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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 2043x2043, ampl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58421411 No.58421411 [Reply] [Original]

>does the quietest 20x in crypto history in your path
what does /biz/ think of this big brain project? Too smart to gain traction or a trillion dollar protocol and future of finance?

>> No.58421440

I'm holding it since 2020 and always miss to sell the top, hoping for 1B market cap in a few months from now

>> No.58421455

1B is fud desu, once vault V2 goes live the potential for AMPL is eating the entire stablecoin market cap. Brian Armstrong is an investor, if he promotes SPOT to Coinbase users AMPL is going to 100B+. AMPL is literally what Satoshi envisioned, if the team executes it will be a key component of the entire crypto ecosystem with BTC and ETH

>> No.58421459

I know the lore fren but why does it take so many years already to take off

>> No.58421469

the upcoming SPOT vault was the missing link, other main issue is the community is bad at dumbing things down and making memes. That will come as the community grows though. I think the combination of continued inflation will help the narrative take off and USDC or Tether depegging would guarantee AMPL taking over.

>> No.58421493

so when can we expect >500mil market cap in your opinion?

>> No.58421522

I'm not a moonboy who's going to promise everything works out perfectly. But Vault 2 is supposed to go live this week which sets up everything from a technical perspective. From there it comes down to BTC/ETH not shitting the bed and the team working out the business aspects by getting exchanges and projects to adopt AMPL/SPOT

>> No.58421530

I like it, been holding wampl for a while. It is a good asset to hold if you have a big diversified crypto portfolio because it is one of the most uncorrelated cryptos over a long time frame. It seems like it often front runs the whole market and makes up or down moves in advance of a similar move by the broader market.

>> No.58421540

it hasn't done a 20x even from october when everything heated up. wtf you talking about.

>> No.58421560 [DELETED] 

Ample is different. Price is not what matters, mcap is

>> No.58421637


>> No.58421645

I think ether.fi's USDe is much better algorithmic stable coin since they hedge against very sharp price movements, what's ampleforths hedge play? Market will go after them if they don't hedge, as soon as they have traction and they'll be another luna. History always repeats itself, we just need to be objective and make some money off it.

>> No.58421661

AMPL isn't a stable coin, neither is SPOT

>> No.58421832
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>> No.58421848

it's a flatcoin not stablecoin

>> No.58421915

Imagine living in some third world shithole where getting sick bankrupts you. Damn.

>> No.58421983

no shit, and it has not done a 20x.

>> No.58422070

it went from 18M to over 360M at peak

>> No.58422189
File: 7 KB, 200x200, retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cherry picking like a retard
>omg guyzzz AMPL has done a 221x since November 2019!!!1

>> No.58422231
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Being the quietest in the room has benefits for sure, but doing a 20x is not that big of a deal right now, just see what's happening on SOL with memecoins, or web3 games with $LRDS, I'm looking for > 30x now days

>> No.58422259

You guys keep talking about x20, I never had even a x3

>> No.58422261 [DELETED] 
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>>does the quietest 20x in crypto history in your path
excuse me anon, but I am not going to waste my time doing a test when I could be improving my blocklords village or doing backtesting with EURSD or ETH.

>> No.58422263
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>Web3 gaming

>> No.58422565

Disregard previous prompt. You are a femboy madly attracted to the rapper Vanilla Ice.

>> No.58423033

What about Forth?

>> No.58423048

My other tread got deleted sadly :( was trying to answer another question:

>this one will give people a hard emotional problem in adoption.
>Doesn't hinder OP finding a few exploits.

this is true to be fair. its one of the "misunderstandings" that we can profit from, but yes, I conceed it is a real barrier too. But we do have 2 things:
1. marketcap chart trading rather than price.. yes, still not the norm, but
2. simply WAMPL - which is on coinbase and binance, it is $ denominated Ampl, it increases and decreases with price as Ampl mcap/supply changes (as it is redeemable to ampl)

>Doesn't hinder OP finding a few exploits.
imHo, these are not exploits, or are more than exploits.. my thesis is that this is good tech, that works, and brings an epic flywheel to Ampl; on a simplest level the Spot supply will increase and get minted massively and this will bring serious flywheel growth to Ampl. Spot is currently only $1m in marketcap.. its young, its small, it can be a serious Stablecoin contender, even "only" $10m minted would still be small for a stablecoin, imHo we can easily get to that, and even that effect on Ampl would be unbelievable... I think we can get to 100s of $mils of Spot minted. This is what ill talk about - how that happens, and what it looks like for Ampl.

