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58421054 No.58421054 [Reply] [Original]

i dreamed about being extremely wealthy when i was a kid. i am now 27 and dream of owning a shoebox apartment one day

>> No.58421062

I dreamt of starting a family and being a good husband. I regularly try to hang myself now only to chicken out from the pain. Can no longer afford anti depressants. Doctor told me to avoid alcohol because if I get drunk I might just kill myself.

>> No.58421067
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i fell for the good husband meme too. its crazy how much hope the media and family can give you about your future. my gf ruined my life and abandoned me. i was stuck with scars for years. everyday now i have anxiety that i might have to start living in my car because i cant afford rent anymore. been getting liquidated in the market too multiple times. hang in there fren. fuck this gay earth and everyone in it

>> No.58422440

i "made it" by making 15k+ a month online doing something i like until youtube fucked me over because of redditfags and karens
and no i cannot move into other platforms or patreons or dogshit. the only way to make money is with ads unless you have a cult following
now im fucked with no income and 400k in savings living with my mom
i need to gamble this shit into a 4x
i wish to get rich or at least get to +1million to sue youtube. its crazy how they demonetize people with no explainations. fucking dogshit company. inb4 bootlickers.

>> No.58422483

>hanging yourself instead of taking an ar to mr shekelstein and trying to go for a highscore then seppuku
even your suicide method is gay

>> No.58422495

I was in massive college debt when I was your age but I became a millionaire at age 32. Get your shit together, OP.

>> No.58422560
File: 32 KB, 917x671, God, pls send me a qt, i can't take it anymore!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the women i want are mostly already taken
>all tthe rest that aren't taken don't want me
>all the women i don't want want me
such is life. kills me every time i see a married woman who should be mine make that hearts-over-her-eyes emoji over her ugly ass husband
>mfw this will never be me

>> No.58423359

I work a chill part time job and live with my parents and sister's family and I get to chill and buy my nephews toys and buy myself mcdonalds and video games and contribute a little to rent and talk with funny people at work, life is pretty good even if I am not wealthy and I doubt your life is much worse you probably just don't appreciate what you have

>> No.58423963

it's ok anon, the ones turning 27 ten years from now, will be dreaming about not having to eat bugs for the 3rd lunch in a row, but instead get healthy nutritious mealworms delivered to their pod for a change.

>> No.58424029

The whole “should be mine” bit is cringy bro, ngl. The whole story just sounds like a lack of self reflection.

My country is about to ban smoked produce because it supposedly causes cancer according to a very questionable study. It’s wild my kids will never know what certain produce used to taste like. Artificial “meat” is just around the corner as well.

>> No.58424037

you and everyone else

>> No.58424767
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i only say 'should be mine' about a few married women i am in contact with at work because the chemistry we have is so on point, it's tragic af

>> No.58425057

I'm still dreaming of a debt-free future, that the IRS won't mind my existence, and that I can spend whatever I want without consequences, but then I come back to reality and 2 of my bags are gone and I have to go back to looking for new stuff in dextools

>> No.58425082
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>it's the girlfriend dream again

>> No.58425156


youre just a simp they use for cheap attention

>> No.58425205
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how am i a simp? i don't give them anything or do them any favors lol. we just lightly flirt with each other and have a good chuckle here and there

>> No.58425299
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>All of my hope for the future is deposited in dogcoins, memecoins, p2e nft games and crypto going parabollic
im not even kidding here, if $orbs doesn't moon i think im legitimately out of options for a decent future, its all licking cardboard from that point on

>> No.58425559
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My only financial strategy rn is doing DCA on DexView, i think the market is objectively fucked

>> No.58425703

My mom spent $2000 on a washer-dryer set

>> No.58426136

I'll give you a freebie, go buy HEGE. One of the few projects I've seen that doesn't seem like a immediate rug.

2.4 Million Marketcap so still early.

>> No.58426154
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When I was 16 or 17 I told my girlfriend at the time that I'd become rich so she could comfortably be a stay at home mother.
I'm 27 now and can easily support the family we would have had.
But she's been in another relationship for around 7 years and I have no girlfriend.
I still sometimes dream about the life we could have had together, but won't have.

>> No.58426168

>400k in savings
Oh fuck off you spoilt crybaby

>> No.58426295
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>> No.58426559
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>I'm still dreaming of a debt-free future
I keep dreaming of a world where FIAT money does not exist and we all use memecoins created in satoshisync and the price is stipulated by ourselves.

>> No.58426591

If you think about it anon, us dollars is becoming more like a memecoins

>> No.58426593

there will not be a world without FIAT money, never ever again

>> No.58426904

just be happy for what you do have and stay grounded fren. not saying you should be mediocre or something, just saying shit's hard out there at the moment. over 25% of purchasing power has been lost by normal, working people in the us, for example. inflation gongo up. all that jazz. im happy for my good super/eth/xmr bags. im happy im close to being a wholecoiner. im happy i got a gf recently. im happy i opened a crate with a nice knife in cs2. stuff like that.

>> No.58427071

I just lost my job a month ago
Now I'm just a small custom keyboard parts seller
Life is hard but hang in there, fren

>> No.58427479
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I had weird dreams again where I was flying on some kind of red planet while my eyes were above a shiny plate, I think I should stop watching the jizzlord chart before sleeping, so many numbers stress me out

>> No.58427569

lmao, you're so deep in your fantasy it's comical/tragical

>> No.58427592
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>Growing up I dreamed I'd be working a six figure job while living in a penthouse in a large city and dating a girl from a rich family

>I currently work as a retail sales rep living near the farm lands and dating a Walmart girl

Life hits hard

>> No.58427608

you deserve to lose everything, no that gaining all you think you need won't make you just as miserable - actually will make you 10x worse off coming from this footing. so if you aren't joking, enjoy the extremely painful spiritual lessons

>> No.58427628 [DELETED] 
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Then get on $Bepsi
Sub 100K MC and has people from APU coming in. Good spread of wallets and big whales out.

>> No.58427747

i just want to own a shithole house near the woods with a few acres

>> No.58427750

some of those walmart girls are cuties, my mom worked there for like 15 years after she lost her better job

>> No.58427753

what were you making hyper edgy videos?

>> No.58427839

divorces happen every day, bud. i don't see it as a fantasy. i see it as potentiality

>> No.58428081

Its not just about looks

>> No.58428098

not at all
wagie cope. 400k is nothing. you need 2 million to live a decent live. 1 million for income, 1 million for house. commuting is bad for health and for your spirit.

>> No.58428110

>Can no longer afford anti depressants
Try ordering in bulk from India. I used to get my generics from India at about the same price as the US (after shipping costs) but I the benefit was that I didn't have to keep visiting the psychiatrist every 6 months at a cost of $100+ per visit.

>> No.58428193

Any good websites

>> No.58428208

Aren't you a europoor? What do you need 2M for?

>> No.58428219

Everyone has dreams of being extremely rich as a kid. Welcome to the real world.

>> No.58428375

Well your dream can still come to pass before 30 if you DCA into QAN

>> No.58428942
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I'm 37 and the only thing I have is $30M MUMU token because my friends told me to buy

>> No.58429204

Only poor anons dream like this and ut simply means it will definitely get ugly and that's why I have my fiat ready to DCA into ETH, ADA, MATIC and some other small caps that are related to RWA DEPIN, and Restaking features with their growth prospect

>> No.58429277

AAST is my ticket to financial freedom.

>> No.58429283
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I've spent enough time on earth and on this shithole that I know you're just a pussy.