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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58447645 No.58447645 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you started a business? Are you too dumb? Too uncreative to come up with ideas or start projects?

>> No.58447648

All businesses are already pumped too late to start one.

>> No.58447657

>Are you too dumb? Too uncreative to come up with ideas or start projects?

>> No.58447669

lack of capital

>> No.58447671

It's literally not worth my time or effort. I bank close to $200k per year working for Mr. Noseberg.

>> No.58447727

I still need funds for that, I have a lot of memecoins as biao waiting for a good pump to sell, although my only problem would be to find a place to put an office

>> No.58447776

99% of "successful" businesses are built by
>trust fund babies with a small allowance of gorillions of dollars
>grifters who manage to rope in some mongoloids to invest in their slop
>people who are willing to lie cheat and steal and screw over everyone to reach a profit
and the rest are working 100 hour weeks barely breaking even, essentially living paycheck to paycheck and are only in it for the "i'm muh own boss" cope

>> No.58447822


>> No.58447827

based and piss and shid and poop pilled

>> No.58447829

I started one business with a friend. Ran it with him for 5 years. It was hell. But I’d say overall worth it. Learned a lot about myself and business in general. Recently had another friend approach me to more or less franchise his business. He lives somewhere else and wanted to expand where I live. It was a risk free offer for me so I took him up on it. It’s been going good. Although I want to get into the sex toy industry as I believe this is going to get much bigger than it already is. With the explosion of lgbtblahblah, sexually degenerate zoomers, only fans, exponential amount of lonely people due to the behavioral sink, and the overall collapse of morals in society, I think there is major opportunity here. I have a couple idea for products that do not exist, that I’d like to bring to market. I think would do really well. I have manufacturing experience and am very confident in my building skills. Although the stuff that melts my brain is current day marketing and how I would reach my target market. Tic tok? With link to my website? Approach local sex toy shops to sell wholesale? I’ve avoided social media thus far. Any sex toy industry chads here with input?

>> No.58447837

uncreative, lazy, and demoralized about everything having been done before.

>> No.58447847
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>just start a business bro
Fuck off back to cuckedin.

>> No.58447902

>wants to go door to door shilling loose dildos

Like the thing the scammers here are supposed to buy at the top of the page but don't. Get it shilled on some porn sites. Pay some OF models to shill it on the free, no sign up sites.

>> No.58448154

Kek. I guess that was one of my main strategies. Thanks for the ideas.

>> No.58448259

I have an idea, I just need an investor to give me money so I can start up.

>> No.58448271

Lack of capital. I could just borrow money, but I would need to conduct market research and build prototypes of products upfront to legitimize an idea before I even get a loan.
Even if I do, the business may not survive past 3 years, so it's difficult to pull the trigger on any idea

>> No.58448387

Abundance of capital. I made it with pointless unproductive crypto, and now I can't be bothered to try to improve society by providing it with goods or services.

>> No.58448424

How much abundance exactly? If productivity is your purpose, why not invest in your friends and family.

>> No.58448449

> If productivity is your purpose
It is not. I have literally no societal purpose at the moment. I only exist for myself.
I'm not interested in investing in ventures. I'm making various families and friends' lives easier, but that's as far as I'll go.
My only contribution to society is that I give relatively large amounts to various charities, and I suck at even doing that right. I have low 8 figs, so I threw 7 figs into a donor-advised fund, with the goal of emptying it within 10 years, but I've not even granted 1% of it in 2 years so that's not going great. Charity picking paralysis is real.

>> No.58448455

It’s not about giving to charities or cancer research. As vain as it sounds, humans feel much better when they see the results of their donations. Giving money to poor kids in other countries is cool and all but you don’t see your impact directly. Investing in your community or local charities is the best way to go. Could be giving to schools or local food drive programs. So long as you can see a measurable impact. Also, I’m pretty surprised you made 8 figures via crypto only. Were you an early adopter or what?

There’s also a subreddit called FATfire where people similar to you talk about their issues now that they’re retired with a lot of money. You’ll find individuals with similar mindsets and situations.

