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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58378349 No.58378349 [Reply] [Original]

suck my DICK boomer SCUM

>> No.58378372

Boomers are retired. You're not fucking them over. You're fucking over Gen X and early Gen Y. On one end they're paying for retirement and now on the other end they're paying for college education. There ain't gonna be shit left for anybody. Except for the Boomers. Why are you retarded?

>> No.58378429

Just lol if you think this matters

>> No.58379270

Not really. Nobody has ever cared about Gen X and Boomers promptly stopped picking on them when they had their younger children (Gen Y) to pick on. I just thought OP might not want to be too big of a retard. Cuz I mean....
>be Gen X
>buncha shit gets voted in and pushed through before you're old enough to vote
>be old enough to vote
>it doesn't fucking matter because there's so many fucking boomers
>apply for a promotion
>a Boomer returns from the wild to apply for that job and wins it because "experience," entering into a second retirement system to double dip later when they're decrepit
>spend your life not being able to stop dumb shit from getting pushed through
>trade is opened with China
>more immigration
>watch businesses close and jobs vanish
>ten years go by. things just get worse.
>ten more years pass. they're still not dead.
>there's clearly going to be nothing left for you anyway
>in swarms a bunch of retarded younger Gen Y and now Gen Z
I just kind of want to die early because there's no fucking point to this game.

>> No.58379321

How did you qualify Anon? I assume you're low income?

>> No.58379410


>> No.58379876

It's amazing to me that people are okay with getting fucked over so hard. College isn't free, so forgiveness punishes people who already paid their debt and people who are going to be taking loans in the future. Basically just printing another 10 billion to buy votes during an election year that is going to fuck the middle class over. You can see that by the attitude of the people who support this because it's basically "fuck all of you Give me mine"

>> No.58379895

That’s how patron client relationships work r tard nigger

>> No.58379903

I agree…it’s literally white privilege out in the open at this point. No wonder POC’s complain.

>> No.58379996
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OP here
I’m still voting for Trump.
Might even throw 10 bucks towards his legal fees now that I am financially liberated

>> No.58380040

My dad retired and took his pension, then switched jobs to double-dip and take up a senior spot so someone else can't be promoted. Greedy bastard. He's already a millionaire.

>> No.58380066

>forgiveness punishes people who already paid their debt
>debt forgiveness punishes those who are out of debt
I disagree. All it does is help the indebted.

>> No.58380122

That was my point. You're fucking the entire population over with more inflation for a very short term bandaid. This isn't even forgiving all student loan debt. We're going to be right back here again by the end of the decade.

Make student loan debt bankruptable and/or cap the interest at 3%.

>> No.58380196

They never fixed the system, so like you said it's just going right back where it was. They should have capped the ballooning cost of college education then done the forgiveness.

>> No.58380245
File: 17 KB, 200x181, IMG_0296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This strikes me as being not my problem. Name one government program that isn’t inflationary. I’ve never used any welfare; I ain’t a defense contractor. Truth told I work in a factory doing actual work helping make real things that people need. A job that “Americans don’t want to do”. I’m a white man born and raised. I graduated in 2008. No fucking jobs for 3 years (didn’t take welfare) then I get some cunt asking about my employment gap at every interview that even bothered giving me a a call back. Maybe 1 in 20.
I make things now despite being trained to push papers because I was high iq and btfo every test I was ever given.
Guess the money would be better spent importing Haitians and giving bombs to Israel.
Anyway, no longer my problem.

>> No.58380263

it's literally a scam email

>> No.58380268

All the factory jobs go to minorities near me

>> No.58380276


>> No.58380298

I don't give a fuck about our fake money system. The debt means nothing at this point. Shit like this just creates more resentment and divide among the classes. The whole system is eventually going to collapse and we're inevitably going to have some kind of civil war in the US because this kind of stuff has been going on since Lyndon Johnson was elected. It was Trump's fault for allowing covid restrictions and spending to happen. Obviously the Democrats will never give a fuck about destroying the country with deficit spending.

>> No.58380318
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>> No.58380350

It was all white junkies when I started. They’ve been replaced by third worlders. It’s honestly extremely alienating being there but all the migrant girls throw themselves at me. Mostly nepalis (meh) and SEA girls (my kryptonite as a white nationalist)
I will probably move to Eastern Europe and renounce my citizenship when I inherit my parents modest estate.
I took the lemons I was given and made lemonade.
Fuck Joe Biden though.