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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.58463317

Anyone following forex? The USD will take out every other currency at this rate

>> No.58463371
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>they try to kick me off of /smg/
>but it feels so empty without me

>> No.58463407
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kek sour grape niggers. gme mooning.

>> No.58463482

testing testing

>> No.58463498
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Stonks are back

>> No.58463515
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So recession is transitory

>> No.58463517

Can we get a study on the effect of email verification on the Russian and Indian economies?

>> No.58463551

>There are people who bought GME when it was at its peak
>They still didn't sell
>They are still holding the bags, but hope that maybe one day the price will surge and they will get their money back

>> No.58463698
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You bought tup while the bags were light, just like I've been telling you since November. Right anon?

>> No.58463703
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What online trading platform that doesn't require me to sign up can I use for testing out my day trading strategies?
I just need some basic stuff like being able to set stop loss and take profit.
Would be great too if it can simulate commission fees.

>> No.58463719


>> No.58463722
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Tradingview + pen and paper anon.

>> No.58463729

Need some good biotech companies to invest into.

>> No.58463732

jannies are cordially invited to lick my taint, in stock market general terms.

>> No.58463737

I just came back to call you niggers, you niggers.

>> No.58463761

based tup buyer

>> No.58463773
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I can just draw a random wavy line on a piece of paper. I've done that up til now and my strategy works on paper, but I'd like to test it a bit more on a legit platform to see what I can expect.
I'm not sure If I'm missing something or if my strategy actually works as well as it does on paper.
It seems like it works very well from what I've tested so far.

>> No.58463792

I really dislike signing up for stuff.

>> No.58463826

kek they deleted my thread telling them to add flags to this gay board

>> No.58463869
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>he didn't buy the SBUX dip
>he isn't currently amassing a fuckton of INTC

>> No.58463914

you're mum is back to my dick faggot

>> No.58463973

>i lost my fucking imaginary shirt and house betting on sbux, on paper
>also bet against my KR position on paper, make massive gains, wtf
>still baffled how the stocks are both down, demand, higher than ever
>tell frens INTC is the next giga pump, everyone sells, stock is now sub 30, wtf, buying more, market fool me twice, not thrice.

on a side note, i came here to post that the new narrative is no landing where prices go higher, indefinitely? Are we officialy full honkler for the market?

>> No.58464129
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Victory to Mediterraneans and Slavs.

>> No.58464197

I'm trying to save up for a house this year, should I sell everything? Put it all in a low volatility dividend stock?

>> No.58464284


>> No.58464344
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Is it too late to buy?

>> No.58464438

There’s a gap from 2021 on the GME chart at 285 pre-split (~$71). This rally won’t end until it at least hits that price. I personally believe it’s going way past its ath though, as the last 3 years are just one giant bull flag

>> No.58464542

I would probably also spread it out a little bit, into some silver, into the S&P500, into NVDA, into different separate sectors.
Then if the housing market crashes I would pull a lot of it into the best performers, probably silver and gold, and short the worst performers, and buy a good quality house with cheap maintenance when the price is good. But you never know if it's going to happen in a big burst or if it's going to pan out over a lot of years, so you should just buy when it fits your situation the best.

>> No.58464575
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It's all hype and memes, there's no substance behind the stock price.

>> No.58464588
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>no email verification
yeah I'm thinking we're back

>> No.58464617

Nah, shorts never closed retard. The stock started running before DFV tweeted, he just added fuel to the fire. It will often go on totally unexplainable runs with zero explanation and the media tries to write it of as walstreetbets pumping the stock even though GME discussion has been banned there for years. There is a bunch of fuckery going on in the background and DFV is likely tweeting now because he knows something we don’t

>> No.58464632

Furthermore, are you really going to keep trying to write off the GME schizos at this point? It’s pretty obvious we were right all along. By tomorrow we’ll be hitting ATH again. Should’ve bought the dip

>> No.58464638

we are so back.

