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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58462970 No.58462970 [Reply] [Original]

So where’s the halving?

>> No.58462993

Grab an apple, cut it in half, take one half and give the government the other.
Now tell me, are you happier that you're getting half instead of full?
Exactly. That's why you should buy XRP.

>> No.58463074

halving in price as we speak

>> No.58463090

It was the friends we made along the way, now all it's gone, I can't even find my cold wallet with my 300k worth of super

>> No.58463097


>> No.58463477
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>> No.58463535

it has kept us from having a real pullback

>> No.58464571
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the halving was 3 weeks ago anon, you should have taken advantage and bought all the super, xrp and eth you could.

>> No.58464726

It takes a few months to filter out the miners that are no longer profitable then the supply shock happens

>> No.58465085

[Lie] 2 more weeks just keep holding

>> No.58465523
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it already happened, and honestly I expected a little more, at least enough to not have to work for 6 months and not have to take dogs like KENDU again, although I can't complain so much since this thing is paying the rent for now

>> No.58465537

i'm tired and depressed, please do something about this market

>> No.58465588

Check your portfolio

>> No.58466005
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no more halving cuz retardio token squad fucking revived the market with out retardio energy

>> No.58466238
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Halving leads to growing after, right? Hungry on base is sitting at 60k-ish MC rn, could be a decent entry point for that 20x.

>> No.58471175
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i honestly don't know anymore. is this slurping or am i slowly digging my own grave unknowingly? who knows, it's 50/50 at this point.