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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58417348 No.58417348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58417354

You bought a pointless shitcoin

>> No.58417406

Curry shit extreme biz shill Indian nigger coin. You get what you deserve

>> No.58417422 [DELETED] 

No idea, never bought. Something about Squid just gave me the creeps

>> No.58417431

Not even Indians though. Desperate white biztards have become the cargo cult crypto scammers with no morals. No conscience. What have I become my sweetest frens?

>> No.58417435
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>He bought a fucking spongebob coin and is wondering what went wrong

>> No.58417437 [DELETED] 

Its always been that way, let's be real. People join a telegram, buy a bag. If they don't see movement they get bored, and jump around. If they were smart, and not hedonistic they'd be pushing their bags non-stop and actually create something meaningful out of a project

>> No.58417506

this is why apu is the only good meme play this cycle

>> No.58417616

The revival team hasn't sold any of their bags anon, nor most of the new whales. Crypto is volatile, everyone knows that. The point is there is a road map being worked on next of which is CoinGecko listing. TG is active, autistic, and fun. Yeah there's been swing traders and bot snipers but it hasn't rugged and the volume is good which was a chief complaint of the previous fudders. The team artist is making fire memes with normie appeal. X and Reddit presence is growing. Biz jannies continue to prune Squid threads. if that isn't bullish I don't know what is. This is going to top SpongeBob token mark my words.

>> No.58417665

Doghole fucked us is what happened... We lost..

>> No.58417698 [DELETED] 
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kek good one anon

>> No.58417859 [DELETED] 
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Frens, we've been dethroned by BEPSI.

It's so over...

>> No.58418061

Idk, never got into this shit, was too busy recovering the wallet where I had my SUPER stack kek

>> No.58419074
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I think that was a lot of krabby patties for one squid
and I can't blame them either, I mean the same thing can happen to me with the shit I created in pinksale, we are all victims of our dreams

>> No.58419125 [DELETED] 
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He's drinking BEPSI now.

>> No.58419355
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Get mesugaki on base

>> No.58419716

made the mistake of trusting in 1Intro

>> No.58419743

White dev you say ? Interdasting

>> No.58420480

There are no devs, nigger

>> No.58420597

So youre saying if I buy I can’t be rugged?

>> No.58420653

Email verification killed them all. Many of the tokens shilled on /biz/ did so because it was free and hassle free until now.
Now there's no place to shill free of charge. You'll have to use that "marketing wallet" and realize how flawed on design that system is.
The alternative is to buy an actual, real coin with actual, real utility and take the L. Only shitcoins that managed to get through were Pepe's yellow friend and the other frog that shall not be named because they have a big, autistic enough community. Everything else will just rot and flatline.

>> No.58421220

Utility is a meme

>> No.58422126


>> No.58422127

E-mail verification hasn't killed us, we are still here

>> No.58422160

Jerry killed my dog and didn't apologize

>> No.58422168 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 825x1056, photo_5839088999501775377_y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team got their shit together and are pushing inkies in a cohesive direction, CG listing issues are solved, and meme factory is delivering every day.

>> No.58422169

I'm still asking myself that same question in regards to blocklords PVP, we're in season 3, and there's no PVP yet, fuck

>> No.58422179 [DELETED] 
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Youre right I joined the TG and they are all white it seems so I bought a bag. Thinking this will give me the fat gains apu just did

>> No.58422188

Damn. I should've sold this when I was up 3x. Now I'm down almost 50% lmao

>> No.58422533
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Cheap as hell at the moment. We make it back to ath you already have 5x more

>> No.58422758 [DELETED] 

Bought in Yesterday after lurking in the TG group and going through the token distribution/main wallets for good few hours. Seem to be decent distribution and active community, I expect this one to do a nice comeback in coming days or weeks.

>> No.58422760
File: 773 KB, 1351x749, lil dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry ma dude, everything is going up now
if even dogs like the yellow one and vinu are coming back, it means that we still have a lot of time

>> No.58422784

Dips are what seperate the boys from the men

>> No.58422788

If you're down there is no reason to sell. Just hold onto it indefinitely and see if it goes insane like some of the other revived shitcoins. Or sell at the first sign of profit / initial investment recovery.

