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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 247 KB, 780x637, sad piano VCs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58449848 No.58449848 [Reply] [Original]

>Like every VC I talk to is utterly miserable. Its definitely not a rising tide lifts all boats cycle like the last one, at least yet.. So I think that has caused a lot of angst among VCs. Also its Bitcoin and its memecoins that have done really well right.. Solana as well... Those things are not VC investments generally... So the people who have made the most money this cycle to some extent at least, are not crypto venture capitalists.. I think there is an existential angst among VCs, like "hey has like this assembly line like just broken?"... And like if all retail ever wanted to do is get rich, maybe now like the random infrastructure altcoins - they don't care, right? Maybe memes are a more simple way to express wanting to make money...

The above quotation may not be perfectly accurate, because it was painful to type "like" as many times as this valley girl natural speaks in its sentences. But what's going on VC sisters? How come they don't want our scams no more?

>> No.58449865

As a VC myself, I never really got over not having early access to Link. I've hated them ever since and refuse to buy at these sky-high prices

>> No.58449870

like this comment if youre reading this in 2024

>> No.58449890

lies and slander

>> No.58449895

they should just buy memecoins

>> No.58449954

fellow VC here and yes this man is right, i am fucking miserable

>> No.58450200

VC shitters are down bad because they keep doubling down on alt-L1s instead of going after L2s
insist on ghostchains
insist on ignoring DeFi

>> No.58450257

I've never met a VC with intelligence or talent, so this is a good thing.

>> No.58450266

define early access.
$0.13 too expensive for you?

>> No.58451285

as much as i hate VCs and enjoy them getting fucked, this fucks over anyone who actually invests.
Just look at chainlink. its fucking dead, and it will not pump or make anyone much money despite being one of the strongest projects.
Same goes for any serious project now.

Crypto has now devolved into pure gambling, likely due to the third world gaining access to investing and the internet over the past 10 years.
You cannot get rich from investing in meme coins, and thats that. you can maybe gamble and get lucky but you will always lose it all if you do pull off a good gamble anyway. thats how gambling works. its not investing.

Now that crypto has fully devolved into gambling, and serious projects dont perform anymore(in fact, if its a serious project is generally a red flag now), that means investing is no longer possible, and neither is making it form crypto.

>> No.58451767
File: 200 KB, 2000x1306, Descent of Minerva to Ithaca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually am a VC, Principal at my fund until I got canned about a week ago. I made sure our fund was in really hyped infrastructure stuff that had TGE token unlocks, and that's where we've seen the biggest gains, like 20-50x with a good 2x instant liquidity.

I think the majority of VCs called the bullmarket too early, deployed too hard too quickly, and now many of them are stuck holding the bag with no liquidity. Now that they're taking a breath, the conviction is way WAY down in shit they just bought into with their whole bag.

In fact I was canned for this very reason, we overdeployed without having a plan for raising the next fund, so I would have had jack shit to do for 6-12 months.

And because I've got kids to feed, I'll go ahead and blindly solicit my services here, in case a fellow /biz/ bro needs a gigabrain OG crypto dork on their payroll: insect_banana.08@icloud.com (burner forwarding acct)

>> No.58451831
File: 66 KB, 665x692, 1641771893215091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a superverse holder and you see them retweeting and talking about vcs investing millions into web3 gaming alone at least once a week, some of those teaming up with superverse partners, and i dont see all this weird negativity you talk about. maybe its time for everyone to understand that memes and gambling >>> blockchain tech.

>> No.58451889


>> No.58451891

you wasting your time on twitter

>> No.58451892

>I've never met a VC with intelligence or talent, so this is a good thing.
you would be surprised the type of deranged people you can find out here, or how many are just there hidden in plain sight.

>> No.58451893
File: 72 KB, 202x145, F&H322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a shame looking at link severing it's own legs. But gotta do something to keep beinf functional. Right?

>> No.58451895

>as much as i hate VCs and enjoy them getting fucked, this fucks over anyone who actually invests.
we are hate besties.

>Just look at chainlink. its fucking dead
that's their fault entirely. paying pajeets to shill link non stop.

>> No.58451896

proof or gtfo

>> No.58451899

Link wasn't shilled by jeets.
>tell me you're a newfag without doing so

>> No.58451902
File: 137 KB, 460x460, 83452185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gambling >>> blockchain
isn't that what this is all about anyways?