>> No.58464643
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>Nah, shorts never closed retard

>> No.58464654
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Kek stupid dumbfuck hedgies

>> No.58464701

>posts a footnote in a completely different section of the report that has nothing to do with the chart i posted
kek baggie

>> No.58464706

when ibrx squeeze

>> No.58464724

Did you forget the part where the SEC stated that the 2021 rally wasn’t driven by short covering? I guess we’ll just take your chart’s word for it though. Surely, wall street would never lie. Anyways, pretty funny to watch the new ID jump out of the woodwork to do damage control. Nobody is even here to gaslight. Take a look at the board. GameStop is the only show in town. Kek stupid fucktard hedgefaggot

>> No.58464732

the SEC report contains a chart that shows the shorts closing en-masse.
what part of that image is difficult for you to understand?

>> No.58464763

That chart is literally just a chart of the reported short interest. It’s not based on any special data acquired by the SEC. In other words, it’s meaningless

>> No.58464767

>It’s not based on any special data acquired by the SEC
you literally just made that up right now lmfao.

>> No.58464770

GME is hitting 1 million with the MOASS. Pay attention

>> No.58464793

Literally go compare it to the historical reported short interest. It’s exactly the same. I would know; I’ve been holding this shit for three years

>> No.58464853

Tupperware short float increased today.

>> No.58464897

>peddling distraction shitstock
You seem desperate

>> No.58464936

I held firm and didn’t verify my email. Here is my first statement on return: NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

>> No.58464948

>why is there still a gme general
>gme schizos
>gme baggies

Fuck all of you that didn’t believe and shitted on us
And fuck your mother too

>> No.58465114

it's almost like the data is accurate and has been from the start. like when it was over 100%. it was accurate then, but not accurate when you became a bagholder
don't worry, you won't sell and realize any profit anyway. you'll be here seething in another 3 years, still holding gme dogshit.
remember never to sell, diamond hands!

>> No.58465131

Did anyone get HUMA because that faggot politician bought a bunch?

>> No.58465135
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>it's almost like the data is accurate
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t trust Wall Street kikes not to lie to get a target off their back, especially since the worst that could happen to them is a slap on the wrist
I’m green, retard. How does that make me a bagholder? Just keep on seething while I keep making money

>> No.58465170
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GME pumping just makes me feel like the rest of the markets going to crash again

>> No.58465172
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You don’t say…

>> No.58465178
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seconded , go fuck yourselves smg, and ohhh baggies

>> No.58465187
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>> No.58465196

put a lid on it, would ya? im tryna make money over here!

>> No.58465206
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$GME $100 EOW!!!

>> No.58465213

no meme arrow also youre gonna look dumb when its a 5 million

>> No.58465263

This but unironically

>> No.58465312 [DELETED] 
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Show me your war face

>> No.58465404


>> No.58465485
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>> No.58465502

so the gme pump is cos one dude posted on twitter?

sounds totally real and straight

>> No.58465561
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Sigh. I shall console myself for not being able to predict this by thinking about my 1,000 shares of BB at $2.75. The tiny premiums preserved me from selling calls last week.

>> No.58465563

What's better for my Roth IRA? NLR vs URA or Both.
What's the best uranium ETF play

>> No.58465700

the volume and move is yuge on gme so its big boys pumping it.

might be unloading bags on retail. i would sell in to strenght now.

>> No.58465728
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Kys my dude

>> No.58465736

i wanna be early so when it dumps i can be i told you so.

>> No.58465739

man i hate that this market is making me have to trade meme stocks again, but if thats what it is thats what it is

>> No.58465740 [DELETED] 

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, TEST

>> No.58465750

im focusing on my method. gonna be 100% on it and never deviating from the rules. at least trying.

im ignoring it mostly. maybe play some small 10% position trying to catch near bottom as a meme.

everyone knows and talks about gme so its full of risk already.

>> No.58465753

>Nah, shorts never closed retard.
Back to plebbit. What are you, 12?

>> No.58465760

Your memestock did a x3 because mr faggot plebbit man made a tweet.


>> No.58465765

i have done the same. i stick to 2 setups and i have stuck to my rules. i definitely would have been stressed during those back to back to back halts yesterday because i no longer trade in this kind of timeframe. however when the market is retarded you need to be retarded. i should have traded 1/5th size after seeing news articles yesterday at 4am. regret.

>> No.58465779

god damn, i wish that was me

>> No.58465785

How much is good for a year's return in the stock market? How much is /smg/ making?
YTD I am up $80K. That's about a 4% return at the 6 month mark. But doesn't the market return 10% per year?

