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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58415481 No.58415481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it setup in a way to make it give the illusion that it pumps hard because of how the uniswap liquidity pool is setup?

It pumps like crazy with just a few buys, but it also dumps like crazy with just a few sells...

I have other memecoins which have a much smaller market cap than Apu does, but ive noticed one thing, a similar amount of ETH swapped for APU pumps it like 10%, an amount that would only pump my other MUCH SMALLER market cap memecoin like 2%...... that doesn't make any sense, unless Apus liquidity pool is setup in a way to make it so a few buys pumps like price like crazy

Obviously this goes both ways in that it doesn't take much sells to make it dump like crazy.

But to me this seems like its setup in a way to hope that BUYS will cascade and cause a massive never ending pump, so they cant get listed on Binance or something, so then they can exit on Binance.

Of course like I said this isn't "perfect" in that, unless everyone in Apu agrees to just hold and don't sell on uniswap, it could just keep having large dumps on a few sells and never get anywhere due to low liquidity

That said, this "method" could pay off for APU, the question is, will it?

>> No.58416419

>what is x*y=k

>> No.58416488

It has a better liquidity to marketcap ratio than Shiba Inu, I don't understand this fud

>> No.58416497

I have another memecoin that is under 10 million dollar market cap. This is 1/10th the market cap of Apu.

So whats the point im trying to make here?. A $10k ETH buy on my <10M market cap memecoin pumps the coin less than what a $10k ETH buy on Apu does at 100M market cap.
The memecoin Im talking about....

Market cap: $6.5 Million
Liquidity pool: $685k
Ratio: 9.48

Compared to Apu....

Market cap: $110.4 Million
Liquidity pool: $2.3 million
Ratio: 48

This actually perfectly explains the reason why Apu seems to pump like crazy. The liquidity pool is very small compared to the market cap, therefore any decent BUY pumps it like crazy, but its a double-edged sword, in that any decent SELL dumps it like crazy too.

So when Apu "runs" on successive decent buys, it pumps like wild fire. I think this is the entire 'scam' - its an illusion of being able to pump really well is purely based on its poor liquidity to market cap ratio.

>> No.58416508

Yes but this is the case with most memecoins. Memecoins aren't fully fledged projects with loads of investors. They're going to have low liquidity.

It helps them moon too. People will see number go up, and will fomo in. The rise is price will be a sight to see soon.

>> No.58416516

Volatility is volatility, it isn't a scam
Also this

>> No.58416533

Yeah ok, but you didnt address the MC to LP ratio I mentioned.

Why does my other memecoin have a 9.4 ratio of MC to LP, but Apu has a 48 ratio of MC to LP?

What I am saying is this explains why my 6.5 million dollar market cap memecoin pumps LESS with a 10k ETH buy than APU pumps with a 10k ETH buy, despite Apu's market cap being so much higher.

FFS you guys can't see what im talking about here?

My 6.5 million marketcap memecoin pumps LESS with a $10,000 ETH buy, than Apu pumps with a $10,000 ETH buy, despite Apu being 100 million+ market cap.

How can a 100M+ mcap coin pump higher in % points on a 10k buy than a 6.5M mcap coin pumps on a 10k buy?

Well its because what I mentioned, the market cap to LP ratio is retarded on Apu, so when people are buying it, even with small buys, it pumps like mad.

This is an indication that its a memecoin that is not meant to be traded on uniswap other than for pumping it first and getting CEX listings, so then the actual real dumping can happen on a CEX where whales are hoping there will be far more liquidity, like on a Tier 1 exchange such as Binance.

>> No.58416536
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>> No.58416543

Yeah but you cant use SHIB as an example because all of SHIB liquidity is on Tier 1 exchanges now. Its not being traded by whales on uniswap.

So this idea of using OLD memecoins that have already had all of their markets made on tier 1 exchanges where the liquidity is 1000X that of uniswap liquidity pair is being intellectually dishonest.....

You cant compare a new memecoin that has no real liquidity on any exchanges, and has no T1 listing, and no T1 (binance etc) market makers liquidity to an Old memecoin that has years & billions in liquidity on T1 CEX'

>> No.58416545

It is confirmed that there are two exchanges apu is going be listed on real soon, and they won't be the last.

