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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58440917 No.58440917 [Reply] [Original]

Do I still have a chance to make it ?

>> No.58440923

Next cycle you may get to 2.5-3M. Honest truth.

>> No.58440926

No. This will be worth $475k by June. You will hold and suffer every day watching it drop.

>> No.58440933

Medically induce coma yourself until feb 2025. You'd have 7 million.

>> No.58440938

Hold you fool you are going to make it this cycle. Peaks are 8-12 months after halving.

>> No.58440939

probably this and I'm probably going to be doing the same. $900k and falling.

>> No.58440947

>HODL mode activated

>> No.58440964

>Peaks are 8-12 months after halving.
Not 12-18 months?

>> No.58441037

Should I keep stacking on ETH ?

>> No.58441083

Just hold it. Is better than fiat that's for sure. I would have put 80% on btc and the rest on eth and bnb though.
Anyway, what was your initial investment? Are you up a lot still?

>> No.58441092 [DELETED] 

You’re done for, unless you swap all your bnb for shrl in time, and pray to God you weren’t late

>> No.58441119
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how bads the damage anons?
>400k at my peak 2 months ago
>125k now

>> No.58441121

You’ll be back in mid-five figures soon.

>> No.58441188
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I'm down about 650k from my peak a couple months ago. Shit hurts

>> No.58441199

Literally flat earth tier thinking.

>> No.58442010
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>green id
>holding only eth, btc and still bnb even though cz was found guilty
mah men, im sure you even buy launches on pinksale for an extra 200k each month, a true whale is rarely seen in /biz these days
don't worry senpai, the strategy hasn't changed, you're holding 10M, just leave that be until EOY

>> No.58442815
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>folio on RED


>> No.58442839

You're right that's what I meant.

>> No.58442846

This time is different....because it is!!!

>> No.58443004

mfs posting 7 figure portfolio acting like they are in dire situation.


>> No.58443011

You already made it, dumbass.

>> No.58443871

Totally agree. I've got 70% in BTC and spread the rest between AAST, ATOR, and ETHFI.

>> No.58443889
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Well, making it to me is about 2 million after taxes. So it depends on what making it is to you anon.

>> No.58443908

jeeze dude 2 million? I got like, 50 dollas

>> No.58443911

>HODL after the bull market


>> No.58443997

Not with those choices lmao, top of the top 10, what are you thinking?

>> No.58444845

You have a good portfolio. Maximize your ETH holdings by restaking through protocols like YieldNest after its mainnet launch. DYOR OP.

>> No.58444894

Hopefully you keep losing money

>> No.58445959
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Before I start, my creds are picrel.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again.
Crypto is a poor man’s game.

I say this because you simply cannot scale up in crypto. All you can ever do as a high net worth individual is buy and hold BTC or other large, well established coins. those 10X, 50x, 100X baggers will only exist if you buy into smaller “shit coins”.

therein lies the problem. Throwing a few hundred into shitcoins is fine, a few hundred might be even 1-2% of your total port. So the returns, which could be in the thousands, would be very attractive to see. But who’s going to do smth similar with a 6-7 figure account? A few thousand dollars in a million dollar account is nothing. At that point, might as well dump ur cash into an index fund. Youre not going to toss 10-20K into a shitcoin if you’re a sane person. But yall ain’t sane lol

Once you reach 1M or close, you can easily put that money into stocks and make a 8-15% gain monthly if done correctly. That’s what I’ve been doing and it’s been paying off well.

Y’all can AMA, I’m open to answer questions. I feel like I’m one of the few ppl here whose money hasn’t been made in crypto lol.

>> No.58445962
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bro, down $500K, wtf, did you do? you're suppose to read truflation's index and act based on the data, not the way around, but I think you can still make it

>> No.58445994

Any tips if someone has little capital (like 1 SOL) and want to make money on memecoins?

>> No.58446001

My tip will always be to get a job, invest until you have a 5-6 figure account and start doing very safe long term trades. Either via just buying and holding index funds or high winrate things like credit spreads.

>> No.58446023

Yes, of course. You're still up on the last year.

>> No.58446029

Why are you only holding 3 absolute zero utility shitcoins? What do you think happens when paper btc is available to every institution and eth is declared an unregistered security?

your portfolio has already peaked. screencap this

>> No.58446034

Do you manage your own stock portfolio or do you simply hire somebody to do it?

