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File: 106 KB, 828x1607, 1685931473684339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58360005 No.58360005 [Reply] [Original]

someone transfered $1 million USDC via CCIP and only paid $0.01 in fees, lmao

werent linkies saying ccip would capture a percentage fee instead of a flat fee???

maybe if banks start transferring quadrillion over CCIP in 2050 then chainlink might start to turn a profit with roughly $10 in fees, lmao

>> No.58360093

Bullish. Everyone will use CCIP and there will be millions of tx a day.

>> No.58360114

Thats .01 Link in fees brainlet. Now extrapolate that to millions of txns.

>> No.58360143

fees are too low stinkies
givin it all away for free like a slut xD

>> No.58360157

This is incredible. So close.

>> No.58360203

the cuckolds of crypto

wtf is wrong with this team, they're on drugs???

>> No.58360277

CCIP was only providing abstraction/messaging in this instance.

>> No.58360439
File: 56 KB, 970x545, 1706959140211432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey believes in oracles as a public good.
He likes comparing it to TCP / IP protocol that the internet is built on.
You VILL subsidize for the greater good.
You VILL be a good socialist comrade and donate your wealth for the common good.
2030 is going to be beautiful. Our beloved klaus schwab will turn the planet into a utopia.
You will get everything provided for free in the new economy away from evil racist capitalism.

>> No.58360456

looks like they paid $555 actually

>> No.58362028

bullish if we take the trillions per day on account

>> No.58362188

Only need $100T daily volume to generate some semblance of demand for the token.. BOOLISHH

>> No.58363237
File: 279 KB, 420x410, D614029F-DA5B-4A18-A430-CB2D363A797D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scaling your business is now fud
I wonder what’s the next fudrucker cope is.

>> No.58363271

I remember when stinkers thought arbitrum was gonna use chainlink nodes kek. They thought they were gonna be rich. Exactly as with CCiP

>> No.58363303

network will be clogged if thats the case

>> No.58363340

Post the hash, you can't go back that far in the Arbitrum and Base explorers.

>> No.58363451

It was $1500 in fees.

>> No.58363567

> $1500 in fees
None of which, was converted to Link, or paid to Chainlink team/stakers.


>> No.58363582

How disgustingly new are you?
Sending 1,000 BTC/ETH/… costs exactly the same in transaction fees as sending 0.0001 BTC/ETH/…
This has always been the case, and is one of the reasons oracles are so useful: to bundle transactions off-chain.

>> No.58363682
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>t was $1500 in fees.
Not seeing it.

The Link nodes were paid directly in Link, it's even in OP's pic you retard.

Total ETH fees (L1+L2; see pic) were $0.006631398632
Total Link fee was 0.01660482822629538 Link, so roughly $0.30

Seems like Link is more needed than ETH.

>> No.58363725

>None of which, was converted to Link
ALL fees were paid in Link, including gas.

>> No.58363766

Delusional. The Xswap team confirmed that they don't convert the fees into Link, they have no incentive to.
CLG and all the other faggots say fees get converted to link, but they dont.

>Total Link fee was 0.01660482822629538 Link, so roughly $0.30
chainlink gets .30 cents out of the $1500 transaction fee? thats actually nothing. 1 trillion in transacted value gives Xswap $150 million in fees, and Link $30,000

>> No.58363778

>The Xswap team confirmed that they don't convert the fees into Link, they have no incentive to
You got this ass backwards.
The fees are paid in Link and converted to destination chain gas.

>$1500 transaction fee

>> No.58363784

25c per $1m now divide that amongst all the stakers.

You would need over $1 quadrillion just to make $3 from genuine staking rewards. Link holders truly are the biggest cucks

>> No.58363795

>25c per $1m
*per transaction.

Imagine not knowing how blockchain transaction fees work lmao
Protip: you pay per transaction, regardless of amount.

>> No.58363817
File: 113 KB, 1036x707, 1500 fees no link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58363846

That's not the CCIP transaction fee you retard, that's just information contained in the CCIP transaction.

By your logic it costs $200 million in transportation costs to haul a security truck full of gold lmao

>> No.58363854

>transact from any chain to any chain for cheap
fuuuuck, it is dead on arrival! no one will use it!

>> No.58363879

braindead cope. Every Xswap transaction on arb gets its cut to this wallet


Link may be needed, but literally only 1 link is needed. 17 whole dollars.

>> No.58363907

>not knowing how to read a blockchain explorer

>> No.58363946

All of that is merely the payload for the CCIP transaction, you absolute retard.

Here's the bottom line: the total fee paid for this specific CCIP transaction was $30 worth of Link, 1/20th of which went to ETH gas (both L1 and L2)

>> No.58363957

*30 cents

And 1/20th of this went to ETH gas

>> No.58363978

Now i see why people fud on here all day. You are so fucking stupid even when given facts you deny it

>> No.58363991

By your logic Bitcoin is not needed because you can send $1 billion worth and the transaction fee is the same as when sending $1 worth.

You're clueless, absolutely braindead.

