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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 240 KB, 500x500, Aviator Logo.25d407033d268e010706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58442467 No.58442467 [Reply] [Original]

now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

>> No.58442469

Pengo didnt learned how read eth txs

>> No.58442473
File: 1.35 MB, 1170x1857, IMG_6234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are looking for new bagholders

>> No.58442480

Insider pump, insider dump
Anything else is a cope

>> No.58442487

Looks like a cheap and shit memecoin
Promises utility (what is this, 2017?)
Utterly retarded and AIDS-ridden community

>> No.58442488

Thanks for playing, retards.

>> No.58442495

>>Maybe if I fud everyone other coin on the board everyone will migrate to A-Poo

>> No.58442502

Did you had stroke while writing that? Lamo

>> No.58442561

0xcomfy sends his regards
Matthew Red sends his regards
DD sends his regards
Jimmy sends his regards
HiImhomelander sends her regards
Spam Risk sends his regards
Justus sends their regards
Cryptolord sends His regards
Black Energy sends his regards
do not fuck with us.

>> No.58442575


>> No.58442583

We call ourselves the Dark Squad. I'm sure you've heard of us by now in that freakish telegram channel. They probably can't keep our names out of their mouths after what has happened with their coin price. Now it is just a waiting game until the fox coin bleeds to 0.00.

- You Will Know Them By Their Snap

>> No.58442585

damn bro why ya'll tank BTC like that? I didn't know you guys had that power

>> No.58442681

I just call it delayviator. Fits like a glove. 5 weeks later in no more than few days after audit for testnet but wait its more to come arcade testnet. We will see dollar woke empire collapse before they do anything. Anyway if market somehow recovers we will see sudden testnet release and arcade to make max gains by dumping on retards

>> No.58442697

Your coin is going to zero.

>> No.58442698

If we can't make it, we will make sure that no one can. 0.002 entry was mocked for weeks. We sat patiently calculating our moves, when to infiltrate the Telegram channel, what to say, and now our hard work has finally come to fruition. Even we had some doubts we could get the price this low, we would have been happy with 0.0025. But now, I think a 0.001 entry is looking delicious at this point. We knew the testnet would never come out in April, and guess what it won't come out in May. We have massive amounts of USDC ready, then We become the whales. Tick Tock

>> No.58442733
File: 108 KB, 1010x1024, 1531605558041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamo Im down 75k from ath. At least I have address of stixil and from him after violent evening can get other tg circle jerk info

>> No.58442889
File: 1.77 MB, 498x280, tldr-didnt-read.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not fucking retardio token

>> No.58442898

Cool story man, I'm down like 300k. Still not selling.

>> No.58442983

the schizo fudders won. for what purpose i know not. but it was an ember about to burst into a great bonfire until it was doused with fud.

>> No.58442987

Our plan was simple, after we were mocked and ridiculed relentlessly we decided to End the fox coin. Apologize in the telegram and maybe we'll let it reach .003 again.

>> No.58443033


This is an incredibly faggoty LARP, even by 4chan standards

>> No.58443063
File: 103 KB, 996x995, 1691659645557001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still not selling
still the best buy on the market

>> No.58443064

The entire kikecoin full of retards and indians was the problem, you don't have a solid project to back your clusterfuck of "coin" like BNB and SUPER do

>> No.58443069

>ESL shillbot calling other people indians
le email verification face

>> No.58443072

If i sold now price would nuke to sub 1mcap. How you not fear of me that I could snap one day and MAKE IT OVER FOR GOOD

>> No.58443393
File: 110 KB, 1156x681, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just took a look at where I sold 4M of this, now down 50%. Like this guy >>58442487 came to realize no one gives a shit for utility this cycle. I still think the project will rebound with their coinbase connections, but wouldn't doubt it's all insider pump and dump schemes, like most VC stuff >>58442480

>> No.58443407

>blockchain gaming
it was doomed from the start

>> No.58443477
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>> No.58443622


you have 24 hours.

>> No.58443638
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>this is who is fudding AVI

>> No.58443663

the games just have to be good enough that people don't play them because they are on a blockchain, they play them in spite of them being on a blockchain

>> No.58443684
File: 83 KB, 720x720, 1709406200695558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have got to be fucking kidding me

>> No.58443876
File: 209 KB, 940x1024, 1713957079706158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in an earlier thread, jimmy said he would sell an exact token amount shortly before a sell of that amount came in.
that doxxed wallet sold all of its avi for a loss two hours ago.
what do you think his thought process is here, and is this bullish?

>> No.58443888


>> No.58444194

If you think its a good buy now just wait until its 0.001

>> No.58444195
File: 30 KB, 400x381, E0UR3u1XoAMgZ_j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing tryouts now? lol

>> No.58444249

Tryouts are not necessary to join our faction. Merely state the Shadow Pledge and snap at the end.
1. I will not buy the fox coin until the established Entry.
2. I will fud every day until the Entry is reached.
3. I will not order the meatloaf.
(please snap here)

After that one of our representatives will reach out to you to mail you your Dark Squad gold member's pin.

>> No.58444321

you don't understand how gamers think, you just see an investment, which inevitably devolves into the actual zero sum game of 'how do I maximize the crypto I earn', and that's why this shit can never take off
nobody wants p2w blockchain trash in their game
nobody wants to do chores in a game as a job for pennies in crypto
look at the abject failure that is night crows, blocklords is the same garbage too

>> No.58444341

kys jimmy. This is beyond delusional. See a shrink.

>> No.58444422

Its is gay and dont put my troll account names in your lil sis homo lift ok

>> No.58444428

Look at f2p games they are literally digital crack for retards and then look at axi or other bullshit games they are at insane valuations. Now only if I knew stixil and co is smart grifter or just retard for dropping ball last month.

>> No.58444774

sell now and let me buy your bags. i have 5 mill AVI. you think i give a shit?

>> No.58445390

404bakery sends them/their regards

>> No.58445610

you have just over 1 hour until Operation Empress is activated. please make peace with yourselves and say goodbye to your acquaintances in the telegram. the fox coin dies tonight.

>> No.58445624
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>> No.58445630
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>> No.58445671

the operation has been Delayed, something you are used to, please stand by.

>> No.58445673

ill give you that one

>> No.58446367
File: 1.76 MB, 1024x1024, 1712580473113644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it that Jimmy wants, lads? He got his 0002 entry. Why can't he leave us alone?

In addition:
>down 30%
>waiting for wagiebucks to be deposited to buy more
>not selling

>> No.58446416

>What is it that Jimmy wants
To see avi fail. He sold at .0002 and soon after that, we dropped a zero and he’s been seething since. Currently, his “.002” entry is still way higher than when he sold his bags which is why even though we’re here now, he’s still seething. I’m afraid ol’ jimbo is never going to be happy unless avi fails completely.

