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58397699 No.58397699 [Reply] [Original]

Is $1 million dollars still a lot of money?

>> No.58397705

It is enough to buy a night with Emma Myers.

>> No.58397723

It's enough for you to retire on and live comfortably from 70-80 years old. Enjoy your golden years on carnival cruises.

You only need to wagie for another 50 years OP to accumulate $1 million and retire on it.

>> No.58397730

1M is 47 years of my current income.

>> No.58397767

1 million is not enough
10 million is

Just my opinion

>> No.58397780

1 million is $40k a year tax free without touching your principal

>> No.58397916
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a lot of money for what? what do you want to do? earn 400K a year without working?
enough for what?

>> No.58398052

no, never, nada

>> No.58398058

ID confirms

>> No.58398084

She has brown spots in her eyes that means she's a nigger.

>> No.58398105

i guess depends on the country.
if you had $1mil in japan it would be worth 150 times more and i guess in other hellholes like latin america $1mil is probably like infinite brown money.
it's all a matter of perspective really.

>> No.58398160


>> No.58398239

still purer than you

>> No.58398284

Ask yourself this:
If i lost a million dollars in one second, would i care?
If you would, its a lot money for you.
If you cant lose it because you dont have it, its a lot money for you
Now kys demoralizing faggot

>> No.58398295

this, think of it in terms of what you can get risk free, if interest rates are lower think of it in SCHD or something similar, that would be ~30k a year in dividends. not enough to live on but a very nice boost if you're still working and investing

>> No.58398298


>> No.58398343

1 mil is the new 100k
but still a life changing amount nonetheless

>> No.58398355

People who say "$1 million isn't that much anymore" fall into 2 camps:

1. Annoying Twitter/LinkedIn influencers trying to demoralize you
2. People with $8k to their names who underachieve in life

$1 million frees you up to quiet quit every job for the rest of your life, even if you still work.

>> No.58398580

Yea with the right investments you can make back a yearly wage easily

>> No.58398608

I could retire today with a million dollars.

>> No.58398644

I mean I have about $2 million, but also a wife and kids. It's not nothing, comparatively, but it's very much middle class and I don't think anyone here would deny that. It's not enough to break into the upper class by any means. I would say around $12M, when you can start to see $500k+ annual income passively, is where you start getting into the upper class. And the "ultra high net worth" starts around $30m. Then the funny thing, I think, is that from like $30m to a few hundred million there's virtually no change, and then from a few hundred million it takes well over like $1.5 billion to really notice a difference.

Someone with $30 million and someone with $120 million are somewhat comparable. This is not nearly the case between someone with $3 million and $12 million.

>> No.58398653

You can look up most well-known entertainers and "internet celebrities" and see that most of them fall between $3 million and $12 million, right around there. The burgeoning upper middle and lower upper class.

>> No.58398654

It's enough to make $50k a year with zero risk just from interest in keeping it in a savings account, and that's enough to live a comfortably middle class life in America.

>> No.58398655

If I want to have ten years of retirement starting in 2054 I would need $1.5m. By all estimates I will only have $1m. So maybe I can retire for 6 years.

>> No.58398666

>Is still a lot?

no idea
never had that much

<you tell me

>> No.58398771

>only retire for six years
Theoretically you should be able to survive off less once retired; You can allow yourself $4,000 per month and that'll last for 20 years if you only have a million (though this is based on the idea you won't have to buy significant assets such as a house etc.). How have you worked out that you'll blow through one million in a single year?

>> No.58398789

The difference between those who want to create a legacy with passive income, and only live off of passive income forever, and those who are fine simply spending the principal until they die, is so massive it's like 2 separate worlds. $1 million is a lot if you have no problem dying with nothing. It's not much at all if you want to live on passive income alone.

>> No.58399810

I'm estimating my salary translated to the future through inflation. That's how I came to $150k/yr x 10 years =$1.5m
You're right that if I have a paid off house that number gets lower/easier. I'm just not sure if I will have a paid off house, considering I am 30 and haven't bought one yet.
>50k per year
>comfortably middle class
What decade are you from? If you owned a paid off house maybe.

>> No.58399998

What? You don’t have a paid off house? No wonder six figure meme is so important to you LOL

>> No.58400061
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I got that at 25. So many poor fags.

People in this thread saying they 5 million when they can't even get 5k. LOL

>> No.58400072

It's complete shit, its not enough to do anything with except maybe scrape by on for 5yrs, never mind investments, making a business, etc...

>> No.58400260
File: 186 KB, 2328x2237, map-escorts-how-much-around-world-high-res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~$300 for an evening of fun, that's almost fun every night for 10 years, or friday-fun for the rest of your life.

>> No.58400264

I'm a poorfag so yes

>> No.58401364
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I unironically would be the happiest man alive if I had 1million dollars in bitcoin lol

>> No.58402190
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look at the inflation rate then look at truflation then look at the street then look at the wall street jorunal. a milly is fucking NOTHING now.

>> No.58402241

Good points.

>> No.58402246
File: 1.85 MB, 4096x2304, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think about what car you want to drive
multiply its cost by 20

thats roughly how much you'll need, assuming that car is the same lifestyle you want to live

>> No.58403571

me too breh

>> No.58405167

Dump it on MMON now during the presale then check back how richer you're gonna be after the halving. That's a 1000x solana memecoin, don't fuck with it.