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58395274 No.58395274 [Reply] [Original]

I just want it to be over. I've been living off crypto for 7 years now and it's been nothing but nonstop pain and misery since then. Tonight will be another agonizing night of zero sleep worrying that there's going to be another massive crash and half of my life savings will be wiped out in an instant while I'm asleep. I just want to be able to get a decent paying programming job so I can sell all my crypto and never have to worry about the price of bitcoin ever again. I'm so tired of this...

>> No.58395280

why dont u go get a programming job then?

>> No.58395333

Because I'm not good enough to get a job yet, and it will probably take years of work to get enough projects on my github to be considered a viable candidate. I have about 2 years worth of savings left in crypto but after today's crash I'm worried it's going to turn into 1 year in the next few days. I keep thinking I should sell everything now but then I don't know if I'm just dooming myself because 2 years might not be enough time to become competitive enough in the job market.

>> No.58395349

I got my last month, it took me about a year old learning.Just go out there and talk to people.
I got the comfy tech job but I wish I had your amount of crypto lol, grass is always greener.

>> No.58395352

Also if I sell everything now I have to pay a huge tax penalty since I qualify for health insurance subsidies right now and I'll have to pay them all back if I make more than a certain amount of money in a year so I need to keep my income under $40k to avoid that.

>> No.58395359


also bad job market is just fud. You only need 1 job, the general market doesnt affect u at all.

>> No.58395382

I don't know the programming business at all, so I don't know what it is you're trying to do to become hirable, but is there something stopping you from just getting a basic wagie dayjob in the meantime?

>> No.58395390

just verify your email bro

>> No.58395403

Yeah, the fact that it will most likely make me want to kill myself after a week on the job. Also the fact that I'm autistic and physically incapable of doing most things that don't involve sitting at a computer and writing code or something similar.

>> No.58395405

>a decent paying programming

Are you a good enough programmer to be able to tweak a blockchain? I'm desperate to escape crypto hell as well and was trying to put together a team to create a token. My background is in business, and I've worked at some top-tier accounting firms. I'm willing to dox myself to create a token that can hopefully hit 10 mil market cap. I'm convinced that if you have a doxxed team and you are not an outright scam project, you can easily hit 10 mil market cap

>> No.58395419

it would be hard to get a tech job if ur autistic honestly. Programming isn't a nerdy thing anymore everyone is doing it, your people skills do matter.

The only reason I got into it is because my dad is a programmer and there's less women in this field.

>> No.58395421

I don't want anything to do with crypto. The entire thing has given me lifelong PTSD and I just want to erase the existence of it from my mind once I get a decent job and not longer need crypto to survive.

>> No.58395455

OK then stop being so stuck up and get a job at Walmart so 12 months is more like 15

>> No.58396261

>been living off crypto for 7 years now
Beats working m8

>> No.58396282

> entire life savings
> sell all my crypto

Why some retards insist on either putting everything in crypto, or being a nocoiner? What is the source of financial information that shills this?

>> No.58396295

massive crash? my $super bags are still doing pretty solid lately wacha talking about?

>> No.58396959

Not for me though. Qanx gave me enough profit to go by

>> No.58396994

literally me
what are you working on, programming wise?
have you done any hackathons?

ive been doing the web3 junk on and off for the past couple years. i need to be more consistent. my problem is that with the solidity/react stack, i dont know any real back-end stuff, and i hate doing front-end (react is fine but if i had to do css for 8 hours a day id kms)

>> No.58397000

if you pay attention to it at all it'll give you stress and you'll just regret not putting more in if it goes up

>> No.58397787

1 year of learning? what job did you get? unless you already have a degree in STEM I just don't see who tf would hire you in this current market for that

>> No.58398013

fullstack typescript shit,i dont have a degree, idk I spoke to a guy at a career fair

>> No.58398088

yeah fair, I can't imagine what else it could really be after only 1 year but some web dev JavaScript shit, in your case TypeScript so probably angular. Still, good job, honestly pretty impressive to get in that fast rn

>> No.58398332

If you have 10+ years of experience in tradional markets and made thousands of trades like me, there's no more stress.