>> No.58416548

You dont magically get given a billion dollar market maker for a listing

You actually need real buyers, not just whales doing 50k buys to print 30%+ candles to encourage trending FOMO into the coin in order to bring in real liquidity only for it to be dumped on by another whale who isn't interested in waiting for the long-term "long-con" of all whales holding together for a T1 multi-billion dollar CEX's market makings

>> No.58416551

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

>> No.58416563

Your memecoin is an exception, not the rule. Brett, andy are other shitcoins that have low liquidity.

Shiba had low liquidity before being listed too. Also with the help of marker makers and more exchanges coming, liquidity will be less and less of an issue.

Final point is
Volume > Liquidity. So long there's demand, liquidity becomes irrelavant.

>> No.58416571

No you're not getting it.

Yes, all memecoins have low liq'd

What I am talking about is the LIQ to MC ratio.

ALL memecoins have LOW liquidity, but NOT all of them have LOW MC to LP ratio.

Apu just so happens to have a very poor MC to LP ratio

EVERYTHING in crypto besides ETH and BTC has shit liquidity honestly, I am not talking about liquidity as an overall perspective.

I am talking specifically about a design choice by Apu's dev Palladius who launched the Apu with a very small LP, so the ratio is forever fucked, and thus relatively small buys/sells can cause major price movements

So when sentiment is good for APU, it can pump like crazy, but when sentiment is bad for APU, it can dump like crazy

The poor LP to MC ratio causes this.

When a memecoin has decent LP to MC ratio, it actually takes pretty big buys and pretty big sells in order to push the price in either direction heavily, but for Apu (with a very poor LP to MC ratio), it doesn't take much at all to push its price in either direction.

Why do I have to keep repeating myself 1000 times in 1000 different ways? I wish people could just understand what im trying to say here. Why is it so hard for me to explain this and get people to comprehend what im actually saying?

>> No.58416645

No you're not getting it. When I talk about low liquidity, I'm talking low liq:mcap ratio.
Bretts mcap:liq ratio is about 70:1

Again, memecoins don't have much pooled liquidity to start with. As a result, the ratio is never that great.

>> No.58416657

Yes that’s the scam. Almost every single meme coin does it, in fact almost all DEX coins do it. It takes early whales deciding to provide a lot of liquidity. I don’t know why they don’t more often it’s a good exit strategy for whose that won’t tank price as hard. Win win

>> No.58416679


>> No.58416684

Tier 1 exchange btw


>> No.58416686

Dexs are scams. Congrats on bitget

>> No.58416688

That's the risk you take if you want to make it.
Alternatively buy utility and make at most a 10x

>> No.58416689


>> No.58416723

Nigger is ignoring it when other coins that gets listed and doesn't get an instant 1b mcap. You're a nigger that would fud other threads saying that X exchange is a scam and their chain will die and now your precious Apu is getting the same treatment you're ignoring it. Fucking KEK.

>> No.58416742

We have deals with market makers though. And there is a community wallet that helps with exchange liquidity. Some of this stuff can be checked out yourself, been refuted plenty of times.

And yes, we've even had security audits and whitepapers before you larp on about that

>> No.58416754

Proud of you guys. I think you have a real shot at greatness. Greatness at dumping on retards, but no judgement that’s what we’re all doing here even btc maxis

>> No.58416760

You're missing the point but ok you can cope.

>> No.58416802

Cope? My 500 dollars is now worth 60000 dollars. And that's having already taken 15k profit out.

>> No.58416970

>Yeah but you cant use SHIB as an example because I said so

>> No.58417180

What about exploring liquid restaking protocols like YieldNest to maximize your rewards, whether it's a bullrun or a bear market?

>> No.58417202

I did send a similar suggestion to the admins.

I do see them introducing staking though. It's important to keep the whales happy and to hodl

>> No.58417604
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So Apu is an even more volatile shitcoin. Got it.

Gonna buy more.

>> No.58417663

The OP makes good points but it's also a midcurve perspective...people will see a cute green frog and buy, simple as that. It helps that most Pepe memes are actually Apu, so this will also help spread awareness...even Elon Musk posted an Apu meme on his official Twitter account, that's how well known it is.

>> No.58417709

Is Bitget available for Americans? I keep getting mixed messages.

>> No.58417821

Shame listing thread got deleted whit all muh cex pump. Where is your pump now niggers? I told these cex just take bribe and free tokens for listing that they just dump on uniswap.

