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58465475 No.58465475 [Reply] [Original]

>xrp still the objective best crypto on paper
>created before bitcoin
someone explain this to me
it has to be an NSA project right, even the guy who made it worked for the NSA as a lead cryptopgrapher

>> No.58465490


>> No.58465535

notice the darpa bot can't make an argument against the facts has to invent a boogyman instead

>> No.58465693

yeah "created before bitcoin" but xrp didnt exist until after, and ripple still hasnt delivered on the primary promise of providing cheap payment gateways for all currencies. its vaporware

>> No.58465733
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XRP's blockchain technology is so good, it can continue to work fine even after "losing" its genesis block that allocated every premined XRP and a few thousand blocks afterward that spread it around.
Heck, I'm pretty sure you only ever need the very last ledger generated and can totally ignore everything else before that, and it'll still work great.
Nothing weird about that at all. It's all the other blockchains that insist on keeping a full history of transactions to verify no shenanigans occurred that are just super paranoid, when they could just trust the nodes to be honest.

>> No.58465761

are you fucking retarded?
cripple is not even real crypto
you have no light node
you have no staking/block-producing
you have no VM running, and therefore no apps
and since you have no apps, you have no TVL

there's NOTHING interesting about high TPS on a centralized database
your project is WORTHLESS
it doesn't die just because of speculation on your shitcoin

>> No.58465975
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>xrp still the objective best crypto on paper
VINU literally did better and it's a memecoin about a blue fucking dog bruh

>> No.58468535

XRP is centralized and thus it's shit.
"Apps" are useless.

>> No.58470347
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there's nothing centralized about xrp

>> No.58470392
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XRP Baggies bagholding centralized premined garbage and getting dumped on again and again.

>> No.58470607

Now ask your nearest XRP expert what prevents the same mechanism to be used to summarily reallocate XRP or IOUs away from your wallet.
Next, ask them how XRP discovers its set of trusted validators imbued with such staggering powers. Here's a clue: https://vl.xrplf.org/
You're right, there's clearly nothing centralized about xrp.

>> No.58471216

yeah that's how democratic blockchains work, if you're a bad actor in the system the system will stop listening to you because everyone votes for that to be the case and becoming a trusted validator is open to anyone and only exist to protect the network from specific attacks like sybil attacks which are just improves the security of the network
literally not a bad thing

>> No.58471247

i love vaporwave especially that "ITS ALL IN YOUR HEADDD" song haha

>> No.58471304

It's okay that you have no idea how blockchains work. Most people don't either. But at least you should know that "Immutability" is a pretty fucking fundamental property of a real blockchain.
A blockchain that doesn't enforce that, and indeed can function without knowing and validating its own history isn't a blockchain, it's a sideshow draping itself in the language of crypto without bothering to match its most basic properties.
Another pretty fundamental property is "Trustless," which against Ripple flaunts entirely by requiring every node to pick a set of validators they feel like they can trust to not fuck them over.
It's only "not a bad thing" if you don't want a blockchain or a cryptocurrency, only something that vaguely pretends to be one.

>> No.58471350

you can't change the information on the ledger it is immutable and the node operators are not required to use only trusted validators, it sounds like you're just a highly emotional person who doesn't even look into things and instead just regurgitates things he's heard others say
a lot of your sentences don't even sound like they come from a native english speaker so it's hard to even determine what you're saying outside of the incorrect statements you've made

>> No.58471378

> Look at how hysterical is this guy is being for pointing known obvious problems with XRP's design.
Cool. Sorry you have a hard time understanding what I wrote. Ask ChatGPT what it means. Or someone who understands crypto.

>> No.58471889

well you didn't say anything that was true it was just pure emotion riddled with broken english
I don't think chatgpt is going to tell me anything from it, is that where you got it from?

>> No.58471942

This is just hard denial on your part.
If you're knowingly being dishonest because you think facts are less important than promoting your bags, that's fine, I guess. Fine by /biz/ standards, let's say.
But if you really can't tell what's real and what's not, then you're just another victim who hasn't figured it out yet. Unfortunately, I've dealt with many of your kind before, in other shitcoins, and sadly, I don't know how to change your mind. You dismiss basic facts as lies. You accuse others of being emotional and incomprehensible. There's no room for communication left here.
So.. good luck, I guess.

>> No.58472074

again this is entirely nothing but pure emotion, you said nothing in your entire post for why the crypto was bad, and you've done nothing but ignore when your false assumptions were called out

>> No.58472290

>> A blockchain that doesn't enforce "Immutability" is not a real blockchain.
>> A blockchain that doesn't enforce "Trustlessness" is not a real blockchain.
>> Ripple does neither of those things.
> This is pure emotion, you said nothing.
I don't think I'm the problem here, buddy.
If you ever stop screaming "nanana I can't hear you" with your fingers in your ears, spend a few minutes looking up that stuff.

>> No.58472320

it does enforce those things though
which is why you ignored being corrected on it

>> No.58472383

Right, except it doesn't.
Oh but wait, Ripple itself says the ledger is immutable. Surely they wouldn't lie so blatantly, right?
Well, they're not lying, they just being very deceptive about their narrow meaning of "immutable."
What they're saying is that once a new ledger is issued, that ledger is considered immutable. And then once they put the next ledger together, that should be considered immutable too. Great. And largely worthless, since it doesn't matter if past ledgers exist or not, let alone whether they're immutable, as evidenced by XRP "losing" over 32,000 of its earliest ledgers.
Again, please look this up if this seems strange, or not English enough to your taste.

