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File: 175 KB, 952x669, tetherlmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58366030 No.58366030 [Reply] [Original]

Uhh tether bros? What happens when more exchanges start delisting USDT? Bullish for BTC?

>> No.58366217

Bobo was right

>> No.58367376

EU will only allow their CBDC.
>What happens when more exchanges start delisting USDT?
The US treasury market will collapse. We'll either go through austerity or runaway inflation, depending on how its addressed.

>> No.58367911

Can you explain why the us treasury market will collapse

>> No.58369310


>> No.58369757

it wouldn't, that anon is smoking pot
the treasury market is incredibly robust

>> No.58369997

Tether does back a lot of its funny money with bonds though

>> No.58370018

Everyone’s finally putting together the MMT argument I’ve made for years. Most of the crypto market is propped up in USD derivatives. The more crypto increases and dominates the market place, the stronger the USDs hegemony over global finance becomes. The global market won’t barter in Satoshis like they won’t barter in gold, but you can gladly exchange rare commodities for USD derivatives and embolden it’s stranglehold. This is why I’m convinced crypto in general is a psyop to bring about a new vanguard. Anyone sleepy?

>> No.58370028

baggie hopium

>> No.58370037

the tsy market has already broken. they just keep changing the rules around collateral

>> No.58370054

An influx of stablecoins would prop up their price and market use case. They won’t be using XRP for cross border payments, but they will use the chain and the chain needs gas.

>> No.58370056

So how does the Jenga tower fall? An orchestrated run on Tether makes everything default?

>> No.58370062

i like your arguement that crypto might be used simply as collateral for usd derivs but to think that crypto is an engineered pysops by the powers that be is antarctica nazis on the moon level delusional

>> No.58370110

Bitcoin was created by Satoshi after the NSA gave hime a deal he couldn't refuse. Life in prison for gun running? Or adapt your electronic currency system for us and get a new identity?

>> No.58370119

It doesnt. Stablecoins are phased out as CBDCs are phased in, and the satoshi wallets are the new fort knox

>> No.58370184

who is satoshi?

>> No.58370221

But there is clearly a controlled demolition of USD occurring.

>> No.58370501

Bullish signal. Going all in on Tether now.

>> No.58371214


USD token not needed.
AMPL needed

>> No.58371259

>tether bros
nobody here is a "tetherbro" you turbo mongoloid
we are short fiat currency

>> No.58371267
File: 1.75 MB, 300x290, 1665671305819554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over tetherbro, we will have to go to some altcoin or buy $SUPER which is worth practically the same.

>> No.58371277

they have 90 billion USD of treasuries out of 27 trillion

>> No.58371294

the only people actually holding tether are third worlders with no USD bank account options
EU regulations don't affect them

>> No.58371374

>Most of the crypto market is propped up in USD derivatives
crypto market is propped up on bitcoin and ethereum pairs
layer 1 money is just a short on fiat currency, mainly because it is orders of magnitude more optimized settlement wise
settlement in USD requires bonds and shortage can be an issue
btc, eth, whatever L1 you're using, completely removes this attrition

2008 wasn't a mortgage crisis, it was a dollar shortage crisis

>> No.58372593


>> No.58373507

buy XRP you absolute fucking retards


>> No.58373554

dumping 90 billion or even 45 billion could be enough to disrupt a treasury auction and cause t-bill interest rates to spike unexpectedly though (the market would be flooded briefly) which would have, as they say, a Ripple effect.

remember when this happened?
that "totally unforeseen" cyberattack fucked up the treasury markets and singlehandedly caused interest rates to spike and that was just one bank, much less than say tether suddenly trying to dump its treasuries for whatever they can get (probably below market value).
a sudden tether collapse could have wide ranging effects- for example, mortgage interest rates, SOFR overnight lending, reverse repo utilization.

why do you think Yellen brings this up every chance she gets?

>> No.58373601

oh and now after the bitcoin ETFs, the crypto markets are officially linked with traditional financial markets which are one huge incestuous clusterfuck orgy because of the nature of derivatives (see: subprime mortgage crisis, LTCM bailout), high frequency trading, and literally hundreds overleveraged banks with balance sheets absolutely full of toxic portfolios of non-performing commercial real estate and US treasuries that they, too would like very much to dump on the market

and then you've got, yknow, the rest of the world's economic system, full of headlines like this one from yesterday that don't exactly inspire confidence

AP News
Switzerland lays out new 'too big to fail' rules in wake of Credit Suisse banking turmoil last year
1 day ago
Fitch cuts China's ratings outlook on growth risks
1 day ago


German bank braces for wave of bad loans in ‘greatest real estate crisis since the financial crisis’
Deutsche Pfandbriefbank, or PBB, a German lender focused on real estate, has set aside more money for bad debts as it braces for what it...
.Feb 8, 2024

captcha: R2 JWS

i don't think it's very likely but it would be hilarious if tether blows up the world economy

>> No.58373629

it's not like this was all laid out for everyone by those responsible before the reverse repo market blew up and they released covid in fall 2019 or anything


>> No.58373672
File: 18 KB, 681x382, best xsg meme biz pol schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing the Federal Reserve's got Michael Barr on the case
The Importance of Effective Liquidity Risk Management

Federal Reserve Board (.gov)
https://www.federalreserve.gov › barr20231201a
Dec 1, 2023 — The Importance of Effective Liquidity Risk Management.
Vice Chair for Supervision Michael S. Barr. At the ECB Forum on Banking Supervision, ...

