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58426680 No.58426680[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fudders seemed to be ip hopping to bypass the previous spam prevention method of a few posts per IP. So how did this email verification thing kill it so fast? If they were able to IP hop, why couldn't they just have created new emails on the ips they were hopping around on. Its like five more clicks. I understand its extra work but they seemed to be dedicated 24 hour type spammers which has got to be nothing for them. Does anyone have an explanation?

Also that LPL chuddie pools closed shit stopped completely. Were they fudders or link shillers. I couldn't even tell kek. On one hand pools closed references fudders missing out on staking. On the other hand they were shilling STLink and it seemed more as an attempt to derail any genuine link discussion.

>> No.58426699

>most of biz leaves/stops posting, post rate dramatically cut down for all different types of posters
>linkies the only ones engaging in solipsistic schizophrenic theorizing about what this means for their financial cult
the majority of the board started hating and bullying you for a reason.

>> No.58426710

Does selling your soul mean hoping for something and being disappointed day after day after day until you finally give up after years of being unfulfilled in a slow-burn type of way?

>> No.58426714

Some were bots probably

>> No.58426720

The majority of biz was literally bot posts. Thats why email killed most of it. Unless you're trying to imply fudders were bots as well. But if that's the case, you're implying someone was intentionally creating fud threads using bots with no financial incentive. This then implies either this fudder was mentally ill or has a incentive to prevent people from buying aka malicious. Which one is it fuddie?

>> No.58426727

What if he was just bored?

>> No.58426747
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>the FUD spammer rages and cries when presented with the truth
>his only option is to double down on gaslighting and coping
>"the majority of the board" turned out to actually just be the same low iq poorfags abusing airplane mode over and over again because they had no actual arguments
seethe seethe seethe brownoid
you didn't manage to achieve anything even when you *could* flood this dead board and that will never not be funny

>> No.58426754

I recognize your posts as you being one of the most mentally ill link lunatics here so I was definitely referencing you. I think you are allergic to reality at this point the way your make sure to incorporate several baseless assumptions in every single post you make as if they were iron clad logic. Neither of your cope narratives describes reality per usual.

>> No.58426758

I guess if he gets enjoyment out of it. I'd assume he'd want to do something more productive like music, sex, if something autistic like drawing or math but I guess that's me overlaying my own enjoyments.

kek yea didn't realize first poster didn't really address my question on why the fud stopped. Just tried to compare it to the other posts stopped cause it was from poor brownoids shilling there shitcoins for pennies kek implying they are in the same league. He didn't really do any justice to fudcucks.

>> No.58426761

which part is the baseless assumption? I'll humor you kek

>> No.58426774

Many different polls were made over the years, each time stinkies would win the top lulcow rank.

>stinkies assuming every organic human biz poster elected to verify when it obviously pissed tons of people off
does cope get any more blatant than this. Come on fags you can't be serious this is pathetic.

>you didn't manage to achieve anything even when you *could* flood this dead board and that will never not be funny
Still pretending I want to accumulate link just for making fun of your GME tier financial cult. Its like you retards never heard of schadenfreude. You're like a Chris Chan believing all his trolls are secretly fans of his Sonichu comic art. That's cope bud. I wasn't doing anything but amusing myself. I don't have to do anything for link to be a shitcoin scam slowly going to zero. You think this is a battle with a conspiracy behind it, but you're flailing around boxing ghosts while I laugh at you.

>> No.58426784
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they have no arguments, and the only response they have is just doubling down on
>take your meds schizo
rephrased over and over again
the reality of the situation is that after email verification, there's nowhere near close to pic related in the catalog at all times, when any logical conclusion would be that there should still be plenty if the "majority of the board" was in on it then this wouldn't have changed much
FUD spammer threads also die very quickly as well - obviously because they can't just self-bump every few minutes with 1pbtid and the same writing style

>> No.58426792

>they have no arguments, and the only response they have is just doubling down on
>take your meds schizo
and my point is proven once again by your little rant
you're obviously extremely upset because you have essentially been de-fanged, bagged and tagged by jannies (who were superior life forms to FUD spammers all along) and every post you make just proves my point lol

>> No.58426797

>obviously pissed tons of people off
You're the one making baseless assumptions. The majority of posts on biz besides link fud threads didn't stop because it pissed anyone off. It caused it to stop cause either they were brownoid botters or shitcoin shillers with financial incentive and having to verify email was more work than a few rupees could afford.