>> No.58465787

yeah thats smart. its super risky play since greed is driving people in to it.

my idol who i am following explicitly said to ignore hype stocks. so i dont feel too much fomo.

>> No.58465803

8% to 10% is the average. Some people make 6% while others make 12%. It depends on which stocks you own and how they pump.

>> No.58465809

MSCI world - broad index of 23 developed markets is up around 20% last 12 months

>> No.58465810
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N words
J words
T words

>> No.58465811

>Some people make 6% while others make 12%.
But how are you making that much off millions without fucking with trade volumes? This year there's only been a few mega cap stock that I could push 100K without affecting the price. The mico caps top out at 200K.

>> No.58465868

>gme is up so much
>70% and now premarket up 40%
>ooh i wanna make easy money too

highly emotional greed feelings that make me wanna fomo in. emotion is one of the biggest challenges in the market.

following greed usually makes people a bag holder.

>> No.58465904

just recognize that you could go to a casino and make made gainz but you don't
stop thinking that because it's in the same app this is investing

>> No.58465921

yeah but the emotional part is really hard for me to control. esp when you are in position and its goes wrong

>> No.58465949

there is no 'position' in GME, there are no fundamentals.
It seems like you're trying to justify gambling to yourself as investing, just go play poker

>> No.58465972

yeah i agree but its the most talked about stock now. im looking at tickers suited to my method more.

price action looks like pump and dump since its been a short for 2 and a half years. they have cash a lot so its not a dead company yet. but all their "new" ventures have been 100% fails.

i like blackjack more. poker is boring to me

>> No.58465981

It's too late to fomo into GME.

>> No.58465982

>its the most talked about stock now
who gives a fuck
>looks like pump and dump
obviously, there are no catalysts that have a basis in reality
>suited to my method
i'd love to hear more about your method

>> No.58465991

basically following jesse livermore.

havent got all the bits and pieces together but am working on it.

yeah maybe. i would have tried to buy a possble dip near open with a small position.

but just to stay on principle to my method i will stay away.

>> No.58466017

I gave up on meme stocks part way through the last big run on them. all the ones I decided were too late/costly to get into kept going up for a while and most of the ones I took the chance on decided to end their run and fall off right after I hit confirm, only made it out in plus territory because I actually did ride the AMC wave properly
If I get any fomo now I just close all the websites and do something else for a while, my other holdings aren't doing anything that needs 24 hour attention

>> No.58466297

dude just buy some cheap ass puts

>> No.58466353

fucking SPWR, I knew I should have bought on close yesterday fuck FUUUCCCKKKK

>> No.58466531

TUP chads
how are we doing?

>> No.58466548
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Hi /biz/ I'm back after 2 years. I endured constant ridicule, and now I'm back to gloat.

>> No.58466683

bant sucked

>> No.58466814

vix futures started to do this thing with the backwardation thing again

>> No.58466982

Cheap puts on what? Meme stock puts won't be cheap as the IV will be crazy high.

>> No.58467070

I didn't even know it pumped monday

>> No.58467242

i accidently bout 37 shares of GME at 77.49 limit price at premarket on fidelity is there a way i can cancel this before market open, it already says im down 1200 but is there way i can cancel before market open or im fucked guys please help

>> No.58467304


>> No.58467307

you're fucked kek

>> No.58467331

You say that like it's not a big fucking deal.

>> No.58467381

You'll probably be fine, it may go above that at open, otherwise, if it goes bad it goes bad, it is what it is now.

If it goes sour, don't kill yourself, you will be fine, just rebuild, plenty have been there

>> No.58467398

How do u accidently buy shares?
You clicked, now you dicked bro.

>> No.58467407
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Red hot, 0.5 core against 0.2 est

Producers paying more and more, skyrocketing in the wrong direction. No chance of CPI ever going back to 2%

>> No.58467413

im such a moron (its not the first time)
i got emotional

>> No.58467412

How do you even manage

>> No.58467454

It's not.

>> No.58467493

Those are baby numbers it’s just getting started

>> No.58467497

What does this mean for retards

>> No.58467517

This GPT4o announcement can very well mean the next wave of AI hype
it will be easily accessible, billions will try it, and at least in demos it seems very impressive in gathering already feasible capabilities in one package
how do you allocate cash *today* to catch this wave?

