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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58425409 No.58425409 [Reply] [Original]

I'm only 26 and my entire family's financial situation is so bad that it's causing me to be in a permanent state of FUD. I feel like I am being mentally raped by merely existing. Parents have six figures of debt, relatives are becoming poorer every time I see them, grandparents are literally pissing away any chance of an inheritance. I did nothing wrong, I did everything society expected of me. Got great grades, went to college, followed my dreams, and now I am useless and soon to be impoverished. My life is over. No one in my entire family even seems to care anymore, they're more blackpilled than I am at this point.

I have a bit of savings but that's it, I can't see my situation improving once it inevitably starts evaporating like everything else I know and love.

>> No.58425413

Why is your parents debt of any concern to you? You won't inherit it

>> No.58425507
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skill issue

>> No.58425511

>I did nothing wrong, I did everything society expected of me.
That's where you went wrong.
Midwits can't project into the future so you all caught off guard by the money printing and musical chairs with debt.

>> No.58425517

You should've gone for super cheapies instead of listening to your stupid family anon, you fucked up

>> No.58425564

>I did nothing wrong, I did everything society expected of me.
I remember a movie whose protagonist said something like that.

>> No.58425604

But do you like kissing boys?

>> No.58425619

get a job
put at bare minimum 10% into your 401k
stop wasting your money on funkopops and shitcoins
you played the game right and went to college to get that piece of paper, now use it and invest in low-fee funds dipshit

>> No.58425711

No, to all of those.

>> No.58425713

At 26 was already through my first marriage and was running my first llc. I started with nothing, i was living out of a car when i was 18. My only thoughts about my families finances were that i wanted to have enough money to support my mom as she gets older without it turning into a nasty co dependant relationship. I had a severe drinking problem i ended up paying cash to detox and get rehab for. What is your excuse?

>> No.58425716

Why is it a competition to you

>> No.58425720

Spoken like a true normie.

>> No.58425725

Why isn't it for you? You should be working towards being someone your family can lean on instead of complaining. You played a game designed to make you lose and it sounds like you realized it, so now is the chance to stop doing what you think you're supposed to do and start doing things that actually work. No one owes you anything. Do something people find valuable and get paid for it then use your intellect to manage the money to make more money.

>> No.58425726

>got great grades
go to law school
I was making $88k as a 3 year engineer and now first year law student I have an internship in Palo Alto inked for a top tier IP law firm. First years make $225k base with $20k bonus. Im getting $4300 a week for 10 weeks as an intern.
My grades were shit because I did eng. If you really got good grades in undergrad you should have no problem getting into a top law school and your life will be easier than mine

>> No.58425735

That sounds like a skill issue to me op, why are you here on /biz/ whining instead of doing something to get out of your situation? There's literally nerds out here who are 5 years younger than you making more money on blocklords, and I don't see them whining when their token dumbs, they just grind harder

stop whining and get back to work

>> No.58425736

My father literally refuses to work

>> No.58425767
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You need mushrooms
They’ll give you a reset and are powerful manifestation tools
Grow some natalensis. They’re stronger, more pleasant, grow faster and easier than all other active mushrooms

>> No.58425779

>get a job
bad news friend, it only gets worse from here

>> No.58425789

I know mushrooms are all the rage but for me its peyote. I puked all the bad energy out and learned to laugh about my families self-made struggle, gained the perspective that life is so beautiful nothing can bring me back down, and never wanted to do it again.
Who cares? A lot of people dont have fathers in their life. A lot of fathers are drug addicts and womanizers. Be grateful you have a dad at all while he's still around. You're 26 and went to college, "followed your dreams." Thats a privilege most don't have. Live your own life now. There's not much youth left, the time to make something out of it is right now

>> No.58425790

Who cares?

>> No.58425815

Based peyote purger. I’ve done mescaline but it was extracted from San Pedro cactus. My experience was more pleasure and no purging though.

>> No.58425885

ngl consider yourself lucky you ever had any expectation to get anything from your parents/family

people are fucked up right now, i never really had any expectation i'd get anything from anyone. i help them out still though but yeah peopl are shattered

but yeah
dont be ungrateful
unless he raped you or something you are better off then most people who grew up without a father around. There's shit that goes on just from being exposed to their pheromones as you go through puberty it has a huge impact.

>> No.58425912

Well at least it explains why his OP is weirdly focused on his family fucking up with their money with zero details on what they're doing, since the entire plan seems to be to mooch off of whatever they have.

>> No.58426922

play lrds and smoke weed. also coming out of holes like these is not *impossible* but you must first learn how to live with it instead of despising it like you seem to do at the moment. just chill out nigga you'll find a way. oh also you should cut off contact with most of your retarded family they will only drag you down.
>waa waaa that is bad and sociopathic and too hard
just my two cents.

>> No.58427113

You’ll make it. I can tell.

>> No.58427273
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first and foremost you need to get ya mind right faggot

>> No.58427394

I'd like to have you both on my couch.

>> No.58427405

Spoken like a true easy to manipulate moron who I can at least hire to do shit, but I also have to pay for his psychologist when he starts asking "why am I not happy?"
Quite the opposite, my gypsy friend. Your parents owe you everything for daring to breed you.
You're boring as hell in bed, aren't you? dull remarks, dull conversations, no sensitivity, no emotion? that's how society wants their workers, competent psychopaths ... who have to cope through other means like alcohol ... good food, good bodies to have sex with, etc. etc.

