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File: 218 KB, 1075x1280, valuable things assets with value xmr land guns gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58434303 No.58434303 [Reply] [Original]

if you aren't buying these things your money is just being funneled back into the jewish global occupation of the free world

>> No.58434312
File: 1.06 MB, 480x368, 1692887781953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58434329

I made this meme. Originally it included Monero but you've lost the entire point.

>> No.58434331

bitcoin doesn't have a usecase and you're supporting the cia and blackrock by buying it, retard

>> No.58434350

When did I say Bitcoin? I said originally it included Monero, which it still does. Talk about rent free.

>> No.58434359

it also included bitcoin which isn't a useful asset so I edited it out, and we both know this

>> No.58434371

And you still think about it every day seems like.

>> No.58434388

no, you're just a faggot who shows up in my threads and brings it up, I never would because it's irrelevant and a dead asset

gg though

>> No.58434390

jews and central banks are literally the largest holders of gold and silver
you're just buying their bags lmao

>> No.58434393

Usually irrelevant, dead assets aren't number one

>> No.58434394
File: 1.76 MB, 1002x8200, china gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no they aren't their biggest enemies own atleast 5x as much silver and gold as them

the banks only own paper, they're actually selling it all away because they literally think they can control the entire world with homosexuality and an outdated military full of non white men

>> No.58434397

and it isn't, gold is number 1, if not real estate

for like 1 year tulips were number 1 as well, gg, no usecase

>> No.58434402
File: 1.35 MB, 7261x4846, 161014-N-OI810-2398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what "muh fiat" is backed by.

>> No.58434403

outdated equipment operated by outdated farm equipment and women

just call it the uss titanic and be done with it, aryan jihadis are literally flying helicopters onto these and seizing them

>> No.58434436

The tulip bubble really lasted only a year, in a time when a year was nothing. Bitcoin has lasted 15, in a time when 15 years is an eternity.

>> No.58434450

except it isn't, just like enron, it's a shitty scam, and retards bought in

many scams take hundreds of years to play out, like the federal reserve, or the immigration acts, etc

and you've been conned for 15 years, if you continue to hold you'll lose everything

good luck though

>> No.58434607

A scam that takes hundreds of years to play out is called money. USD had its run so we're moving to a different one.

>> No.58434610

can you guys just hurry up and fuck?

>> No.58434614

Monero's price beat me to it.

>> No.58434620

yea and bitshit already run it's scam course in 15 years just like enron

monero is set to be stable for the next 100 years, tail emission

you've been conned

no, he's an autistic faggot I only fuck redheads with fat asses preferably

if your mom has red hair I'd fuck her