>> No.58467519
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I trade gbpjpy

I actually made ~38k in ten days from GME back in feb 2021. It was the same night robinhood force sold their users' shares at a loss. I'm lucky I didn't use robinhood.

>> No.58467560

Yup. This thing is ripping straight to 110 today. By the end of the next two weeks. It'll be comfortable range of 270-310

>> No.58467569

Also can I get a QRD on why GME is up?

>> No.58467587

Get fucked poor faggot. Why is it always poors who miss out?

>> No.58467594

I asked for QRD, not an ad with extra steps you subhuman spammer

>> No.58467624

>robinhood force sold their users' shares at a loss.
I'd forgotten about that

>> No.58467633 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58467639

The goon with the headband came back & tweeted some memes on twitter after a 3 yr absense. Then all meme stocks went to the moon.

>> No.58467677

what would be the strongest case one could make for these tweets having any substance (beyond the random chance to trigger a retard stampede)

>> No.58467699

I hope he actually gets arrested this time.

>> No.58467709
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>> No.58467726

i don't know what's going on but TENCENT is firing on all cylinders.

>> No.58467732

I couldn't say since I havent seen anything he posted. This is just second hand info from news etc. Its not hard to find the general story. Maybe some hedge fund built an algo to pump all those stocks the moment he started posting memes, knowing full well it would cause at least a couple days hype to dump into?

>> No.58467751

I see, thanks tho

>> No.58467770

The SEC is going to put a dildo up his ass.

>> No.58467781

did they freeze it?

>> No.58467784

yes it dropped from 65 to 60 in about 4 seconds then market stopped

it will crash when it reopens

>> No.58467804

redpill me on when they might reopen it. i know fuck all about NYSE

>> No.58467810

did you turn yourself into a baggie? baggie anon?

>> No.58467811

>webull down because of reddit faggots

>> No.58467820
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>trigger a retard stampede
it's really highlighting what a stupid fucking species humans are.

>> No.58467821

>its a Reddit apes stocks rerun episode

>> No.58467826

Go down to wall street and re open it

>> No.58467833

Everytime they start it again its another hold WTF

>> No.58467850

>my lil tupperware lids do be doin a lil sumn sumn mmhmm

>> No.58467891

Here's my question:
Did any congressman buy GME during this whole multi-year saga? If not, it's hard to believe there's some kind of systemic risk
they can insider trade with impunity, there's no way they wouldn't be briefed if this were a significant risk to the wider system

>> No.58467896

nobody cares about machine learning, nobody ever cared. the hype was purely artificial for thiel and co to sell their unvesting start up garbage to retail at a profit

>> No.58467908

you're a late boomer, aren't you

>> No.58467920

So are they going to stop people from buying or selling AMC and gamestop stocks again?

>> No.58467936
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>Did any congressman buy GME during this whole multi-year saga?
would like to know this too.

>> No.58467967

Where's Lumnigger?

>> No.58468056

Redditfags will be up 3x at most, won’t take profits and ride it all back down again

>> No.58468084

This is gonna be a long day for you retards who have AMC and GME.

For some reason, it works. I guess it makes people panic.

>> No.58468105

Roping this very second I hope. Annoying piece of shit and I'm not even a brainstop tard

>> No.58468115

Tbqh the limit up limit down should should be completely removed from markets and markets should be open 24/7

>> No.58468183

that's anti-semitic!

>> No.58468244

I don't want to be on my phone/computer 24/7. I'd rather treat this like a 9 - 5 and move on.

>> No.58468311


>> No.58468328
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I was out during the day yesterday, wtf happened here

>> No.58468355
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Not nice to call people the n-word, my son.
Also, bears are getting absolutely BTFO. 10Y actually DOWN despite a higher than expected PPI. DXY not budging an inch. Gold up. Copper BIGLY UP (insanely bullish for the economy and the market).
Bobos are literally finished for now. Last month (April) will be seen as an anomaly because of the higher oil/gas prices. Inflation for this month (May) will come in lower and bulls will have their victory. JPow is a gigantic pussy and he will not raise

>> No.58468358

anyone know why BB is bumping?

