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58377679 No.58377679 [Reply] [Original]

What are the financial implications of Iran attacking Israel?

>> No.58377734

US and Israel flowing more money into defense contractors

>> No.58377745
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Ivory much don't know...

>> No.58377766

Pol thread. 777 in all fields!

>> No.58377778
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According to Truflation, rise of the inflation rate because they are getting their weapons with taxpayer money
For us, it's a great opportunity to invest in the military industrial complex

War is bullish

>> No.58377787

Just buy LMT.

>> No.58377910

damn off by one

>> No.58377926

Nah buy RTX. Plane contracts are never guaranteed. But ordinance tracks with war breakouts much more consistently. You may not need a new order for another 100 F-35s, but you always need more bombs to kill brown kids in the middle east.

>> No.58377984

How come US and Israel get to attack Iran unprovoked, yet when they threaten to do it's the end of the world as we know it? Financialy it makes no sense.

>> No.58378003

the sooner the diseased-brain rat face occupiers are vaporized, the sooner we have world peace.

>> No.58378077

Will this actually happen? How would Iran attack Israel? Bombing?

>> No.58378083

Chemical attack. Think MW3

>> No.58378153

I don't think that's gonna happen

>> No.58378154

I hope you sold

>> No.58378157

oil and weapons go up
everything else down

>> No.58378191

Gold to 3k
israel did 9/11

>> No.58378446

Imagine if they beat me up for being an infidel and spat on me lol that would be weird

>> No.58378464

Israel will falseflag itself obv.
Iran doesn't want a direct war now, because time is on its side.

>> No.58378562

>because time is on its side.

>> No.58378795

GD pumped the hardest btw

>> No.58378816

american tax payers taking more Ls

>> No.58378836

oh fugg its happening

>> No.58378856
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>> No.58379260

the rest of the world thriving. global economy soars to levels never even dreamed of before. global peace allows all refugees to return to their home countries, therefor saving the white race. Also allowing the undeveloped world to reach new levels that makes them comfortable enough to never think about migrating to european nations again. every industry thrives and education prices plummet allowing everyone in western countries to affordable approach their desired careers, this leading to global mental illness rates to improve drastically, homelessness to disappear, and drug abuse deaths to plummet. Also renewed as renewed folk centric policies revive vitality in global populations as toxic additives in the food supply are phased out and people begin eating healthy. this will also drastically reduce obesity rates, cancer, and other chronic illnesses. Much more could be said as well, but just wanted to include a few financial implications. iran wont do shit tho

>> No.58379308

>Financialy it makes no sense.
nothing in the world makes sense without the one common denominator destroying everything, Jews

>> No.58379335

Keep seeing people talk about an attack but so far not seeing anything actually happen. This is a nothing burger and a good dip to buy isn't it. They wouldn't actually start a fucking war with the west.

>> No.58379344

Lots of screeching from virgin polcels

>> No.58379349

Poor Jerusalem

>> No.58379361

The world is softening on islam and the ME in general, and starting to take a very critical eye towards israel. The IDF has made so many inexcusable, public, and egregious unforced errors in the last year that iran simply has to wait for them to stumble into a catastrophe of their own doing. Every single offensive operation they've run has collateral damage ratios that would make stalin raise an eyebrow

>> No.58380907 [DELETED] 

IDF kills shitskin terrorists. I like my tax dollars flowing to Israel. Simple as.

>> No.58381001

quds force commanders deserve every precision airstrike they receive

>> No.58381209
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>> No.58381214

>Board about scamming people with imaginary coins is full of kike shills

Checks out

>> No.58381273

IDF are shitskin terrorists who support other shitskin terrorists in Syria. I want my tax dollars to go towards deporting shitskins like you back to the third world.

>> No.58381293

total desertperson death

>> No.58381299

Mussolini please

>> No.58381341

Rule based world order. The rules:
1) US can do anything it wants
2) nobody else is allowed to do anything unless US allows it

>> No.58381342
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>start war by slaughtering a bunch of civilians then hiding behind more civilians
>play victim

>> No.58381366

>do a false flag attack
>heh now we're allowed to genocide all the locals :^)
Can't argue with the rules of the rule based world order

>> No.58381404

anon you're not retarded are you?