>> No.58398540

>what are you working on, programming wise?
I'm currently doing a course on how to build a computer and write assembly language. Next I'm going to be doing an operating systems course. After that algorithms and data structures. I'm basically using the internet as a free resource to learn everything you would in a traditional computer science degree and hopefully when I'm done I'll have enough knowledge to create a decent portfolio of projects on github and get hired somewhere.

>> No.58398566

Kek you are redoing same mistakes thousands of you fags have done again and again until it is so late that your best option ever will be average employment.

You are wasting your life desu.

>> No.58398570 [DELETED] 

Why? Kraken has been around for over a decade now, even longer than coinbase.

>> No.58398626

this is all useless.

learn react + next.js + web3 in typescript. takes about 8 months... do some small gigs to get github activity. within 2 years you should have a few clients.

>> No.58398683

I'm interested in how computers work on a fundamental level and I want to be able to do advanced things like write my own operating system and all kinds of low level programming. I'm probably already skilled enough to do web dev but I don't consider that anywhere near good enough to be competitive in the job market.

>> No.58398712

Pro trader here. Anon you doing it wrong. Do you think one asshole out at Wall Street or anywhere else trades for a living? eating their own returns? People in the trading biz get a base salary so they don’t have to trade for their dear lives. For retail traders this means you need a regular salary to cover your bills. Otherwise the stress is too much and you eat up your gainz. „But anon i can’t work I need to day trade.“ - move up in the traded timeframe, low tfs exist to milk retail traders for all they have by the industry. It’s stacked against you.

Gl anon

>> No.58398750

honestly most people in webdev hate their job, you're just producing slop. All my coworkers all talk about wanting to get into gamedev and shit.
Most jobs are in web sadly, I wish I could code embedded C all day too lol, that shit's fun.
Just saying if u really want a job so bad webdev is the move,but yea you're gonna hate it since it sounds like you have passion for computers.

>> No.58398757

uhhh it is over, btc is going to 30K withi nthe next 3 days lol, its a healthy pre halving correction, goyim

>> No.58401033

Why the fuck would you not take some out of crypto and invest it in a HYSA or even just some boomer fund?

You made your bed retard. Thanks for reminding me not to end up like you

>> No.58401065

>uhhh it is over, btc is going to 30K withi nthe next 3 days lol, its a healthy pre halving correction, goyim
>Above my average opening

Wowie thanks goy. Oh no, I sell for less profit as opposed to more profit.

I will rape you in your sphincter BOBO

>> No.58401083
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>no more stress
I can fix that

>> No.58401101

>write my own operating system and all kinds of low level programming
completely useless except as a hobby
>probably already skilled enough to do web dev
you're not. If you haven't even seen what it's like on the inside you are clueless. But it's what you should go for since that's where all the jobs are.

>> No.58401106

never sell the first sell off

>> No.58401640
File: 54 KB, 736x414, IMG_9585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna tell you a secret. Its exactly what i did, but theres like 0% chance youre getting a decent coding job from the get go with no good degree and previous work exp.
Unless youre some brilliant project contributor aho can confidently sell themselves and bypasd all the auto-checks when applying (they usually check years worked and lowest education lvl to filter out ppl
even b4 reading cvs manually)
So your best bet is to apply for entry lvl positions and apprenticeships WHILE working a low paying tech support tier job.
I dont care if you say “but its too far from what i actually wanna do etc” idc u need to get some IT sounding shit under your belt, you can make it sound fancier than it is later even if it was just tech support for some smart TVs or alexas or printers whatever.

Trust me, this is the way i did it and my bro and friends exactly like this.

>> No.58402484

if u already made it just hold btc retard. it's worth not having the rolling shitcoin headaches

>> No.58403805

Hold onto your bags, OP. You only lose when you sell. I'm holding onto some HNT, DIMO, KREST, and had PEAQ on my watchlist. Don't be a retardefag.

>> No.58403828

Because it's a no-brainer for smartfags to own a fraction of tokenized Teslas on Eloop and rake in profits from their daily revenue streams, Anon.

>> No.58403898

what's the difference between heading an outright scam project versus a subtle scam project?

>> No.58403899
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>What is the source of financial information that shills this?

Came to me in a dream.

>> No.58404021

Entire savings in crypto? You reap what you sow, fren