>> No.58446421
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I see.
To be fair, the first FUD posts were kinda funny ("this shit is driving me insane", nintendo IP lawsuit etc), but it's getting to the point where I'm starting to worry for the fella's mental state. This thread is a good example of that.
I'm afraid he'll ACK- once we rich 1b mcap. Poor guy.

>> No.58446422

I am so tired of this APU faggots, all they do is pretend to be your friend while shitting and harassing other projects to sell so everyone can buy their fucking bags
No one gives a shit about APU anymore, its at 240+, 1 billion is less than a x4 from here.
It's over, go fuck yourself

>> No.58446423

fix'd my Freudian slip

>> No.58446429

We want what you all want. But first we need the price to go lower (delicious 0.001 now). And we want the price to go up once our Entry is reached. May 4th and still no nettest. Your concerns are directed at the wrong people. We didn't want to do all this for months but the team left us no choice with their inaction, we had to pick up where they dropped the ball. We dont want to see AVI fail, but if it comes down to being a sinking ship, we want to be the ones who fires the shot.

>> No.58446430
File: 54 KB, 543x492, 1713339471922211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jimmy moves his goalposts each time
there is no price low enough to satisfy him- as buying back in was never his intention like he says. he will move the goalposts each time
the only criteria on which jimmy will be "gone":
>total fox death
>avi gets enough traction that his voice is completely drowned out
>he experiences some epiphany and his brain chemistry changes
with the first option, he will simply start all over again with a new project.
with the second, he isnt gone- just no longer heard
only with the final criterion would jimmy truly be "happy" or "free"

they used to act buddy-buddy with avi when they were new and getting rugged, but now they usually repay the kindness with
>shitting and harassing other projects
many such cases

>> No.58446433

I would happily call it off if AVI actually delivered. The day that nettest drops i will never fud again, but guess what its not coming, and if it does it wont be for a long long time. We dont do this because we hate AVI we do it because we know where it COULD go. but that hope was crushed by this team a few months ago.

>> No.58446437

just for example, remember last weekend stixil hinting at an exciting week ahead to you lot in the telegram, what came of that? Nothing. We are tired of being jerked off by a fleeting dream. Just announce in the telegram that you all got in over your heads and the project is cancelled. obviously there are major issues that are prohibiting the release. You want us to beleieve the project manager miscalculated the release by weeks? guess what you dont publicly tweet something like that on accident. Shit smells fishy even if you dont like me i think you know i am right here.

>> No.58446438

>I would happily call it off if AVI actually delivered. The day that nettest drops i will never fud again, but guess what its not coming, and if it does it wont be for a long long time. We dont do this because we hate AVI we do it because we know where it COULD go. but that hope was crushed by this team a few months ago.
It doesn't matter retard, it's about AVI. You are only here fudding cause your little jeetty greedy balls just can't hold the excitement of jizzing all over the fucking board at the thought someone might by your retarded frog bags
I hope you fucking die, cause that's all you retarded frogs deserve

>> No.58446439

>dark squad goalpost indicator (DSGI)

>0.001 now
current new bearish goalpost
>The day that nestle drops i will never fud again
current new bullish goalpost

expect a *snap* upwards and a new set of bearish/bullish goalposts once the bullish condition is inevitably met in a couple days

>> No.58446443

its only .001 because of the delay, .002 entry was caused by our Efforts. .001 is inevitable now so why not make that the new entry? but who knows maybe they have finally gotten their shit together and will release the nettest this month. wouldnt count on it though.

>> No.58446462

Who the fuck is "we", Jimbo?

>> No.58446503

While I do like talking shit to you, I won't disagree with this post. The false hype got old long ago. These days, I only go in the TG to see if there are any new announcements. Other than that, I never stay long enough to read any of their posts.

>got in over your heads
With the amount of times that stixil mentioned they need to hire more people, it's very likely they didn't realize what they were getting into. Not to say that's a bad thing though. Building a bigger team at least is a sign that things are being worked on. We can only take their word on things so, not much to go by atm.

Him and his alts

>> No.58446556

why would a game need a token unless it's a shitty game or a scam?

>> No.58446576
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this is it bros. testnet was a lie. hacken was (basically) a lie. kyc is a lie. project is a lie. for all we know the feet pics we have of mmm have been photoshopped to look white

>> No.58446657
File: 80 KB, 1187x428, Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 19.54.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no testnet until the new dev has made everything look pretty
>no timeframe, just at some unspecified point "this summer"
>most likely September-October if "early spring" is anything to go by

>> No.58446663
File: 81 KB, 800x652, soldier-protecting-sleeping-child-meme-template-pzmy5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark squad, I call thee to stop this at once. We have been the punching bags and emotional relief for these normies for far too long. Let them eat each other up as we will never be understood.

I promise you, as soon as we leave they will eat each other up. For far too long have we been called schizo by some lazy bragging sons of bitches. I have never seen them shill, not even once.

But..this will come at a price, our sweet prince will be the new target of their emotions as they cannot release them any more having arguments with us. We are sorry Stixil...I hope you are ready for the Le funny sticker packz. Dark squad out.

>> No.58446782

its not a game
its a game hosting website where anyone can easily monetize games with a plugin so people DONT need to make their own token

>> No.58446831
File: 116 KB, 442x781, 1713881146185417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre already ready to go with the current design
that redesign is for sometime after the mainnets already out

>> No.58447208 [DELETED] 

Don't care anymore I'm done with furries and their shitcoins. Bought SNNC after selling this shit at a loss.

>> No.58447494

Kek, slightly concerned that I can tell each tg member this is referring to. Need to spend less time there

The misinformation was my try-out for the Dark Squad, but I didn't receive the call

>> No.58447561

>still the best buy on the market
What's that?
>i have 5 mill AVI
Broke boi here, only got a few K to my name rn, thought about aping in more but my fiat's stuck on some bullshit.
but once this mess is sorted, imma grab a comfy bag of Hydro before it goes full moon mission.

>> No.58447673


>> No.58447674

i hope you all realize this little ED "pump" was caused by us, what goes up must come down. the operation continues.

>> No.58447680

I sold. Rebuying at 0.002.

>> No.58447684

You mean 0.0002, right?

>> No.58447693

what pump is that? taintticklers?

>> No.58447755
File: 962 KB, 903x1280, AVI_ICE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated the iceberg, anything else I should add??

>> No.58448020

the shooped iran screenshot and broskis asthma

>> No.58448068

>Ex Shib team
Yeah, as in literal Jannies
Not actual devs


>> No.58448112

Damn, and there I was thinking I was investing in the minds behind the famously complex, unique and technologically groundbreaking utility token, Shiba Inu

>> No.58448116

True though, they might aswell all be jannies
same difference

>> No.58448210
File: 23 KB, 1312x348, Screenshot 2024-05-05 173002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably nothing
lol magic isnt even hiding anything anymore

>> No.58448226

>7 owners
>magics the only one who didnt send to a fresh/unmarked wallet, except for one other whos holding a basedfox
nice find, anon

>> No.58448230

pretty sure he did it on purpose
or he is just lazy
its one or the other

>> No.58448354

kek this is pretty funny, almost makes me want to leave this whole fud thing behind but i cant until i have enough avi to make it, (.001 entry as of may 5th cinco de mayo 2024)

>> No.58448364

??? Not even gotten close to that level.

