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58361142 No.58361142 [Reply] [Original]

My brain has shutdown and is just constantly streaming :
> what if I bought at least 100$ of this shit
> what if I bought at least 100$ of this shit
This fucking piece of shit is eating me alive. This will hit 10b mcap and haunt me for the rest of my wagecuck life right ?

>> No.58361151

post address

>> No.58361169
File: 92 KB, 1190x937, 2b27104354b04268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> This will hit 10b mcap and haunt me for the rest of my wagecuck life right ?
Very likely

>> No.58361174

In America, we put the dollar sign in front of the number. When you put "27$", people can instantly tell that you're either a retard or a streetpooper.

>> No.58361177

500 at the button is life changing now. That's my regret. We all missed opportunities. Don't be too hard on yourself. I tried not to be on me.

>> No.58361183

No one really gives a shit what americans think though.

>> No.58361202

>American markets don't matter for whatever you're selling
good luck with that. You're probably just a troon.

>> No.58361207

KEK congrats anon. you will make it like I will

>> No.58361225

I didn't say that, I said no one really cares what americans think. Just like I don't care about the syntax of the dollar sign you fucking baboon.

>> No.58361229

The only way to make it stop is to go all in.

>> No.58361230

kys, tranny

>> No.58361236

There are places outside of America where we put the currency after the amount. There is a big world out there, Johnson.
Thanks anon. I am aware that it's just a stupid memecoin and nobody could really expect this growth but it just doesnt compute in my head.

>> No.58361277
File: 4 KB, 262x193, 1711570040337697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. So, your goal was to immediately signal that you were a foreigner while attempting to market your shitcoin to the largest market in the world. So true, the world is a big place. You certainly taught me a lesson. Now go forth and market your shitcoin to the EU, I guess.

Personally, I think you're a piece of shit.
I won't be buying any of that shitcoin.
But don't worry, the world is a big place, right? Maybe some other people in Russia or Ukraine will want it.

>> No.58361280

Learn to not get emotionally attached to numbers on a screen. If you're that confident in the coin then buy more, or learn to accept that you have a different buying strategy. Very good chance that APU still has a shit ton of steam left to go, memecoins have been doing very well and it's leading the pack. I've bought exactly zero dollars worth of APU and I haven't lost any sleep over it.

>> No.58361286

I sold my APU bag for a 2x at $40M. Why am I so fucking stupid

>> No.58361315

Very american of you to think about trannies all the time, you are the most kiked ((people)) after all.

>> No.58361374

What are you talking about. Market what to what ? I am sharing my bitterness regarding this clownmarket, thats it. It doesnt matter that you're from Murica or anywhere else.

Personally, I think you're schizoid weirdo. I don't care about what you're buying or not. I don't care about Russia or whatever the fuck you're attempting to communicate. I only care about I could have made with more beer money.

>> No.58362980
File: 480 KB, 1170x1121, 4BB01C55-EED4-4C32-9391-AAB623F80229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mid summer reaction

>> No.58363003

That's it I'm throwing 250 at it

>> No.58363014

Stupid? Just out whatever you make in good alt coins ... Than ygmi
Ator Navi dmtr aitech fld blxm via ml litt Just to name a few

>> No.58363048

don't worry OP, one day you'll be able to afford a neovagina

>> No.58363093

I had 160 million Apu's but sold 60 million of them during the rug. Still sitting pretty with 100 million stacklet. Will be out of six figure hell by May I figure. That was my goal for this bullrun. But that was before Apu even existed. Now I've adjusted my goal to 1.5 million. Not enough for the Citadel, but enough to not have to live with blacks.

>> No.58363101

>On an American website posting in American dollars speaking American

>> No.58363178

Where do I buy this shit. Crypto nooblet here

>> No.58363189

I sold 100 million coins for 4k

>> No.58363196

At least you have a bag. For me, one of the worst feeling is watching a bag you fumble start to do a moonshot. With the amount of shit I fumbled in just the last 6 months, the tokens I sold for peanuts would have put me right at $2m if I held. Having to wage while knowing that I could have retired is stressful to say the least. Yes, even post tax that is enough for me

>> No.58363225

you made money, you didn't lose money and there will always be another opportunity

>> No.58363243
File: 98 KB, 720x445, BBB77C4F-DD18-41FA-8645-0721357C2455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh… if only early APU holders had a plan to rotate post 10B and take full advantage of the influx of normies on Base…..

>> No.58363285

yes, you need a bit more conviction than $27 anon. should have threw $1k at it.

>> No.58363289
File: 151 KB, 1237x1280, photo_2024-04-07_18-12-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes.. also if only.. if only there was a strong autistic biz coin alliance on BASE rn.. it could include pepes with food on their heads, elephant pepes, evangelion anime meta, monkeys.. I wonder why noone has done this yet.

