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58444705 No.58444705 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58444710
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>> No.58444714

Wow I'm sure this will really change the chart. Let me go check.

>> No.58444720

Incredible stuff
Sure chainlink is a top 10 if not too 5 coin by now
Let me go check

>> No.58444737

It'll be the same slides they've had for 5 years. Either bring the banks on or stop talking about it. Sergey spending time talking about it is time he's not spending working on it.

>> No.58444744

Exactly, fuck the fat fuck

>> No.58444754

it's over

>> No.58444756

>Overpaid fags like Rory running waste of time "Product Updates" with zero launch partners
>Transporter app contains shitcoins and double wrapped ETH that no one uses
>Link was worth more when it was just a shitcoin updater in 2020

The entire team needs to kys

>> No.58444766

What does Rory even do other than rush people through shitty livestreams unnecessarily?

I'm legit beginning to lose faith in LINK as an investment. I have 10k staked I'm not gonna bother unstaking but if the May 30th SWIFT convo doesn't reveal something new I'm diversifying the rest out into shit that actually pumps.

>> No.58444770


>> No.58444775
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>> No.58444778

Wow, I look forward to the price taking a horrific but not catastrophic dip when this happens

>> No.58444787

I'm waiting for my staking cooldown period to end, and then I'm withdrawing most of my stack. I should've been in ETH and shitcoins all these years. Now I missed my chance to make millions. I fucking hate these scam artists

>> No.58444792

>Swift now Tweeting about Chainlink on their official Twitter account
This is significant. Can't wait until Consensus. 3.5 weeks time. Expect much seething in the interim.

>> No.58444807


>> No.58444880
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Link won't pump until you sad cunts are gone.

>> No.58444901
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working as intended

>> No.58444907
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>> No.58444962

Ah yes, all that staking that happened in the last 90 days because of all of that open space in the pool.

>> No.58445352

kek ikr

>> No.58445366
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>> No.58445668
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>> No.58445675

>only 77k followers
literally who?

>> No.58445860

Swift is actually working with cargox now btw
That's the new real industrial revolution, not just online nonsense
Sure am sleepy though ah

>> No.58445868

Chainlink - new XRP schitzos. Literally Exactly the same. I remember non stop XRP shilling of all the big banks supporting it and then nothing came from it, same fate awaits chainlink

>> No.58445892

There is a small difference, though, which is that Chainlink has a number of confirmed partnerships with major financial institutions as communicated out by those institutions, and XRP has never had that. Just a minor shift in the details.

>> No.58445927

>Look what Swift just retweeted
sound like a little girl same cuck always talking about look what the bull just inserted into my wife
link is dead faggot and will never revive

>> No.58445984
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lol, lmao

>> No.58446024

what is this, 2017? lmao

>> No.58446030
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>> No.58446054

>waaaah whales didn't pump my bags on fake news like they did with hbar reeeeeee
we're reaching levels of cope that shouldn't be possible lmao

>> No.58446071

>haha partnerships don't mean anything

>> No.58446074

they obviously don't, even more so when they're literally fake you imbecile kek

>> No.58446081

Show me when Swift (or any banking institution) ever tweeted about XRP, or any blockchain product for that matter.
Chainlink is the standard. The world will begin to awaken soon.

>> No.58446082

Feels like they're actually about to announce smth substantial

>> No.58446087

Same shit happened 2018 makes absolutely no difference. Tell me your a newfag without telling me your a newfag.

>> No.58446090
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>reeeeeeeee only retweets about fireside chats count waaaahhhhh we are NOT xrp 2.0 look at muh heckling retweets reeeeeeee
lmao, enjoy bagholding for the next 10 years while link slowly trends to 0

>> No.58446094

>no source
Did you type this in your Mom's basement? Nice job

>> No.58446095

>where's the SOURCE reeeee we're not XRP 2.0 reeeee are you an incel btw reeeeee

>> No.58446097

Got a link to that Swift 2018 tweet about Chainlink?

>> No.58446099

>no source
>gets called out
wow, that's convincing. your screeching is so loud, i've forgotten all about your not having any evidence of your claim

>> No.58446104

>muh source about ripple banking adoptiunn from 7 years ago huh uhu huh?
ok shitposting aside, how new are you?
the point is that all these "partnerships" are fake as it has been proven time and time again

>> No.58446106


>> No.58446154

When people thought it was real, it pumped.
When people found out it wasn't, it dumped.

Seems like partnerships mean a lot to people.

>> No.58446157

Chainlinks baggies are the best, love them. 7 more years...

>> No.58446196
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What are you doing in the final month of your old life, anon? I'm going for runs and walks in the countryside. I find it really clears my head and helps me focus.

>> No.58446228
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I don't. It may not have been 2018, but they have 100% tweeted about Chainlink in the past. Take my word for it newfag.

>> No.58446258

Are you the same guy lying about xrp itt?

>> No.58447420

Cutting weight and training

>> No.58448253


Wow. Surely it must be mooni-aaaaaaand it’s $14

>> No.58448255

What’s this guy have to do with Chainlink? Are you that desperate

>> No.58448260

stop watching the price so obsessively and the time will pass quicker. go outside and go for a walk

>> No.58448488

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude you just dont understand!!!

>ok buy why does no one buy

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude le HECKIN banks are LoAdInG uP

>ok which ones

Duuuuuuuuuuuuude all of them!!!!!

>ok but the price

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude y y yerrrre the jackoff guy!!!!!


Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude y yerrrr ESL

>ok but chainlink just had an esl drunk french guy spouting buzzwords at a cuckold indoor campout party

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude you j just need to go outside
Bahahahahahahahahaha….THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58448853

probably costs 50k LINK tokens at todays prices just to pay for this discussion spot and consultation fees or whatever SWIFT probably charge.

Then god knows what else for the flights for everyone involved, hotels, catering and whatever else they expense to token holders

>> No.58448887

What does "working with" mean though? We know exactly what Swift is doing with Link - they're integrating CCIP into their "connector" system