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58411831 No.58411831 [Reply] [Original]

I'm done, totally burned out on employment. Quitting in fall 100% with the goal of taking a full year off. Sole supporter of a family of 4, wife says she can try to find work but frankly I make about $200k and she will at best get $50k somewhere, so it won't float us. More than likely she comes in around $35-40k and it'll take her time to find something, so I'd say at minimum 3 months of no income at all.

Right now our expenses are around $10k/month on average, so $120k/year, meaning we need a combined $170k or so before taxes. I don't think there's MUCH wiggle room to decrease expenses. We usually take 1 vacation a year for around $6k so there is that, but otherwise are fairly frugal. We'd have to totally uproot to cut COL down more, or send kids to public school which would be I think shitty where I live so the uprooting is actually more feasible.

I have currently about $700k in crypto and $350k equity in home. My plan was to sell like $200k of crypto and live off that (giving myself 2x buffer), but that was the plan when my account was still over $1.2 million 2 weeks ago or whatever. Yea, yea, I should have just sold it then. Too late.

Also original plan was I was going to rent the home, but now wondering if I should just let it go.

What would you do if you were me? Some levers

>Can sell home and move to a lower COL area
>Can sell any amount of crypto at any time.
>Can cash out $50k from a retirement account with early withdrawal penalty
>Absolutely can't work a FT job, but can pick up 10-15 hrs in PT work, probably consulting for around $75-100/hr - though this is really not ideal, want to make as much space as possible to enjoy family time and figure my shit out

>> No.58411906

What job got you so cooked that you cant push through and need a whole year off to fix yourself?
If youre waiting to the fall Im quite sure we will see new ATHs in crypto this summer so just cash out what youll need from your stack when its like 1.5mil +

>> No.58412324

it's like 10 years of the same shit really, a few different jobs. I am a generalist that basically builds companies and manages up to CEOs and acts as a buffer so insane CEOs don't cause everyone to quit, but I have lost my ability to deal with it myself and I know I want to change industries (in tech and want to be in a more tangible environment, thinking of starting a small business). I am sure there are some CEOs who are ok to deal with but my experiences have all been with complete sociopathic head cases who are generally not very bright but have egos the size of the sun. I know I could find an alternate type of role and not work directly with CEOs but it has made me realize that I both do not want to work for someone else anymore and also having done it for so long now I am just totally drained of willpower. Stayed in this shit too long. I can barely get out of bed in the morning and often can't even do my work without hopping myself up on caffeine because I have no motivation for it.

Hope you're right about ATHs, I'm still scarred as fuck from round tripping in 2020. Thanks for being the only anon to reply.

>> No.58412341

well you are some rich guy asking people who in comparison are mostly poorfags for advice. 200k per year jfc.. The only thing I can say is that you are spending too much. 10k per month is frugal?

>> No.58412360

If it was me, I'd just suffer through the job until you have a replacement job or something part time lined up. Once you quit working like that for a long period of time getting back into the swing of it and finding comparable income can be hard. If the market doesn't move fast enough for your investments and/or you end up not finding a good job you guys might have to majorly downsize your lifestyle which will be shitty for everyone involved. Really your call though if its too much for you mentally then your health has to come first over work.

>> No.58412381

>but that was the plan when my account was still over $1.2 million 2 weeks ago or whatever

Take Profit man, you have nothing unless you actually take profit, not sure when you bought or what you bought but at least take profit to cover all entry costs and taxes


>> No.58412401

By the sound of it OP needs to take 2 weeks of PTO and cool off a bit. He should definitely leave his current job ASAP since it's evidently sucking the life out of him which I completely get, but a year long break is too much. I understand where your head is at but it's simply selfish to just drop the 170k/yr foundation you've built up. If you take off 2 weeks it should help transition your "I need to stop working completely for a year and figure my life out" thoughts to, "I need to put in the effort to apply somewhere else for a different position".