>> No.58422820 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 700x908, IMG_4820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why i still believe that squid can moon is that there is just so much left to do that will give us momentum and reach.

First of all, the marketing wallet hasn't been touched yet, all of our publicity has come from shilling on various social media sites. Once the time is right, we can pay for shoutouts from influencers or for ads on websites like moontok.

Other than that, we haven't even gotten a CG listing, making us not as reachable for normies yet. We don't have CMC either. Another thing that can give us massive momentum once we're there.

And last but not least, we can use exchange listings later down the road to get more eyes on us and make it easier for normies, who will recognize the meme, to buy the token.

Compare this to some other shitcoins out there, who are already listed everywhere they can, don't have any funds and no way to gain more momentum. They will die once there is the slightest bit of trouble. So what's the rationale of buying these instead of Squid?

>> No.58423131

This is exactly my thoughts! And I have a feeling in my ass that you and I, we are right!

>> No.58423185 [DELETED] 
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Communities are forged in the fires of dips, and Squid has maintained itself rather well for the hardships its had so far. Bullish outlook for me

>> No.58423347

On the subject of the marketing wallet, the admins could sell squid otc to people so we have ethereum

>> No.58423379

Shieet thats a good idea, my main concern over the marketing wallet was that its bulk is in squid, so this takes care of the issue of having to nuke the chart in order to put that marketing wallet to work.

>> No.58423455

Interested people would have to contact one of the admins

>> No.58423459

The chart is already nuked

>> No.58423485

i just want to break even

>> No.58423541
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One month chart, not exactly what i'd call nuked

>> No.58423568
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Just testing bottoms. Chart exploded and got momentum halted by OG holders from the rug cashing out, but revival team is delivering a cohesive roadmap and Ari is pumping out quality content !every day!

>> No.58423593

>bought a literal billion memesquids for like $7
something went wrong?

>> No.58423690

I think you'll get more than that if you hold

>> No.58423731

Fucking lmao. I'm in APU/BANANA/SQUID. Squid is by far the most dead with the few messages being sent being dominated by a select few retards.

I'm not selling, but I'm out once I get a multiple of my initial when the bullrun hits. I'm not holding this shit like I am with my APU and BANANA stacks.

>> No.58423772

Damn larger coins have more active telegrams? How is such a thing possible

>> No.58424012
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gee i wonder what went wrong with shitcoin #54912390 made in the last 3 months. mmmmh i dont know and i honestly couldn't care less. not too late to get into satoshisync or kaspa, just saying.

>> No.58424028

I've been in APU since 7M mcap pre Palladius jeeting and am holder #~700, so about what SQUID is at now. Even compared to APU back then SQUID growth/txs is basically nil and the TG is just plodding along.

You can take into account things like /biz/ jannies killing off biz, the market collectively shitting, but that doesn't matter at the end of the day, just overall performance and community energy.

>> No.58424036

Even when Monkey Peepo went sub $1M like SQUID is right now everyone was still excited as fuck. SQUID had potential, and it might rise again to breach the ATH, but I'm not hopeful for much beyond that unlike Peepo and APU

>> No.58424108

Sounds like you're planning on roundtripping peepo

>> No.58424265

Funds for rebranding acquired, moon mission ready to launch

>> No.58424365

The crazy bastards have actually done it

>> No.58424379
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Two more weeks and we'll fly.

>> No.58424425

The chat was starting to feel very similar to Apu on the Thursday and Friday until Iran threatened Israel. Regardless, the chat was pumping for a few days after, but but volume was light leading up to the halving. With the number of impressions being in the thousands for many of tweets, I think it’s safe to say that a cg and cmc listing will help convert those impressions into buys. It’s insane to think it won’t pump again, especially with the bull market ahead of us. When it does, I think the tg will go back to what it was prior to ww3 and I believe Twitter will only continue to grow. It’s a gamble but that marketing wallet can be sold OTC for CEX listings when it makes sense so I think minimum it hits 10m but it could easily hit 100m with the right momentum. Not tomorrow or some shit but the bull market is just barely getting started.

