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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58450188 No.58450188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Im 18 right now, with cousins who are doctors. they all tell me being a doctor aint really worth it. ive got :
> 1 orthopedist (bones)
> 1 Gastroenterologist (stomach)
> 1 pharmacist
> 1 Lawyer
My brother works with the army as an aircraft maintenance guy, hes pretty happy with it, makes better money than the doctors. Im thinking of becoming a pilot, but i heard its mostly a connection type of deal. i have no idea what i want, been doing good with Solana memcoins,
I have
>4.8 ETH
>101 Solana
>a couple of hundreds in meme coins.
>and 221 Dym from an airdrop
College looks lame to me, just full of they/them trannies. and im preetty suree i wont get laid much.

>> No.58450191

I bet if she was over 30 you wouldn't post her right pedo?

>> No.58450195

Also why is being a doctor top tier, all of them are miserable, and the pay is nothing like it used to be.

>> No.58450209

men are pigs

>> No.58450216

Doctors make minimum like $200k, if you're a surgeon you're making $350-400k out of college.

How many positions like that are there? Be a doctor, marry a doctor. Now your combined income in your 30's is $700k. Retire by 45 if you want, or live a very wealthy lifestyle. That's not good pay? You have a lot of growing up to do.

>> No.58450217
File: 107 KB, 1000x1250, 1709685274137868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 18 losers,

>> No.58450224

I dunno, go to your community College and get on the track to get something IT or computer science related. It's a bit memed-out by now but so is all the other shit you listed, and you can get paid well while having a position MUCH cushier than doctor and saving lives shit. Then see if you can get away with finding employment w/ just an associates and you're good from there.

>> No.58450236
File: 219 KB, 750x752, 1709677760251146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of college for them, means being 27, the bones doctor makes 84k a year, while the stomach guy makes 100k because hes older. >>58450224
i was thinking crazy stuff like, just keep doing what im doing with crypto while i focus on living a minimalistic lifestyle, i like surfing and music if i make that into a career or something, is better than dealing with math exams, and essays.
Im still 18 so

>> No.58450253

That pic is from 10 years ago mein neger

>> No.58450259

you in a third world country?

>> No.58450263

yeah, Soudi Arabia but ive got American Citizenship, I was born in New York,

>> No.58450290


>> No.58450345
File: 6 KB, 364x295, 1634025276430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

medical health care is more expensive each year, truflation has been calling this out for months and some people act so surprised.

Yet still, how come being a doctor is not worth it? have you considered private practice?

>> No.58450349

>you lose 10 years ez of your lifespan
>unending debt and study cycle
>unthankful patients
no thanks.

>> No.58450351

not counting that to barely make it you either have to be neurosurgeon or a plastic one, and no way im dealing with hags wanting bigger tits kek

>> No.58450358

you deserve to die boiling in shit

>> No.58450359

and bit of a fucking loser out of what I see

>> No.58450363

Indians aren't the brightest bulb though

>> No.58450366

it makes me cringe to think you have a folder full of just ass pics like this instead of real porn

>> No.58450368
File: 243 KB, 220x220, 1714247349879152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god forbid a nigger having a hobby.

>> No.58450371

>im preetty suree i wont get laid much.
pic related explains it either way.

>> No.58450413

just try out as many jobs as possible, dyor of what interests you and what gets paid well and ask close-by businesses if you can work there as an intern (even unpaid). if it sucks ass you just quit right on the spot and move to the next one. imo thats the best way to get an idea of what career suits you, at least you will know what you dont want to do.

>> No.58450431
File: 653 KB, 1664x2304, A Woman Visualizing the Present Abundant with Oppo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the book "So good they can't ignore you".

This is a book made by someone who actually tried to answer this very same question you are asking, and not a bunch of randos on the internet.

Maybe the army is good for you, maybe not.
Maybe being a doctor is good for you, maybe not.

Anyway. Focus on being good and skilled somewhere, and then you'll know.

Good luck, you'll realize it later but being lost is part of the fun

>> No.58450454

not in my case. it's pure fucking torture

>> No.58450457

granny-fucking is illegal, dyel

>> No.58450460

Saudi isn't third world tho
socal is

>> No.58450461

truflation was right when they posted that even the private and public health sector isn't earning what they properly should. Oh what a fucking misery.