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58422330 No.58422330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your picks? AVI is looking promising

>> No.58422333

I'm bullish on avi.

Total Jimmy capitulation

>> No.58422334

Are there actually ANY viable crypto-game integrations? That aren't ponzis, mind you.

And if you say
>you can take your sword from game A and import into game B!
Literally nobody gives a shit about that

>> No.58422335
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>> No.58422449

Whatever BTC-associated coin, i'm done with AVI and EVMs, i'm just want to swap through my satoshirouter in the BTC halving

>> No.58422514

Well, my top picks are MATIC and IMX for this gamefi run. MATIC had the biggest gaming traffic last month, almost as much as all the other tokens. I held a sui stack of AVI but I sold sometime ago. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool project but the way devs are doing things made me lose all trust in them. For example, the markets pumps now but I'm 100% certain that they will wait for it to cool down in 2-3 weeks before doing anything. It's like they are waiting until everyone can have all their attention towards AVI. Too weird, they underestimate the IQ of crypto holders and they think it is impossible for a coin to pump when even one other crypto pumps. It has to be them and only them otherwise they won't do it. I really hope they fix their mentality as I had fun in the discord before all this came to light. Now for example the market pumps, I'm 100% sure that the test net will be released only after btc is at 80k or something. And that surprise part...they already have everything ready, the devs are waiting for see above.

>> No.58422530

i disagree with this continued narrative that the devs keep trying to time the market. i unironically think this idea first came from jimmy throwing random shit at the wall, too
developing products and launching them is a complete pain in the ass as it is, and i genuinely think theyre just working on it.
their timings on everything so far line up with what id expect, delays and all
intentionally holding everything off just to perfectly time it is way too much damn extra work and management for nothing and doesnt pass the smell test
you can find them actively tinkering with shit on the testnet too

>> No.58422555

You can disagree as much as you want, I've seen it with my own eyes multiple times. Even if what you say is true, that means that they are way too slow for their own good. They are a part of SHIB's old team, that bridge took them 2 years to release, so something is wrong. Either they are so slow that AVI will lose all of it's momentum (again) after the test net or they will never recover the price they lost because of the MM selling 30 mil AVIs on the heads of the community. Regardless, the situation AVI is in is not pink at all, it looks grim from my perspective. That's why I gave up on betting on small mcaps with big dreams and just bought blue chips. I made more profit this way and I'm happier then to hold AVI. No more unknowns, no more delays, just pure market. I can sleep better.

>> No.58422568
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tick tock

>> No.58422580

>the bridge took them 2 years
>the sudden new retarded MM fud
i didnt want to call you jimmy, but i also refuse to believe anyone lacks the mental capability to filter out all this nonsensical junk he keeps coming up with
bless your heart either way, anon

>> No.58422583

I wouldn't call it fud, it's rather a reality. Regardless, I hope you guys get what you deserve for holding through all this bullshit that keeps getting thrown at you by the devs. Every time I check the threads, there is another date in here, it's just sad at this point. Bless your hearts as well. God speed anon.

>> No.58422584
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Certainly not, but $RISE will

>> No.58422628


>> No.58422660
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My fellow riser lets rejoice in our gains

Captcha: SYSAHX

>> No.58422678
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Been using this lately, hard some luck streak buying on 20 cents, team got crazy and started spamming partnerships with as many games as they stepped across, guess it actually worked

>> No.58422721

>They are a part of SHIB's old team, that bridge took them 2 years to release
Although I'm not familiar with the shib bridge, the avi bridge is already completed and has been audited. All that's left is the testnet to find bugs. They could very well be trying to time the market (I can't say otherwise) but I don't see the issue of them privately testing the bridge prior to making it public. In fact, it makes sense from a dev perspective. Make the testnet public only after the team has taken care of all the obvious bugs. That avoids having to unnecessarily pay people for finding bugs that would've otherwise been obvious to spot during internal testing. Also, it makes for a much smoother experience for the end user vs them having to constantly shut it down to do fix after fix.

Besides all that, the reasons for why I bought into this still haven't changed. If everything goes to plan, all game devs will be able to seamlessly plug their game into the platform and if their game is worth a damn, they'll be able to turn a profit without having to deal with hosting their own tokens and dealing with all the blockchain nonsense. With the direction that avi wants to go, it just makes sense for everyone (team/game devs/users) to make a no nonsense, one stop shop platform and, they're doing it on Base of all places.

>> No.58422736

10/10 audit yet have critical bug after critical bug trying to run testnet

>> No.58422739

>you can take your sword from game A and import into game B!
Nigga that's cool as fuck if you did it properly

>> No.58422748

Don't care. Didn't ask. Bought $RISE. Dev is creating an aggregator as well as a multi chain bridge

>> No.58422749

Can't believe I swapped 500m SHIB for this piece of shit. It's the new LINK

>> No.58422761

>/biz/ fell for another TOAD farm again

>> No.58422764

>Dev is creating an aggregator as well as a multi chain bridge
Amazing how many projects want to piggyback off of the Skybridge idea.

>> No.58422792

Yeah, let them get sued into oblivion. The skybridge and everything else is trade marked. AVI could use some extra funds for marketing. That's if they don't kill themselves when they get the letter from Stixil's lawyers for millions of dollars.

>> No.58422809

I did almost same, 400 avax and 100k doge. ngl it sucks man

>> No.58422818

Talking about suing hows nintendo lawsuit going? They literally gonna rape avi over copyrights

>> No.58422836 [DELETED] 

I swapped all my shitcoins into this back in August last year. I guess it's all about perspective.

>> No.58422859

I swapped all my shitcoins into avi back in August last year. I guess it's all about perspective.

>> No.58422864

no, that's pregnant avi I want Hokkaidu Inu not some shitcoin

>> No.58423218
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What does this mean? Also, is crypto dead? wtf is going on