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58400694 No.58400694[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just getting into crypto, how do I buy BANANAS?

>> No.58400706

Make sure you have ETH on Base chain. Then go to Uniswap and swap ETH for Bananas.

>> No.58400720

Dexscreener. Search bananas. Find the base pair. Click it. Find the token address. Create coinbase wallet in your browser. Buy eth on coinbase. Send to wallet under base network. Go to uniswap connect wallet. Paste in token address. Swap. Shit no normie is ever going through these steps.

>> No.58400732

why does it have to be so complicated?
why can't all the things be in one place?
i don't want to make 5 gorillion accounts in different places.
just keep all the scams in one website fuck.

>> No.58400737

You are a fucking retard, ngmi

>> No.58400738

Don't see bananas on uniswap. Am i blind?

>> No.58400744

Yeah… they are lol you probably just provided yourself with 20 peoples exit liquidity

>> No.58400746

sounds like you would benefit from the Coinbase Wallet with it's integrated swap interface
although they to take like an extra $0.05-$0.10 tx fee on every swap

>> No.58400752

To someone new this is absurd. We need a robinhood for shitcoins.
It used to be much worse. Just dive in you’ll get used to the process

>> No.58400763


>> No.58400788

no it's not me actually, the system is fucking stupid.
nothing about cryptocurrencies is intuitive and it is complicated just for the sake of being complicated.
this is why normalfags will never get in on crypto and you guys are going to be scamming each other until this technology dies.
if i was tech savy enough i would make a website / app that is super easy to use and retardproof and then all the normalfags would come to me and i would become a gorillionaire.

>> No.58400896

haha, nice. but seriously, the logo looks terrible

>> No.58400900

In the case of base network coins like this one, that's exactly what's happening lol. Coinbase is launching a smart contract and front end so retards like yourself can buy base tokens with one click. If however, you can follow a set of bullet point instructions, you can buy base tokens now, BEFORE the normie money arrives, thus making significantly larger gains.

>> No.58400919

when is it coming? I want to buy tons of stuff on base like this but can't be hassled to do dexes. If coinbase sorts this out it'll fly, metrics already show it's the fasting growing eth l2

>> No.58400930

>Don't see bananas on uniswap. Am i blind?
Right now you have to type in the contract address. Grab it from dexscreener.

>> No.58401034 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 1280x960, This shit is bananas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Get a metamask wallet (or equivalent)
2. Using ETH (or any ERC20), use the 'Bridge' feature within Metamask -- You have to get your tokens from the ETH chain to the Base chain
3. Bridge your ETH on metamask -- only need to bridge enough for gas fees
4. Go to https://bridge.base.org/deposit
5. Use this site to deposit the ETH (or similar ERC20) you'd like to convert to base
5a. If you choose to convert USDC from ETH >> Base, you will need to hit up the site's FAQ as there is an additional step
6. Once you've converted, ensure your metamask wallet is set to base network (top left hand corner of the MM app upon login). You will have to add the token address for the token you've just added (as with any Metamask token).
6a. If you don't know the token address, you can find it on coingecko
7. Convert your new base ETH (or former ERC20) to Bananas using UNISWAP
7a. Token address lookup for bananas is: 0x9a27c6759a6de0f26ac41264f0856617dec6bc3f
8. Make the swap and enjoy the view from your rocketship


LMK if you have questions.

>> No.58401200
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Just bought bananas. Feeling good.

>> No.58401218 [DELETED] 
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I have a banana in my pants

>> No.58401360

see this is what i mean.
8 fucking steps.
you know how easy it is to buy apu or pepe or shiba?
i can do that in 3 steps.
keep your scamcoin, i cannot be bothered.
>y-your loss sweaty!!!
no actually, it yours. if it was easy, i and many many other idiots like me would get in, but instead someone decided to make it so that i need an instruction manual to buy this shit.
if you needed to do parkour before you could buy stuff at walmart only autistic people would buy there.

>> No.58401398

Do you know how difficult it was for ordinary people to buy cryptocurrencies before exchanges? There was no Google. There was no translator, there weren't even exchanges. Apu for you to buy in the first few weeks was via DEX ETH paying $50 gas fee. You mention how easy it is to buy these today, which have already made 5000x. Arrive early, do more steps or wait to buy bananas with two steps at Mecx in a few months for 0.05.

>> No.58401420


>> No.58401447

I'll let you know what BA says when he texts me back about the launch date lol.

Add: "coinbase magic wallet" to your news alerts.