10k into a mid cap blue chip isn't risky at all for you, i'm surprised you view it that way. Maybe you don't feel smart enough to discern what coins actually have utility and thus a possibility and adoption? I'm not shilling ICP - it has sketchy tokenomics. But when you look at it's technology - a seamless, decentralized AWS competitor that can handle real load - it's clear that it's at least possible for utility coins to succeed. ROSE is being scooped up by Greyscale by the millions. Maybe neither of those two networks will achieve their vision but some will.

>> No.58446044

stfu rn, I cant stand this

>> No.58446048

I do it myself. Don’t bother paying funds or asset managers to do it. Big banks will only take ur money and use it to make themselves even more money and give u a small sliver of the gains. On top of that, they’ll charge a 10-20% management fee on the total account size. So even if u do bad that year, they still get paid. Some banks have incentives like “if you bank with us, you’ll only have to pay 1-5% fee.” Still not worth it considering all banks rarely outperform just dumping cash into SPY.

I personally take an average of 9-16 trades a month and my avg PnL per trade overall is about 112% as of last year’s performance. My winrate is also around 96%. In fact, in an entire year last year I only took 113 trades.

Like I said, i play extremely safe. Recently a majority of my trades have been credit spreads. Sure, I limit my upside with this style of option trading, but I also cap the potential loss. So I don’t lose much even if I do lose.

I’ve had some people offer to let me trade their account in exchange for splits.I’ve told them this: If I have to manage your account directly, as in I personally enter and exit trades within your account while you rake in the cash, profits will be split 50/50 or 40/60 if your account is in the 7 figures. If I just give you my trades such as when I enter, when I trim, when I do XYZ, I’ll get 25% of your profits. Simple as that.

Ive got a few people I’m doing that with now and its been going fine.

>> No.58446053

hello there pajeet

>> No.58446060

Do you recommend any particular resources to learn and build a winning strategy?

>> No.58446062

There’s value in paid things like discord servers or telegram groups, but the truth is these things will make you over reliant on them.

YouTube is a good place to start. Learn the basics. What are stocks, what are shares, what are dividends. Then you can move on to more complex things. What are options. What are calls / puts? What is a margin call? Take ur time learnin. Market ain’t going no where

>> No.58446077

>8-15% gain monthly if done correctly
8-15% monthly is not realistic

how are you making these gains with simple credit spreads unless you are taking on huge risk that will ruin you one unlucky day?

doesn't matter if your winrate is 99% if that 1% wipes out your entire portfolio eventually

>> No.58446078

>PnL per trade overall is about 112%
PnL calculated on what? Margin required?

>> No.58446096

Getting aast right now will give you a chance to regain what you've lost dumbfag

>> No.58446210

Not all are credit spreads. My most recent trades were actually call debit spreads. And you can do the simple math based off the numbers to see the % gain is actually over 15%, I had better monthly returns than that. I’m saying that for a new person starting out, 8-15% is realistic. For me, I average more. 20-35%+.

If you think I’m lying, join me. Just know I’ll take a cut of ur profits, hahahahah

Let’s take my most recent trade on DGX.
I bought a 130/135 Call Debit Spread @ around 1.3 per contract. I sold it for approx 2.7 per contract after earnings which is more than a 100% gain.

Enough with the shilling bro lol

>> No.58446323

why would someone hold BNB instead of SOL in 2024? lol

>> No.58446325

yes of course you retard what the fuck

>> No.58446490

Sitting here with a 800k Portfolio 60/40 in BTC/Alts. I’m hoping for a 3X if possible, how much do you see BTC pushing at peak in this bull run?

Do you have any advice on cash out strategies? This will be my first time withdrawing since investing so looking for options which traditional investments would be best to move profits into.

>> No.58446500

>If you think I’m lying
Not sure I think you are lying, because anyone could in theory make such returns but the risks you are taking must be massive... and with options if you lose you can't even hold and wait for a recovery

I think you started trading very recently and have not yet had any bad drawdowns in the market

>join me. Just know I’ll take a cut of ur profits, hahahahah

well I am interested enough in your trading style to ask, how could I possibly join?

