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5842038 No.5842038 [Reply] [Original]

I hate to kill a thread for this but...

So I wanted to use EtherDelta for the first time. I withdrew some ETH from Binance to use on ED. Unfortunately, I think I may have made a huge mistake by not sending a test transaction first. I ended up sending .25 ETH to my ED account (I checked multiple times that this was the correct address, and it is), however, after 45 minutes, there is not a single confirmation of the transaction, and the block explorer is telling me it's an invalid address. Wtf did I do? I thought I was better than to commit some noob mistake. Is there any chance this transaction will still go through?

>> No.5842198

I bought around 28k BZC, how fucked am I?

>> No.5842412
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>> No.5842470
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>> No.5842530
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>> No.5842651
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>0.25 ETH
>who gives a shit?

>> No.5842801

That's like over $200

>> No.5842974

C'mon guys... I really need someone to point out what I did wrong here

>> No.5843236

One last bump. pls respond

>> No.5843371

binance is kind of fucked right now, i'd wait a bit more before panicking

>> No.5843442

Shit I hope so. I feel so fucking just'ed right now. None of this makes sense

>> No.5843846

is that snock blespar ?

>> No.5844063

1. There is no etherdelta account. You have to deposit to wallet. Put your private key into ed. Then transfer from wallet to ed.
2.It says processing. So it is. Not only is the ethereum netwrork clogged right now, but Binance is kinda messed up as well. 45 minutes is nothing.
Give it a few hours. It'll be there.

>> No.5844084


>> No.5844319

My blockfolio app is kind of fucky when I try to view the XLM graph. I think XLM broke everything.