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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58407354 No.58407354 [Reply] [Original]

Runes are coming to BTC in less than a week, right around the halving. Now that BTC is dumping, this is a good side-bet on BTC (not financial advice). Runes is a new fungible token standard on Bitcoin. The best stuff to look out for without getting lost in the weeds for runes are L2 sidechains, marketplaces, and bridges, these performed really well for the previous generation of ordinals. You're welcome anon (NFA)

>> No.58407368

Where the fuck do I buy them? I got $270k in meme gains I need to find a new home for

>> No.58407374

can someone point me in the direction to understand ordinals. I read about runes yesterday its a protocol but some weird posters on utube act as if this is a token or something coming out they can invest in

>> No.58407376
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Aight you got me interested, go ahead and shill the thing you actually want to shill

>> No.58407385
File: 202 KB, 1320x1338, GLJCZYDbEAAQt1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go on twitter and use the key words anon
Unfortunately I can't spoon feed you (IQ test reasons)

>> No.58407402

The "alpha" was to get in 6 months earlier and buy when no one cared, not now. Now halving is the sell the news event because 99% of rune related projects will enter the "What now?" territory after halving and go to zero.

Doesn't mean that everything rune related will go to zero, but halving will definitely be final exit liquidity for most projects.

>> No.58407418
File: 90 KB, 1100x712, ezgif-1-373013a5fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can start here
brc-20 is already old tech anon

>> No.58407425

there are at least two new big projects literally launching this week
like I said brc-20 and the pre-runes you are referring to are the ones you wanted 6 months ago

>> No.58407448

thank you not sure if ur the same twitter guy but Im checking out xor site

>> No.58407454

This tRune gets paid per post to shill this pointless affinity scam

>> No.58407474

kek, I love it anon
troon made me laugh

>> No.58407536

Play the transaction fee market and strong miners who are bottoming currently, Mara and clsk are probably overvalued but there are a few that are still ready to run up.

>> No.58409262
File: 82 KB, 750x1000, 1601237510248102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you brother. I'm late on all the good ordinals projects except Satoshisync which practically came out two weeks ago. If BTC doesn't completely go to shit post halve it should be a pretty easy investment just like Runes (they also got a product for those though I forgot t he name).

>> No.58409267

why does bts L2's feel more jeety then bnb ecosystem

>> No.58409333
File: 147 KB, 1200x675, UIZc5aXb6O8hFYWx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this useful and so fucking forgotten at the same time
just like him...

>> No.58409343

nothing more curry stanched than bnb and solana's entire ecosystem

>> No.58409369

yeah i dont get any of this... maybe i should just stick to waiting for gravity labs to release

>> No.58409376

thanks for reminding me to slurp this one as well anon. can you dig through your 10,000 hours of highly caffeinated schizo research and find the name of that runes project?

>> No.58409383

>gravity labs
you're just as good as stinky poor

>> No.58409388


>> No.58409408
File: 22 KB, 600x600, GLQDwqzXEAA1G_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, that's a GameFi on BNB chain...

>> No.58409411

nothing a reverse search wouldn't help

>> No.58409417

bros im currently at the state where my best bet is a gamefi shit on bnb i saw 2 years ago and i've been following since
i have peaked in brain retardation levels im not coming back from this one

>> No.58409425
File: 329 KB, 1069x699, 1713056418560048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes the retardo plays are the best plays

>> No.58409577

why the fuck does anyone need any of this shit? and what is the difference from ordinals? doesnt that fill the blockchain with enough dumb shit

>> No.58409611

it's more efficient than brc-20 which was more efficient than ordinals. and yes it's gonna stink up the chain and transaction fees will skyrocket around the halvening. more miners will stay. all this shit is still better than getting mev mined on eth and having to put your legal docs or pixel art off chain though like nfts on evm chains. BTC L2's are a good play as BTC keeps pricing out plebs