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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58399899 No.58399899[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why not just make a Crypto board /CRY/? You hate banning people for shilling coins so much then just contain them in another place. Besides, /biz/ is only thriving BECAUSE people are shitposting about crypto tokens. Just make the crypto board and you'll see how dead this board will be.

>> No.58399918

It's a test function to be rolled out for the rest of the site.

>> No.58400306
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>this anon fux

>> No.58400589


>> No.58400630

This is going to do absolutely nothing about pajeet shitcoin spam. They already pay off jannies to allow them to shill their shitcoins. Now, only tranny-janny sanctioned shitcoin threads are going to be allowed. As a result of requiring email verification, these threads are going to become a disproportionate amount of traffic as legit anons flee this board. 95% of the new log is going to be some variant of SAAAAARcoin 2.0. because it was posted by a "verified" ranjee... er, I mean anon, that totally didn't pay off one the kikes that run this board.

>> No.58401703

newfag wasn’t here when /g/ was the crypto board

>> No.58401835

i want majima oiled up fully naked in my room i want to massage his iruzumi and i also want to play with his cock and balls

>> No.58401839

Poignant name.

>> No.58402164

No just move precious metals general into /toy/ and then we are good.

>> No.58402173

You mean I'm finally going to be set free from this hellhole?

>> No.58402176

this except the actual solution is to leave /biz/ to decay into crypto-shill hell and make a new board for normal people

/fin/ - finance

>> No.58402462

>added value from the influx of something of questionable value
I'm sure I've heard this somewhere else

>> No.58402675

Everybody is moving to /bant/ anyway

Anons are welcome to shill their crypto there

>> No.58402681
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This is the official New Post thread now.

>> No.58402687
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this the same kinda of faggot that you'll see net week shilling some new tool that you can leverage on inflations just by looking truflation data, and placing your orders