The only part that matters are the rules governing the transition from one "immutable" ledger to the next "immutable" ledger.
If those rules were strictly enforced, it would be impossible for the XRP "blockchain" to float 32,000+ ledgers off the ground. You either have a valid state from the ground up, or it's all made up. In Ripple's case, it's emphatically the latter scenario.

This is problematic, among other reasons, because the validators get to collectively choose what is a valid transition. If we get a magic 80% of validators to agree that your wallet is empty, and mine just grew by the amount you lost, then that's what happens. You'd better hope the validators never feel like that's something that needs to happen.

As to the "trust" part, Ripple itself doesn't bother pretending it's not a fundamental part of their design, but they claim instead it's a good thing to rely on somehow, despite being one of the critical aspect Bitcoin and all plausible cryptocurrencies made a point to remove.
The trusted UNL lists 99% of nodes rely on is fine to deal with occasional rogue validators. It is woefully inadequate to protect from attacks where most validators decide or are coerced into colluding.
And there's the post limit, so fuck it. You get it, or you don't. I'm done.

>> No.58472401

>created before Bitcoin
Ok I'll bite. Why am I just hearing about this despite being in crypto for almost 4 years?

>> No.58472476
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the only thing keeping XRP afloat is its relationship with the African continent, if we discard that it is still a shitcoin. If we are going to talk about coins below $1 with potential we should mention SUPER, ENA or FLOW.

>> No.58472609

>What they're saying is that once a new ledger is issued, that ledger is considered immutable. And then once they put the next ledger together, that should be considered immutable too. Great. And largely worthless, since it doesn't matter if past ledgers exist or not, let alone whether they're immutable, as evidenced by XRP "losing" over 32,000 of its earliest ledgers.
just because there's multiple ledgers on the blockchain doesn't mean the last ones disappear, again you don't even understand what you're referencing here
an entire paragraph over something you don't even understand

>> No.58472653

> an entire paragraph over something you don't even understand
No, it's an entire paragraph you clearly didn't understand, if you even read it. Because otherwise, you wouldn't feel the need to correct me over something I didn't write.
The previous ledgers don't typically disappear nowadays, and I didn't claim that they did.
What I did claim, and what you will apparently never admit despite being a verifiable fact, is that previous ledgers HAVE DISAPPEARED, many several of thousands of them, including the earliest one that defined the distribution of XRP's premine. And that if it doesn't impact XRP's ability to work as intended, it's because previous ledgers are simply not critical to its operation. And that, my dear anon, should make a reasonable person pause.
It's fine though. Words are hard, and my English is atrocious. You tried your best.

>> No.58472705

that doesn't make it not immutable which was your claim
you're even subtly admitting it without trying to

>> No.58472755

A reasonable person would pause and ask "how can XRP ensure the integrity of its ledger if there no way to assert that previous records have not altered, since previous records can be disappeared without loss of functionality?"
You instead assert "this doesn't make it not immutable."
This is just stupid.

>> No.58472770

only never used experimental genesis blocks disappeared, nothing that has anything to do with xrp or how it functions today

>> No.58472918

in you're into gaming, super might be a good choice, otherwise its just a waste of money

>> No.58472923

stfu faggot, no token below $1 is worth it rn

>> No.58472968

The missing ledgers are not in a weird long forgotten and discarded testnet, they're the foundation of XRP as it is running today.
It's a bit like a castle built on a foundation of sand, but nobody was around when the foundations where laid, so it has nothing to do with the castle.
If you're curious, ask the XRP experts you're getting your retorts from how those missing ledgers are handled: Is there special code written just to be able to survive their absence? Or is it the fundamental design of XRP that makes those ledgers (and any other past ledger) unnecessary?
The former would be janky, but perhaps forgivable. The latter would point at a clown show.

>> No.58473005

you act like there's unaccounted for xrp or transactions which isn't even the case

>> No.58473031

Yeah okay. Glad to know you were REALLY paying attention, and I didn't waste my time with you.

>> No.58473122
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well i dunno anything about objective truth but the autotrader bot i customized on flur ai has been signaling me to buy xrp for three days straight so i guess i'll have to believe you op, even ai bots are having boners thinking of ripple

>> No.58473488


>> No.58474041

>crypto for almost 4 years

lurk more newfag

>> No.58474060

>made before bitcoin
damn. that's bearish as fuck for bitcoin. What if bitcoin follows the same trajectory as XRP moving into the future?

>> No.58475024

>you dont test run something first
>You just run it and dont correct it and make it live because thats the smart thing to do
yes you are a very sane smart person indeed

>> No.58476501

Well, the official Ripple history is that those early ledgers were tragically lost in a tragic fit of a complete lack of decentralization, and a single server going bad, but that other than that there was absolutely nothing wrong with their system, and it was tots ready for anything..

>> No.58476591

they were still pioneering crypto and decentralization as they were the literal first to be doing it cut them some slack, bitcoin wasn't even a concept or idea yet

>> No.58476696

Have been hodl XRP for over 2 years and made nothing but loss, am glad I finally dumped it for AAST

>> No.58476708

thanks ranjeesh