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5839983 No.5839983 [Reply] [Original]

>still don't know password to my wallet
>have been bruteforcing on and off for 6 months
at what point do I give up, accept I've lost everything, and promptly blow my brains out?

(23.58 BTC in case you're wondering)

>> No.5840039

can you specifically target combinations of passwords you used in the past with upper and lower case and random numbers?

>> No.5840096

Are you the same guy that has been posting this for months?

>> No.5840111

Try more "on" and less "off". Also consult data recovery professionals

>> No.5840142

>at what point do I give up, accept I've lost everything, and promptly blow my brains out?

after you realize that passwords >10 characters can't be bruteforced in any meaningful amount of time unless the entire bitcoin network is compromised, due to its 1 second delay on decryption @ the algo level

if your password was easy, then maybe purchase a gaymen rig and put 2 1080 tis on the task via hashcat

>> No.5840239

give me your seed words

>> No.5840263

yes, and I've tried everything I can possibly think of

probably not

>data recovery professionals
got a recommendation? I know one guy who expects 20% but that's way too fucking much, I'd probably feel like shit for the rest of my life knowing I gave up nearly 5 BTC because I forgot my fucking password.

it was roughly 80 characters, a passphrase built out of words with symbols/number inbetween each. I know all of the words and exact symbols/numbers I used (supposedly) but it won't work

>> No.5840345

>it was roughly 80 characters, a passphrase built out of words with symbols/number inbetween each. I know all of the words and exact symbols/numbers I used (supposedly) but it won't work

consult https://walletrecoveryservices.com/ if you believe you know everything about the password then

>> No.5840384

as I said, 20% is way too much.

>> No.5840475

in my opinion, 20% lost is better than 100% lost, but okie dokie sempai

>> No.5840635

What? Would you rather have zero dollars or 282K? If you have any brain cells (unlikely), you can invest and recover the 70K easily.

>> No.5840675

Have you tried to make a bruteforce program? Take as input your supposed passphrase and change 1 character at a time. That's not even 30 minutes of work.

>> No.5840805

Did you not have password manager?

>> No.5840965

Have you ever tried psychedelics?
Lsd, dmt, mushrooms?

>> No.5841240

OP, i took your wallet months ago. I changed the pass. Sorry, senpai.