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58463942 No.58463942 [Reply] [Original]

I just cancelled my duolinguo subscription. Stop wasting your time learning languages.

AI and its consequences thread

>> No.58463951

You were never going to learn anyway. Americans aren't intelligent enough

>> No.58463969

lol agreed dumb farvamericans xan nwver leqen gowbronspeqkba neblqnrguuagw

>> No.58463972

why the fuck does a "online spanish classroom" has a fucking openly traded stock

>> No.58463976

did you just have a stroke?

>> No.58464003

>Duolingo market cap: 8 billion

>> No.58464005

the virgin whisper into the phone and hold it up to a local for help vs. the chad confidently ask for directions while not conjugating anything correctly

>> No.58464015

>he bought a duolingo subscription
first of all duolingo is a dogshit way of learning of language
second of all you can find something called vanced duolingo which is basically premium but for free
thirdly, language speakers will always be needed so cope, imagine having a job in foreign country and letting a fucking google translate speak every word for you to your employer/colleagues

>> No.58464620

ChatGPT can't voice over the text while learning Japanese. It sucks until they allow real TTS. Until then, Duolingo is better

For example. ChatGPT types something in Japanese. You understand most of what it said but have a problem understanding 1 word. You can't just mouse over that 1 word and have it TTS it. You have to make it repeat the whole sentence

>> No.58464675

Just imagine what you'll be able to do in 1-2 years

ChatGPT is gonna obliterate most of these apps. I wish there was a way to invest directly in openAI

>> No.58464798

>actually proprietary closed source ai

>> No.58464918

> I wish there was a way to invest directly in openAI

>> No.58464945

I hope you’re esl and not retarded enough to waste time learning a language other than English in 2024. Most diolingo advertising targets w*men to give you an idea of how dumb it is

>> No.58464962

I'm learning a language because it is part of the requirements for citizenship, I don't want to get one of those shitty Caribbean tax haven ones. Once I get the passport I am promptly going to forget the language.

>> No.58466154

What citizenship?

>> No.58467117

>lol agreed dumb farvamericans xan nwver leqen gowbronspeqkba neblqnrguuagw
Translation (from GPT 4.0): lol agreed dumb fat americans can never leaen how to speak a new language

>> No.58467141

It's called $MSFT and $NVDA

>> No.58467157

apparently it's too dangerous for commoners to possess densely packed vector matrices :^)

>> No.58467208

Good luck trying to chat to people socially using an AI interpreter machine. Their eyes would glaze over in seconds. This shit is anti-human and defeats the purpose of its existence. Next you'll be arguing for solitary confinement with your AI gf

>> No.58467296

I speak 5 languages on a daily basis and I'm still learning more. Stop projecting
Using a glorified translator is not going to give you the same sense of fulfillment you would get from learning a language

>> No.58467480

>Using a glorified translator is not going to give you the same sense of fulfillment you would get from learning a language
It's AI, not a glorified translator. The AI learnt the languages by itself. The future is now BOOMER

>> No.58467571

Learning a language is good for your brain and intellect, you stupid subhuman faggot.

>> No.58467575

Oh so it's a glorified translator. Got it.

>> No.58467645

I didn't expect so many luddites posting on /biz/.

>> No.58468416

A lot of people will be left behind by the AI revolution. This is not if and elses anymore.

We'll have AGI in less than 5 years

>> No.58468489

It would be funny as hell if someone relied exclusively on GPT only for the internet to go down for a day, and they don't even know how to ask where the bathroom is.

>> No.58468818

The joy of learning a second language isn't in the fact you can translate stuff through it. Of course, being an American who can only speak (just about) American (a butchered, idiots version of English) you'd never understand that.

>> No.58470100

While you Yuros waste your time learning 4 different languages to communicate with someone from a city 20 km away from you, we built ChatGPT, facebook, twitter, tesla, reddit, the internet, tv, basically everything you use.

>> No.58470223

There's no point learning any other language than English when you sit and think about it.
Are you going to live in (or very regularly visit) a country that speaks it? Waste of time if you are not going to be around native speakers of the language. A minor interaction in a store with 1 person isn't worth it.
Do you like the people and culture there? You will have a hard time learning it if you aren't fully interested and immersed in it.
Here's the one most people never consider - Is it absolutely pointless because people in the country will speak better English than you will ever speak their language? Meaning communication in English would be favourable anyway.