Despite whatever insane justifications you have going through your head, you won't spend that year relaxing or experiencing constant epiphanies. You'll just be stressed all the goddamn time and when your year is up it WILL be harder cold-starting than now. Unfortunately you just can't fuck off like that once you consent to being a father of 4. Not to mention that year off will translate to WAY MORE THAN ONE YEAR'S worth of working before actual retirement. Jfc just find a more simple white collar job that pays decently, I don't care which, and let your wife get a job too so that you don't end up in this position again. You already have enough money for a decent shot at real retirement with fairly minimal contributions from here on out as long as you don't flush 200k down the fucking toilet next year

I rambled too much but TL;DR don't take a fucking year off, take a couple weeks' vacation ASAP and spend a few of those days applying for an easier job which I'm sure you can transition to from your fancy pants whatever shit. You don't need to read anything else in this post, an actual 2 weeks to rest STAYcation will fix your head

>> No.58412420

I'm in an almost identical situation. I earn around £120k a year in the UK. crypto is currently at £850k. shirt term debt is probably around £200k. I'm the sole earner, and we have a young kid. expenses are around £6k a month.

I'm totally burnt out from 10 years working for my company, and I'm getting sick from the stress. all I need is a 3x in crypto to totally make it forever, but I might need to cash in around £300k of it to take a year off. I have no idea if I will ever find a job paying this high, as I work as a ceo in a very specific sector, and ive never worked another job really.

if LINK just fucking moons this year I'll be ok. Just so fucking exhausted having to work 60-70 hour weeks with psychopath coworkers, and I just want to have some time to get healthy again.

my LINK stack was worth £1.2 mil a few weeks ago, now £800k. if it doesn't moon in a few years it'll make me want to kms.

I have no advice anon. but just wanted to let you know you are not alone.

>> No.58412421

i'd downgrade the house. btw i've been in your position and quit my job, even though i was making $200k+/year since it was making me physically sick. although, unlike you i only spend $3k/month average so i just got a part time job at the same company. they actually agreed to 2/days week which pays for all my expenses lol

>> No.58412455

Ok I'm a poor idiot so if I was at your place I probably would plan to move in a cheaper city or even country, rent your house if you want, or sell everything.
And withdrawal crypto only if you need it and right now start with 50 k because the market is dumping.
Of course talk with your wife, and also kids

>> No.58412591

Again I support 4 people. House is about $3k a month with taxes etc. Food maybe $1k, school $2k, utilities $700 or so, gas, car, random shit that pops up, kids activities, etc. Life gets expensive, anon. Had to chuck $1400 at car repairs last month.

I don't care about working at all right now. I'm fried.

Yes, would you take profit now or try to wait for another market upswing?

These aren't things I haven't thought about. Actually I've wanted to do this for about 3 years now. But idk, I also feel like life is pretty short. I am mentally at the point where I just want to fuck off and spend time with my kids before they're grown up and don't even want to be around anymore. If that means I have to be a poorfag forever after, I'm currently ok with that.

btw I took a month off like 2 years ago thinking that would help and it was not even close to enough time to decompress all the pent up shit I have.

Every time I think I won't find a job paying as much, I wind up getting a job paying more. I think I can spin taking a year off fine in interviews as well. Also a linkie, brother. Sounds like we have similar stacks. I don't think I can make it a few more years, though. Dream scenario for me is I fuck off and some time within the year I'm taking off LINK finally goes to $100+. Thanks for your story.

Yea my house isn't even that expensive but I can pull a lot of equity out which I think will help me float.

yea I would ideally withdraw crypto only as needed, though if the market keeps bleeding that's the risk there. I do have like $35k in cash emergency funds (I know, should be more given my responsibility).

Wife is financially retarded so there is no possibility for her to help here. She is game to do the year off and wants to move and rent the house out, but for her it's about being closer to her family.

>> No.58412778

have you tried quiet quitting? or setting hard boundaries? it takes so long to get PIPped and fired
OR can you take a sabbatical?
im just like you though, i work so hard that i burn myself out no matter what i do. that's why i'm not compatible with a job i'm a hard worker, i can't stop myself, i get crazy anxiety if i do subpar at my job.

>> No.58413021


I would quit but only for a months and then back to work in something. Consulting sounds good, and I guess you have made a name on your industry.

Also, lifting hard 3-4x a week, dunno if you already do that? Helps me a lot.

But hey I'm just a poorfag in latinamerica with 30k net worth and we have nowhere near the workplace insanity you guys achieve, so I have really no clue what you are going through. Also 4 kids.

Your story makes me feel that I'm empty, that I'm missing what you have (wife, kids, 200k job and a house) but at the same time I feel lucky I don't have to worry to those levels and have the freedom to do a lot of what I want, with much less restrictions.

You will figure it out

/biz/ is now officially an mans therapy circle

>> No.58413231
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my biggest advice is to take what little you have and start betting like crazy on Eesee, you will never make enough money doing clean business, risk and win or risk and die.