If you're implying link fudders were organic human posters, you're implying they had financial incentive in the first place to incessantly spam like the brownoid third worlders. And if not it goes back to this point >>58426720, you niggers are mentally ill for being around 24/7 to consistently derail link tech discussions and create an ass load of link fud posts for no reason.

But even then, you're really only here to derail my thread. Hell I could be a fudder myself. I'm not shilling link. I was just noticing that link fud had died down but as much effort as they put in, you'd think they'd just create new emails to keep the fud alive but they haven't and I was curious why. I don't even know why you assume this is a link shill thread and come in here saying I'm part of the link cult or something. I literally posted a fud pic of both icp and link you faggot.

>> No.58426807

>The majority of biz was literally bot posts.
There are still plenty of posts that look identical to what could be a jeet bot, and when I say that I'm talking about threads that don't even mention link. Posts went down dramatically and that included plenty of real anons. You can see some anons flocked to /bant/ including some linkies and fuddies, doubtless some just stopped posting since other places like twitter are better anyways for discussion. To pretend otherwise is you engaging in your usual schizo narrative spinning. This is all obviously the case, but of course it eluded someone like you.

>Thats why email killed most of it.
Your prior sentence to this one was worthless schizo trash, so this one is just as worthless in trying to build off of it.

>Unless you're trying to imply fudders were bots as well.
No I wasn't. Stop projecting your pea brain narratives onto every single anon you talk to. You do this consistently and it comes across as unhinged. That's why anons usually just reply to you with "cope", instead of bothering to break it down like I am generously doing.

>But if that's the case, you're implying someone was intentionally creating fud threads using bots with no financial incentive.
Anons were making fun of you coping retard. It was organic, and many of them elected to not verify because biz is 98% dead anyways. You didn't like what they were saying when they were making fun of your financial cult, so you convinced yourself they had to have some sort of 3d chess conspiracy motive out of autism. Link is never going to ever get anywhere close to its ATH, especially not in sats. I don't even treat linkies specially btw, I make fun of other retarded cults on biz as well.

>This then implies either this fudder was mentally ill or has a incentive to prevent people from buying aka malicious. Which one is it fuddie?
Its cute you think putting forward such an obvious false binary constitutes good logic or banter.

>> No.58426829

ohhh fuddie's getting desperate now
>It was organic, and many of them elected to not verify because biz is 98% dead anyways.
LMAO oh ok so you're the only FUD spammer stuck on here speaking on behalf of "the majority of the board," but the board was 98% dead while simultaneously keeping 10+ fud threads in the catalog at any time on any given day?

i can't figure out if you're actually dumb enough to believe you're making a convincing argument or if you're just doing it out of habit at this point
probably the former - you really are a fucking retard lmao
just scuttle back to twitter, cockroach

>> No.58426842

I don't think it killed the fud directly, the fudder(s) were WAY too highly motivated to be deterred by an email verification.

But it did cut down on the number of posters and visitors overall, which means two things:
1) there's a lot lower engagement, i.e. fudders don't get anywhere near as many dopamine hits anymore
2) they stand out a lot more because threads are so slow and sparsely populated now

Imagine a 40 pbtid fuddie rampage in a Link thread today, it would just be dozens of posts by the same id in a row lol.

>> No.58426848

>>linkies the only ones engaging in solipsistic schizophrenic theorizing about what this means for their financial cult

This coming from the fuddie with about 1/3rd of the total word count itt lmao
and checked

>> No.58427064

you can still find that faggot adem talking to himself and his band of ugly niggers on X, pretty funny desu. biggest losers of 2024.

>> No.58427112

You're in a chainlink thread talking to the solipsists lmao.

>> No.58427203

Email verification killed them entirely exactly because kekfuddies were phoneposters first and foremost.
Before it was easy for them to quickly IP hop just by switching to wifi or switching airplane mode on/off and keep spamming the board. You get banned? No problem, just airplane mode reset and you're back to spamming MS paint poop images.

Now besides doing all that they would also have to create and verify new mails every single day on their phone and keep switching to new verified mails dozens of times per day. Couple that with having to wait 300 seconds to make a thread and suddenly their entire operation is dead, not even the most mentally ill ones want to spend 10 minutes setting everything up on their phone just to say chainlink = bad, not enough rupees coming in their account to continue doing such a thing anymore.

>> No.58427401

>muh verification killed the "fud"
all I see in the handful of LINK threads remaining is a couple of retards still talking about fuddies and a bunch of negative sentiment shitposts
if anything the email verification KILLED the entire board, along with LINK threads
hell, a "Chainlink hackathlon thread" without a single "fudder" in it died before even reaching 100 posts after 5 days
you're literally delusional, touch grass