>> No.58448369

i mean that is the updated Dark Squad entry. We updated it today. once that hits we flood the AVI with our USDC from our various investors. then we become the whales, this has been the plan this whole time.

>> No.58448378

im genuinely interested to hear your deranged theory on how this nondescript NDA is a bad thing

>> No.58448393

I have literally no idea what that image is supposed to tell me. Somebody please explain.

>> No.58448442

Not happening queer squad.

>> No.58448935

First. Nobody was "hardscoping" your wallet Magic, we are not as retarded as you think we are. Second, what is this even meant to be? Another NDA for what? Fucking whitebit? Sure, are you aware that EVERY god damn thing you tried to hype was just a nothingburger in this market? Never have I seen such tryhards looking to recover their project from the depths of hell, where it stays right now because of their own doing. Hurry the fuck up and make better moves. We are not stupid, fuckers.

>> No.58449091

Can someone explain wtf this means?

>> No.58449098

i dont know, but i dont like it.

>> No.58449099

Bros I went on vacation and flying back today. I'm only down 55k now from my peak this bullrun. Looking good.

>> No.58449102

>looking good
nothing about the chart looks good. holders stagnated,,,,no testnet,,,no bug bounty,,,,almost a week into may

>> No.58449104

muh coinbase insider muh wallet integration muh jesse tweet muh invite only cond

>> No.58449107

,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,
Don't care nigger. Actually I feel nasty replying to someone poor.

>> No.58449111

Our last post for this thread:
Nettest will not be this week. BTC price crash they will delay it again for another week. Remember this when it happens and reevaluate your investment. Dark Squad out.

>> No.58449118

Lol I am cracking up at this dark squad shit. You kid niggers should be sent to camps and executed

>> No.58449767
File: 34 KB, 740x115, Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 18.02.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh, Dark Squad sisters?

>> No.58449789

"We are going to renew our GotBit contract because they want to dump more tokens!" or something close to this impact. Gosh, these cunts keep preaching the fact that they don't want to play with people's money and that they want to create a safe bridge. But they delayed the bridge by 7 months and people that bought at the top are at a -60% loss right now. They sure as hell didn't play with people's money. Psychopaths..

>> No.58449878


- / .... / .. / ... / -..-. / .. / ... / -..-. / -.-. / --- / -.. / . / -..-. / .-. / . / -..


>> No.58449881

>announcing an announcement
this is no longer 2 more weeks the coin
this is in 2 weeks we announce 2 more weeks the coin

>> No.58449887

... / -. / .- / .--. / -..-. / ... / -. / .- / .--. / -..-. / ... / -. / .- / .--.

>> No.58449888

kekked hard

>> No.58450102

Hah, the announcement will be something like "In two weeks WE THINK that we will be ready, NO DATES GIVEN WE JUST THINK OK? PLEASE KEEP HOLDING" I swear to fucking god, if they fail to deliver anything palpable I will sell everything I'm sick and tired of this circus. I'm very sure that AVI and Stixil will be mentioned in future suicide notes. You cannot play with people's money like this.

>> No.58450231
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>> No.58450276

If I were you I'd sell it all now while it's at like .0026, I'm so certain that Jimmy's gonna get his entry. Honestly at this point I don't even want it then I think I'm gonna wait til .0015

>> No.58450312

Yeah..how about no? Anyways, even if the testnet goes public, 0 price impact is the norm now. Maybe we will see 0.007 after main net goes live and 1-2 months pass so marketing can start. I swear to God, these fuckers are psychos.

>> No.58450361

One more day of announcement of announcement for medium

>> No.58450394
File: 6 KB, 402x91, image_2024-05-07_003840198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aha...haha..HAHAH...HAHAHAHAHAHAH two more weeks just go to sleep bros it's over

>> No.58450397

Just checked tg it is medium. Fuck sakes I was joking in last post but god damn it another medium seriously stixil if you reading this thread just STOP

>> No.58450399
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>> No.58450404

no more than few days after audit became 2 months lamo if they not trying to time market then they are flat out incompetent

>> No.58450407

Disregard the Code Red. Team AVI is making our objectives too easy. Good work today and standby for further instruction during the Medium deployment. Dark Squad out.

>> No.58450410
File: 5 KB, 360x61, image_2024-05-07_004425565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are flat out psychos. There was a guy wanting to commit suicide yesterday because he bought the absolute top and this faggot keeps writing new mediums and saying the same fucking thing. Idk what to even say anymore. What Dark Squad? Nobody thinks this retard can manage a project, let's be real. God, why the fuck is he like this? What does he try to time? Just launch the fucking test net you absolute faggot god fucking damn it I hate this retard with all my heart. Two months and he keeps delaying the test net. I might as well join that guy in killing myself.

>> No.58450417 [DELETED] 

Kek even pengo is starting to get fed up. What happened to the “exciting week ahead”? Didn’t they just release a medium less than a week ago? What does this new one talk about?

>> No.58450437

New medium dropped. Testnet live this week.

>> No.58450444

Yes, HOPEFULLY this time it's for real. But now what? One more month or two of 0 price action? I'm suuure that Hacken will Tweet about this..guess what, they will not. I swear to God, this coin teaches me about patience in investments, if I manage to hold this until $1 I will become invincible. That doesn't mean that I'm not leaking precum just at the thought of finally selling everything and moving on with my life.

>> No.58450456
File: 350 KB, 588x470, Screenshot 2024-05-06 172136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58450463

Well, surprise nobody gives a fuck about this test net and nobody will. All the views are from the same people as always. And they are so against doing marketing that this will be just another nothing burger. See you in November or September. Nothing will change until then. Maybe the price will go back to 0.000x but that's it. I lost all trust in this project.

>> No.58450470

>I lost all trust in this project
Then leave. Your relentless pessimism is annoying

>> No.58450491
File: 1.80 MB, 953x954, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you tomorrow

>> No.58450497

It's called being realistic about it you absolute faggot. What's bullish about this test net? Except that we are getting closer to the main net? By the way, this junior PM did not take into considerance that not doing any marketing will make him do a test net for the next 4 months as there are no people left to test the bridge. The biz ads and crypto empress did not help in bringing any new pair of eyes to this project. So, except the main net in september or even next year. Be realistic about it, stop having these expectations from someone that did not want to tell you for 2 months why the bridge test was delayed. They are a bunch of amateurs and it shows with each passing day.

>> No.58450499


>> No.58450525
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>> No.58450531

I hope they can stick to it this time. We shall see what happens.

>> No.58450569

The audit score was in April, so it’s only been 1 month. There’s a lot involved with setting up a public testnet, especially when they’re trying to make a good impression on coinbase. After all, thats a big part of the long term goal here. If they caved in to the demands of the few retards wanting them to rush out a public testnet and it turned out to be buggy af, the fud would be relentless.

