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58384717 No.58384717 [Reply] [Original]

>meme lines don't work
Compare the previous trend lines from the Jan peak and then compare it to now. Also elliot patterns and retracing will just happen. Simple as.
Why? Because memelines do work, retard. That's why smart people follow them. See you when we drop a zero and approach the 35 levels again
It'll be a green weekend for my linu sisters
To the people who bought last ATH, sorry. But you will be rewarded if you held through that 80%~ drop. It HAD to happen first before LINU is allowed to hit 0.0000001 though - I actually warned people at those levels we were most likely going to drop and was called out for FUD.
Follow your Messiah and I will show you the promise land.
t. A very 'known' wallet that has bought the LINU bottom

>> No.58384719
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LINU is going to zero.

>> No.58384722

Hello a90e

>> No.58384726

I support linu and am bad holding. Don't give a single fuck about any shitty fud

>> No.58384747

inb4 seething jeets and jannies

>> No.58384778

Have the same chart as you almost besides the triple top wave. unironically your analysis is really smart unironically and it surprises me to see shit like this for complete shit coins lol but you're probably right. I think retracing back to 35 or 3 would make sense, probably before Sunday even. It won't even take news since the chart is so primed already. Kind of like a free money glitch kek

>> No.58384787

emilia show tits

>> No.58384865

Based and this pilled

>> No.58384951

Hasn't there been the same TA line like this for this coin for like 5 times now and it keeps crabbing? It will forever crab unless it gets any hype. It's as dead as Lucky as this point. What you want are adhd whales throwing 50k buys instead of poor jeets putting in $10.
>muh holders
Ok sure, but that means you need 100,000 holders to even hit 50m at this point with how dead it is.

>> No.58384988

Lucky is sleeping, not dead. Let sleeping dogs lie.

>> No.58385050

>lucky is sleeping
Ok sure
>linu is sleeping

Yeah no, if you niggers like calling our shit dead, I will call your shit dead or a rug pull. I do not give my other cheek to niggers.

>> No.58385063

Are you from Apu? I don't hold linu so I'm not sure why you're so angry at me.

>> No.58385741

Anon is just angry at the world

>> No.58386107

People said i was a retard buying apu when it was down 80%
People will say the same thing about linu
That's why I'mgiga rich amd normies arent. You need to be mentally ill to do the trades I have.

>> No.58386113

I hope a90e get hit by a plane.>>58384747

>> No.58386114
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>> No.58386149

Not nice that nigger has fed millions to volume for shitcoins

>> No.58386156

a90e is Jewish I heard like a real member of the 'cabal' whatever that is. Some mid ranking position?

>> No.58386161

James fann posting isnt cool fags

>> No.58386164

fuck you
yeah bro totally

>> No.58386166

Dog hole more like scam hole

>> No.58386173

Is emila for real a hot femboy furry???? If so I'll drop 4 eth today

>> No.58386179


>> No.58386183

no u

>> No.58386187

JamesFann19 is a forced cringe meme

>> No.58386200
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>> No.58386204

I dont get it butgoogled the name and found a nvidia dev twitter profile kek
JamesFann19 fan club coin wen

>> No.58386213

Explain it Mr smart guy I've never seen it besides a couple threads earlier randomly

>> No.58386250

I boughted the dip

>> No.58386348

Doghole is such an unappealing name, no normie will buy this

>> No.58386680

How my homies holding up in deez tryin times

>> No.58386860


>> No.58387162

Know how I can tell linu is going to moon? Not your memelines but the culture here!
JamesFann19 posting culture is to linu is to crypto.
Both based, redpilled and undeniably going to make us all giga rich

>> No.58387644

Who the fuck is JamesFann19 ??

>> No.58387715

Patriots are watching and ready. Say the word, James.
If you have to ask you arent ready to know young buck

>> No.58387992

Well im not asking im demanding to know who the fuck that is and why it’s important

>> No.58388020

A namefag. Bearish.
Ignore him.

>> No.58388042

Him is us. We are him.
JamesFann19 is you.

>> No.58388048

Hint nvda

>> No.58388189


>> No.58388226

James give us the god candle