>> No.58364017

>Thats .01 Link
CCIP is fucked, it's too expensive.

>> No.58364040

nope, im saying you'll get about 150million dollars more in fees than chainlink's 30k in fees per 1 trillion, by investing in whatever protocol is built on CCIP. Link not needed, just ape whatever uses it, you'll make endlessly more profit

>link collects fees on them all
for link to breakeven on the fees from xswap, it needs 5000 projects running CCIP. not happening in our lifetime(im 26)(and i hold more link than you)
Stupid fuck

>> No.58364074
File: 1.52 MB, 1100x918, seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hate u stinks
i seriously hate u stinks
i truly hate them all
lets make fun until they fall
fuck all linkies
they are stinkies
fuck them all

>> No.58364138

By your logic Bitcoin and Ethereum are bad investments because you can send $1 billion worth and the transaction fee is the same as when sending $1 worth.
And let's not forget how you thought no Link tokens were involved in the transaction fees because "nothing was converted to Link", even though the ENTIRE transaction fee was paid in Link tokens to begin with.

You have no idea what you're saying. Seeing you try to figure this out as you go is like watching a toddler try to eat by himself for the first time.

>> No.58364165

Youre so fucking stupid it hurts. Its over, you lost. Shut the fuck up now.

>> No.58364198

Vkz4HZJ6, this is your father. take the L. I'm very disappointed in you. I raised you better than this

>> No.58364223

No link was paid, eth was
no link was converted, xswap got the entire fee

yall are in an echochamber

>> No.58364242

The feds moved $2B in BTC a few weeks ago. Only paid like $20 in fees. Seems like it's over for BTC.

>> No.58364266

>one dollar quadrillion
what did he mean by this

>> No.58364319

>no link was converted, xswap got the entire fee
The fee xswap got has literally NOTHING to do with the CCIP transaction, it's merely part of the information sent via CCIP.
You are too dumb to be real, holy shit.

>> No.58364355

CCIP fees already plummeting in April


The grift continues being exposed

>> No.58364363

Now you admit Xswap got the $1500 fee. The fees Xswap gets forever outweighs the fees CCIP "gets" until 5000 projects are running ccip transactions. 20+ years away.
not 2 weeks

>> No.58364418

>the $1500 fee
"The" $1500 fee?

>> No.58364466

Want even more pain? These "fees" arent even to Chainlink. They're to the CCIP users(xswap, chainswap), and they're paid in Eth not LINK.

>> No.58364472

Which network? Ethereum? Base? Arbitrum? Polygon? The private chain for Bank A? Or the private chain for Bank B? Or whichever of the other hundreds of private bank chains out there?

>> No.58364518

>These "fees" arent even to Chainlink. They're to the CCIP users(xswap, chainswap)
Anon, the CCIP users are the ones paying the fees.

>> No.58364551

Imagine even thinking the shitty dashboard is correct. It's not. It's full of bugs and has 0 guarantees of being anywhere near correct.

>> No.58364558

25c times a thousand is 2500 dollars plus the transactions would mean around 187K per user
stop fudding plz

>> No.58364566

Why don't CLL release a dashboard? Fucking sick of these back and forths with false arbitrary data.

>> No.58364627


Part of CCIP's billing is taking some percentage of the token transferred; 0.07% listed in the link below.


The $1500 there is 0.15% of the value transferred. I am curious if there's a different cost for stable coins and this is part of Chainlink's billing process.

>> No.58364865

the rate is based on the value of link when the transaction was processed. if paying in another denomination then you'd pay the premium rate which is obvs higher. any non-link payment would be charged at the higher rate.This would include stablecoins
i believe this to be correct but if someone knows better then please do respond.
The premium incentivises sale of the token. Pushing the price up and paying for my Ford Fiesta repayments

>> No.58364961

Why the fuck did Chainlink build CCIP just to let dickswap skim most of the fees from using OUR fucking protocol. Chainlink dropped the ball here by not creating their own platform. Fucking idiots all of them

>> No.58364976

the premium incentivizes purchases of LINKbin order to pay the NOP. the sale of the non-native token would take place in order to purchase LINK to pay the NOP.

are you a shill playing 4d chess? because your arguments are so retarded, they make me think you're actually trying to get people to buy LINK

>> No.58364985

hey, you see all those trees over there? *THAT'S* the forest.

>> No.58365033

what's NOP?

>> No.58365036

>just to let dickswap skim most of the fees
Dickswap is paying for 100% of the ccip fees, retard.

>> No.58365102

Node operator

remember that other thread a few weeks back where a CCIP tx moved something like $10k and charged $700 bucks for it, and fuddies came out of the woodwork to scream how no one will use it because fees were too high? turns out that tx contained a half a dozen moves through half a dozen chains with a ton of data to boot, but the argument was that CCIP was dead on arrival because it was too expensive. now look at this thread. fud has never made me more bullish

>> No.58365105

No fucking shit. Because they own the swap protocol you dumb fucking cunt. Chainlink could have built their own without us needing a middleman like dickswap to capture revenue on top of ccip. We could have had it all go directly to chainlink/stakers instead. Dumb fuck

Hey you see all those trees over there? Lets bring in some immigrants to help us cut them down and let them sell the wood. Even though we could do it all ourselves and make more money. THAT's the dickswap.