>> No.58450629

>being realistic is when you schizo-post about how the devs are psychos and people are writing suicide notes

>> No.58450648

what about a crypto version of pokemon go that lets you mint different NFTs based on where you are, and you can trade them. People have already gone to retarded lengths to collect pokemon

>> No.58450968

Stop Replying the the children. Let them have fun with their secret gay club

>> No.58451015

I want to sexo this foxo...

>> No.58451138

I want suicide rush b over this gay ass token not needed so many 100ks LOST AAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.58451451

Wonder why they stopped doing AMA's / youtube interviews,,,interesting.

>> No.58451564

>it's another "hilm spazzes out in the tg" episode
they're becoming more regular, which leads me to believe it'll pump soon

>> No.58451600

>not dissuading the avi furry coin rumors

>> No.58451778

Stixil stressed over funds running out. No more food/sleep talk SAD

>> No.58451829

Why MagicMoneyMover stopped blowing dog dicks all of a sudden? Very ineresting

>> No.58451904


>> No.58452165

>trying to find a reason for this shitcoin to pump
that's what too many unknowns does to a mf.. the new LINK retards are born. Let me know how your utility coin does with 0 marketing and half a year in pure delays. Oh baggies..

>> No.58452205

And btw this shit is going back to 0.0019. Buckle up sluts you will never make money ever again. This will be the last time that you will marry a coin. And to whoever bought at the top and it's at a -80% loss right now..just sell and cut your losses.

>> No.58452311

don't care, i'll hold it until zero. have 20M+ AVI and have held forever now. keep trying though.

>> No.58452332

I sold at 27, so I hope it does and dumps even more.

>> No.58452535
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>> No.58453057

Heh nothing personal kiddo. Broski hired me and a couple of other TG members to fud every time the price dips. I'm just doing my job. He messaged me around the time the market maker dumped 40 mil on top of everyone's heads. Oh well. Idk what's their end game but looks like they want everyone to sell and get rid of /biz/ bros.

>> No.58453104

Oh! And here's where they go wrong and why that affects you and your happiness!

>REEEEE "Sentiment is always price-based, never progress-based"

Is this some kind of joke? You are building a bridge meant for billions of users on BASE and you think the price should stay at 0.00x? Stixil...

>UGA BUGA UGA "We are doing marketing meant for INSTITUTIONS not for CRYPTO"

Yeah, good stuff. The crypto market is way different than the stock market. If you want to be a institution just scrape the crypto part and build the arcade. Basically token REALLY not needed.

>We are planning marketing to go for months! Rolling snowball effect!

Bros..we have like 6 months left AT BEST. Is that marketing going to go live during the next -70% market crash. Haha...

>> No.58453109

If idea was good whales would jump in just on speculation yet nobody cares. Just face it stixil is shiba grifter that wanted to farm eth but failed HORROBLY

>> No.58453114

The idea is great but the execution is one of the worst that I've ever seen. If they do not have a secret multi-billionaire ready to pump it to 3B mcap then this will fail miserably.

Here is what will happen:

>BTC next leg up this month or in early June. They try to time the market again with their marketing meant for normies WHICH DO NOT EXIST YET 0 PRICE ACTION. They will delay everything until all alts cool down, 2 more months.
>BTC dips again and another 2 months crab starts. AVI dips another -60% from what price we would be lucky to be at then with the normies "flocking" towards us.
>BTC does it's final leg up for a blownoff top after 2 months passed. AVI doesn't even have it's main net up and running by then.
>BTC cools down and they are now ready for the next twitter post and medium.
>BTC dips back to prev top and even further. Bullrun continues for 1 more month for alts and then everything goes to 0.
>AVI launches their website.

It's over.

>> No.58453116
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>> No.58453122

TLDR the bullrun ends in Jan 2025. And the way things are going, AVI will not even have it's main net up and running by then. The utility meme is real. Another generation of bag holders is born.

>> No.58453129

Someone said in the /bant/ thread that this month is the make it or brake it for AVI. If they fail to deliver the main net in a timely manner and if their marketing that was planned months in advance is just another nothing burger meant to sound spectacular but in reality it does shit in crypto then it will die with us bag holding it until next bullrun.

What are they going to do? Try and shill it on BBC? Sure thing, the normies seeing it will destroy uni swap buy tutorials on Youtube. What is going on inside their heads? They know it doesn't work like this. They helped SHIB pump to 40B, right? Why do it so wrong now?

>> No.58453135

Idea is horribad nobody even willing to speculate on it thats how you know idea is bad RETARD

>> No.58453141

Yes, everyone and I mean EVERYONE is anxious about what the hell is going to happen with their spectacular marketing and if we will be able to profit to the max this bullrun. The only thing that we can use as a source is the way they hyped some nothing burgers in the past that did ZERO for the coin and the way they are doing things which are delay, sell on top of their holders heads without any notice and stop the super hyped 10/10 hacken pump and try to time the market in such a bad way that we dropped 70% since last ATH. Am I missing something?

>> No.58453155

Yes by enzo being dev wallet

>> No.58453163

And now even the guy that tried to shill AVI on his youtube channel unfollowed us. Who would want to associate with something that dropped more than half in price since last time? Especially since his followers are now down -70% at least. Holy fuck crypto is progress-based for sure. Brian unfollowed because too much progress was made.

>> No.58453166

Eveyone is jimmy to them. Ou you down 70%? Problem is in your head everything is fine soon webpage upgrade. Niggers soon gonna sping sleeping and eating as updates

>> No.58453174

Yes, the mentality here is very wrong. There are other people that are anxious in this world not just some faggot named Jimmy. And the devs left with the wrong impression that progress talks for itself in crypto, it does not. PRICE talks for itself. Even APU or other shitcoins just grow in people's hurts because it makes them money. But when a project loses you money...it makes you anxious and to despise said project. And this is what happens now and some food talk and some empty promises only makes you hate them even more because you lost all credibility.

The devs need to zoom out and take off their horse googles and rethink their strategy or else they will basically fail. May is the month they should do this or else AVI dies, and I'm not even kidding. I want this shit to succeed because I want to make money and I grew fond of them. But for God's sake, change something or else we will all go insane and nuts. People are having nightmares about AVI, wtf is this shit.

>> No.58453180

>Even APU or other shitcoins just grow in people's hurts because it makes them money

People's HEARTS. there you go.

>> No.58453183

ok romanian you can always go wage in germany

>> No.58453186

Thank you for the offer but I like not seeing muslims, niggers and gipsies in every corner.

>> No.58453244

>And now even the guy that tried to shill AVI on his youtube channel unfollowed us
It's over. Brian Jung wept.

>> No.58453398

>more text walls of just pure emotional investing

well, maybe gmi

>> No.58453630


>> No.58453832

release it now you fucking cowards...lets see what you've been working on.

>> No.58453866

stickle hasn't been active in the tg all day... what could it mean...