>> No.58381492

>fund "safe" terrorist cell that only threatens small scale warfare and clashes with actual terrorist cell you're worried about
>they get infiltrated by real terrorists
>how could this possibly happen
>kill so many children and unaffiliated neutral party civilians that the propaganda machine can't contain the narrative anymore
It'd be funny if they weren't so brazenly pathological
Zionists specifically are the biggest cabal of dunning kruger afflicted psychopaths that exist

>> No.58381506

Buy XOM and USO (oil)

>> No.58381520
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>> No.58382700

>Deny the existence of overwhelming evidence
Are you inbred or muslim? Or both?

>> No.58383662


>> No.58383710

>girl on far left is not grounded and can be blown over with a sneeze
>kick girl would fall over if she weren’t being steadied
>girl holding girl up
>far right girl just stands tall and makes fists begging for a tummy/groin punch or leg sweep
So they watch a lot of movies. Most excellent combat training.

>> No.58384034

Tbf if Iran gets nukes they'll start a nuclear war

>> No.58385530

show me one single example of a jew going on a murdering spree
now tell me how many killing sprees were committed by muslims
simple as.

>> No.58385537
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oh no, not another slight ww3
i'm tired of this shit happening every 3 years and it always somehow ends up screwing up a couple of bags i have in dextools.

>> No.58385950
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This. isr*el is, and has been for years, trying hard to bait Iran into attacking them, while getting more desperate year after year knowing that their losing world wide support from the masses. Iran by itself won't be able to take them, the US, and the UK all at the same time. They won't do anything until they have their alliances in place.

>> No.58385999
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assuming this escalates to more than a skirmish (iran shoots from within its borders into israel, instead of having militias shoot from within arab countries)
>israel and the US attack directly into iran
>iran retaliates by shooting US warships, at least one will get badly damaged if not sank
>the gulf gets emptied from civilian ships
>oil and gas prices moon
>literally anything physical will cost at least twice
>US and israel double down, US forces a coalition attack against iran
>iran is a mountainous hellhole, literally same geography as afghanistan
>coalition fails capturing anything beyond the immediate coasts and the elamite lowlands
>world economy turns to shit for the next decade
I'm an israeli, i already stack food and water. i should have collected rainwater in the winter, i pussied out because it is illegal and i don't think it will escalate this bad. both the US and iran have too much to lose.

>> No.58386047

Don't like joos, don't like poolestians and iroonians are mutts and traitors to their Indo European traditions anyway.
To hell with middle east.

>> No.58386188
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ISIS is a jew funded organisation
You have to go back tourist kike, no one symphatises with you here

>> No.58386299

>taking gaza out with them

I wouldn't even be surprised if they did

>> No.58386609
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What are the financial implications of Iran attacking Israel?

>> No.58386624

They dont need to.
Arabs, negros and latinos do it for them.
Everytime a white human is hurt by any of those subhumans, its because jews got them into the country.
And the soviet union was entirely jewish controlled. And one of the biggest mass murderers (10million) is a jew. His name is gengris or some shit like that, cant remember.

>> No.58387356

Iran attacks or does not but Israel will 110% attack Iran again, either retaliate to an attack or just because they can get away with an attack like embassy theyll do it again unprovoked, which again puts pressure on Iran to do something

US will then protect Israel by shooting down missiles drones and Iran will escalate more since it has to otherwise they get wrecked and internal revolution
Iran then is left with no choice but to hurt US, by closing Strait of Hormuz
25% od global oil passes there
30% of lpg

Yeah, inflation up to 30% officially in every western cuntry and 50% in a year

>> No.58387942
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>> No.58389769

the minute the US pisses the Saudis off too much, and Biden just might, you can say goodbye to this iteration of the USD

>> No.58389803

Israel territory will expand once again like after all previous wars.

>> No.58389850

Accept the mystery, goy!