>> No.58417825

CEX opens.om Monday you stupid nigger

>> No.58417885


>> No.58418085

You will cope come monday

>> No.58418181

I guess 3rd time will be different lol. Brain dead afro american

>> No.58418188

>mexc listing announcement

>bitget announcement

>> No.58418215
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Dumps aggressively from massive transfers from mexc. CEX just gets paid and in addition free tokens to dump on holders super deal all in kek

>> No.58418245


>> No.58418250

160m tokens aren't enough to cause a significant dip

>> No.58418361

Ok I guess i need to post what im saying here more clear

>Requires little money to pump
>causes green candles easily on small buys
>attracts attention
>attention causes more buys
>buys increase as FOMO and attention increases
>price balloons exponentially
>exponential growth attracts attention of CEXs
>CEXs list
>Whales hope Apu is viral enough for mainstream liquidity
>mainstream liquidity on CEXs used as exit liquidity for whales

Apu was made from the start to be able to be pumped up with very little money, the idea is that people will see lots of green candles, and will FOMO into Apu, thus creating a self-fulfilling cycle.

This requires all top wallets to hodl and never sell, because it only takes 1 top wallet dumping everything to crash the price (because even small sells cause large % drops in price) - so this is basically all about the top wallets in Apu never selling until mainstream adoption.

>> No.58418374

Another issue I have noticed.

I am checking Palladius price impact with his remaining APU

The price impact of his Apu actually increases as the market cap increases, this means that every dollar that goes into Apu, the ratio of MC to LP actually decreases, so the price impact of a whale in Apu gets worse the higher the market cap gets, because the ratio of LP to MC is not getting any better, its just getting exponentially worse as the market cap increases

The whole point of an increasing market cap, is an increasing LP, and at least the very least an increasing LP to MC ratio, what appears to be happening with Apu is that the LP to MC ratio gets WORSE the more it pumps, creating more and more price impact the higher it goes

This is a dangerous game

>> No.58418400


Anon you're literally only looking at the Uniswap liquidity. Pepe has worse liquidity on Uniswap, and Shib has far worse liquidity than both. Apu already has two CEX listings and it's likely it will continue to get more, only an absolute retard would dump their ginormous bag on Uniswap when they have access to CEX levels of liquidity. The Uniswap liquidity will matter less and less as Apu becomes more mainstream and is listed on more CEX.

And of course it's a dangerous game, it's a fucking shitcoin lol. People buying in know the score. This is all FUD that's been posted a million times already over the last month.

>> No.58418415

> Pepe has worse liquidity on Uniswap, and Shib has far worse liquidity than both.


But they have ESTABLISHED multi-billion dollar tier 1 market makers across 100s of CEX's, Apu does not have that.

You can't compare those established memecoins to Apu who has not yet established anything of the kind

The point is, Apu is always at risk of rugging to 0. It is right now a race between getting that billion dollar t1 cex market maker across 100s of exchanges, and rugging to 0.

>> No.58418424
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A single APU whale cashing out will crash the price 90%

>> No.58418425

how do you think any coin started out? christ

>> No.58418437

The point im making is you cannot say Apu's poor LP to MC ratio doesn't matter because Pepe and Shib have the same issue on Uniswap

Pepe and Shib are unruggable because 99.9% of their volume is done across 100 CEX's, not Uniswap

As for right now, Apu volume is mostly on Uniswap, therefore the issue of poor LP to MC ratio is 100% warranted for Apu

>> No.58418456

Every time the price gets higher, its easier and easier for anyone in the top 150 or so to rug Apu with gigantic red candles

Because like I said, the LP isn't increasing appropriately enough to match the MC.

I would feel a lot safer recommending Apu to people if the LP was actually increasing alongside the MC at a decent pace, but the exact opposite is occurring, so the higher the price pumps the more ruggable it becomes right now

>> No.58418463


And at one point, they weren't established multi-billion dollar memecoins. So what's your point. Yes Apu has risks, just like Pepe did, just like Shib did, just like EVERY memecoin did early on. I'm willing to dump a couple thousand in and take that risk. If other people aren't, they should avoid it, or they should only risk what they can afford to and are willing. As with any memecoin, the higher risk also means higher potential upside if it takes off and whales don't do anything stupid during the fragile growth period where it can be rugged.