>> No.58453869


>> No.58453874

Operation Empress has concluded. You will never hear from Stixil again. He just couldn't keep his paws off of the buffet mystery meat.

>> No.58454322

BTC is for the whales anon.
Why bother with memes when you can invest in trending narratives like AI, DePINS, restaking, and RWA? That's where the real opportunities lie.

>> No.58454323

ou look wallet from treasury started dumping this is true testnet all small recovery walked backwards. I really hope stixil gets ass cancer

>> No.58454385

The Testnet.

>> No.58454387

You might end up going to zero with this shitcoin anon. People are seeking opportunities, have you noticed the buzz around restaking protocols like Etherfi and Yieldnestfi? They offer rewards for ETH stakers. Think ahead.

>> No.58454397
File: 133 KB, 318x354, jjj lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People actually thought this was going to a dollar.

>> No.58454410
File: 57 KB, 1100x619, 1701123978215045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt know what an NDA means
>sold 2 days ago and wants a lower entry
you posts are IDed, anon...

>> No.58454464

>he thinks IDs actually mean anything

This is just like when /b/ used to cry for "tits or gtfo" with timestamp, as if that actually proved anything.

>> No.58454473
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bros tomorrow is Thursday.....

>> No.58454493
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>> No.58454505


>> No.58454506
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>> No.58454509

KYS queers, I'll never sell my AVI. I'll ride it into the fucking GROUND before i sell a single AVI just out of spite of how much I hate you queers. I wish your whole families would all die horrible deaths. Dumb faggot nigger kike nigger faggots. GTFO my board and STAY JELLY of my AVI, fags!

>> No.58454514
File: 500 KB, 640x720, 00083-1183871767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If test net releases today, it's a sign.

>> No.58454520

This project seems to be unrelated to your shitcoin and basically renders it's whole development and "utility" obsolete.

>> No.58454521


>> No.58454538
File: 81 KB, 770x600, 1710285088878427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superbridge is just the same shit as any other bridge
its not even fucking audited
>and other bridges
>Leveraging the community to bootstrap the Superchain bridges is a step in that direction (from the same site)
think, anon
this shows that coinbase is more than willing- eager, even- to let the duty of providing bridging solutions lie upon the basechain community
given that skybridge is specifically intended for basechain and lets anyone deploy tokens, something that still isnt on the market, i now genuinely cant see coinbase not taking interest if all of this is functional.
they literally keep asking for it

>> No.58454549

oooohhh how many dayssssssssss must your bagggies wait o mr sickle cell? when will you save your baggies? they call out in pain for your help why wont you reach out to them? anons come to our side and see reality.

>> No.58454565
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>32 posts

>> No.58454703 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 1179x1144, IMG_1761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your coin is going to zero. You will lose the capital you gambled on it.

>> No.58454859

BTC not looking good. Today is not the day. We got 4 more days. And guess what? It won't even pump, this is just a progress-based coin. Rejoice faggots, progress was made be happy. Oh..the price? Nobody cares about that, ask Brian Jung

>> No.58454868

Sorry, one more day. Since today is BTC shat itself and they do not do stuff in the weekend. Saturday is for recharging the energy batteries and Sunday is for church. Oh well, see you next week. Meanwhile, new competition is born every day. Take your sweet time, our prince.

>> No.58454872 [DELETED] 

It’s going to zero dollars, zero cents and zero market cap.

>> No.58454875

lil sisters will testnet that will ahve 0 impact om price will release today? We know they wont work from friday to sunday so week week ends today

>> No.58454878

That's what I'm saying dark sister. It's another delay for the progress-based coin. We will never get a relief rally. This will stay here until the bots get bored of buying the sells. After that it's going back to 0.000001.

>"We have plans to create FOMO when the test net launches and we will start marketing with it!"
They won't do shit and we all know it or we get another biz ad. Wtf did they even do in the SHIB team? They were cheerleaders? It feels like they have no experience in crypto marketing at all.

>> No.58454884

wtf you just say to me nigger bitch bastard

>> No.58454888

You are my nigga sister. Ebony sister, fr fr no cap are you loud at the walmart line as well? Cash me outside I will twerk on the vegetables when I get there

>> No.58454915
File: 132 KB, 552x531, 1705201959603236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two more mediums before test for real for real trust us

>> No.58454919

They have 100 bots at least with which they buy with. They are waiting for ETH to pump past 3.5K at least so they maximize the fake pump bastardo. I curse you to eat a niggress booty hole after she ate 5 bags of Takis and farted for a whole day no shower

>> No.58455123

The Testnet.
Also SIth Lord sends his regards.

>> No.58455138

Im 90% they all are apu whales that will move money to avi shitcoin at some point for huge pump and dump

>> No.58455156 [DELETED] 

I’m deep in APU. I won’t buy a single cent of your shitcoin. No one will. You will miss the bullrun if you keep holding this obvious loser.

>> No.58455182

kek, this guy's deep in a poo

>> No.58455317
File: 63 KB, 484x561, yum yum shit for my tum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the shitcoin general?

Shitcoin season wen?

>> No.58455338


I hope so. I’ll market dump my bag in one go if this hits .007 again.

>> No.58455345

Oh no a whole 1k sell!!! Plz Ser village is hungry.

>> No.58455353

I have 60m

>> No.58455366

Good larp prakeesh,

>> No.58455477

According to some lines I drew in 10 seconds, the test net is tomorrow if BTC bounces towards 65k and saturday it goes to 70k. Also, if AVI has no sells now it's ready to go

>> No.58455504
File: 1.53 MB, 1179x1166, IMG_1807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready to go to zero.

>> No.58455512

>5/8/2024; 03:40
>Albuquerque, NM
4 Class:[REDACTED] Operatives descended on Aviator HQ to manipulate the compressor of a window AC unit owned by the target known as "Stixil". American Southwest regional heatwave, initiated by our [REDACTED], caused an increase in temperature of "Stixil's" sleeping chamber by 55 degrees Fahrenheit. (sleeping chamber temperature total = 155F) As a result, "Stixil" was cooked alive and the USB that the testnet was located on was melted.
Close report.

>> No.58455515
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, 1693250785933374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you

>> No.58455610

R.I.P lil homie. You will be missed and forgotten

>> No.58455987

Why do I always buy the coins that don't pump for 3 months? Sigh...

>> No.58456214
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>> No.58456705

Dump that shit and wait for Supra TGE.

>> No.58456736

Do you smell the burnt plastic anons?

>> No.58456741

Meanwhile, apu, the token that rugged twice, recently broke ATH and has been holding strong this whole time. What the actual fuck man. At the very least, the testnet better put us back to .003 otherwise it just shows that there’s no hype or momentum left in this

>> No.58456757

You have mere hours before Dark Squad's Evil Satellite [ Snap Mk. IV ] causes a giant solar flare to erupt directly aimed at the Aviator Testnet. I suggest you sell before The Price is brought down to 0...