>> No.58363295

no one cares what you do in your third world shithole

>> No.58363301
File: 165 KB, 500x534, 85748B41-7661-4240-A55D-F84D101E4DAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only said pepe with an assortment of food on his head was held and being shilled by, say, the developer of bobo? I would rush to his twitter to verify that: if only it were the case…

>> No.58363322
File: 129 KB, 500x500, do it1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can see it

>> No.58363352
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>> No.58363362

don't tell them

>> No.58363368
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1639370897890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah dont worry about it senpai, that's just crypto and investing in general, you will always think "what if i bought more, what if i sold just fifteen minutes later". I constantly buy on low cap gems and believe me 50% of the time you're regretting the buy and the other 50% is spent regretting not buying more, thing is you DIDN'T know so you COULDN'T have bought more, what ifs are stupid to think about, im currently waiting on gravity labs and even though i know it has potential im still gonna go small on the initial investment because, like i said, its a 50/50, and maybe it will go parabollic, but at some point you gotta trace a line and say "yeah i did good, i made some good money, lets move on" or you'll go crazy.

>> No.58363427


But I bought $5k of it
If I had bought double I'd be the top holder right now

>> No.58363992

>using electricity discovered by america
>using computer created by american
>using internet created by american
>using american website
>buying american made crypto
Fuck off you irrelevant faggot. Nobody outside of America matters. Maybe the Germans, but they're beyond cucked now.

>> No.58364093

Thanks for that advice, it’s been eating me up as well, sometimes you actually get sound advice in this board when you sift through the shit and curry. I hope you fuckin make it bro

>> No.58364154
File: 1.99 MB, 2208x2760, Never Should Have Come Here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's saying 3rd worlders aren't going to buy shitcoins like apu, so saying Americans are irrelevant is like saying shitcoin casino is irrelevant
Also post address faggot. Literally nobody here believes you
>oh my god I spent $1 and now I'm at 6 gorillion oh my god if only I spent $2 I would be so fucking rich haha this is going to 6 gorillion marketcap haha
Buy a fucking ad

>> No.58364180

yeah he's right
the only solution is to have no thoughts, the basic premise of most theological teachings is to neither desire nor hold aversion
which is just wants and fears
so if you don't want (aka wish you bought more) and don't fear you're good
the key is to think nothing
just focus on your breathing, if you have to have a thought or a mantra just say "thank you" in your head
hard to keep the sanity these days

>> No.58364182

There are many such opportunities every cycle. Now you have 7k, but those 7k come from 27, so there is no harm in losing it all. Next time you can put 70 in a shitcoin. Not much more because 90%+ of them go to 0 rather than moon. The next one will net you 10k, so you'll have maybe 15k, so you'll put 150 in the next, etc.

>> No.58364236
File: 88 KB, 860x745, amerimutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You insist on putting the month before date because that's how you say it, but then you do shit like this despite always saying the amount before "dollars". Explain this shit, burgers.

>> No.58364348

>speaking American
The absolute state

>> No.58364832
File: 140 KB, 800x800, 5240411725700913917_120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never gib up, fren.

When APU hits 10B you'll have plenty of spare change to throw at other projects

>> No.58364926

that feel when you realize there are no good memes left

>> No.58365953
File: 144 KB, 512x512, 4900004565962720345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't find a meme cute/funny don't bother. Dry spells suck, but something usually comes along. When apu dropped it was just ugly dog coins with shitty CEX announcements, everyone was fucking tired of it, I think that's partly why it took off so well

>> No.58366580

You could have bought $0.

>> No.58366894

I know these feelings but so what? I bought a bag of a shitcoin last year for 27$. It's now also worth more than 7k. Still holding. At least you bought. Be happy and don't fumble it

>> No.58366956
File: 223 KB, 680x498, 1702391275841545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if
OP's brain is BEGGING him to do some fucking math for once, just once in his life, and the thought of that is making me giggle

>> No.58367514


I had 244M APU's and sold most of it at the bottom for just a few grand gains. So what? I'm still up by thousands of percents after throwing just lunch money.
Don't think it as gains before you've realised it. Right now they're just numbers on your screen, nothing else.

>> No.58368753
File: 138 KB, 1119x1353, IMG_2433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are loads of other coins which will pump this year, those Apu millionaires are going to want to roll into something next. What other coins are constantly mentioned on this board…

>> No.58368763

Wow truly organic thread Rajeesh

>> No.58368768 [DELETED] 

Stop what you’re doing with this Apu coping. Quit obsessing. Go to this TG: DOGHOLECOIN. You will observe one obvious thing. Everyone there is a biz bro and it’s literally the next Apu at $150k mc. Throw in $100 and forget about it for a month. Best of luck anon. DOGHOLE is THE alpha right here and right now. Do not be the one who copes in a month on one of those gay threads.

>> No.58368797

I bought $25 shiba when it was shilled here and could've had 90k. Also bought 0x0 at 90k mcap and held until 1.5m (its now over 400m fdv). part of the crypto story my neger.