>> No.58468394
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bagless faggot

>> No.58468431

Same. Thinking about it now.

>> No.58468438

That's because you're gambling, not investing.

>> No.58468525
File: 23 KB, 553x118, Bongs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Fuck Bongs are poor, most of you make less than $3k a month? That's like third world tier

>> No.58468540
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digging up the old memes from 2021

>> No.58468586

Yet the third world STILL wants to move here - its quite puzzling.

>> No.58468628
File: 51 KB, 2000x1945, 1691055973188485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was about to say that's how much I make
>realize I'm only guaranteed 25 hours a week with unemployment benefits bi monthly

>> No.58468703

the practical application of generative machine learning tools is very niche limited and is going to take decades. If you are ready to pull a dotcom boomer and hold underwater positions for 15 years - be my guest

>> No.58468803

go GCT, go you chink piece of shit

>> No.58468811

they aren't here forever. They work 6 months then go home to live like kings before they have to repeat the cycle. It is quite fascinating how globalism affects United States

>> No.58468887

Can I get a rundown on FFIE? looks like a corpse filled with meme slurry

>> No.58468891
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>They work 6 months then go home to live like kings before they have to repeat the cycle.
and it's actually not bad work if do agricultural stuff picking lettuce in the fresh air all day for few months; then go back to turd world and live in luxury for the rest of the year; repeat as needed.
Meanwhile us citizens slave at some horrid 8-5 hellhole office and have zero savings living paycheck-to-paycheck for decades until they work up the courage to put a bullet in their brains since they'll never be able to afford to retire comfortably.

>> No.58468904

>Meanwhile us citizens slave at some horrid 8-5 hellhole office and have zero savings living paycheck-to-paycheck for decades until they work up the courage to put a bullet in their brains since they'll never be able to afford to retire comfortably.

remote job in a rural area, its that easy

>> No.58469031

nice my hold is doing green things again

>> No.58469034

It feels so good to be able to post the word NIGGER again. I missed this. Please never do it again, you filthy fucking slant eye Jap monkey NIGGER. Love you, bros. Sold GME this morning for about $1800 profit.

>> No.58469048


>> No.58469188

Collateral pump and dump. Being held as collateral against another stock, so they need to pump their portfolio up to prevent margin calls.

>> No.58469256
File: 458 KB, 300x167, 7D675E0E-889D-4E0B-82DD-897DFF0F2A68.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little brown nosed friend, it’s not that hard to create a shitmail.
Line go up

>> No.58469449

This general went deathly quiet.

>> No.58469455

people are on the other board, not this fed honeytrap

>> No.58469470

I'm fucking shocked that I got to dump my 2021 gme bags
Thank god I felt like such a retard

>> No.58469480

What other board.
What happened here that there is such strict rules/timing posting? Been a while since I visited /smg/ & kinda dead now..

>> No.58469489

the email change which they somewhat backpedaled on I think yesterday. most threads are on bant now, there's mostly just jeets shilling shitcoins to each other here

>> No.58469492

Hedgies really are that fat kid who had a tantrum when they're about to be caught during tag

>> No.58469528

What was your price?

>> No.58469596


>> No.58469690
File: 128 KB, 1440x2300, 1715707175612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post split avg was around 40
After it randomly hit an open order I had for months at $30, I slowly dumped.
Even got a good chunk out near the peak. Seeing that its starting to collapse again just makes me sad for the new generation of bag holders.
Left 1 share for the lulz but thats it.

>> No.58469766
File: 249 KB, 1170x1140, IMG_8442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros did I do the right thing buying a 2 year exp long call for AMC? It was worth like 800$ earlier today and the stock was only at 13$ if it does squeeze to crazy proportions how does this effect my option price?

>> No.58469799

what was the Implied Volatility when you bought it? because I guarantee it was sky high

>> No.58469828
File: 196 KB, 515x319, derpfuckvalue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys think Roaring Pussy aka DerpFuckingValue was/is an NSA plant or is he somehow a legit plebe who was just remarkably lucky?

>> No.58469860

Lucky, but not a pleb. He had the education / training to find value along with the charisma to lead the masses to be able to pull something like GME off

>> No.58469927

>education / training to find value along with the charisma to lead
Could never stand listening to that idiotic douche for longer than 5 minutes. He was/is obviously not a legit rags to riches story.

