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58454467 No.58454467 [Reply] [Original]

7 years and counting.

Not a single Link holder made it yet.

Why are you still here?

>> No.58454470

I did a x100 thanks to this coin I think that's pretty cooool :)

>> No.58454471

this shit hit 50 dollars and the ICO was something like 17 cents

>> No.58454472

Post your link address and transaction history.

>> No.58454476

That doesn't mean anything at all.

>> No.58454489

it means it did a 250x. shit i didn't even make it with LINK but you sound salty as fuck about missing the boat

>> No.58454491

I don't care about missing anything, I'm just laughing about anyone still holding link lmfao.

You didn't even make it and somehow you are still defending link for some weird cuck reason.

>> No.58454492

A number of them did in fact make it, I'm not one of them

>> No.58454494

yeah unfortunately had to liquidate basically everything a couple years ago due to some unfortunate life circumstances. anons definitely made a shit ton of money though i'm not sure if you were here but people were flexing 50-100+k stacks in 2017

>> No.58454510

At times I feel like a 2k stack isn't enough and I'll be left behind, but then I think this is probably how anons holding 42 btc in 2017 must've felt.

>> No.58454546

And your obsessing over link for some weird cuck reason. Theres thousands of shitcoins that have been shilled on biz and obvious scams with general threads posted every day. And yet you focus on link every single day.

Why? Literally anyone seeing this will see how obvious your attempt to manipulate the views of other posters here. If anything your constant threads only make more and more people buy link here, is that your goal?

>> No.58454562


>> No.58454572

Tell me what you hold then, and why you hold it. Give me a reason to believe you aren't some paid fudder. How long have you been in crypto?

>> No.58454573

Link was the very first project I bought years ago around 5 dollars. Dumped it all around the 50 dollar mark and never looked back. Send it to ZERO

>> No.58454669

It's 2024. No one with a brain is holding crypto at this point, you retarded baggie

Absolutely and irrefutably based lmfao

>> No.58454671

Your not doing a very good job of proving yourself to be anything but a fuddy.

>> No.58454693

Only the greedy got nothing, I too profit on LINK a while ago and put most into BTC and ETH, while DCA into QAN and DOT too

>> No.58454697

i sold my link at $50 and made it, wym?

>> No.58454705

mostly jsut out of spite now

sirgay has taken all the dignity away from me talking so much and delivering so little for the price

>> No.58454706 [DELETED] 

Everyone here bought LINK at 10 cents and sold it at 50 dollars. Right?

>> No.58454781

>make it
I havent been to work for 3 years thanks to Link. Is that making it?

>> No.58454873

It's funny how the link fud stopped for a couple days after the email verification thing. I'm guessing some of you guys wanted to take a moral stand against it so you tried to make /bant/ work but then you didn't get enough attention so you capitulated and came crawling back here.

>> No.58454886

Some did (not $50, if they had any brains they would be out by $10-30) and never came back. Most marines however are NEETs who invested too little for a 100x to be enough. There's a reason 1000 EOY was being spammed.

>> No.58454898

>Not a single Link holder made it yet.
This little delusional phrase outed OP as two things:
1) a Link maxi who obviously didn't make it off anything other than Link either
2) a poorfag who couldn't buy enough Link to make it even after a 250x

>> No.58454899

>Most marines however are NEETs who invested too little for a 100x to be enough
Exactly. Like OP.

>> No.58454933
File: 500 KB, 1172x1150, Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 10.33.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>convergence is coming
They're literally telling you to your face that the convergence of tradfi and blockchain is happening at Hong Kong SmartCon.
Idk about you brokefags but I'll be there for a pivotal moment in human history.

>> No.58454950

I bought in between $20 and 40. With all my net worth. I only got 2000. I genuinely believed, and still believe it will eventually go to $81k and Im not selling until it does. I've written it off as a loss.

>> No.58454966

most of us didn't sell at 50 because shiba had a higher mc which is retarded so we assumed 100$ at least

>> No.58454968

Exactly. Until Link goes to either 1 or 2 MC its undervalued -maybe not right now - but in terms of what it WILL be doing eventually

>> No.58454976

Altcoins are bullshit

Memecoins are like Altcoins that aren't pretending to be serious

This is why memecoins are moving and altcoins aren't moving

Everyone has stopped pretending to put on the fake act of thinking altcoins actually matter for anything other than making a higher % return than Bitcoin, which is why everyone is in memecoins now instead of altcoins, because at least memecoins aren't trying to sell you bullshit

>> No.58455032

you hold the next bitcoin (in b4 fuddie fags resort to pathological deceit and mockery), you'll be fine.

>> No.58455077

two weeks

>> No.58455106

Checked but end of October, actually.

>> No.58455126

I'm absolutely baffled about the fact that you think nobody has made it with this shit, I mean, there's people that made it with super, lol, lmao even

>> No.58455150

central banks will use quant

>> No.58455155

Why doesn’t he post here anymore

>> No.58455189
File: 48 KB, 1506x1094, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're still holding this shit unironically, I truly don't know what to tell you
t. ex marine

>> No.58455192

nobody likes people like you.

>> No.58455228 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 592x677, photo_2024-05-06_09-56-25 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got took hungry

>> No.58455233

I'm still here because Sergey has taken my small investment of $1k and turned it into a retirement nest egg and all I had to do was calls you a nigger faggot for seven years while he worked tirelessly and I'm happy to do it for another 7 years.

