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58434523 No.58434523 [Reply] [Original]

Would money solve all your problems?

>> No.58434528
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no, Money cant solve my health problems or get a 10/10 to love me unconditionally.

>> No.58434530

It can solve two or three of a handful of major problems, but nowhere near all of them.

>> No.58434531

Yes, 100%. And to top it all off, I do have enough money but it disappears almost immediately due to cost of living which makes me question why I even try to make it at all.

>> No.58434534

Money solves 99% of problems

>it cant make someone love you for real
>it cant bring someone back from the dead
>it cant give someone infinite health/life

but it does pretty much every single fucking thing other than that

>> No.58434538
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It can and every faggot that says it cannot is retarded. Money facilitates you into happiness by it's mere concept. Material gains will allow you to realize spiritual gains much easier than without. Being a tibetan monk as a homeless nigga is much more difficult than doing so with wealth and security that if it were to fail your journey, you have something and somwhere to fall to. Money also brings unlimited health via doctors, so on so forth. Money allows for happiness through materialistic means and facilitates spiritual means. Simple as.

>> No.58434539


>it cant make someone love you for real
not a fucking real problem
>it cant bring someone back from the dead
not a fucking real problem, the ded are ded, like, for real
>it cant give someone infinite health/life
not a problem, health and life has always been finite

>> No.58434541

spoken like a true incel

>> No.58434543

No but it would make my life 100,000x easier. The boomer bullshit that “money doesn’t significantly increase happiness” is a lie. I guess to a certain point money won’t significantly increase happiness but that point is like a 5 million net worth.

>> No.58434548

spoken like someone who still gives a fuck about the amount of pussy it gets

>> No.58434568

Im just saying that there are people in this world that actually care about other people

>> No.58434576

yeah, bet i'll never met one of those faggots in my life lol

>> No.58434579

yeah no shit if you are an anti social incel

>> No.58434627

whether a 10/10 loves you conditional or not you don't want that stress. it is like walking around a zoo with a bag of food. if you want a 10/10 you need a lot of money period

>> No.58434635

Yes. For now. I guess if you're ill or retarded or you dont have friends or something no it wouldn't but for me, yes it would literally fix every possible problem I have.

>> No.58434643

>it cant make someone love you for real
Women aren't capable of feeling real love anyway, they love opportunistically

>it cant bring someone back from the dead
Why would you even want that?

>it cant give someone infinite health/life
Again, why would you even want that?

>> No.58434648

so many incels here

>> No.58434681

if money solves your problems they're not real problems just imaginary ones
unsurprising as nigger problems are all self inflicted

>> No.58434706

the biggest problem money can solve for most people is massive crippling debt, and while that can be solved short-term, it can't solve the long-term problem of bad behavior and need for constant instant gratification. how many people consolidate debt and then just build up even more with tons of loans? how many people file for bankruptcy only to get into an even bigger hole?
discipline and work ethic will solve way more problems than a pile of cash

>> No.58435025
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I don't care too much for money
Money can't buy me love

>> No.58435030

It's true though.

Doesn't solve the spiritual problem, doesn't solve the social problem, doesn't stop the desperate man on the street from trying to rob you. Doesn't the rapists from preying on women.

But money will solve the money problem. And for most low iq Westerners who went into high debt, that's the only problem they see in their selfish individualistic lives.

Money is a tool, not a master. A good Master will solve your problems, and regardless of what humans believe, we're all going to answer to something higher than us one day. Our money won't save us then.

>> No.58435189

>>it cant make someone love you for real
>not a fucking real problem

>spoken like a true incel

what kind of fucking response is this?

>> No.58435317

>>it cant make someone love you for real
>not a fucking real problem

No, it really is not. Love is simply a means to an end. You want love in order to gain someone's time, attention, and body. Money can do that more effectively if you know how to apply it.

"love is for poor people"

>> No.58435532

None of those things are problems. Its like saying money cant alter the laws of physics

>> No.58435593

>no house
>gf who isn’t trying to get my money

>> No.58435693

Money will also make me a better person, more prone and able to help my family and close relatives.
Money will also prevent my head from balding, unironically. Stress is a bitch

>> No.58435766

It would solve so many problems in life that solving the 'higher level' problems would be a helluva lot easier as many other anons have pointed out. Its hard to transcend when you don't even own a place and have to get to work each day.

>> No.58435770

money would make you less miserable and you can spend money on looks. thats more likely to attract a gf

>> No.58435776

Not all but it'll help me cope better

>> No.58435788

You bumbling imbecile, why would someone respond to a dude who says

> money not making someone love you for real is not a real fucking problem

with calling him an incel?

>> No.58435790

That dude is obviously not concerned with whether or not he can find some girl. Unlike an involuntary celibate.

>> No.58435793

If I had money I wouldn't have to fucking work!

>> No.58435832

If money would solve all of your problems, your real problem is that you're extremely stupid, so money wouldn't actually solve all of your problems.

>> No.58436943
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What kind of retarded question is that? Of course not, not all of them. But it would allow me to create a framework of stability and financial freedom that would enable me to solve the problems money cant directly solve. Why do you think so many anons throw themselves at every single oportunity to make it (buying memecoins, dogcoins, alts, bluechips, waiting on gravity labs, buying ai, believing btc will moon)? Its because most of us are so kept down by the current financial weight of the world that just by removing that from the equation would make us all immensely more happy, not perfectly happy, but close

>> No.58437510

if you werent autistic you would understand

>> No.58437528


All humans need more than money. They also need love, meaning and so on.

>inb4 incels that thinks they can be happy by just playing video games and buying japanese prostitutes to play pretend gf for an hour every week

>> No.58437556

I just guess that if I get rich I’d be swarmed by gold diggers. That’s why I say maybe and no. Maybe I’d find someone after getting rich and having more time to look, but odds are 9/10 that I’ll find someone who just wants me for my money. I always think of that pic of some fat guy with a model looking babe after bitcoin started going up in value. Don’t want love like that

>> No.58437560

Yep, and hopefully new Sharkroll presale gonna give me loads of it

>> No.58437569

only if you showed off, no one says you gotta announce how money you make/have

>> No.58437587

True, I don’t plan on showing off if I get rich, I just feel it wouldn’t go well no matter what

>> No.58437974

Literally money would solve basically none of my problems

>> No.58437984

I badly need $1.4k for my university admission fees. Today is the last date. I am totally helpless. Anyone feeling generous today may help me out?

>> No.58438096

>Money can't buy love
I learned how to talk to women, and eventually met my wife by reading my copy of How to Win Friends and Influence People, which I bought with money. Money also allowed me to take her on dates, buy her thoughtful gifts, raise our child together...
>Money can't buy meaning
It can take a lot of trial and error to find meaning in life, and it's a LOT easier to do that when you have money as a safety net in case your spiritual calling isn't particularly lucrative. Look at how many artists have to stop doing what they love because they can't live off of it.

Like yeah, of course money doesn't LITERALLY solve non-material problems, but it's obviously useful in enabling you to resolve those problems yourself. "Money doesn't buy happiness" is a disingenuous half-truth.