>> No.58446501
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maybe if you can do this dance

>> No.58446502
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lol knowing crypto the sec will try to kill it after claiming it is a security, then it will dump 80% and in the next few months it will go up 2000% to $20k for no reason then dump again for no reason

gotta love crypto

>> No.58446517

>8-15% monthly
Not sustainable. Your rate of return rivals that of hedge funds, even then over a long enough time period, your returns will return to index level or you will blow your portfolio up. Probably the latter.

>> No.58446520

>1yr timescale
>I play safe
>Uses options

>> No.58446522

I'm so tired of holding I would have sold long ago if I were you and just gotten a decent job and a house. It isn't worth it at a certain point, life goes fast and friends/senpai are all that matters - get em' while you're still young because we are all going into the fucking ground m8

>> No.58446712

I don’t touch crypto, stocks only. If it was me in ur position I’d cash out and start investing. But again, your money your choice. This isn’t financial advice.

Ur right. Options are somewhat similar to futures trading. I’d let you join me, just depends on how much capital you have ready to put into trading? I have about a year worth of data, though I started trading long before that.

Before we move forward, tell me how much capital you have to play with.

As I said before, I put in 1-3% of my port per trade. I’d have to lose 32 to 99 times in a row to blow up my account which simply won’t happen given my winrate. If I do lose more than 2-4 in a row, I’ll step back and evaluate since my winrate is so high.

It’s definitely safer than crypto I’ll tell u that much

>> No.58446715

how does $10MM sound?

>> No.58446848

Bro please do not put 10M into crypto you’ll lose so much of it unless u just buy and hold BTC. but at that point; you won’t get the 5x baggers these other folks ar getting

>> No.58446953

>how much capital you have ready to put into trading?
Ready to risk on your system without any kind of backtesting or clue how it works? probably no more than 100k

>> No.58446955
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Only if you get CZ on SOL.

>> No.58446964

What I meant was how much are you willing to put in if you had faith that what I say is the truth? 100K is a pretty small amount. But if you’ve got more money to put towards trading down the line we can do a trial period for a few months. If that makes sense? If it does make sense to you, drop your discord or telegram. We can start a more in depth discussion

>> No.58446966

>Give my winrate
>1yr timescale
Hot hand fallacy

>> No.58446972

I only mentioned the previous year. I’ve been trading for about 4.5 years but didn’t track the data exactly for all of them, I only began tracking it recently, as in one year ago. Therefore that’s the data I present. The reason I don’t advertise myself online aggressively via social media and ads is because I don’t need to.

It’s like if you found out the formula to make money: the first thing you WOULDN’T do is turn around and start selling it on YouTube for 69.99 a month like the other retards you see online.

>> No.58446974

How did you accumulate close to 10mm? Strictly day trading ? Over how long? How much did you start with?

>> No.58446975

Why wouldn't you monetize it like other traders? I mean it sounds like a much better formula than any other trading formula out there, no? Sell it to a trading firm algo ? Make millions?

>> No.58446984

Starter trading 4.5 years ago. Average growth has been between 12-75% during those years. Sadly I don’t have the hard data on hand, but I imagine my average growth was about 35-45%. My worst year was Covid.

If I monetize it via selling my trade as a monthly subscription, I’d have to deal with a large community of people. I don’t want my name to be known publicly, only to a select few.

Also, I’d make more money working with a few HNWI and taking a % of the cuts rather than selling my ideas off to a firm for a flat fee. Humans are more negotiable than companies.

>> No.58447057

Anon with QAN, you would have been 6X up

>> No.58447080

Yeah, and with <insert random shitcoin> you would’ve been up 40x. With another random coin, you would’ve been down -90% on ur investment. Whats the reason for investing in all of these coins? Theres no underlying reasoning for it. No research or conviction. It’s gambling.

>> No.58447441

If I had faith in your trading system then of course I would be willing to put more
what is your discord I'll send you a friend request?

>> No.58447445

Can you drop yours, if you don’t mind? I’m not super comfortable posting mine online

>> No.58447453

With no aast in your bag, I don't think you will make it

>> No.58447670

High IQ
ETH's my main squeeze, taking up most of my crypto bag (like 55%).
got some sprinkles of dot, matic and Tomi on the side.
and Nai cos real estate with crypto is kinda based ngl.
>YouTube is a good place to start
I was going to say this, he can also check udemmy or alison for some knowledge to avoid a one-way ticket to rektville.

