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58453158 No.58453158 [Reply] [Original]

anyone here have experience with getting (kinda) steady money thru online poker? Should be pretty predictable with the chances, right??

>> No.58453221 [DELETED] 

I'm sure you, a neurotic pajeet who is too lazy to spell "through" will profit from online poker

>> No.58453228

the odds aren't in your favor anon.
we can play poker on texasbase dot xyz tg though, 13k mc and a lot of bizraelis are in.

>> No.58453267

I end up getting bored and betting on hands I shouldn’t

>> No.58453279

What is the level of competition?
How do you know there are not teams of super experts assisted by computers and AI with years of experience?
How do you know you will not get cheated?

>> No.58453321

A game of poker that's not rigged in any way is clearly zero-sum and there is a skill element. So over time you would be able to win money if you're more skilled than your opponents. The problems are:
>The platform may be rigged
>Opponents could cheat with tools giving them the probability of any event
>Depends on your cunt but you may have to pay tax on wins and take the full loss which would totally kill your edge.

>> No.58453362

how can I get assisted with ai

>> No.58453425

You're a decade and a half too late

>> No.58453429

Hi man, don't get into poker. You will suffer

Poker is almost a 'solved game' in which most people are extremely good at the game. Even if you play microstakes with a few cent blinds theres russians who have studied for thousands of hours who are close to GTO with their poker huds, solvers and such who are happy to use their S+ tier poker knowledge from years of studying, learning and grinding to make 30 dollars a day

You will not compete against these people. Poker is basically dunning kruger effect in action. You can study for 100 hours and think you're decent only to lose massively over 10,000 hands and then you realise just how much further you need to go. It seems easy but its not. You're competing against people that are basically poker robots who know everything about the game

>> No.58453464

Online is a no-go. If you want to make some money go play live low stakes with a bunch of drunks and retirees.

>> No.58454213

I know a person who makes a living from it, but I haven't asked him too much; all I know is that it takes him a long time to get money for rent, I was planning to try it but honestly searching and taking memecoins on dexview seems a bit faster

>> No.58454460
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poker is unironically what crypto investment on shitcoins is for most bizraelis, you get all the thrill of putting your money in it, the feeling of you getting better as your skills progress, if you're smart and witty you will make good money though you must also be prepared to lose money in the first place
i play poker om x1bet and use those gains exclusively for accumulating $PAJAMAS (or other shitcoins if they're better but im partial to the cat meta rn), its like playing the casino with lotto money, you never feel like you're losing money because its all coming from the profits

>> No.58454461

obligatory "most gamblers quit before reaching the jackpot"

>> No.58454474

its predictable but the long run is very long and you have to put in worse than slavewage tier hours in on the daily which makes performing well hard

>> No.58454479

its worse than zero sum, you can beat your oponent and still not make money because of the rake
pretty much this, unless youre super smart in which case you wouldnt need to ask this question or you'd be able to make it in any other field
this is a bit pushing it, theres lot of weak players at lower levels but the rake is also huge so its very hard to make profit

>> No.58454553

I tried on several occasions from 2007 to 2014, but I just couldn't get good at it. I have no idea how to read people online and I got bad beats so many times I just lost interest. I think I made $500 in profits overall, but it was mostly luck.

>> No.58454580
File: 197 KB, 1536x872, rgpk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filled with collusion and bots
and that was 20 years ago

>> No.58454764

>how can I get assisted with ai
already two decades ago there was software that showed your chances based on cards visible on screen

>> No.58456139

This was back then when I played so they most likely changed everything. I made easy money in the $10-$50 headsup sng. There was also a way to check on opponents HU stats to see his record and if hes a fish but doubdt they have that now

>> No.58456161

you dont need AI for that, you can calculate that by yourself

>> No.58456309

chances for what, it shows you chances to hit certain hands, or your equity vs a hand you select. it doesnt show you chance vs opponents possible holdings

>> No.58456378

lmao W take

>> No.58456379

also if you're experienced enough you get to make crazy plays that most people would deemed stupid (like going all in on a shitcoin bc a whale follows it or the community is schizo) similar to all ins on poker with a rainbow flick

>> No.58457923

that's a solver, anon, no AI needed
Anon, learn your ranges and practice for free in sites like replaypoker dot com. Master the game and then move to PokerStars or whatever and make your bankroll in low stakes.