>> No.58448457

do you think it's kind of hedonistic to get rich and not start a family? or do you think life's just better without all those responsibilities and not bringing more life into the ponzi?

>> No.58448471

> As vain as it sounds, humans feel much better when they see the results of their donations.
Yeah, but see, I fell for the Effective Altruism meme. I don't want my donations to make me feel better. I have chocolate and beer to do that already. All my donations are anonymous and I don't need to see the impact. I just need to know that there is an impact and that I'm not just pissing my money away into some bullshit "awareness" charity or being funneled into the charity's CEO's nephew's marketing company.
> Were you an early adopter
yes. long time Bitcoin hodler.
> FATfire
I know, I go there every now and then to remind myself I still absolutely can't relate with people in my exact situation. It's fun.

>> No.58448479

lol. U remind me of my Arab friend a lot. I suppose it’s hard for people of a lower tax bracket to understand the issues of those from above.

How old are u, if you don’t mind me asking? And is productivity really the only concern u have? Or do you just feel like ur wasting away ur time? Just trying to get a feel for what’s on ur mind

>> No.58448485

Is "hedonistic" meant to be a bad word in your question? Do humans have an ethical imperative to breed?
> do you think life's just better without all those responsibilities
I'm not sure. I do enjoy my nephews in small doses. I'm quite sure life is simpler without kids. Better is a matter of opinions.
> not bringing more life into the ponzi
Ah, that's a whole meme. It vibes well with the "don't bring kids into a dying planet" meme too.
It'd be a weird reason to decide not to have kids, in my opinion. Even if you buy into it, it's a bit like using paper straws. It feels like a meaningful choice, yet it has no measurable impact on the problems at hand.

>> No.58448492

Heck, I'm almost 50 now. Where did the time go.
No, I don't care about productivity, I just called crypto unproductive because it's almost entirely true and it sounds vaguely provocative.
I do feel like I am floating in some in-between space, a sort of decompression chamber. I've stopped working for 2 whole years now, and I've mostly detoxed from my worker mindset and all the self-assigned guilt that comes with being idle. I've spent my whole life waiting to eat the marshmallow to get more marshmallows later, always prioritizing the long-term over the short-term. And now I've stepped in that elusive long-term, and I'm not used to the basic truth that there's no reason to stare at the marshmallow anymore. It's a stark mindset shift, and I'm not sure my neural plasticity is up to the task, but I'm certainly giving it a good go.
I wouldn't call what I'm doing "wasting my time", although that's perhaps exactly how it looks like that from the outside. From my point of view, I'm doing what I want, while trying to decide what else I'm going to want to try next.

>> No.58448503

Almost every coin aside from BTC is not viable long term, both as an asset and as a utility. Hell, even BTC itself is a highly risky investment. The whole immutability nature of some things like smart contracts means that people could just post revenge porn or CP or anything else crude and it would never be removed.
I digress.

I suppose it’s kind of pointless to ask, but I’ll ask anyways. Do you really feel you have no more goals left?

Family, heritage, travels, monetary goals, legacy, etc. you have nothing left?

>> No.58448535

> I digress.
FWIW I largely agree.
> Do you really feel you have no more goals left?
It's not like goals are given to us by suspicious characters with a bright yellow question mark floating above their heads.
Part of the fun of figuring out the meaning of your life is deciding what your own goals should be.
I've ticked a lot of mine by now. Then I've purposefully freed myself from as many duties and obligations as I could. Now this might be a temporary state, or it might not. We'll see. I'm giving myself the time to figure it out rather than throwing myself into some rebound effort.
Heritage and legacies are concerns that have come up, but I'm perfectly content being forgotten after death. I've already done quite well in that respect during my living, if I may say so myself. My only monetary goals are to not squander what I have before I die. The question of how whatever is left of my hoard should be divided between relatives and/or charities is still open at the moment.
That perhaps did not carry well in my posts, but I'm a generally happy person. Early retirement and idleness did not change that, in either directions, although it certainly lowered my stress levels.

>> No.58448543

Post mortem anxiety over money always perplexed me. If you’re dead, who cares what happens with your money! And you say legacy doesn’t matter as much, so why bother? I suppose for your families sake.