>> No.58469961

he is vladimir tenev founder of robinhood,

>> No.58469976
File: 75 KB, 1080x685, FNr-CnHVUAMYN84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking like a good time to buy in, cosy floor to new heights

>> No.58470004

that's why you ain't shit and will never be shit

>> No.58470094
File: 43 KB, 537x589, 1712893287514775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw $YINN and $FXI bagholder
I should be selling and buying $GME, right??
>testing testing

>> No.58470112

there was huge volume in the stock 7 days before his shilling post.

>> No.58470134

Why are gme retards bleeding into this thread when you have your own containment general?

>> No.58470146

Things are pretty quiet right now, waiting game

>> No.58470180

This board is all but dead except for GME. Stop being a faggot and join the fun

>> No.58470201

I held overnight. Am I waking up with another happy suprise tomorrow?

>> No.58470238

Losing money isn't fun

>> No.58470337

its still a stock. its pumping after 2,5 years so of course its ok to talk about it.

dont be gay police

>> No.58470336

>he invested in the chinese
They are buying gold in surplus just to crash to global economy. Shit is getting wild.
>QQQ is at ATH
I don't know when to take out puts. Trying to time the market sucks

>> No.58470379
File: 39 KB, 578x368, Screenshot 2024-05-14 210424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HE MENTIONED US (and the other retards)


>> No.58470397

Whats the meme, what does brownoid say?

>> No.58470475

Ya seethe

>> No.58470515

>meme stocks are back
oh wait fiat is expensive now

>> No.58470551
File: 356 KB, 1284x1835, IMG_1452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey smg what does this chart tell you?

>> No.58470810

Bill is not trustworthy

>> No.58470930

are you idiots so stupid you actually think RK tweets can move a market like this?

>> No.58470943
File: 7 KB, 41x14, 60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58470956

Zoom out to last 5 days. Faggot redditors can't recognize a deadcat bounce.

>> No.58470980

he should have bought gme instead of keking us baggies! perhaps you'll swallow your pride and buy tomorrow?

>> No.58471015
File: 814 KB, 1170x1392, IMG_8449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58471078

BB is going to pump tongiht

>> No.58471230

No talk about tup but it's still pumping with gme. :( would go bonkers if it was in the lime light

>> No.58471258
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, sold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58471278

someone on xitter said last time gme pumped afterward snp went in to a correction

>> No.58471293

more like a dribble at this point because it keeps happening

>> No.58471376

Email is for niggers

>> No.58471391

top signal kek

>> No.58471443

And all you had to do was miss out on stocks that moved more than that over the past 3 years being a retarded reddit sister.

>> No.58471575

bitch spotted, salt mined, thanks for seething

>> No.58471613

They never learn, do they?

>> No.58472205

How would I be seething? You've missed tons holding that meme.

>> No.58472365

There is no squeeze at all either?
I figured this was just a repeat of last time where the squeeze was the catalyst and hyoe carried it further than intended

>> No.58472429

>yeah i agree but its the most talked about stock now.
Normally, this is a redflag. But for a meme stock, its necessary for it to pump. Memes die from obscurity, not notoriety. The more dumb normies hear about the stock, the more of them will pile in.

>> No.58472749
File: 707 KB, 744x899, skeptic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to make some serious fucking money. please buy JEPI. jk, i've dove into CONY for now. it seems too good to be true but with crypto being on the rise with the devaluation of the dollar, it might not be a bad bet. i plan to hold it for a year and if my calculations are correct, i'll be earning my monthly wage in dividends from that stock alone. and within another year, live off the dividend earnings. i may jump around to some REITs later on but for now, i'm back on the grind

>> No.58473768

did market breadth check. bullish numbers currently

>> No.58473783

I hope you FOMOed into GME before we go to mars.

>> No.58473788

It literally hit $320 today, the ATH was $483

>> No.58473900

i think the dump is near

>> No.58473923
File: 1.24 MB, 1290x1881, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you lads didn't see

The cats out of the bag

>> No.58473934 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58473973

How are you feeling this fine May, /smg/?

