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58433937 No.58433937 [Reply] [Original]

We were all new once!

This thread is for asking questions and sharing resources to help understand the confusing world of crypto. Ask your questions and share your wisdom anons!

No shills, jeets or bobos allowed

>> No.58433945

Learn how to distinguish legit projects from scams, remember the price of the coin isn't important, its the size of the marketcap (and coin supply) that matters. I sometimes don't even check the price of the coin, the value of the whole stack is what matters

>> No.58433946
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20240426_224844_340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've probably heard people say the 'contract is renounced' on a coin, what does that mean? And why is it a good thing? Here's a basic explanation

>> No.58433952

Is this space, you can get scammed 3 times before you even realise it. But there are some 'green flags' to look out for. For example, how well is the coin distributed to its holders?
Consider that if the coin had a presale, there may be people waiting with these bags to use you as exit liquidity. The more distributed the coins are, the less likely you are to get rugged

>> No.58433960
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You may have heard of a coin that "the LP is/ isn't burned". What the hell does that mean?
It's another green flag on a coin

>> No.58434066

Pretty good but im not new

>> No.58434123

There is nobody new here and there wont be anybody new here ever again. Its the same demographic makeup as it has been on every platform after its third round in this ponzi build on a pyramid scheme game.
Only survivors left, that means predators and grievers that understand the game well enough to have developed strategies to survive and thrive on a low supply of suckers. They wont share those strategies

>> No.58434143
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You needed to do this thread before I invested into SUPER op, know reading more into it, I realize I didn't see a couple of red flags

>> No.58434659

This isn't a newbie thread, it's OP's "how to shill 101" tutorial. He is selling Drop Coin.

>> No.58434779

Based OP shilling $drop, I bought in, that shit sounds like a winner. My bag is ready. Stay mad and poor

>> No.58434782
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20240426_224840_828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for stopping by the thread, I hope you learned something. Here's a guide to crypto wallets...

>> No.58434793

Big ups on OP making this thread ++

We had a new guy at least yesterday asking for advice somewhere

>> No.58434924

You invest when the market cap is low? Do you check for new coins on coinmarketcap or something? Would you put money into a coin that had a supply of 1B if it had a market cap of $100m, or invest in something that had a supply of 500T if it had a market cap of less than 50k?

>> No.58434933

Bruh what the fuck does dropcoin have to do with crypto wallets. You're so transparent.

>> No.58434945

start here

then move to this:

this should give you the ability to see through most affinity scams, ghostchains and dead end projects

>> No.58434946
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Ok, I am a massive newbie. I don't really spend my income so I'm getting into crypto as a way to kill time and grow wealth on the side. I made a coinbase account and bought a spread of coins that I intend to sort of let sit for awhile, and I also have a metamask wallet now with about $100 worth of ethereum in it. So now I have so total newb questions:

1. Is it safe to connect my wallet to dexview? And should I?

2. What exactly am I doing on Dexview? Is it really just trawling for a coin that looks good (based on anons above red/green flags) and then investing and getting out of it quick enough to recoup the fees and make a profit?

As an example, I was looking at this coin: UPDOG/WETH and it looks like if I had just hopped on and bought it earlier this morning and then sold it, I would have profited massively. Is that how the day trading aspect of this works? Pic for reference.

Bonus Round: Dropstab. I sort of understand what I am looking at, I sort of don't. I know the idea is to look for a coin that has good VC backing and buy it on release, but that's about all I know, some more understanding on this site would be appreciated.

Apologies if I sound retarded, I promise I'm not, I'm just new.

>> No.58434951

>Everything not Bitcoin is a shitcoin
>Everything not PoW is scam
All you need to know

>> No.58435055

Give it a rest Jeet. Its a Sunday for christsake.

>> No.58435111 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 732x827, TWITCHh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OKAYEG if you missed APU and PEPE. This is TWTCH mem frog coin. 100X potential, early, no dev, community driven.

>> No.58435275

I would suggest you stay far away from shitcoins. A newbie on dexview is just walking liquidity waiting to be fleeced.
You're talking about buying pointless tokens, hoping they got up, and hoping you can sell before they go back down. Why? What is the investment thesis behind doing this?
Those are PvP coins, where everybody who buys in does so with the intent of enriching themselves by impoverishing someone else. Whatever it is, it isn't investing.
I'd suggest you meditate on >>58434951's words.

>> No.58435453

The thread is about helping Newbies, what are you on about

>> No.58435507

Bumping this thread because I feel like it

>> No.58436951

okay so if dumb questions are allowed i have one, does anyone believe p2e gamefi has a chance of making a comeback? i've been following chunbi village and gravity labs for a while and i wanted to know if waiting for them is just setting myself up for disappointment or if there's anything in the market that points to a return to gamefi considering most nfts are dead?

>> No.58437177
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>No shills, jeets or bobos allowed

>> No.58437220

>does anyone believe p2e gamefi has a chance of making a comeback?
Web3 gaming still has a lot of potential for growth and it still hasn't been fully taken advantage of. I think gamefi is still a hot narrative, but it has to be done right. AVI is still a small team but if they can expand and deliver on their vision, I think they'll be the front runners this next cycle and in the future.