This whole time I thought you were a younger person since most crypto millionaires are in their 20s and 30s. I imagine there’s not many on here who you can relate to and have conversations with.

Given your rather unique situation, have you found it hard to make and keep friends?

Freeing yourself from every single obligation and duty might’ve been a double edged sword. Some people spend all their life working, taking care of others, and toiling. So when the time comes for those shackles to be taken off of them suddenly they realize they have nothing to do. Those tedious acts became their routine and their life. I guess what I’m asking you is what DO you do? You haven’t mentioned anything specific in regards to a routine or even things you do throughout the day to keep yourself occupied.

>> No.58448544
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I want to start a UX Design business
But I don’t know anything about UX design

>> No.58448565
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>you just need an idea
lol, no. Every idiot has "ideas". Ideas are not a business. To actually start a business you need:
>a profitable business model that the market accepts, aka people will actually fucking pay for
>some amount of capital to start
>a way to scale the business that doesn't scale linearly with your time, so you don't end up trapped in your own company working 12 hours a day and die of a heart attack at 55
>a way to distinguish yourself from competitors
Most people who start businesses just end up doing their job (accounting, software, plumbing, etc.) "on their own" which is twice as miserable as having a regular job, taxed higher and still isn't escaping from much of anything. Most people do not have the money to start a true business venture and once they do have the money, they would essentially be gambling it away.

>> No.58448579


>> No.58448602
File: 279 KB, 1080x1350, procreational ponzi scheme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is "hedonistic" meant to be a bad word in your question?
Maybe a little to gauge whether you fall into the Elon Musk bandwagon of having as many kids as you can afford.
With that said, I think hedonism while producing as little fallout as possible is golden.
>Ah, that's a whole meme. It vibes well with the "don't bring kids into a dying planet" meme too.
Yeah, seems the best reason to have kids is just because you'd think it would be fun and you'd have the means to prioritize the kid and show them a good time. Unfortunately, it seems that's a rare circumstance and most kids/people end up suffering a lot, for something they didn't even choose to be a part of.

>> No.58448603

I make friends easily. I'm really bad at keeping them though, that has always been true. I'm sure a therapist would take my money to sort it out with me if I were so inclined.
My daily life consists of taking care of some family members, spending a weirdly high amount of time shitposting online, reading, watching shows, and whatever else. My mom wants to update her web site, and she's over 80, so I've been looking at wordpress again after over a decade, and trying to put together something plausible for her. It's a little silly, but it matters to her. I have two dogs, one of which is snoring loudly next to me right now.
In my general state of complacency, I've gained a bit of weight, so I'm starting keto again, and I guess I'll take the other dog on more walks. I have some vague ambitions of traveling around a bit later, and that'll be easier once I've lost another 30 pounds, preferably not all of it muscle mass.
Also, I occasionally code stuff. Nothing big, and nothing bad. I've given up on my early childhood goal of destroying the planet through coding a rogue AI. I only play with friendly AIs now.

>> No.58448618

Do you not have any kids or a wife? Or if you do, the way you worded it makes it seem like ur dogs are more important than them lol.

I was going to tell you about a guy I know who decided to become part of a VC fund because he wanted to see what ideas the youths of the new generations had to offer.
But the way you respond, I imagine you want nothing to do with any sort of work at all now.

You seem content, but at the same time you seem discontent. You seem happy but at the same time you seem bored. To an outside viewer like me, looks like ur stuck in limbo that’s been entirely self imposed. Why? I admit it’s hard to gauge intent via text but that’s what I’ve been picking up from the thread.

I had the same thing regarding travelling, I wanted to travel but was unsure or where or what. Just googling popular travelling locations wasn’t the most interesting either. I did some research and was able to whittle it down to 6 categories under which I’d decide some of my travels:

Big Event: Monaco F1, Super Bowl, fashion week, olympics

Romantic: Anguilla, St. Lucia, Maldives, Almafi Italy, Paris

Heritage: Finding where ur ancestry lived, tracking down your lineage and seeing how far back you can follow ur blood line, religious visit aka Vatican or Mecca

Favorite Interest: wine; Bordeaux, Nappa valley, fine champagne origins, ski; aspen, chamonix, st. Moritz. Tbh this category is the most open ended since peoples favorite interests vary so much. My favorite interest is rock climbing, for example. You develop a strong body and strong fingers and you get amazing views if you’re climbing outdoors.