However no doubt if the roles were inverted *right now* you'd either have a heart attack, an aneurysm from stupidity(of others) while kicking his family's ass or you'd be "capable" of trudging through it by simply calling it quits and cutting contact with his family members staying far far away.

You see, OP was "coddled" he never felt any real hardships on his own which didn't involve relying on his family members to supply for him... emotionally, not financial. He's a pessimist. He stills hopes for the good in humanity and blames himself for others not being up to par.
Your family sounds more HONEST. "We don't give a shit". You're indifferent, much more akin to literally your cliche line "Nobody owes you anything" very very cold. You wouldn't make a good father if you fathered children. They'd be just as cold as you and your family.

So OP if he or she is good looking I'd hire him as a prostitute who can pretend to be your girlfriend for a day.
You on the other hand? I'd hire you to do a dirty job for me and get_shit_done even if you were the sexiest woman alive I would not hire you as my prostitute. You'd be cold in more ways than one. You're a nihilist who's very easy to persuade or coerce into things. OP is even easier but at least OP knows what he's feeling sad for. You on the other hand will be sitting on my couch every week due to lack of emotional introspection and nothing but physical needs.

>> No.58427764

I wonder, are there any mental health professionals that are actually, truly mentally well adjusted?
By which I don't mean whether they're able to fool people into thinking that they are thanks to years of training in the field. Almost all of them can do that.
Another way to ask that question might be: Are there any mental health professionals that got into it for reasons other than their own mental damage?

>> No.58428463

Get a job and invest gradually in memecoins since you are looking for quick money, which can still fuck you up. I will advise you to go for altcoins like AAST and XRD with long-term potential.

>> No.58428490

well my father can't work because he died of cancer last year

>> No.58428699

Falling Down. Yeezy mentioned it in a song

>Time to take it too far now.
>Michael Douglas out the car now

>> No.58428829
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i almost feel sorry for you. Almost.
>I did nothing wrong, I did everything society expected of me
cap, also people who actually do that don't boast about it. at least you can see beyond your own existence and acknowledge the struggles of your family an others so you're not a narcissist douchebag. but that aint enough
you gotta be smarter than that. you said you went to college and shit yet your about to fully enter poverty as you said
So what are you gonna do? what are your options? did you consider any at all? did you search for alternatives? other jobs? invest into stocks, coins, memecoins ai assisted ones like AGRS$, projects, etc? cuz it sounds like your ass is settling for nothing without even trying
you assume you have no alternatives so you do nothing and wait for death. goddamn loser ahh behavior

>> No.58430133

Poor you anon, why not invest in meme at your risk for quick gains or invest with hope and rest of mind in altcoins that will yield like NXRA and DUA due to their potentials in RWA

>> No.58430200
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hey housing is going down if you half-make it in two years you can maybe move away from your cancerous, dysfunctional family.

>> No.58430347

>Got great grades, went to college, followed my dreams, and now I am useless and soon to be impoverished.
What did you study?

>> No.58430465

Some people get into it because they desperately want the "doctor" title but are too stupid for medical school

>> No.58431800
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>I'm only 26 and my entire family's financial situation is so bad that it's causing me to be in a permanent state of FUD. I feel like I am being mentally raped by merely existing. Parents have six figures of debt, relatives are becoming poorer every time I see them, grandparents are literally pissing away any chance of an inheritance. I did nothing wrong, I did everything society expected of me. Got great grades, went to college, followed my dreams, and now I am useless and soon to be impoverished. My life is over. No one in my entire family even seems to care anymore, they're more blackpilled than I am at this point.
place each of your siblings to farm in online games such as metin2, wow, blocklords or MU.

>> No.58431824 [DELETED] 
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Defense bros, wwa?

>> No.58431912

this anon knows what’s up

>> No.58433345

God bless you anon

>> No.58433350

Your first problem is that you thought you could just cruise through life through inheritance money instead of actually making something of yourself. Also what dreams did you follow? drawing furry commissions?

>> No.58434073

You can do it anon

>> No.58434199

Go drive trucks for swift. You'll make 60k your first year if you're not literally retarded and you'll never be home so you won't be able to spend any money so you can save it for something that matters. If you really have big balls do it for 2-4 years with no address other than your folks place and save everything for a down payment on a home. It's what I'm gonna do and I'm in basically the same situation as you after my marriage blew up. Just don't be a doomer and you'll be okay.

>> No.58434258


>> No.58434398
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buy chainlink and your future will be set bro

>> No.58434739

Relevant SWIFT acronyms. Take one, leave one.
Sure Wish I could Fucking Truck
Sure Wish I Finished Training
So What I Fucking Tried
Student With Idiot For Trainer
Slow Wheels In Fast Traffic
See What I Fuck up Today
Sure We're Insured For That
Stick With It Free Training
Stop Whining I'm Fucking Trying
Send Wrecker, In Fucking Trouble
Swing Wide, It's a Fucking Trailer
Some Werner Idiot Failed Training
So What I Flip Trailers
Stevie Wonder Institute For Trucking