>> No.58413378

Hi, noob here, well I heard solana is good? better than btc? so maybe check in to that anon, but use 1intro 1dex to do your things.


>> No.58413379

stfu faggot you know shit
so eat shit
until you get your shit straight
shit faggot.

>> No.58413380
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10k per month is a dream.... I would settle for that.

>> No.58413383
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>withdrawal crypto only if you need it
>start with 50 k

you guys are at a whole another level

>> No.58413392
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>sell $200k crypto
>IRS comes
>take a huge percentage of your money
>they rape your little femboy bussy
>feds comes
>3% of inflation rate according to truflation
>they rape your little femboy bussy again


>> No.58413394

sell your crypto now faggot or seethe and cope when its down another 80 percent and you turn your wife into a wagie and she leaves you for her boss for being a lazy faggot that cant trade

>> No.58413438
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>Wife is financially retarded
>I have currently about $700k in crypto

>> No.58413458
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I literally had 10k in a month thanks to MUMU ;w;

>> No.58413467

Emigrate to Russia ..seriously. There’s some awesome documentaries on westerners that have recently . Check it out

>> No.58413474

Btw do you work out/ lift? 3-4X week my entire life now 50.. ran really demanding industrial companies stressful af… helped massively..admittedly no kids

>> No.58413499

I feel you anon, i had a fucked up job workin as a news cameraman, so it had insane stress and hours with about a quarter of your pay. When I finally quit it honestly took me a full year of being unemployed, travelling, chilling + exercising to make me feel better and normal again. But by the sounds of things you have a lot of money. I would sell the house, sell like 300k in crypto, and move somewhere affordable, either another state or another country altogether. of course this is hard with kids but like, with your networth you could just outright buy an amazing house in say, the canary islands, and live much cheaper, be close to nature, and then just trade shitcoins to earn some extra cash.
Since you work in tech getting a new remote job wcould always be an option later on down the road

>> No.58413578

Go hard on DePIN with ya $20k and see how life will dramatically positively turn around for you. You probably do not have to work again. Peaq is going to be a top L1 hub for DePIN

>> No.58413583

The only place I want to permanently emigrate to is decentralized physical infra space like peaqosystem

>> No.58414052

based LINKIE
hold on anon, just stay strong for another 1.5 years.
meditate (joe dispenza and wim hof mediatation saved me, literally, I hope they can help you)
if you hold on till the end of this bullrun you may be actually wealthy. If you are great,
if not you "suffer" another 1.5 years making $200k.
And then you can live the life of a poorfag.
you are so close to the finish line. Just hold on and meditate.
Much love

>> No.58414455
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Have you considered expatriating? This is something I’ve been contemplating for a while (28 WM +/- $7.5m). At the point where taking orders from someone with 1/10 my NW has no appeal. Can’t decide if I want to fuck off to Costa Rica or if I want to start my own biz (real estate development).

>> No.58414484
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>Sole supporter of a family of 4
Your first mistake was having a family you need to support prior to having already making it.
Absolutely fucking insane that almost a million dollars isn't enough to support a family for a single generation today, holy fuck.
Not even trying to be mean, but your scenario is very close to my personal nightmare, only thing that could be worse is if one of your kids was low functioning autistic.

>> No.58414486

>Have you considered expatriating? This is something I’ve been contemplating for a while (28 WM +/- $7.5m). At the point where taking orders from someone with 1/10 my NW has no appeal. Can’t decide if I want to fuck off to Costa Rica or if I want to start my own biz (real estate development).
i have a buddy's dad who made it REAL big in costa rica developing commercial buildings there. like he has 2 planes big. got to be something in it

>> No.58414501

Do it. When all the poors and drags of the world come to your place the place they aren't anymore is where they came from

>> No.58415098

>Yes, would you take profit now or try to wait for another market upswing?

I would take profit and actually withdraw the money, don't keep it in the platform/broker, withdraw the money into your real bank account because that is the actual point where take profits you too are yours

>> No.58415972

italy or japan
real estate is cheap, good food thats also cheap, first world, civilised, etc

>> No.58416028
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In your place after quitting id take my liquidationg and strap it onto a LBP recently got into 1intro, and got x4 after ido.

was quite decent if you ask me war times looking good

>> No.58416042

not a good advice to tell to someone like op

>> No.58416044

I meet a anon on discord who did like 20x on SOL kek

>> No.58416865

shut up you fucking shill jeet nigger. This shit doesn't work above 4 figures