Adventure & Exploration: Antarctica, Safari, Galapagos, Northern Lights, etc

People always want money for one thing or the other. Whether it be to buy clothes, cars, food, home. Inevitably they want money for life experiences. If you have money, why not try to experience as much of life as possible? Surely that would solve your complacency issues

>> No.58448645

> Do you not have any kids or a wife? Or if you do, the way you worded it makes it seem like ur dogs are more important than them lol.
Yes, I'm 100% being coy about some of this stuff. The most I'll say is that I have close family members that require regular care. That has limited my travel plans, but otherwise works well for a homebody like myself.
> looks like ur stuck in limbo that’s been entirely self imposed.
I think that's a fair assessment. The best I can tell you is that once I've had enough, I'll do something else.
You've thought out your travel plans a lot better than me.
For me, anything with large crowds is a non-starter, so the big events are out. The romantic stuff is in, and I've been to some of those already. The heritage stuff.. eh.. I probably wouldn't. I'd feel like a tourist there on a vanity project thinking I have a claim on cultures I truly don't, DNA notwithstanding. I have vague plans to travel to Japan and Korea to see what it looks like without the anime filters. Also, Iceland, which would be a good opportunity to see the northern lights. And a few European places again.

>> No.58448651

Ah, I see. I understand man. Won’t pry too much on that.

I believe that if you think out your travel plans similarly, or really anything you’ll find that your complacency and boredom has vanished. I’ll be honest, throughout all of my life the only times I’ve been on 4chan is when I’m bored out of my mind. When I have actual things to do whether they be things of leisure or things of work, I’m not on this god forsaken site. I hope one day I’ll end up with enough money as you because I have real ambitious goals. Only problem is I don’t wanna wait until I’m 50 to enjoy my youth lol. How old were you when you made your first million and how did it happen?

>> No.58448661

> the only times I’ve been on 4chan is when I’m bored out of my mind.
I've tried 4chan a few times over the past two decades, but it never really meshed with me.
Even now, I still only hang in /biz/, a rather diluted ersatz of the full 4chan experience.
I think /biz/ has somehow aligned itself well enough with the other crypto hellholes I would frequent, making it palatable for my ilk.
> How old were you when you made your first million and how did it happen?
Around 34 I think. I was saving whatever I could diligently, and my (large tech but not faang) employer was throwing bits of stock options and RSUs my way every so often, so at some point, it reached 7 figs.
But of course, you can't retire on one million. Or at least I can't. So I kept going. the second million was around 40. Boring, get rich slow stuff all around. Still not enough.
A few years later, Bitcoin hit my magic number, so I did the needful but I kept working for another year pondering the implications. And then I quit.
So I'm afraid I don't have a shortcut to offer to retire super early. The get-rich-slow stuff would have allowed me to retire comfortably eventually, if not early.
Entrepreneurs and such that made it would be eager to tell you that anybody can do what they did, they only need smarts, hard work and dashing good looks, but in my case, it's pretty much just luck, and there's no point pretending it's reproducible.

>> No.58448685

You know this reminds me of a hell of a funny story I’ve got that I’d like to tell you. It’ll take me a bit to type out so bear with me. Hope you’ll be up until I’m done writing it.

>> No.58448689


I’ve been following BTC’s movements over the years and every halving has had a smaller and smaller growth factor following it. So unless i get lucky and happen to:

invest in a shit coin at the bottom
ride it till 100x, 200x, 1000x which I likely wouldn’t without trimming most of my position for profit
make sure the coin has enough liquidity for me to even exit
and make sure I don’t lose out on a ton of my position (10-37%) to taxes

There is just so many criteria that need to line up right for me to succeed. A few years ago right at the end of high school is when I began having this intense craving for money. I did research on ways I could make as much money as possible as soon as possible.