>> No.58424444

We kind of got bogged by the whole ww3 situation, but with some good news we can regain our momentum and revitalize our tg

>> No.58424450
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Facts are: funding adquired, community active (weekend lul but people are revving up again), recognizable meme (decades of exposure for the human population), active meme/content creation, and actual real humans in the tg (not just bots). Hard to not be bullish with such a great distribution and handsome community.

>> No.58424642

Nice quads, and yes I agree. Once news of a cg listing hits, gonna be huge

>> No.58424685 [DELETED] 

Kek what a normal and organic thing to say

>> No.58424706

Buy sexy zuck on base. Just as handsome.

>> No.58424902 [DELETED] 


Why settle for meme that will drain you when there are other profitable assets to deal with, like Dua, NXRA, Pyth, and many more?

>> No.58425139

suck my penis and buy SQUID

the community stepped up massively, total rebranding underway

>> No.58425167

Squid is one of the strongest communities i've ever seen, it doesn't even need a pump to gather funds. In one day, we managed to gather enough for a full rebranding

>> No.58425193

It’s up like 30% since the last time I checked. I bet this is going to pump to a new ATH sometime in the next week.

>> No.58425274 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 640x640, photo_2024-04-22_23-33-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate or no hate, Handsome Squid welcomes you all

>> No.58425341
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I do think so too! The recent chart is all green candles - the color of the Handsome Squidward!

>> No.58425418

Holy shit, didn’t even notice that. Just checked dextools and it is the top performer in my watchlist. Last time it did this, it hit ETH trending and rocketed up to ATH before an old holder from a year ago jeeted his bags.

>> No.58425477
File: 46 KB, 616x681, backinbusiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its only natural to follow fear and not jump into the unknown, however that is where the big gains are made. Jump into the fire handsome, or FOMO in at ATH

>> No.58425485

Wise words, young Squidawan

>> No.58425622
File: 169 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_4816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love the memes the community creates

>> No.58425626

>type prompt into Big image generator
>"community memes"
Nobody is buying your Squitranny shitcoins Ranjeet.

>> No.58425660
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Thanks for bumping fren, i appreciate it

>> No.58425661

It’s up like 60% in the past 24 hours

>> No.58425662

Bump it more so it can be hidden/deleted.

>> No.58425663

You're too generous today saar

>> No.58425669

I'm still down 40% from buying last week kek

>> No.58425792

Looks like you’re only down 20% now. Give it a few weeks and you’ll probably be up 3000%.

>> No.58425807
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>> No.58425927

Holy shit squiddies how are we pumping thought this coin was done for after the ww3 fud glad I help a small bag through it

>> No.58426244
File: 28 KB, 357x458, Screenshot 2024-04-23 201529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm now barely above breakeven. Should I sell or hold??

>> No.58426337

After this gets cmc or cg listing, all of that shilling be done on Twitter will result in 10 times more buy pressure than before, especially when the market is more bullish. People were seeing SQUID, searching for it in uniswap and seeing squid game coins pop up. At some point, you’re gonna have apu holders cashing out their massive bags for profits and they’re gonna see this other community that has the same autistic energy, with a growing Twitter presence. Do the math. Hold and see what kind of momentum this thing can really get. I’m not kidding when I say this could surprise a lot of people. It’s a gamble obviously, but imagine being able to put in 1k at this mc and make 6 or 7 figures from it. If it doesn’t pick up a lot of momentum, you make like 10x from holding.

>> No.58426449

Just went up 80% in 24 hours that's what happened. Glad I rolled some of my gains from APU into SQUID a couple days ago

>> No.58426669

Watch what happens when it gets listed.

>> No.58427100
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Bought in big time. Just in time before listing, probably going to add heavily after listing aswell when we see the x's stacking. Now is the time boys

>> No.58427181
File: 82 KB, 750x1000, photo_2024-04-18_17-57-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job Squidsis, I'm proud of u

>> No.58427399

Wagmi Squisters

>> No.58427465
File: 116 KB, 490x542, photo_2024-04-24_17-21-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fomo about to get real

>> No.58427484

Thats bullish af. Timing of that could literally not be any better.

>> No.58427593

The bullrun is just beginning, i can see Squid hitting 100mil

>> No.58427638

lol this sounds like chat gpt wrote it

>> No.58427745

Normies will ape this shit come meme mania this bull run