>> No.58456788

Yeah...the momentum died a long time ago. Their excuse is that they "didn't even start yet" avi sisters I'm scared...

>> No.58456808

Idk why they delay this stuff so much. It's like they got the holy grail of crypto in their project and don't want to create random millionaires overnight. For fuck's sake this will go at 0.07 max at the peak of the bullrun. They should stop acting like you have to dedicate your life to AVI to deserve to make money. Fucking delays and fucking fake NDAs.

>> No.58456823
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ist w/e

>> No.58456847
File: 47 KB, 319x318, image_2024-05-10_160953290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek I can't wait to see their recovery plan and how to go past 0.007 because now that resistance is titanium reinforced due to all the ATH buyers that they made to hold at a loss

>> No.58456858

And I can't fucking wait to see their marketing in "full force". The test net and the main net are going to be released soon. They will have a product, right? I will laugh my ass off if their stupid retarded marketing does 0 price action and not even coinbase would want to look at them with this 20k volume of which 18k are sells everyday. I wouldn't even be mad at the fact I missed the bullrun. Seeing them fail will make up for every dollar lost

>> No.58456914
File: 61 KB, 850x400, quote-real-gs-move-in-silence-like-lasagna-lil-wayne-56-95-63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no hype please this is a progress-based coin KEKW
>pic rel

>> No.58457174
File: 93 KB, 558x762, 1710019660666778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they got the holy grail of crypto and don't want to create random millionaires overnight
hilm, you get that they have to create this "holy grail" themselves, right?
the way you always word things makes it sound like the skybridge just magically appeared for them one day and they just havent felt like pressing a big red "RELEASE SKYBRIDGE" button
>They should stop acting like you have to dedicate your life to AVI to deserve to make money.
have never seen this either
i think your brainworms took the initiative on "dedicating your life to avi" a long time ago hilm, and we'd all actually prefer if you, specifically, didnt

>> No.58457267

I feel like they’ve given up and no longer care if this bleeds to absolute 0. In fact, I think that’s what they hope will happen

>> No.58457390
File: 11 KB, 448x198, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all got airdropped test avi on ethereum sepolia last night
held off on saying it but magic just confirmed

>> No.58457452

i hope you all get your testnet today. i enjoy spending all the hours of my days in these threads. We were nothing before AVI.

>> No.58457554

nice i recieved 10K test net avi last night on both my hot wallet + cold. Guess I'm going to test this shit out when we see the front end UI for the bridge.

>> No.58457777
File: 40 KB, 736x733, toast2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check my holy quads confirming AVI will be $0.80 EoY

>> No.58457801


>> No.58457816

>"Look at me everyone! I'm here to make money as well but I hide behind a pussy mask and act like I give a fuck about this project!"

Yea sure, I've seen thousands of cunts like you in the span of 3 years doing crypto you wouldn't believe. Tell me more how you are going to hold every piece of AVI when it reaches 0.07 and how you will be rewarded by God himself or something for the good boy act. Fuck off, at least be genuine faggot. I hate bitches like you on Jan

>> No.58457843

what the fuck


>> No.58457857
File: 33 KB, 626x500, 8pnkfm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe

>> No.58457910

Friday and no test? Ou I see market is le bad gonna delay again. Seriously why I didnt cashed out when audit nothing burger came

>> No.58457931

because you were told that i was a crazy person.

>> No.58457941

No you definatlly retatard but I had hoped it is happening this time not repeat of septemeber

>> No.58457952
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nice got to love android

>> No.58457954

i told you it wasn't happening. i told you all this for months. you chose to listen to those who have failed you over and over. whos the retard?

>> No.58457971

Because we got le "we are better than everyone" faggots that ass kiss the team at every delay. Uhuhu le jimmy fud bad I defend now muahaha SHUT THE FUCK UP God, insufferable faggots. What are you testing this week? Oh..nothing. I will die laughing as I press the sell button if this Le for real this time test net is also delayed because BTC somehow didn't go to 250k in the two months they delayed this shit. Btw, kind reminder. The bridge was supposed to go live in early spring. And even better, the audit was supposed to be started back in December. OG's remember the after Christmas delay and after first of Jan and after 7th of Jan.

>> No.58457976

>delayed because BTC somehow didn't go to 250k in the two months
they're doing it right. they should release things during bull markets

>> No.58458016

True to some extent, but not in this case. If they were smart, they would have everyone testing it during a red market/slow times, and by the time the market is better, they can have a polished product ready to go live to take advantage of the hyped market. Instead, they’re doing the opposite by doing a lot of the testing internally. Once the testnet is public, then we still have to probably wait several more months before they’re satisfied with the results. If the market recovers and we’re still in the testing phases, we’ll get left behind. We need to be ready to catch the hype while it’s hot, not months after.

>> No.58458052

This! So much this! We lost 60 Mil $ from our mcap and why? Ask yourself? Because I, a retard with a internet connection write angrily on 4channel or because they are doing something wrong and they try and act that it is intended? It is not intended, they got fucked by Optimism and after 7 months of delays they didn't know that will happen. Makes you think.

>> No.58458075

,,,The website UI is broken,,,

>> No.58458076
File: 120 KB, 320x416, 1713814339250304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>testnet comes out
>immediate, identical 30-50pbtid tantrums of sell and suicide threatening because now the mainnet isnt out yet
>after that, start all over again with finishing the arcade and getting that audited
this shit needing delays and taking forever has sucked, but whatever, i can easily hold so long as i like the project
but these bitchy kale male threads are also so fucking gay, obnoxious, and worthless
you have no fucking control over your life if you act like this

>> No.58458082

take it back...

>> No.58458086
File: 148 KB, 1277x1007, 1712663257355725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...i dont wanna...

>> No.58458089

</3 you were the only one in here that was nice to me anon...i'll always remember you...goodbye aviatorsisters

>> No.58458091
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>> No.58458094

Dark Squad has officially been disbanded. Good luck with your coin anons.

>> No.58458156
File: 253 KB, 992x1200, 1712699756327010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ou you down 70%?
not selling

me on the left

>> No.58458193
File: 1.59 MB, 1170x1763, 1712914705036114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm leaking precum thinking of AVI fox's cock, never mind price action I want sexo action

>> No.58458239
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>> No.58458251
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>> No.58458258

I like the project and all but they need to get started on public testing asap. If they intentionally delayed making it public in order to wait on a greener market, then they are fucking retarded. They set themselves back way further than if they have released a bugged testnet earlier to the public. I absolutely believe that the price would have stabilized much higher than it is now if they did that.

>> No.58458263

it IS public

>> No.58458264

it's fuckin over

>> No.58458267
File: 28 KB, 320x320, speed-cat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao I'm thinking well be back in soon time.

>> No.58458323

three words:
token. not. needed

>> No.58458411
File: 5 KB, 156x102, image_2024-05-11_030625376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to write a very long message but midway I realized that these absolute faggots do not deserve any more of my energy. I will check my wallet in 4 months. If I wasted my one chance for the next 4-5 years on this utlity coin then crypto is the biggest scam. I should've sold at 0.007 and buy top 100 coins and wait for the alt season. At least they pump with the market and when they dump, they recover.