>> No.58447706

I got scammed for 3 solanas and it hurts me :(

>> No.58448249
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Literally flat earth tier thinking.

>> No.58448428

Yes. Gme.

>> No.58448556

If you had your ear to the ground and bought 10k HAMMY (sol memecoin) 3 days ago you could have sold it for 250-300k earlier today. Might be worth even 500k in the next few days. Yeah you'd need 500k capital to feel even remotely comfortable dropping 10k on a memecoin, but still. If you have balls and the ability to parse info/read the shitcoin hype market you could run up a few hundred grand to millions in months.

>> No.58448608

Funny guy. The total liquidity is around 980K. One guy holding 1/3rd of the liquidity? No thanks.

That’s the issue I have with statements like these. Crypto bros always talk about gains in retrospect. “Oh, if you had only entered this coin then you would’ve made a 50x bagger!”

Cmon. That’s unrealistic. And unsustainable. If your goal is long term growth, which it should be, getting lucky off of shitcoins will never be your method to riches.

>> No.58448695

You need to add DePINs, Oracle, and RWA to make it Anon. And remember, PEAQ is launching soon on CoinList, and SUPRA TGE is on the horizon.

>> No.58448703

Nope. I'd rather jump on the token of the project that MapMetrics ditched Solana to join their ecosystem.

>> No.58448815

Neither am I, but I just made a new discord so here:


>> No.58448892

Sent. My username starts with a H and has a 2d cat as the profile picture.

>> No.58450581

Me chilling with my $100 bag of AAST cause I know that mf is going 100x

>> No.58450604

BNB gonna do numbers this bullrun it might even momentarily flip ETH

>> No.58451270

I have a similar networth as OP, mostly in BTC/ETH. This crab market is making me anxious, I would like to get to $3-4MM as soon as possible, but not sure if crypto is the right play here. Any tips?

>> No.58451275

If you don’t have a plan, don’t invest. Simple as that anon. What more would you like to know?

>> No.58451276

Should I just let this money sit in BTC/ETH then? Or is there somewhere safer?

>> No.58451286

Depends. At the end of the day, do you want your money in crypto? Or elsewhere

>> No.58451292

I feel like BTC can hit at least $80k so I guess I'll ride for the short term, it's all long long term capital gains at this point anyways as well. Do you have any tips on how to double my NW from this point, how to develop a plan?

>> No.58451294

Why do you “feel” BTC can hit 80K? Trading based off emotion is the best way to lose money. And what is your timeframe on how soon you’d like to double your NW? And what is your current NW?

>> No.58451302

>Trading based off emotion is the best way to lose money.

Noted. I guess I just feel like I won't lose a significant amount holding at the moment. I would like to double my nw at least in the next say 3-5 years if at all possible. Current networth is about $1.5MM

>> No.58451303

why would it? cant even use that exchnage in US anymore and CZ is in jail lol

>> No.58451319

If you wanted to double your NW, you’d need to have:

100% gain in 1 year
50% gain in 2 years
25% gain in 4 years
10% gain in 10 years

The last one is most realistic and just so happens to the the performance of indexes like SPY, QQQ, etc.
Unless you trade with a very savvy investor, you won’t be making large gains. Hell, even banks can’t produce returns that outperform SPY year after year.

Since you want to double ur money in 3-5 years, that’s between 20-33% gain annually. And that’s a gain on the entire NW, which I’m assuming is not possible. Because some of your assets like cars, houses, etc are not liquid capital ready to invest. How much liquid capital do you have?

>> No.58451320

All of this capital is invested in BTC/ETH.

>> No.58451324

1.5M is invested into BTC / ETH? That’s okay. I stay away from crypto, only holding small amounts of BTC. The % BTC has rallied after each halving has been less and less each time. The first time it was what, 14000x? The second time it was 42x? Third time it was something like 4-5x if I’m not mistaken, someone more knowledgeable can correct me. So by that logic we’re going to look at an increase of not more than 1.5x, if even that. Of course this time around there are different factors into play, such as large organizations and even nations buying up tons of BTC. it’s the Wild West and no one can know what’ll happen next. If I was you? Hell, I’d have pulled out long by now and tossed my money into a mix of SPY, QQQ, an SCHD. The only other way to 2x within 3-5 years would be to day trade options, since you don’t know how to day trade, day trading options is a no go for you. You’ll have to decide now:

Reduce exposure and put money into index funds or keep riding out the storm.
Or a third option; learn how to day trade. What will you choose?

