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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58368758 No.58368758 [Reply] [Original]

Boomer here. Bought my house when I was 23 on one salary. Worked HARD, and was rewarded with bonuses, promotions, and raises. I was able to afford everything my family ever wanted. Wife stayed home with the kids. Wages are WAY higher than ever before.

Why are millennials and zoomers such LAZY, ENTITLED pieces of SHIT!?!?!?

>> No.58368870

yeah fuck millennials and zoomers bro, how dare they not want to be wageslaves like we were

>> No.58368920

It really is true. I got my first job in 1990 and moved out of my parents house the day I was 18. Rented my first apartment for $300/month which was a lot in those days. It taught me the value of HARD WORK and I managed to buy my first home four years later at 22.
Stop pretending to be a hardworking boomer. You're obviously a lazy millennial piece of CRAP!

>> No.58368940

Let's see the racial demographics of when boomoids came of age versus millennials/zoomers.

>> No.58368946

>Mom look I posted it again

>> No.58369088

I agree and understand where you are coming from, a lot of zoomers are retarded. Very retarded. But I would like to inform you that there are outliers and now in this current system they're screwed over in favor of diversity hires. This is happening in every field, even surgeons and pilots. Simply having a high IQ won't save you, you have to be colored. There are high IQ zoomers, zoomers with passions and direction. You won't see them, they sit in their rooms tinkering, building, and actually working while the endless swarms of cattle get their stimmies and work in jobs they hate with female bosses. Believe me they exist. They're quiet, they stare with tired eyes, and they're rare but they exist. I have been told that I'm "one of the good ones" and that there still is hope for this generation. There isn't. There's too many retards but I hope to profit off this competency crisis. Although I fear when it is time to hire competent employees, the employers will have forgotten what it means to be competent.

Additionally a lot of competent zoomers don't see a reason to work diligently. Why work for a corporation that hates you in a nation that doesn't care about you, surrounded by people with no ambitions yet outrank you. Why work when all the women are harlots, people see you as a problem (you're white), and all labor is being imported or outsourced. Why work when nobody cares about you. This nation is simply an economic zone which foreigners take advantage of they care not for the land. Why be a slave when you can do what you're called to do, to follow your passions and create things that people love.

The greatest distinguishing factor I've had for what is a good zoomers is whether or not they have a side project/passions they like to work on. It's an easy thing to ask and it indicates skill (which is lacking in this generation).

God help us all. Christ is King.

t. Zoomer

>> No.58369184

Also generational hate needs to stop. There is always a large portion of retards in every generation (I consede that my generation has more retards than usual) but there are people just like you who are just as determined as you are but there are more obstacles in their path because the current systems do not favor them not care for them.

I don't hate any generation, I love all because I know there are people who are passionate about hobbies and life just like me stuck within the hordes of cattle

Have a nice one!

>> No.58369224

No boomer has ever worked hard. Everything was handed to them their entire lives.

>> No.58369241

post your education, job title, salary, and cost of house.

>> No.58369254
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>self describes as competent and intelligent
>falls for bait in OP

>> No.58369527

Lmao, I know it's bait. Just copied and pasted from another thread for visibility or in the hopes some boomer comes by and hears the other side of the argument, I'll stop bumping this slide thread

>> No.58369537 [DELETED] 
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not enough memecoins, duh
cryptos a 0 sum game, zoomers will inherit all

>> No.58371390
File: 183 KB, 834x1199, trutru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello mr little boomer here, there's a thing called Inflation. It rekks everything, same work 20 years apart, same wage (before inflation) you wont be able to get the same opportunities, if inflation is that hard of a concept to you go to truflation.com and instruct yourself.

>> No.58371670

how many inflation threads are we having per day man stfu already biz was supposed to be full of niggers not wypipo complaining about not being able to pay for a room

>> No.58371672

fucking boomer go die, you fucking ignorant peasant

>> No.58371681
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just die please

>> No.58371683

nigga working a mcdonals way back was enough to even get a house with a mortgage
now? you cant even pay a flat without being left with like 50 bucks to do grocery shopping kek

>> No.58371693
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the fuck did I just read.

>> No.58371715

its amazing how easy is to info but it seems boomers cant read facts.

>> No.58371725
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>> No.58371731

>generational hate needs to stop
what a gayass post to make you sure were touched

>> No.58371736
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