up and then buy in.

>> No.58472382

>I will wait until after the pump to buy in
OK retard

>> No.58472568
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 1573234076518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For every anon that waits to get in on a guaranteed billy coin, there's a chad that just gets in no question asked. Like me.

See you at 1b, conservative anon.

>> No.58472581

You don't get it. You're already so married to your bags that I can get in after you and still dump on you for profit. You literally are destined to be poor no matter what you hold. I know that just reading this makes you seethe because you both have a story about how you held to potentially great profits and greedily held on until it went to zero.
I see right through you.

>> No.58472667
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Ngmi fren. This isn't just another shitcoin, there are no brakes on this train.

>> No.58472684
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Many such cases I'm guessing. I'm just hopping into Apu now too.

Man I'm new to crypto but you sound salty af. Seems like you're projecting too, I hope you stop being so negative eventually.

Best wishes.

>> No.58472721

The seethe and projecting as Apu is currently dropping a zero is hilarious. Made me laugh. Congrats man hahaha

>> No.58473255
File: 38 KB, 144x181, 1700260448488895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some Apu hours ago at 300m and we're at 350m now kek

Now I understand why biz loves this coin.

>> No.58473411
File: 327 KB, 800x778, 1626248197580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as Retardio and no one really cares about it, you retardio

>> No.58473577

Apu is going to 42 billion

>> No.58473665

There's a big difference between a literally who shitcoin being pumped (dump otw) to 20m mkp and APU going from 90m to 350m.

>> No.58473686

reminder that we are STILL early

>> No.58473701
File: 476 KB, 728x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-but I boughted 6 weeks ago

>> No.58474099

Lmao yeah, you guys are absolutely going to hold till zero

>> No.58474202

>he has zero exposure to the most popular meme of all time right before meme season
>this is somehow a good thing
so midwit it's kinda impressive

>> No.58474214 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 320x258, 239871238947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ashbie did that overnight

>> No.58474235
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>They don't get it. It's all but guaranteed to blow past 10b mc and has a good chance of touching 25b, but since the market isn't stable or something I won't buy in at 350m mc
>He's destined to be poor, not me

>> No.58474259

Tell me a make it and sui stack so I can buy and dump on you.

>> No.58474261

Man I keep waiting for a dip but it never comes, I don't know if I should ape in now or wait longer.

>> No.58474303
File: 257 KB, 669x651, 1713973071962162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather you didn't buy at all, thanks

>> No.58474320

I know you don't, because I will dump on you.
Oh looks, it's dumping again. Maybe I'll buy when it hits $300m todau

>> No.58475925
File: 41 KB, 638x650, 420 billion market cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add a 0

>> No.58475951

ashbie did a 10x in a single day

>> No.58476799
File: 6 KB, 192x171, 498984984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Apu and Ashbie are absolutely ripping it today. Best crypto power couple

>> No.58477004

>I'll FOMO in when its pumping
kek, imagine actually admitting you're this retarded

>> No.58477030
File: 156 KB, 1080x1350, 1711513767544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Apu and Ashbie are gonna make me retire

Unironically thank you faggots

>> No.58477474

They seem to be following the same patterns, interesting stuff

>> No.58477526

Im not buying a scam coin that the dev rug pulled. Especially when its already over inflated at 300mill or whetever its at now. In this market where coins cant even pump to 1 mill without getting dumped why would I risk burning all my money on apoopoo? for what? even if it goes to 600mill its only a 2x. Id rather try my luck with a low market cap coin that isnt a rug pull, like Lucky inu or mindai.
>inb4 you seething apu baggies start hurling insults at me

I dont care you're the ones trying to convince me to buy your bags, and Im not going to.

>> No.58477565

>before meme season


if we get a meme season why would I want to hold a shitty rug pull that already pumped to 300mill when I could buy something under 1 mill mcap? 1 mill to 100mill is a 100x. And to a billion is 1000x Even with a meme season apu aint doing anywhere near that unless others do even better.

>> No.58477583

and it will also rug in a single day

>> No.58477709

Why is every one talking about APU, should I add it to my QAN bag

>> No.58477964

oh. you were suppoesd to buy at 1-20 mil like the rest of us. sorry

>> No.58477983

I'm up 90x in the last month but ok

>> No.58478001
File: 1.53 MB, 1950x1619, you just know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, I am glad I bought a bag at 300k mc
The site had too much effort going into it to just be a rug

>> No.58478015

ok buddy, everyone believes you

>> No.58478106

My og $80 is currently worth $7400

>> No.58478116

Not buying now, already pumped, the minute I buy this will crash to fuck.

>> No.58478137

I was you a month ago and took a leap of faith. I 2.5x my initial so far while the utility shitcoin I was balls deep in is still bleeding.

>> No.58478154

sure thing pal

>> No.58478164
File: 384 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240515-135539_Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn in hell nigger faggot

>> No.58478227

Hell is here and now. I could've bought $240 in the first 5 hours but didn't because gas was $100. Even joined the Palladius TG

>> No.58478464


>> No.58478897

>put around 800 into apu some time ago
>its now worth 13k
Fuck me. What are the make it/sui stacks?