>> No.58451906

>kids to feed
>im a VC!
quit larping kys

>> No.58451907

link marines can suck my dick

>> No.58451913

how much did you guys out into link? Previous cycles had such returns because of printer. I dont think rates are coming down like they were before. So markets has flipped to value investing, and retail are still fucking retarded so they put their money into meme shit.

>> No.58451916

There's only about 5-7 VC firms worth talking about. The rest are throwing darts at anything with a pretty UI/UX and big dreams to sell to normies/government contracts that the VCs got for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.58451923

which ones i wanna do some onchain research

>> No.58451929

they were late, and chose alts instead of bitcoin because they didn't understand what they were buying.
retail was late too, but they chose different alts.

for every solana there's a dozen vc chains with no users, no speculators, and no media.
vc's just got midcurved by the market.

>> No.58451938

the light really shines on how stupid these people are when they dont control the game

>> No.58451952

Paradigm, Binance Labs, Coinbase Ventures, Pantera, and Fenbushi.

>> No.58451971

You can totally trust these tweets about positivity and billions of dollars pouring into their niche anon :^)


>> No.58451972

>Am I the only one listening to this banger in 2024? Leave a like if not!

>> No.58451976
File: 90 KB, 256x256, 1657011058526015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im guessing vc's will get busy investing into trashy ai tech and websites to sell to retards and failed business owners and the like. at least for a while. they'll come back to crapto eventually. enjoy a somewhat less rigged version of crapto in the meantime. sounds great to me.

>> No.58451980
File: 68 KB, 343x347, 1657035143301590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never see these names in projects I'm interested in
Am I doing something seriously wrong? I feel like if these are involved then it's for good reason no?

>> No.58452051

the reason link is dead is because ethereum capitulated base layer scaling for layer 2 networks, and layer 2 networks obviate third party oracle solutions, mostly.
there's still a market but it's shrunk massively.

what's strange is that they decided to pivot into another product l2s obviate, bridges.

>> No.58452521

>how much did you guys out into link?
Link was way before my time as an investor, and it was way before institutional token sales were such a common thing. I think the only big name that got in was old Municipal Marmalade himself...

>> No.58452692

Sergey has made some fucking stupid choices for LINK and overscaled his company requiring more pressure on token dumps.

that is just exaggerating the problem though. EVERY SERIES PROJECT is suffering the same as LINK atm. its really not unique to LINK in that regard.
That said, Sergey heavily invested and scaled his company for a market which doesnt exist in either Tradfi, or now the crypto back up. nobody cares about legit its pure meme gambling with expectation of rugs and hacks now.
Ironically, less demand than ever for security in crypto due to this

>> No.58452717

why would anyone buy link lmao. Everything about it is made irrelevant by the internet computer. You link nuts always take any opportunity to insert yourself into threads either for or against

>> No.58452727

I'm a VC
and yes, I want to kill myself

>> No.58452806

Based VC scammer here... guys I'm like seething why won't you like just buy our scams???

Come on, like, be the ones holding the bag. Do it for state; do it for like the greater good. Be the bag you want to be.

Be the bag that like your parents believed you could never be. Dudes, come on I mean like, be the bag, come on just like come the fuck on okay.

>> No.58453214

>Municipal Marmalade
i was here when that first started to get posted and i still dont know what that dog whistle means

>> No.58454317

>"gigabrain OG crypto dork"
>still has to rely on a steady paycheck to be able to feed his kids
Why would anyone hire you when you’re obviously terrible at your job?

>> No.58454325

it over. The crapto "community" decided they want to be scammer for chump change. Well, let them steal from each other until the last bag holder kills himself when buttcorn hashrate fell 99%

>> No.58454613

so they didnt 100x in 2 months and now they are crying about it and they got caught in some buzzword rugpull. "This time is different" No it isnt

>> No.58456369
File: 160 KB, 1440x1440, 16349797962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its time to face the reality that VCs have changed like any other group in crypto, i've been following a lot of twitch streamers and they all boil down to BTC speculation and then shilling this run's shitcoin. The amount of streamers talking about pajamas is understandable but insufferable nonetheless

>> No.58456390

>i've been following a lot of twitch streamers
It has never occured to me to go to twitch to hear about crypto anything. I can't imagine how vapid and clueless it is there.