>> No.58451325

Appreciate you taking the time to write all this, anon. What are, iyo, the best beginner resources for learning how to day trade? Where can a dumbass like me learn the basics?

>> No.58451327

Just checked it manually.
price @ first halving: 13
1 year after halving: 1,152
Total gain: 8700%

Second halving: 664
After 1 year: 17,760
Gain: 2500%

Third halving: 9,734
After year: 67,547
Gain: 500%

So it was 87x, then 25x, then 5x. And now it seems it might be even less. Apologies for earleir, idk where I pulled 14,000x from lol

>> No.58451331

YouTube. Reading books on trading is only good for understanding the past markets. The markets of today are 100 times more complex than the markets of the past. Algorithms, gigantic investment firms, dark pools, all sorts of illegal trading happening behind the scenes, even after years of studying I can’t begin to comprehend all of it. But that’s the thing, you don’t need to know quantum mechanics to know 2 + 2 = 4.
You can still trade with learning what’s available on the internet as of now.

Start with YouTube.

What are stocks?
What are shares?
What are dividends?
What is are options?
What is a margin account?
What is risk management in trading?
What is risk of ruin?

There’s a ton more, but you need to start at the basics. Can’t build a house without at least a wooden frame. Even if that frame is rickety and shit, a frame is still needed. If you need more guidance, you can drop ur disc and I can explain a bit more about what you’d need to learn. I’m tired of seeing people learn about trading the wrong way and degenerately trade away 90% of their portfolio thinking what went wrong.

>> No.58451333

“What is are options”

I don’t know how to read my own shit before I post it :)

>> No.58452788

based real investoranon

>> No.58452994 [DELETED] 

>Wallet is totally RED
>nigger bought BNB

hell nhaw

>> No.58454339

Although I'm sick of holding this ETH, I found that I can leverage the re-staking procedures to get some serious cash. Deal with this now, anon

>> No.58454361


>> No.58454399

Like you said you're a dumbass so get lost. But he suggests investing in BTC/ETH, which I have a small personal investment in. But I believe staking ETH for rewards in any restaking protocol is the reason I'm buying in being a part of something huge.

>> No.58454752

>y into stocks and make a 8-15% gain monthly if done correctly.
holy larp

>> No.58454759

Let’s see your portfolio, anon.

>> No.58454762
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> I’ve been trading for about 4.5 years
you are just like a baby

>> No.58454778

>Learn how to day trade
Vast majority of day traders lose money. Ask yourself what do you know or what strategies would you learn that other big funds are doing but yet can't beat the index over a long enough time scale. The vast majority of big funds don't beat the index over long haul.
Good luck.

>> No.58454780

Don’t see how that’s relevant

I haven’t been losing money. Most of what I’ve made is invested into SPY, QQQ, and SCHD. And the funds I do invest and day trade with are only 1-2% of my total port per trade, so I’m safe.

I’m setting myself up so that on the years or months that I do inevitably do poorly, I’ll still be fine because my total port has already grown considerably.

>> No.58454785

>Totally agree. I've got [random shit] that's not nearly as safe as ETH or even BNB
Then you don't agree, retard.

>> No.58455870

How much did you start with and where did the initial capital come from?
How much(if any) were you day trading the first 1-2 years of opening your brokerage account?
I'm not saying its not possible to become rich of day trading but it's almost a fools errand given the irrationality of the market and the biases/emotions humans have.

>> No.58455891

Long story short, I realized that even with a few thousand dollars, making big money was going to take at least a decade. so i reached out to some local business owners and basically traded for em using their funds. I'd take a split of some of the profits and that's about it.

I was trading frequently on my own account since day 1, i do scalping and swing trading mostly. but on other accounts i only do safe swing trades.

and ur right, it is very rare to get rich trading. i'd say its the hardest easiest way to get rich if that makes sense.