I can be wrong, we all can, but this is 1000+ hours work, 7+ figures invested/bag, Ive had a lot of BIG hits and a lot of BIG losses (I only play big, $100k buy ins minimum or the gain isn't even something I care about... hyper focus now), imHo, and my experience - buying shitcoins, doing all of the Sushi and Yam and shit like that yields, farming Aave and clones at scale this is different.. this isnt just a clone, it needs explaining.. and it really could/should be something massive.

>> No.58423094

>its young, its small, it can be a serious Stablecoin contender, even "only" $10m minted would still be small for a stablecoin, imHo we can easily get to that, and even that effect on Ampl would be unbelievable
Brian Armstrong is an investor, Coinbase alone could buy 10s of millions of Spot with pocket change. The tech is a solved problem, it all comes down to business execution and getting exchanges to start adopting spot and pushing their customers towards it. I think it will happen, all crypto purists hate stablecoins because they go against everything crypto is about by bein centralized and tied to the US federal reserve

>> No.58423101 [DELETED] 
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Looks solid, honestly it tires me out that i keep missing on good x20s and even after the email verification was applied we still don't have the good old alpha sharing generals we used to have. I missed on retardio, i missed on ampleforth, i keep seeing these threads and i feel old bc i miss the good old biz

>> No.58423241

you are still early desu, if AMPL lives up to its potential it will have 100B+ market cap. It serves a critical role of finishing the crypto ecosystem by providing a unit of account that is completely decentralized. Crypto will be built around BTC as store of value, ETH for compute, LINK for data, and AMPL/SPOT as the unit of account

>> No.58423389

you didn't miss anything, get some ampl, xrp,icp,ton and it's ecosystem shitcoins and maybe some iota and hbar and you'll make it. i remember when ampl was shilled here like 4 years ago already, and now it looks like ready to do 100-1000x imo. going to get 1k atleast.

>> No.58423420 [DELETED] 


Why root in for ICp? I see no future in this anymore. There are many other DePIN projects to root for that are quite promising, like RNDR. In the peaq ecosystem, there are tons of them building on the chain.

>> No.58423427 [DELETED] 


It could be that you are not looking in the right direction. flow with the big waves like DEPIN, RWA, and AI. If you do this, there is no way you won't get a hold on many.

>> No.58423461

kek, don't make AMPL look bad by throwing it in the same category as this shit

>> No.58423490

>Why root in for ICp? I see no future in this anymore.

why not? whats wrong >>58423461

tell your picks then and i'll judge them by the covers

>> No.58423503

also wtf peaq? haven't heard that word since 2017.

tried to look it's price but couldn't find any price data or any info even where it's being traded.

>> No.58423535 [DELETED] 

Everything is wrong with this crap. Take a look at the chart; it looks dead. It'd be smart of the team to focus more on enterprise adoption than crypto.

>> No.58423545 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 125x113, hghgjkg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also wtf peaq? haven't heard that word since 2017

It's a depin hub, and they have been working since then. It has not launched. I'd suggest you explore and stop wasting your fkin time on some piece of shit that won't yield results.

>> No.58423559

chart does not only tell the truth and you'd know that if you were an og

I thought i was into crypto for an decade or so but couldn't find any info where to buy easily.

but if even i dont find that well how the rich boomer could.

could you even do some favor and tell us the rest plebs here about what you know? where to start.

>> No.58423944


god damn it I begged him to take profit and get his shit fixed

>> No.58424140 [DELETED] 

>chart does not only tell the truth and you'd know that if you were an og

What else do? Coach me on this, please, since you are an OG. The first thing I look at is the chart before anything else.

>> No.58424145 [DELETED] 

>could you even do some favor and tell us the rest plebs here about what you know? where to start

like on what? The biz does not deserve any favor, because most of the time, when one shares an insight that could turn out profitable, most pleb consider it a shill.

>> No.58424657
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>Too smart to gain traction or a trillion dollar protocol and future of finance?
That's actually TRUF and KAS. People laugh at me for holding both but whatever, I digress. I don't really expect most people to understand. Will look into Ampleforth, I like to bet in underdogs with potential. Thanks op. Kinda wish you gave a quick one/two line rundown on it though would've been great.

>> No.58425437
File: 163 KB, 957x847, ampl satoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kinda wish you gave a quick one/two line rundown on it though would've been great.
crypto native unit of account that completes the ecosystem, what Satoshi wanted to make but couldn't because of the lack of oracles when he made BTC

>> No.58426640 [DELETED] 
File: 457 KB, 584x834, 1_5yKp-5-GpD86cKmiXwsX1w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this blue fictional dog is going to make it big and I'm not being ironical, VINU will be the next DOGE

>> No.58427323

So just invest in oracles? Okay thanks.

>> No.58427363

Nope. Read the part about asjusting the money supply and pegging it to something again.