>> No.58458416

This +2% pump should be proof of the fact hype is dead for AVI and nobody cares about it anymore. Alivederci faggots, go test their birdge.

>> No.58458453
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1692366670542088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will check my wallet in 4 months.
see you tomorrow

>> No.58458464

I mean. The fuddsters in here are either big holders that are angry about the price movement, which is understandable. Or they are people who sold too early, got too clingy to the project, maybe banned from the tg and have a personal vendetta towards a team member and celebrate the downfall of the project. Every single project has parasites like these. It's just part of the game.

However we are in an interesting part of the cycle. Avi can very well make it, they do have some serious catalysts with this whole coinbase narrative. By the way they're moving it seems like they are sure about something. Something they cannot disclose.

I think people are angry across the board in crypto right now. Not because a certain project is bad or anything, but the fact that you could have invested in frogs, cats or dogs and made it already. People are seething and it's not just in Avi. Either you got lucky with a memecoin and you couldn't give a fuck about this board or you're stuck in just about anything else and that's why you're still here.

Avi could and still can be the next big thing "the next gala games" like some say, but the team have to play their cards right. I hold a decent bag but I'm starting to feel like this cycle is cursed, not just for Avi but for anything that isn't one of the three animals mentioned above. Last cycle was different. Oh well, too late to sell now, let's hope for the best.

>> No.58458627

three words:
who. fucking. cares

>> No.58458952

>I think people are angry across the board in crypto right now.
avi lost 74% since its peak. all moonshots dumped that much during their rally though, shiba dumped from 50m to 2.5m mcap in february 2021.

>> No.58459088

this is true
it was an extreme drop, but we're still 10x up from where that pump started
me and a few other anons had been calling a dump like this because avi was just going up or crabbing for months straight, and we were overdue
itll cycle back to pumping and hitting new ATHs so long as they keep making their products
just the way it goes

>> No.58459298

Finally some reasonable posts in this thread.

>> No.58459344

Image not loading up at this current price. Market is about to take off and AVI is about to start making moves in the market on both Base and ETH.

Don’t say you’ve been warned. The best team out there currently. Don’t miss out!

>> No.58459347 [DELETED] 

It wasn’t Sharkroll, that’s what’s wrong

>> No.58459379
File: 34 KB, 680x626, 1715293390992268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deploying mainnet eth tokens onto basechain cant maintain smart contract trade modifications like buy/sell tax
>skybridge allows anyone to deploy any eth token onto basechain
>thus, once skybridge is on mainnet, anyone can start a trading pool for any eth token with a buy/sell tax that just completely evades the taxes, essentially making an open pool of OTC trading
>bonus benefit of the dirt cheap basechain gas
>devs in tg confirm this is how it will work
what the actual fuck
pajeet tax farms are about to get eternally btfo by the furry tokens side project

>> No.58459444

neither a meme coin nor a tech coin
get dumped

>> No.58459490

the bear market is officially here
no one's buying your bags of nothingnesss retards

>> No.58459558

24 hour recap
>Dark Squad disbanded after SkyBridge public testnet unleashed
>Jimmy had a 26 message mental breakdown in the now defunct Dark Squad telegram group
>Remaining members have since kicked him out due to various threats and statements he was making

From here on we have decided that Dark Squad has rebranded to


We congratulate Aviator and will cease fudding operations, and instead try to bring a positive attitude towards the community and project.

You Will Know Them By Their Smile

>> No.58459562

as if you couldn't get any gayer you still surprise me. Making acronyhmes like "YWKTBTS" kill yourself, how about that? Light squad, dark squad. Both groups should just drink bleach and end their life.

>> No.58459576

based positive smilers

>> No.58459604

The testnet couldn’t even get us back to .003. .001 is going to be our new floor and soon after that, we’re back to .000s. I can’t believe I’ll be round tripping yet another token all the way down. I really thought this was the one. FUCK I’m so depressed

>> No.58459617

Money comes in with mainnet. Everyone knows that silly rabbit

>> No.58459629

It feels hopeless doesn't it. Entire market is shit though except for a few winners. Check the Myro chart, I have a feeling Avi will do something similar. That drop Myro had from 0.25 down to 0.04 was pure depression, was a coordinated fud attack. Avi has had no fud attack (not counting 2-3 autists with personal vendettas and mental issues that think they move the price but in reality they do fuck all) and is still 10x from the previous floor. Let's wait for mainnet and the arcade, it looks like a roundtrip but it could also be one of those "I can't believe I got scared and sold another coin too early" type of scenario.

Let's be real, out of all the biz coins, Avi is doing 2nd best. The entire board that didn't get into Apu are just salty they didn't. This is why you diversify. Avi has something Apu doesn't though, let's see if it matters this cycle.

>> No.58459671

I don’t plan on selling any until we hit at least .01 but ffs this has me feeling down. Now we’re simping for Jesse in hopes that he notices us vs some other random shitcoin. Definitely not what I was expecting from avi at this point but whatever.

>> No.58459753

yet another shitcoin with no real value

>> No.58459871

0.002 can break any moment. Be ready to wake up one day and see mc at 7mil nothing hold price atm. Look at august/september chart its exact same thing they gonna depress price to the pits of hell

>> No.58459955

Not gonna happen and even if it does I will buy more

>> No.58460114

not happeing buy buy im gonna buy MORE if happens lamo

>> No.58460170

I hope you find inner peace anon you have much inner turmoil. Maybe you need a Smile in your life?

>> No.58460272
File: 513 KB, 1115x754, 1484844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a Matt Damon commercial, is that in the marketing budget?

>> No.58460428

I got muted today in the tg....... inshallah I shall repay them.... with my vengeance....

>> No.58460441

Good, your "humour" is cringe. Also aren't you the dude that went all in on that garbage project that I cannot even mention without getting banned? Let's hope it doesn't go to zero, I have a vague memory of you roping if it does, that's the caliber of investor you are, all in. That would be a shame of course. Buy the dip, double the volume to 6k.

>> No.58460451


i hear the light squad is accepting applications

>> No.58460462

Hydro finally getting some recognition, feels good to hold a coin you can actually use, just like Push Protocol that's always giving updates on wallet activities.

>> No.58460486

Wtf. Avisisters?? Why are they fudding kenis now....... they're definitely hiding something from us......... they're using censorship........not a good look......

>> No.58460495

Haha. Let's hope the mc doesn't timeleap backwards anymore, like I said it would be a real shame if you roped :/

>> No.58460498
File: 24 KB, 559x473, 1709065060036603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough......I will have my revenge..........the korb always wins

>> No.58460509
File: 11 KB, 229x220, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurry up, go become a kami while it's still cheap! It can eeeasily become a top 50 coin!!1

>> No.58460512
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>> No.58460514
File: 1.53 MB, 4000x3000, NooseKnot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A noose is a loop at the end of a rope in which the knot tightens under load and can be loosened without untying the knot. The knot can be used to secure a rope to a post, pole, or animal but only where the end is in a position that the loop can be passed over."