Set very strict rules for urself, if you lose X% of your port in one day then stop trading. Take profits, set hard rules on TP's for the love of god. so many people ride the green candle up and take the red candle in the ass on the way down because they refused to TP.

>> No.58455918
File: 218 KB, 1280x783, GMLh8ckW8AE6r2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy hungry caterpillar on base you have chance to 10x that

>> No.58455919

post more proof than this like your brokers reportings

>> No.58455930

I heard that thing could eat the whole volume on Base

>> No.58455934

>traded for em using their funds
you were trading their funds but you didnt "track your trades" until a year ago? what a stupid larp

>> No.58455944

i tracked my trades in the beginning to build up a portfolio to show to the people i was trying to get the attention of. Once i got some people to work with, I stopped. I only picked it up again recently because I decided that doing so might give me some more insights.

>> No.58455950

post some some proofs of the legal stuff of the company you set up. your broker has the history of all your past trades during those 4 years btw.

>> No.58455959
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Did you just ask me to dox myself? bruh.

>> No.58455964

just censor the obvious doxing parts but it's obvious you're a stupid larp

>> No.58455975
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just for u my beloved

>> No.58455983

I'm a 21 yo loser with 8k in my bank account, and recently my friend managed to make up to 20k trading btc and some random altcoins, all based off some discord server calls.

Issue tho is that the whole stock market seems to be going to shit soon. Just really weird to see companies stats going low while their stocks are going up. But like I said, I'm just a retard. What do I even know?

I feel like BTC is gaining more and more trust, especially now that BlackRock entered the game. But how far can they really push it? I don't know.

Depending on how the whole situation evolves, we could see a massive adoption into BTC, or a decrease on it's price made from huge money going back to bonds. I don't know, but that's overall what I have in mind.

With that said, I will probably put all my money into some memecoin and hope to do to 10x. If goes to shit, then whatever, it's a small amount anyway.

>> No.58456004
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That's the problem tho... time.

Like I said, I am 21, will be 22 in august, and I got 8k in my ba. Now imagine taking 10 years to get to 16k lmao. Know what I mean? I think the best option is to either get a job and increase my nw before considering investing/trading dog coins or to just yolo it all into some stupid shit and hope for it to 100x. It's just so frustrating to try to understand "value" and the market as a whole only to get outperformed by some random dude pushing 10k into a cat coin. It's stupid. I just lost hope in everything related to market rn, feels like it's just a casino but somewhat a glorified one.

My friend, for example, is a total dumbass and I feel even worse knowing that an idiot like that with a paid discord server, without knowing ANY SHIT, is able to make money. I tried many times to pick the "investing thing". Literally bought books and watched many videos on it... trading, ta, stocks, bonds, currencies. But in the end, it just makes me feel like I know even less than I knew before lmao. I don't know, man.

Congrats on the gains tho. I hope I get the tranquility you probably have rn having this much money. Really fucking hope I do. I find it fascinating to understand the whole thing and then making money off of it. Watched a lot of interviews from Michael Burry and some other people. Just amazing. Guess I'm just dumb lol.

>> No.58456074

Ur not a loser, you have more money than I did at your age. You can look at the market during any year and there will always be things going on in the market that will only happen that year and never again. This is life.

Go to college, get a job, increase NW, dca into SPY + QQQ and live your life. Getting rich quickly involves a lot sacrifice, difficulty and luck. You can do everything right and still fail. This is also life.

>> No.58456216

why do you own SCHD if its just worse returns than SPX and QQQ and dilutes due dividend payouts
you have invested in easy mode, you think you can beat the market long term so you are deluded

>> No.58456255

SCHD is more defensive. SPY has done so well being tech heavy in an incredible bull run, this may or may not continue to be the case.

I also like the dividend ratio, 3.39% compared to SPY's 1.3%.

>> No.58456717

That's why I'm hoping to buy Supra token at TGE.

>> No.58456725

Sorry nigger, I've seen you shilling this mystical TGE for what feels like years now. It's not happening, you were rugged, it's a scam. We're not bailing you out. Cope and seethe.

>> No.58456754

If you're weary of waiting, then join the ongoing PEAQ token sale happening on Coinlist. I have high expectations for this, considering how huge its DePIN ecosystem is.