Michael S Barr: The importance of effective liquidity risk ...

Speech by Vice Chair for Supervision Barr on the ...

Federal Reserve Board (.gov)
https://www.federalreserve.gov › barr20240214a
Feb 14, 2024 — The Intersection of Monetary Policy, Market Functioning, and Liquidity Risk Management. Vice Chair for Supervision Michael S. Barr.

Bank for International Settlements
https://www.bis.org › review
Dec 6, 2023 — In particular, I will focus on how banks manage liquidity risk, the role of the central bank's discount window lending in this process, and the ...

what's that you say? Michael Barr the Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Banking Supervision the guy who is in charge of making sure the entire fucking system doesn't get blown up by money-laundering retards and state level near-peer adversaries engaging in nonlinear 5th generation economic warfare, he used to sit on WHOSE board?

>> No.58373693
File: 8 KB, 266x148, nice floor mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58373737

I missed the tether fud. What will be next? China banning bitcoing? BTC causing the climate change?

>> No.58373861

xrp schizos, please never change

>> No.58374283

We're all pretty much in agreement that it's impossible that Satoshis real identity somehow eluded one of the most competent intelligence gathering empires in the world. The identity had to be known, now logical deduction brings to point this; if he was known and continued his work unmolested for the most part then his work wasn't deemed a national security threat.

Satoshi work at the very least you can say, was agnostic towards the powers that be's goals and ambitions. Old money and legacy financial institutions might of been against his work, but at the same time if a new class of billionaires and financial systems are created; does it really matter what old money has to say?

>> No.58374314

Twther fud? Is it 2017 again

>> No.58374483

>Bullish for BTC?
Bro, sh*t's still looking bullish AF. I just heard an EU country jump on board with an L1 quantum-resistant blockchain. That's some next-level bullishness right there.

>> No.58375998

we just use it on a dex

>> No.58376141

Can't trade USDT on OKX anymore. Uhhh EU bros? What's the next step here.

>> No.58376162

just use usdc or euro stablecoins

>> No.58376177

Some cryptos are not available though.

>> No.58376209

I use Kucoin and Gate.io

>> No.58376483



>> No.58376615

OKX will remain because it's the one Elon Musk is following. If Binance collapses, I will immediately fund OKX account and slurp the dips with the same amount I now have on Binance.

>> No.58376628

Ampleforth fixes this.

>> No.58376822

>ive never heard of the perpetual swap market

>> No.58378456

based spoonfeeder

>> No.58379017
File: 231 KB, 1200x1082, leftist science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58380151
File: 336 KB, 973x581, ripple partner since 2014 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this will sound crazy but bitcoin, ethereum and xrp were all part of a contiguous interlinked operation by the non-evil parts of the US intelligence/military industrial tech complex to retain some semblance of hegemony while transitioning away from a dollar reserve currency system to a multipolar global system without uncontrolled nuclear warfare
Vitalik was an intern at Ripple working on their smart contract platform codius before he got fired and went back to canada and supposedly pulled the EVM out of his skinny Russian foxtail buttplugged anus in like 3 months or whatever. satoshi mentioned xrp by name in his emails and published a coloring book called "wave and ripple coloring book" or whatever
Satoshi Nakamoto also translates to "central intelligence" and David Schwartz was an NSA contractor in the years leading up to the 2008 financial crisis.

i literally can't. i have been brain damaged and trauma-based mind controlled by an ARG 23 mind virus on /biz/ that i never consented to. i am being attacked on a daily basis by frequency-based directed energy weapons.

>> No.58380199

does anyone have a link to the blog post (iirc by a bitcoin core dev? or someone associated with bitcoin foundation) from like 2017 where they talk about how they looked at the original Bitcoin core code that Satoshi wrote and said it is clearly the product of a team because programmers have different styles of code and BTC had the signs of being a collaboration between 3 or 4 people and not just one person?
i remember reading this when i first came on biz in 2018 or 2019 but haven't been able to find it recently

>> No.58381330
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>> No.58382398


>> No.58384155
File: 22 KB, 519x440, 1618202476954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you mean etherorb.xyz?