>> No.58460516
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>> No.58460519
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, TZEdGnv4PrA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life goal... I'm almost there... almost there...

>> No.58460521
File: 53 KB, 520x532, CL3ZDN3UcAAooKG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just you wait until delayviator goes to zero because devs sold.........you're gonna wish you had bought kenis while you still could..... what's gonna happen when you have no monies left? I'm telling you now............ cope now, cry later.....

>> No.58460529
File: 11 KB, 224x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a serious note, the day you choose to leave this life, would you mind sending over your ~7m tokens? I need a new canada goose, the quebec winters are brutal

Cmon be a bro, you can't stake them forever duuuude!

>> No.58460530
File: 15 KB, 220x215, nuh-uh-beocord.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No GEMS for you sar........this paneer is all mine........

>> No.58460531
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, kekk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAaaahh... man you will have so many tokens if you keep stakind and staking and staking... what a genius concept

Damn the brown dev really got you guys good roflmao

>> No.58460540
File: 857 B, 16x14, 1682140984801774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your momma so fat

>> No.58460543
File: 66 KB, 600x922, kothapalli_rao3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acumulating both KNS and AVI, theyre both gems that gonna pop off sooner or later

>> No.58460548


>> No.58460551

brb im just gonna run a node guys with my nft katana ofc can't forget that one


>> No.58460555

you guys.......why does avi community act like this.......... they get so mad.....

>> No.58460559
File: 12 KB, 231x218, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

between you and me... serious now... did you get a starforged? or a silver glint?


>> No.58460561
File: 30 KB, 424x448, IMG_20231216_182305_922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got that kenis

>> No.58460564
File: 6 KB, 375x98, roper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I know you do, just don't do anything impulsive, think about all your friends you've been chatting with since 2021 LOL you can't make this shit up

>> No.58460565

Avibros................this dudes joking about suicide.....not a good look......

>> No.58460570
File: 181 KB, 894x729, 79878978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is joking about it, it's a serious issue... on a positive note you just made the thread hit the bump limit. No one will ever see this message ever again. When the timeleap to 2m happens I will do the sneedful and light a candle for the diversity manager... this life is craazy man:(

>> No.58460572

Inshallah I will get my revenge avisisters.................... just you wait.........

>> No.58460574

All the memories... all the life savings... 2021... why do all good things come to an end...

>> No.58460584
File: 81 KB, 720x711, IMG_20240319_063622_811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever avibro......I know you guys goon too much.....never goon....or your goonbridge is gonna get BTFO

>> No.58460585
File: 6 KB, 477x77, KKEEKK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long term... I have no worries...


how many katanas did you mint to stay so calm? if it was me... I would be... Very paranoid about that... kek.....

>> No.58460586
File: 115 KB, 956x1280, IMG_20240301_171356_994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now show me the avi price...........

>> No.58460587
File: 6 KB, 482x50, KKEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right... it's time to slurp... gotta become a kami... sry I mean a red baron...


>> No.58460589
File: 73 KB, 1080x1091, IMG_20240317_123133_782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro...........you should have slurped tho........what was your AVI entry price

>> No.58460591
File: 37 KB, 512x512, KKEEEEKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in sub 1m mc so im chilling, also Avi has not even been a 6 month play from the bottom, you've been all in on that trash since 2021, how is it even possible XDDDDXDDD how the fuck does someone go all in on anything let alone a complete scam. Now you're a mobile game company aswell? LOL

Keep staking until you can run a node you will make it bro, I salute

>> No.58460593
File: 38 KB, 580x449, IMG_20240421_231712_220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro.....................learn to transparent background

>> No.58460594
File: 53 KB, 1200x675, praygec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That mobile game is gonna be fyyyre I will play it all day and it will generate billions and billions and billions... Longterm I have no worries....

>> No.58460595
File: 47 KB, 602x720, IMG_20240104_201013_655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Billions you say..............?....

>> No.58460600
File: 229 KB, 1024x1024, Wenis #542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lack of Wenises

>> No.58460601
File: 23 KB, 220x324, pa87667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall stake til I perish

>> No.58460607
File: 4 KB, 250x231, 1400008258446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another tripfag is losing it

>> No.58460613
File: 24 KB, 357x271, lolll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bodied by magic. He does have a decent faggot detector I'll give him that. Approaching 2025, that'll be 4 years of holding nothing, chatting with nobodies. Meanwhile you could have been up over 30x in 6 months and became a Kami 10 times over. Imagine the staking power!

For the longterm however... I have no worries XD

>> No.58460788
File: 5 KB, 240x240, 1713472007565945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filter new tripfag
>entire thread hidden

>> No.58460920

i thought anons were making up the scenarios of "oh if token X has a sale tax or is a honey pot then it can be put on base and sold!" but it's unironically true.
Now that being said, it would require some people to create the LP (less than a dollar for CA Creation with this, i've tested with my freshly minted token, Ticker $FAG)
AFter the LP is created, it can be traded because the CA created by AVI on the backend will not have that malicious code in it.
This actually MIGHT be a game changer for fucking over scammers. I mean they will still scam people on mainnet but this gives the retards who get scammed a second chance to at least dump their tokens on the base LP assuming it's created.
I'm really optimistic after personally testing the bridge out. It was a little buggy to be fair though. I was getting some JSON errors which seemed to halt the bridge, but shortly after the tokens did go from BASE back to MAINNET.
Good job on this. I can see how much fucking work went into it now.

>> No.58460955

based $FAGanon, im glad fucking with that retard also provided more insight into the btfo'ing taxes/honeypots talks
i keep second-guessing it because the implications are insane, but it seems more and more like thats really just how itll work
>I'm really optimistic after personally testing the bridge out.
i had the same experience
unironically the first time in crypto where i keep getting pleasantly surprised by products instead of disappointed, kek
excited for the price to start reflecting all this

>> No.58461024


>> No.58461652


>> No.58462491

at this point dont you just have to double down on AVI?

>> No.58462505

we keep getting hit with complete le nothingburger fud thats making people panic, but im also not sure when thatll end
feels like dca'ing is the play here

>> No.58462523

maybe i should take the plunge and dump another 1-2k into this. i'm almost at 5 mill AVI anyway. i'm surprised AVI is dumping so much, but KNS is not? it seems to have reached a floor, and hasn't gone below 0.02.

>> No.58462562


>> No.58463029
File: 57 KB, 466x469, 0b63523e8f75a815274050778ec1f1fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stood there looking at the dip and didn't buy. i hope this isn't the comeback point or i'll rope.

>> No.58463523

Light Squad checking in. Fuck CSS. Good time to slurp, grab your stacks or forever be left behind. Remember to SMILE!

>> No.58463561

Based. Made sure to get over a milli now.