>> No.58473979

fuck you old niggas that's how I feel
and fuck you new niggas that's how I feel

>> No.58474004

hatred is a negative emotion, have a cup of tea and think hard about why you feel like you do

>> No.58474033

>he isn't long FFIE

>> No.58474046

>the GME schizos were right

>> No.58474048

Dare I buy GME at open and become an eternal baggie?

>> No.58474078

>doesn't say anything about GME
>just reads some Qtard post

>> No.58474134

>reddit can't push it higher in PM
it's over, if they can't push it higher the only thing to do is to rush for the exit

>> No.58474322

fugg I accidentally posted on the wrong board, disgusting

>> No.58474437

They don't understand how to make pm trades. They just push the green button

>> No.58474712
File: 155 KB, 1920x1500, drool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm too dumb to understand the stock market.

>> No.58474741

just have some good rules and keep it simple fren

>> No.58475000

read the boglehead wiki, buy spy, keep a small % in cash to buy dips, simple as.

>> No.58475166

Damn did this email thing kill /smg/ or is it too early?

>> No.58475187

>locksneed down
>rhienmetall down

y doe

>> No.58475348

gme goin down.

most are in bant threads.

>> No.58475364

Absolutely fucked it. Had a juicy short position set up for AMC and my stop loss triggered at $6.6 - I thought I had set it at $7 but clearly didn't click 'ok' so I lost 10% instead of making 20%

Not a happy bunny lads

>> No.58475419

Man that doomer anon sure got it wrong.
>lower lows!
>losing jobs at numbers not seen since 2008!
>inverted yields!
Meanwhile, in reality, line go up.

>> No.58475431
File: 80 KB, 600x536, laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon is bagholding GME because of FOMO

>> No.58475435

As long as you made money...

>> No.58475446

GME is seeing lower lows as we speak. I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.58475470

I didn't, my positions were closed before it dumped. I lost 10% of my money when I should have made 25%

>> No.58475483
File: 16 KB, 256x256, makingmoves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my only position is up bigly two days now

i told apes to sell yesterday. of course most didnt listen

>> No.58475509

my only regret is selling GME covered calls at $25 strike with May 17 exp and not being to capitalize on the full run here

>> No.58475611
File: 66 KB, 838x585, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pension fund sell-off winding down
>Private equity surge for undervalued companies

Is Britain back?

>> No.58475641
File: 174 KB, 499x381, 1705137664025052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They saw your stop loss.

>> No.58475663

dude on these meme pumps just average down. It literally has to come down. Just buy 1-2 month expirations and keep adding to the position. Im up 56% on GME and im holding this shit til its back at 10

>> No.58475682

>Stop loss
>Made him incur a loss

Really makes you think.

>> No.58475699

this is gutsy considering how much of the float is locked up desu. This violent move up happened at a fraction of the volume of the first run up

>> No.58475722

its not gutsy. I bought puts at $35 on monday. Shit went up another 50% on me yesterday and my options were only down like 25%. I doubled down, and here we are today. Never broke a sweat. If it went to 128 I would have added more too.

>> No.58475797
File: 50 KB, 925x530, MJJETFQqg3R3MKwupDsN4N-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoor here. Should I just invest into NASDAQ if I believe the future will be ruled by a few AI-fueled american megacorporations?

>> No.58475809

Yoloing into bb, hoping to ride some hype train.

>> No.58475818
File: 6 KB, 244x98, Screenshot 2024-05-15 171348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've come from /v/ to laugh at you all LOL

>> No.58475853

Deploying my last short latter attack until lunch break.

>> No.58475868
File: 3.65 MB, 368x368, 1700765186298770.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead cat bounce incoming followed by a plummet to the center of the earth, go ahead and buy the top again you stupid mouthbreathing plebbitor lmfao

>> No.58475877

If this isn't a sell signal I don't know what is

>> No.58476012

i mean well played but what i'm saying is it can swing either way very easily

>> No.58476033

My TUP calls got annihilated today. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.58476077

Time to slurp

>> No.58476103

nvidia is a good bet too as an ai play

>> No.58476225
File: 66 KB, 828x631, IMG_4363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest into failing company
>loose money
Your fault retard

>> No.58476248

What's the point of this image without the dollar amount

>> No.58476333

If you have to ask you should just blow your money on coke & hookers.

