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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58360464 No.58360464 [Reply] [Original]

how profit from sister

>> No.58360481

im beginning to think no one on biz even has a sister

>> No.58360549
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make her work and buy ORB for you on etherorb.xyz
what? did you wanted a perverted response? too bad anon

>> No.58360566

>writes biz instead of /biz/
You outed yourself. You don't belong here. You're either a plebbitor who needs to go the fuck back or you're paid shill of some sort. In either case, you exposed yourself. Now fuck off retard.

>> No.58360567

I have a sister, she's really sweet to this day and really helps me out a lot... back in middle school she would bake me batches of cookies, and I would sell them during lunch in middle school to niggers that absolutely lost their shit when I would bring them in... one of those fuckers gave me $10 for a single cookie one time, I think it was a flex to the other monkeys, but hey, I don't give a shit, profit is profit. That's where I got the moniker Corn-Bread, because I was a fat little white kid (because of the cookies, don't get high on your own supply) and because I was loaded with all their nigger cash, which was probably stolen from their degenerate mom's welfare in Charlotte.

I learned a lot in those times. I bought my sister a necklace one year and she wears it more than her wedding ring sometimes... I think she wants a piece of Corn-Bread.

>> No.58361833

There are many ways.

>> No.58361848

Based noticer.

>> No.58361981
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become a father figure to her and hope that in the future she will want to return the favor by buying you a house, a new cell phone or even giving you a job
real connections with other people are still the most effective, but I still won't share my jizzlord

>> No.58362347

This anon >>58361981 is this anon: >>58361854

>> No.58362393

the shilling is on another level lately
might be AI enhanced jeets

>> No.58362399
File: 184 KB, 1024x1024, Azura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join the gamercoin.club/ ($GMC) and meet Azura Based

>> No.58362419

feet pics obviously