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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58435270 No.58435270 [Reply] [Original]

>no pink wojaks
>no smug bears

>> No.58435271

There's 2 smug bears a few posts down

>> No.58435274
File: 635 KB, 1280x1280, 1455353536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINU, HOKK, LUCKY AND APU killed BIZ forever

>> No.58435478


>> No.58435591

We have a thing called a poojeet filter now sweaty

>> No.58437014
File: 105 KB, 610x535, 41654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we go back to the good ol' times when we all pondered our orbs together and fought to see who was the arcane master? no?

>> No.58437148
File: 135 KB, 536x796, Annie.(League.of.Legends).full.1313468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only green bulls buying ticker MUMU like crazy on /biz/

>> No.58437216

I miss those times

>> No.58437218

bizbant is also dead lmao

>> No.58437219

I fucking hate the shithole retard zoomers and pajeets that migrated here and think a single digit red week is a crash.
I hope this board dies and the admins delete it forever

>> No.58437223

biz is dead because the mods are out of control, mention any kind of crypto even if you're not advertising and you'll be banned, so what's the point in posting here? What do people talk about now?

>> No.58437279

This, it's gotten so bad that the only meta now is fudding your own bags, otherwise its advertisement

What's the point?

>> No.58437484

Those were some good days, anon

>> No.58437511

Both true. It's not fun when it's all over-reactionary panic all the time and then getting temp banned over and over on top of it.

>> No.58437601

Nothing is happening.

>> No.58437634

well try posting about something that isn't a shitcoin scam. this board was devoured by shitcoin shills and something had to be done. maybe it's a bit too harsh, but at least this place now has a chance to heal, a chance to get back to talking about business & finance, solid crypto projects and stuff that actually makes a difference instead of being endless shitcoin casino that slowly killed this place in the first place.

>> No.58437781

this shit is just full of crabs, and more crabs disguised as bulls or bears, and what's more they don't do shit with my bags, every time I look at charts on dextools things just don't move

>> No.58437787
File: 29 KB, 972x348, Screenshot 2024-04-30 220935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they pretty much killed it with this authentication shit

>> No.58437878
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what about comfy caterpillars?

>> No.58437883

I haven't been banned for talking about shitcoins. More like just inconsistencies, like being banned for "off-topic" while answering a crypto question, because I included a pic of a sexy babe (but the OP did the same and wasn't banned). Just silliness like that, and mods not understanding when something is a joke, etc.

>> No.58437968

>biz is dead

>> No.58438118

Long time lurker, first time caller here. It's this retarded email verification shit. Before some idiot calls me a spammer, think a little bit. The magic of this place was in the frenzy of digging around heaps of shit to find a jewel. Retards are going to say the board being slow af is good because we can see pumped up pieces of shit like AVI everyday at the top of the board with 100 replies and "have muh real discussions".
We will never get in on gems like HPObama with the board in this gay ass neutered state. Man, I remember seeing and KNOWING that certain shitcoins were the real deal in the midst of all the actual shit, and then a couple of days later after getting in at 10k, 40k, even 100k. The fuckers going ballistic and making bank. THAT was the essence of /biz/, and they killed it. They massacred my poor boy. There's NOTHING here for anyone anymore. This is the death of the lurker.

>> No.58438133

"Hey I saw hype around [random dog coin] is it worth investing in?"
>you are banned for 7 days

Might be a hot take but this is bad for biz, not every post about alt coins is shilling, at some point even general discussion for huge players such as HOKK in its peak bullrun earlier this year were getting banned. How are you supposed to discuss possible money makers, newcomers, underdogs, etc. when everything other than LINK gets the hammer?

>> No.58438137

Literally everyone got in early on HOKK here because of one post just captioned "HOKK AT 40K" if that was posted today jannies would nuke it within 5 minutes and nobody would have made money

>> No.58438426

It's over. I don't use Twitter or Reddit like a gay, so I'm fucked. This was the one place that mattered and made me money. It's done for guys like me. I'm not gonna use Twitter because it's just not the same thing, it's all based around personality, I can't play that game. I need anonymity from the person whose words I decide to believe in all my heart with for no other reason than I just want to.
There will never be a moonman on Twitter or Reddit for instance, or even here ow from the looks of it.

>> No.58438482
File: 66 KB, 735x363, image_2024-04-30_130158944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reaction image posts are a violation of global rule 6
spamming the board with wojack, bear, bull, with one liners is against the rules
our mod is just sleeping on the job

>> No.58438491

If you means their bagholders either roped or became /bant/roons, you're correct.

>> No.58439637

jannies are to blame. They got scared by like 3 or 4 niggers shilling their shit and called it relentless spam.
Now there's people confused asking where are threads for shit like blocklords, vinu, and animal coins that are enough for you to pump and dump but noo muh we hab over 999 issued bans already"!!!"2121