I came up with 3 main methods:
First: get a degree in a field with high upwards potential AKA finance, law, comp sci
Second: start / invest in a business
Third: invest in the stock market

The first I’m currently pursuing the first goal. I couldn’t decide which specific path I wanted to go down. That’s why I’m working towards a double major in comp sci and finance. it’ll be a few years before I finish that and even more years before I get a job that pays me enough to be satisfied. So I knew I couldn’t pursue only this goal alone.

The second which is Investing in a business is unfortunately a no go. I mean, come on. Colleg / Uni student? I’m not made of cash. all my money goes to rent, tuition, and ramen.

As for the final one, number 3, that’s the one that piqued my interest the most. I had heard of people on places like wallstreetbets making huge, insurmountable gains in a single day. Turning accounts worth thousands into accounts worth tens or even hundreds of thousands. I won’t lie, it definitely lit a spark in my eye. I spent the next 2.5 years spendin as much time absorbing as much as I could regardin the stock market. I read books, watched videos, watched interviews, documentaries, movies etc. you name it, I did it.

>> No.58448690

I did it because I’m a numbers guy by heart. I wanted to ensure that when I do enter the market, I would be able to have a high winrate, high gain, actionable plan that would ensure success. Hopeful, I know. Naive? Most likely. Most are like that, always thinking they’ll do well.
I was a bit different. I was hoping for the best while preparing my strategies expecting the worst. I know that for every 1 winner on WallStreetBets were 10 losers to soak up the losses. I didn’t want to be of the 10.
At one point I was spending 8-12 hours a day on this stuff. I would miss exams, I’d miss classes, I’d miss meetups with friends so I could figure this stuff out. I went from barely understanding terms like “shares, stocks, dividends” to deeply understanding even the more niche topics like dark pool trading, synthetic positions and structured derivatives to name a few.

One thing I disliked was the speed of info: no matter how much money I could potentially pay for info, I’d never be able to get that special data as fast as the people sitting right next to the exchanges with their fiber optic cables. Simply doing basic things like “price action analysis” or “reading previous financial reports” wasn’t enough to make good trades with high win rates. I needed all of that and more. And after 2.5 years of burying my nose inside of numbers, I had figured something out for myself. I wasn’t sure if it would work well for me, or not. Back testing yielded good results, in fact the results were perhaps a bit too good. But the only way to confirm was testing the results live. So I began testing the theory starting in the year 2022. After a year had passed the results were amazing. But disaster struck: my computer, which was situated in a basement, got flooded and ruined. My data was all gone despite my best efforts to recover them.

>> No.58448693

I started from scratch and began tracking data again, from early 2023 until now. And the results have been extremely promising, if not almost scam like in how great they’ve been. I’ve taken these results to venture capital funds, rich people I know like the Arab friend, and other potential investors. Despite me showing them the data and showing them the numbers and huge potential gains, I was laughed outta there. I even brought it to my dad and asked him if I could borrow a small amount of money from him to which he said no. Today marks month #13, and the previous month was within my expectations again. Isn’t it ironic? My strategy had an extremely high winrate, very good gains per trade, and wasn’t some BS high frequency trading nonsense. It was something so simple, even a layman could follow it since it entailed entering positions and holding them for weeks at a time. So entry and exits were well defined. And yet despite all this, no one was interested. But when I come on to /Biz and see people buying into obvious rug pulls and scams and I see those scammers run away with millions, it really makes me wonder if what I’m aiming for is right or wrong. I did trail off a bit near the end, you’ll have to forgive me. I’ve just been spending most of my days now focusing on completing my majors and refining my trading.

In fact, you wanna know what the growth was this past 12 months? At least the theoretical growth?

I took a total of 118 positions and I could explain to you in depth exactly why I took each and every single one. Out of those 118 positions I lost only 4.

I had included that info in the reports id give to people when I’d ask them to invest with me. Unfortunately, I have no credentials. It’s like the show Suits. You can have a guy who’s the smartest lawyer in town, but until he actually becomes a lawyer no one will let him represent them.