>> No.58476426
File: 55 KB, 815x968, Screenshot_20240515-122334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steroid anon here. Haven't posted in this shit hole in a couple of months but I would like to thank the HE anon. I made 14% in two days on HE. Living with an Asian chick now and making $32/hr at a nasdaq listed company with negative 30 p/e. Been flipping BTC a lot between 60-65k resistance.

Shits expensive and I'm staying like 50% cash right now but some plays I vouch are.


Good luck niggers. You missed BOIL again. Don't see myself posting here much with the jannies making this place totally unusable.

Anyways you fags should go to the gym and try to cure your autism instead of waiting 10 mins to reply to pajeets about GME.

>> No.58476429

>email requirement revoked
>meme stocks pumping

I guess this is the bad time.

>> No.58476491

people moved to bant so there is a thread there too

>> No.58476533

Really? Testing to see if I will be polluting this thread with feembrap posts again

>> No.58476590
File: 21 KB, 360x360, IMG_2207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VOO and JEPQ I’m always making money how about you?

>> No.58476613

fucking bogleheads.

>> No.58476628

Get pay check
Pay bills
Put left over monies in VOO
Simple as

>> No.58476632

What’s wrong with the boglehead mentality? We are always making money, life is complicated why not make investing easy and make more money that 99% of other people?

>> No.58476648

i have 4 brokerage accounts. 3 of which are bogle mode. it's so incredibly boring though. i invest for the adrenaline rush. nothing feels better than 100xing your account overnight.

>> No.58476652

JEWD on /biz/
trannyjannies lift the email registration on here the moment the gme squeeze went through.

its like poetry it rhymes with itself.

>> No.58476674
File: 31 KB, 760x451, ffie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is this

>> No.58476712

Short it.

>> No.58476720
File: 467 KB, 1290x1480, IMG_9768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's bumb EVA to mess with the short sellers

>> No.58476806
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>> No.58476816

Still feeling good about your puts?

>> No.58476820
File: 38 KB, 698x451, FFIE-Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58476875

i set a limit for $1 i have no case for it to go higher

>> No.58476999
File: 613 KB, 2008x1376, 1606491025372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's taken eight months for CPI to drop by one half a percent.
>at this pace inflation won't hit 2% target for two more years
>the media is hyping this report as positive

>> No.58477057

I think we're going way higher on this one, seems like a killer on the short runners

>> No.58477100

next support test ill buy up more shares

>> No.58477618

citadel pump and dump, good luck faggots

>> No.58477769
File: 212 KB, 1024x1536, d3295c21-7978-4068-8cc4-5de8c852b02b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASMB stock ladies!
We are going to win against shortsellers too!

>> No.58477952

who is that qt on CNBC rn

>> No.58477976

Imagine investing into a financial speculation when it is at its peak and losing all your money lol.
Even funnier investing again because of a tweet, like the latins used to say "Errare humanum est, perserverare diabolicum est".

>> No.58478048

I made 70% on this one today, glad I sold before the dip. Thinking about buying again tomorrow.

>> No.58478102

>burry is bullish on gold
Is it over?

>> No.58478285
File: 91 KB, 1727x808, nsdqnewhi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros im bullish as fuck

the nsdq and snp hit ath again after a pullback.

>> No.58478349

i put my monies in an msci information technology etf

>> No.58478747
File: 114 KB, 663x741, leah sternbaum crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Test. With Jew booba.

>> No.58479099

Anyone feel like we are heading into a recession soon (if we aren't already?

>> No.58479239

Honestly of all those, I'm going with waste management.

>> No.58479306
File: 60 KB, 1790x479, portfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my folio, should I just hold and dca 2x semis(USD) forever or use the 200d sma strat

>> No.58479345

I wonder if Tinny still has a GME bag

>> No.58479366

Who else is buying commodities/mining stocks?

Copper just hit an all time high.

>> No.58479433

looks like you're ready to lose it all

>> No.58479457
File: 537 KB, 580x548, 1627507266742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says the faggot invested in covered call etfs, lol. lmao even.

>> No.58479463

is it cool if I bake

>> No.58479467

nevermind I don't want to bake anymore

>> No.58479570

I whana bake ehehehe :3

NEW @_@ !!