>> No.58470243

You didnt invent the internet or tv you idiot, Bongs did.

>> No.58470263

No, no, it's open as in "free beer."
Sorry, it's a bad joke. The value of proprietary shit like that is to act as a swift kick in the ass for everyone else.
Other megacorps can choose to let OpenAI capture the market with their blatant dumping strategy, or they can try to compete at a loss with them and see who gets tired of pissing money away first, or they can release actually open models and raise the floor for everyone.

>> No.58470332

AGI is being achieved over time, started 5-10 and will take over the next 5-10 years

>> No.58470374

I had to be an edgelord in high school and take Russian while everyone else took French. And I actually committed to it through university electives and later just practicing with native speakers online. So I'm "fluent" in Russian.

It's something neat on my resume and I can watch Russian shows without subtitles. That's pretty much it. I don't regret it but in hindsight I wouldn't have dedicated that amount of time to it given what I've gotten out of it.

Your shitty parents should have had you learning a second language as a child. But they didn't. And neither did mine. And if you don't learn it then you can never truly be a natural speaker in it. Non-English speaking countries understand this since English runs the world. But I think there's an intangible benefit to being able to speak and think in multiple languages which by adulthood you'll sadly never get the chance to do.

>> No.58470418

Nothing can replace learning a language yourself.
This sums up exactly why.

>> No.58470422

We are frogs being comfortably boiled.
All the new AI shit is what sci-fi movies have been showing us for the past few decades as hard AI/AGI.
Now we're playing with it and going "yeah but no that doesn't count, it's just basic matrix operations running on a few video cards" or "heh, it fumbled a translation here, it's obviously not AGI."
It's hard to accept what's happening.

>> No.58470426

You also invented being a fat lardass trans kikebot though.

>> No.58470433

You say this but that sums up all zoomers. They literally use ChatGPT over a straight search engine. Of course now all major search engines are going to incorporate AI, so we're all going to be gradually dumbed down.

>> No.58470485

Lmao, if you were actually seriously intending to learn you wouldn't have been using that to start with.

>> No.58470521

People that aren't technically illiterate can easily deploy a small local language model that'll do a good chunk of what ChatGPT can do.
Folks who don't know how to cope with the internet being offline are the modern equivalent of folks who had their VCR permanently blinking "12:00"

>> No.58470575

If some pajeet came up to me and started talking to his phone to translate 'do not redeem' and other iconic indian phrases, I'd just laugh and walk away. It looks pathetic.

>> No.58470761

>But I think there's an intangible benefit to being able to speak and think in multiple languages which by adulthood you'll sadly never get the chance to do.
Ok buddy retard

>> No.58470936

English may be the new lingua franca of the West, but it's a stretch to say that it "runs" the world. It is too sloppy to resist globohomo erosion anyway. Which is why anglophone countries are so prone to nonsensical neologisms like "transgender" or "literally" being the new figuratively.

In fact in just a few decades English has been dilluted faster than Latin or French have in centuries, and I suspect LLMs will only exarcebate this.

>> No.58471178

> In fact in just a few decades English has been dilluted faster than Latin or French have in centuries, and I suspect LLMs will only exarcebate this.
Latin is a dead language, you head of cabbage. How shocking that its daily speakers wouldn't come up with neologisms.
French gets new words frequently, despite the best efforts of some snubby institution that desperately tries to prevent the language getting further and further corrupted by English words (and fails.)

You're whining about a living language evolving. Many grumpy old men have done this before you. Many will after you. Languages that aren't dead will continue to evolve and grow.

>> No.58474370

its called WLD coin.
Altman released it.
You think this is not going to be the coin?

The metrics are easy to understand


so you want to be 1/1000 buy 1000 coins I will get 10K which the to 0.01%

>> No.58474442

looks like it has already begun

>> No.58474852

Needs to be even faster than that to make language learning truly pointless. Needs to translate AS you speak, not after it.

>> No.58475084

Needs to be like the universal translator in star trek.

>> No.58476543

One problem there is that it's generally impossible.
One example: German loves to put their verbs at the end of their sentences. Not all the time, just many times.
So if it's a long sentence that happens to have the verb at the end, you can either have your AI guess and risk getting it very wrong, or wait several seconds.