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58368067 No.58368067 [Reply] [Original]

should I go all in on Bitcoin (ticker BTC) with 400k and retire if it 3x's?
protip: im alread a neet and contemplating visiting kurt cobain if i dont make it fast

>> No.58368117

I would go all in on APU instead. Seriously.

>> No.58368157

bitcoin will 50-100x over the next 10-15 years. i'd go 80% bitcoin and 20% in mega cap stocks like amazon so you can weather the drawdowns

>> No.58368174

50 to 100x, what the fuck mate, thats too bullish
Im considering a TSLA position. What if Elon delivers and we have robotaxies that pay you money? the only problem I see is lamestream media hates Elon

>> No.58368284

well it won't be fast, but yea you can probably retire for good with that investment in the next 2 bullruns, so about 12 years

>> No.58368360

Unironically the smart play is 80/20 BTC/APU

>> No.58368560

Weren't you going to put that in kleros or some shit?

>> No.58368609

retire on 400k? do you live in africa

>> No.58368628

if you want to feel alive put half in btc and half in apu.

>> No.58368643 [DELETED] 
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Below 1m market cap.
EIepepe bros

>> No.58368669

>50 to 100x, what the fuck mate, thats too bullish
apple is up 100x since 2005 before they launched the iphone. bitcoin is bigger than the iphone. 50x for bitcoin is the bearish estimate

>> No.58368707

There is not enough money in the world for that you imbecile

>> No.58368818

If you are a neet even 100 million will not fix your life.

>> No.58368828

diversify a little, but not into shitcoins

>> No.58371048

tards, I already got 400k, so if it does a 3x, im already at 1.2 million, im in EU so that's enough, I can make more from interest on that than working

>> No.58371066

fucking wagies
diversify where? yes no shitcoins
btw I dont buy BTC, I buy MSTR, so I should get at 2x returns on BTC
So if BTC does a 3x from here, I would be getting a 6x
I may just YOLO all in on MSTR

>> No.58371218
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If you already are neeting then you must be a fellow blocklords player right? player and grinder here, the same as you I'm waiting for the sweet second I sell and cash out.

>> No.58371247

>you must be a fellow blocklords player
i think that the only faggots that would play this are the bizniggers of this board
shit's disgusting even aoe2 looks better and its like 5 dollars on steam

>> No.58371357

Only sensible answer is yes. Just don't do it right now it will dump massively right after the halve this happens every time. Wait and buy later. I warned you.

>> No.58371358

Shoo pajeet shoo shoo!

>> No.58371359

never listen to green ID's they're evil asf

>> No.58371365

didnt APU rug already yet?

>> No.58371369

>all the desperate shills itt trying to get op into buying their garbage
lmao literal indian streets with a bunch of scammers walking to your face peddling whatever shit they sell

>> No.58371372

make sure to sell before 5 bucks.
thats gonna be that shit ATH kek

>> No.58371373

Damn. 1m truly is the new 100k.

>> No.58371376
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>> No.58371379
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being a neet doesn't really equal wasting time on videogames bro.

>> No.58371391
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okey dokey grandpa whatever you say. you should go to bed soon though its almost 9 PM.

>> No.58371415

people in this gay board like to inflate shit like that like the impatient little cucks they are. hurrr link to a hundred dollars. durrr sol to three hundred dollars. durr hurrrr. fucking pathetic.

>> No.58371452

why is she sitting like that, does she not know how a chair works?

>> No.58371944 [DELETED] 

30% BTC
15% ETH
10% XRP
10% LTC
10% SOL
5% XLM
5% XDC
5% KAS
2.5% ROSE
2.5% DOGE

Diversify to minimize risk and maximize potential gains.

Tip me here for the advice of you want

>> No.58372265
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not a bad option but a x3 is too conservative on your part, if you concentrate on studying a bit the new projects to come (give priority to the BRC20 Tokens) you could easily make a x10.

>> No.58372621
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Gee I wonder what happens next

>> No.58372808

i rlly doubt op can make a 10x on BRC20 tokens, at least rn

>> No.58372820

dont pay attention op, go all in

>> No.58372902

MSTR is already close to its ATH though. How much higher do you believe it could go, and why not just DCA into bitcoin?

>> No.58373223

most people have no idea what mstr. look up quant bros.

>> No.58374698


Congratulations anon, I didnt post anything for about 4 years but thats the most stupid bullshit ive read here...

>> No.58374722

You will turn your 400k into 40k you tard.

>> No.58374783

you want to make it, anon?
well that means two things: return on principle, and not losing your ass.
Suggestion: crypto, energy stocks, and mining stocks are all solid plays in high inflation.
Depending on your risk tolerance, maybe 100k bitcoin, 100K major alts (like ethereum and such- no shitcoins unless you want to visit cobain), 100K junior minors (gold just hit 2400, but miners are undervalued), 100k in energy stocks for diversification (also solid inflation play).
Miners and bitcoin can definitely double this cycle, not sure about energy. Do that once (or twice with bitcoin, re-evaluate miners and energy before investing again), then you have your milllions.
good luck anon. WAGMI

>> No.58376865
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>most people have no idea what mstr.
I'll take that as a good thing.
>look up quant bros
Can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.58377358

go back
my confidence in btc and its strictly limited in amount. altcoins are a shitshow, and i have no idea about miners, other than btc miners
im not going your homework dude. let's just say it's as if adults did what gme tried to do.

>> No.58377443
File: 231 KB, 666x607, confused_apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not going your homework dude.
Nice gatekeeping.
>let's just say it's as if adults did what gme tried to do.
I'm well aware of the GME saga, so what exactly did MSTR accomplish that GME failed to do? Does MSTR's software service even relevant now that the company is basically a BTC hodling firm? All I know is Saylor was a party animal / coke head back in the day who started taking on debt to buy BTC by the ton. Apparently it worked for them considering their stock price, so good on him.

>> No.58377558
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Diversification is always key. Besides low-cap altcoins, I'm also holding RWA gems like DUA, RIO, and LAND. All of them are listed on MEXC, making it easy to invest in these three.

>> No.58377621
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you should stay on the game, if BTC isn't enough for you, you need to go to satoshisync's BTCFi and buy bitcoin-associated tokens

bitcoin is really the future

>> No.58378549

This. You'll get like 5m nigga

>> No.58380366

i already pointed to top level intel on quant bros channel

>> No.58382191
File: 15 KB, 211x239, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Ohhhh, when you said "quant bro" I thought that was sarcasm, I didn't know that was a YouTube channel lmao. My apologies.

>> No.58383501
File: 152 KB, 358x432, 1618722384759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go all in on MAGA TRUMP, we are on elections season and that shit will go 100x i'm sure of it

>> No.58383629

Retard alert

>> No.58383633

Are they raping me at the other side entrance too?

>> No.58383640