>> No.58455240 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 592x677, photo_2024-05-06_09-56-25 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got too hungry...

>> No.58455244

people who actually took profits?
kek, makes sense

>> No.58455259

what is the fud? did you mean reality?

>> No.58455331
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1489, fud c u c k s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggest losers of 2024

>> No.58455341

no, people who seek joy in the unhappiness of others. You will never be happy, no matter how big that number grows, because you are an endless void who genuinely believes tearing others down is the best way to build yourself up.

My portfolio is 3x yours btw.

>> No.58455410

Imagine actually wasting time to take screeshots of every single link thread in existence lmao

The absolute state of link schizos

>> No.58455595

checked. did he ever? I think ari did but I dont think SN ever posted here. I get the feeling he hates this place and us. He's unironically too pure for us.

>> No.58455630

so.... you "made it" off a 250x and you now willingly choose to spend your time defending an online cult on a dead Mongolian basket weaving board. Hmmmm

>> No.58455632 [DELETED] 

Sold all, went into kas and rsr, did 5x, went into some shitcoin meme’s, did an additional 10x. Now am in SHRL presale. Standing still leads nowhere anon

>> No.58455647

>He's unironically too pure for us.


>exit scams NXT

>does business with every single scam in crypto

>ex coworker has interview where he says he had to control fat boy from making outrageous false claims to investors

>lies about CCIP being imminent when they just start working on it

>social media posts from years ago worshiping sociopath Henry Kissinger

>purposefully misleading ICO language obfuscating presale

Only an idiot would buy that "hurr I don't even go online much" bullshit he tries to portray. From a crypto guy that is beyond hilarious. I bet that fat fuck lives online and has multiple personalities here. If he's "outdoors" so much, I'm guessing he has like a powered scooter or something to get around because it doesn't look like he walks too much.

Serg - if you're here, fuck you

>> No.58455721

Ouch. I bet that hurt. Well said.

>> No.58455756

>but then I think this is probably how anons holding 42 btc in 2017 must've felt.

yeah you get it.

>> No.58455915

I have over 500k Link and am a retired NEET in his mid 30's. If it takes 4-7 more years for RWA adoption to really take off and for Link to skyrocket, I can patiently wait.

>> No.58456022


>> No.58456409

More conspiracy. the truth is the "fud" is what normal conversation around LINK looks like, and its a natural consequence of how shit it has turned out. You nut huggers always looking for conspiracy are the niche group of people.

Just because you dont like what the normal sensible conversation looks like around LINK doesnt make it not valid. you weird fucks are the strange ones.

>> No.58456598
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>this shit hit 50 dollars
Sold at $37 like a dumbass, FOMO'd into Ada and it mooned the other way
still holding it, hoping to break even before I ditch it
at least hydro is comfy for my online contents
overall green except for Ada dragging me down.

>> No.58456615

>normal sensible conversation
Someone post the pics of the literally hundreds of identical fud posts

>> No.58457224

>Not a single Link holder made it yet.
you do realize many of us were buying link at 20 cents and link has hit 30, 40, and 50 before right? you seriously don't think anyone made it yet? kek delusional fuddie

>> No.58457833

Okay, some of you may have actually made it. But, if that's the case, what the fuck are you doing here then? Fuck you lmao

By the way, the price is crashing.

>> No.58458801

linkies are retards. just fucking sell and look out for other oracles. Redstone and supraoracles are looking good but retard lintards are stiff-necked

>> No.58458929

I made 25x on LINK from my buy in 2017. I have now jumped ship into QAN, having identified it as solid bluechip.

>> No.58459096

You're such a Link maxi that you can't even conceive of any reason to come here other than Link.

>> No.58459101

Take your meds baggie

>> No.58460320

Why would I "take profits" so low when I wouldn't have barely been breaking my stack back up to even buying the dip, after taxes? It's a huge headache at this point when dealing with six figs. I'm actually extremely comfortable considering the long term cap gains distinction for my bag, will make the big sells simple enough - and my $$$,$$$ will be free and clear to buy some good tangible assets that I can retire with, like property and a shop.

I mean congratulations and I hope you do well, but ... Are you? Or are you still just back in risk-on investments and in the same situation as us despite it? Use your head buddy!

>> No.58461087

Don't remind me, OP. Sold off some bags and jumped into the PEAQ public sale on Coinlist. Time to diversify the portfolio.

>> No.58461099

The only token I made 100x on is KREST, and I'm holding onto it to snag the airdrop of the token from the project that MapMetrics ditched Solana to join its ecosystem.

>> No.58462131

doubtful many made it given the inflationary environment and the fact they only put a few grand in back then. So a nice six figure gain but certainly not enough to retire

>> No.58463701


>> No.58463720

absolutely. Glad I bought it right at 5 bucks, and I'm looking at selling to participate in Peaq token launch on CoinList. I don't give a fk what folks think.

>> No.58463730

You are the cocksucker that's delusional here. sell and invest in something much more profitable.

>> No.58463745

I'm an early 30s wagie with 1800 link and I'd probably kms if I had to wage another 5-7 years.

>> No.58463822
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whatever these link fuckers are smoking, its hard enough to make putin believe in the gay movement.
made over 10x from NAI after the IDO and with all the partnerships they got going, we might be in for another iconic run. y'all can keep getting your ass fucked

>> No.58463899

some of these new alts got more potentials then them old fuckers. i think its time to start changing my approach

>> No.58464028
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>dox yourself or my headcanon is real