>> No.58401455

Some people aren't destined to make it. By the time something shows up on Coinbase so you can buy it while yawning it's as likely to go down as up.

>> No.58401466

Really don't even need the 8 steps, was trying to save frens gas. I don't disagree that ease of entry is important to a coin gaining traction, but to >>58401398's point, it used to be much harder.

Who is to say that Base transactions won't get easier meaning more traction from normies meaning higher valuations eventually? If there is friction to getting in early, you nab coins before they rocket. In any case, there are a number of Base coins with >$500m valuations so there's proof that not everyone is as retarded as you *shrugs*

>> No.58401513

banan, hehe

>> No.58401545

I'm assuming that's purposely wrong to fuck with people? Lol.

I suppose it's irrelevant to the posters ITT but for anyone lurking, base is an eth layer 2 network, so the vast majority of pairs are against eth, not USDc or Aero or whatever else. If yiu have a CB account, you can simply send eth to a base wallet by choosing "base" instead of eth mainnet when you transfer. No need to bridge. Use dexscreener to view the tokens on base by choosing"base" under explore. When you click on a base token you want to buy, dexscreener will auto suggest the dex with the most liquidity. There's even a popup window you can trade in so you can view the chart and trade in a single tab. Make sure to copypasta the CA and add it to your wallet after you buy under the "import" tokens tab. This lets you view your balance in wallet. That's about it really. Similar instructions are on the websites of most major base tokens and I assume reddit etc...

>> No.58401565 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 762x762, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't buying Apu apustaja instead

>> No.58401654

I should add: if you don't have a CB account, you may need to bridge eth. Do not do it inside metmask ffs, and if you're trying to save a few bucks, there are bridges that are cheaper and faster than the official base bridge. The only prerequisite is that you have base network added to your wallet. It's already in the CB wallet. It may show up in a search in metamask by now, but if not, you'll have to add it manually which entails copypasting 3 lines of stuff and choosing to add the network.

With that said, I've heard that Binance also supports sending eth over base network now and I assume some other CEXs at this point, so most people should be able to avoid bridging altogether.

>> No.58401851

Yes, I think you've been able to send from Binance for at least weeks now.

>> No.58401852

its literally 4 steps, 3 if you already have a metamask wallet
1. buy ETH on coinbase
2. send it to your metamask wallet via base network (when you send your ETH you choose the network, choose base. the metamask address for your wallet that you send to is the same for most networks.)
3. paste the contract address on uniswap and swap your ETH for banan

you must really be fucking stupid though, the reason pepe and apu are easy to buy is because they already pumped a gorillion %. if it was easy, it would have done that on day 1. did you think making money was easy? in order to be early, you have to be smarter than the normies, and do things they aren't willing to do.

tl;dr if you are waiting for it to be on coinbase, enjoy turning your $100 into $120 in the bull run and $50 in the bear market

>> No.58401861

i hate that i didn't buy bananas when i literally love bananas so much

this sucks. this SUCks.

>> No.58401921
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You can still get Bananas though

>> No.58401936

Just new to base ser, that's how I did it. No one really provided much of a guide, so I wanted to help as best I could. I appreciate the condensed guide, will save me time and fees in the future!

>> No.58401949

i'm not risking it for a max 4x dude.

>> No.58401979

HA - you probably didn't buy APU either

>> No.58401985

fuck off man you know how this space works as well as i

you wouldn't buy in at this mcap etiher

>> No.58402202
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Now that we figure out how to shop for bananas, how many are we buying?

>> No.58402348

if you think this is only going to 15-20 mil mcap you really dont know how this works

>> No.58402355
File: 30 KB, 500x500, images - 2024-04-02T101420.186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>email verification will stop samefagging pajeets from shilling they said
>still banana threads up

>> No.58402599

I'm hearing people saying they're being asked for email already. They must be trying to post from the phantom zone.

>> No.58402903

what is a good entry point? thinking of moving some but not all my apu

>> No.58402910

Can’t wait for these jeet threads to come to an end.

>> No.58402930

3.5 is still peanuts. It'll be bananas in a weeks time

>> No.58402944

REAL people, with WHITE hands buying BANANAS?! On MY biz! why I never

>> No.58402947

Maybe it's because we aren't actually samefagging lmao. You are ngmi

>> No.58402953
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Now, top 100 holders have diamond hands

>> No.58402957
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>> No.58403002

that's like asking what's a good entry on PEPE or APU or WIF when it was still $4M MC. obviously any time for the next while