>> No.58449730

I simply don't enjoy the process of working on a business. I have tried it multiple times before.
I have found that working from home is much more comfortable. I spend less time putting in strenuous effort. The only drawback is that I am on a fixed salary.
The only business I would ever enjoy building is a location-independent business, but those are extremely oversaturated. And it seems the people selling the dream are making way more than the people actually doing it, but I could never stoop to that level.

>> No.58449788

I'm here because I'm trying to work as little as possible, not work myself to death

>> No.58450299
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4chan is a demoralization psyop and/or too many neurotics are attracted to it. As seen in this thread.
I actually enjoy the process of business, trying to improve it and make it more efficient. It's like creating a machine that should be able to operate with minimal involvement once finely tuned, and there's always a way to improve and something to learn.

>> No.58450486

I plan to start a quantum resistant payment method soon but am waiting for QAN mainnet to launch because thats the chain I intend to build on

>> No.58450962

What are your thoughts on basement mushroom farming and garage shrimping?

>> No.58450997

i dont need to launder any money

>> No.58451161
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I will start one once VINU pumps, maybe a clothes store or some shit like that I have some good ideas about that

>> No.58451386
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Spbp. If I get filthy rich I'll start a meme farm, some kind of creative agency not for money but to play in the gender wars.

>> No.58451407
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I enjoy business as well Anon, I am simply pointing out this thread is insufferable. It's like something from Reddit, thinking you just need an "idea" to get rich and that the execution isn't what matters. This board is largely memecoin Ponzi schemes from McDonald's employees so I'm not terribly surprised, of course.

>> No.58451412

Would need investors/capital/

There’s no path for a normal person who works hourly to save up enough money to start a business. Unless your job is directly relevant to your skillset and business venture , it’s a pipe dream. Rven if you were an accountant making 80k/yr for 5 years , and saved as much as you could … you wouldn’t be able to open up a decent sized restaurant without massive loans.

Most people are priced out of starting businesses in the first place. Then if you have the money , do you have the time ?

I have time but no capital

>> No.58451623

there is this thing called liquidity
you are not making 2450% in large markets even on risky positions
you would be destroyed in real large cap trading

in a few years you will look back on these series of posts with either extreme cringe or nostalgia for just how retarded you used to be

i suggest you screen cap these and save them for your own personal retard collection. why have only a fleeting memory of how stupid you used to be, when you can have a carbon copy of exactly how stupid you used to be

>> No.58452238

Faggy blog, but you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders.

Would unironically give you like 100 bucks to invest.

>> No.58452414

>just post revenge porn or CP or anything else crude and it would never be removed
I never understand why is so much of a problem not being able to remove porn from something like the blockchain

>> No.58452437

Most restaruants (what i wanted to do some time ago) die after a year or so according to biz and truflation. Most independent businesses overall fail miserably even with viral tiktoks and viral marketing put into them. Everything right now is a literal gamble including starting a bizness.

>> No.58453525

I'm in similar situations with you and that's whyI'm now into full time blogging which I'm monetizing via Hydro Online and Adsense

>> No.58453541

What if VINU doesn't pump, what's your plan B?

>> No.58453559

I'm also looking into using that first project for monetizing since my blog traffic is still a bit low for Mediavine

>> No.58454499

I wonder too if what people consider failure is just natural end to a good idea sometimes.
Like if I sell bracelets, the maximum number of customers for my bracelet might be 500 people, 50,000 people, 5 million people, etc. Unless I come out with a new bracelet or dump money into creating a cult of personality around a line of bracelets, then is it a failure if I sold to 50,000 people?

>> No.58454616

wdym liquidity?

I did make those returns, albeit on a smaller sized account. With a much larger account, 6-7 figures, liquidity would be an issue. But in those cases, you could just buy the underlying asset instead of options.

>> No.58454700

Well I saw that it testnet just launched thats a progress

>> No.58454892
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I prefer having one boss over having several thousands of them, being open to lawsuits.

>> No.58454944

I'm an ambassador of different web3 projects including EigenLayer, Peaq Network, Cosmos, Solana and others. I'm too dumb to sit down and create something but I can go a long way in contributing. Is that okay?