>> No.58365165

>ETH, Solana, Binance, … should’ve invented every defi project, L2, Dex, stablecoin, … themselves instead of letting others skim all those fees!
This is you.

ccip fees are ccip fees, and users like dickswap pay them.

>> No.58365200

I am actually getting bullish after reading this thread and I have been fudding link for weeks. Great back and forth happening here reminds me of old days.

>> No.58365240

Comparing CCIP to a L1 is a retards take.

Chainlink did all the hard work creating a cross chain protocol FOR YEARS and Dickswap comes along with pre-existing swap protocol code and slaps it on top with a GUI and gets a disproportionate amount of fees for much much less work. You must be a commie freeloading cunt. Now fuck off here and go collect your unemployment gibs.

>> No.58365273

wtf is dickswap

>> No.58365278

>Chainlink did all the hard work creating a cross chain protocol FOR YEARS
Same with ETH creating a smart contract platform for years.
Only for hundreds of projects to come along and slap copy-pasted protocols on it and get a disproportionate amount of fees for much less work.

>> No.58365300

Check this out faggot.
This is Chainlinks front end of CCIP.

>> No.58365306
File: 84 KB, 658x500, PayUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay me soon or you'll be cut off

>> No.58365330
File: 219 KB, 1598x1262, Screen Shot 2024-04-11 at 11.20.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the billing, there's the messaging costs to cover the gas fees, where chainlink charges a 10% premium if you're using a native gas token. This cost is static.

But then they're taking a cut of the token value transferred. Chainlink wants a cut of the Total Value Enabled (TVE) metric they've been tracking the past few years. They're not going to let you securely move $1M from one chain to another and only charge you the gas fees. The $1500 would line up with Token Amount x Price x Percentage

1M USDC x $2.143 x 0.0007 = $1500

I am assuming the price for transferring stable coins is $2.143 but it's the only thing that makes sense for the billing system to be applied here.

>> No.58365351
File: 82 KB, 1036x474, 1682254198585059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comparing CCIP to a L1 is a retards take.
It's the exact same deal, retard.
Vitalik built Ethereum specifically for applications to be built on top of it.

The exact same is true for CCIP.

>> No.58365387

Fuck I'm retarded. they're probably charging double the percentage cost for stable coins whose TOKEN price is pegged to $1.00.

>> No.58365410

whatever the fee is. if i can profit from ANY part of it.. count me in. I'm here to make fucking bank and don't care if it's zero point zero or zero point zero zero i'm in and i'm not leaving it's still a fucking huge number.
Anyone missing this boat is such a spastic i swear

>> No.58365429
File: 363 KB, 1883x1304, CCIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not the same you fucking retard.

Check this out: https://app.transporter.io/

I was priming you to get you ready for this. Some of you really are retarded brains and don't deserve this. Chainlink now has their own front end.

>> No.58365523

The website logo is Arial, and your screenshot clearly shows Times New Roman.

>> No.58365539
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Aged horribly

>> No.58365594

The language was more of a giveaway. Is this that adem guy? he'll be dead by 40 if he keeps this anger level up

>> No.58365623

no more kys spam today from you huh?

>> No.58365701

dumb fuck go look on twitter. Its all over there now. You dont need to be scared to click and actually look for yourself, no one wants to steal your 10 link

>> No.58365750
File: 123 KB, 1149x1108, TRANNYSPORTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Community literally leaked and forced them to announce early. You're fucking welcome

>> No.58366038

I believe our work here is done.

>> No.58366099

>Check this out: https://app.transporter.io/
nigger stop posting this

>> No.58366139
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>> No.58366244

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude when my imaginary internet money moons (in 20 years) I will be so dangerous

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58366261

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude itshhhhh LE STHHHHECRETTTT


>> No.58366307

>nigger stop posting this
Look at the time I posted it. It was before Chainlink broke the news dumbass. I have inside sources

>> No.58366695

im consuming price feeds without paying for them

what is chainlink labs going to do about it?

using them


>> No.58366753

And the sybil attacks will ensue when the banks, chortle to themselves about how cheap LINK is and compromise the security model rather than let a few thousand NEETs get rich like the millions of house owners. What a plot.

Stop dilating for a few minutes and think about super linear staking, the security model, and the ensuing supply shock.

>> No.58366794

Confession, I didn't touch >>58365300's link because I didn't trust it. Sorry I doubted you anon.

>> No.58366803

you put that price information back, faggot
you didn't pay for it

>> No.58366838
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>> No.58366881

>no more kys spam today from you?
sorry, no. "kys" not my style generally. Hope this helps

>> No.58367375

>Deranged fudder
>Leaker with inside sources shilling new Chainlink features
Kek. Anyone have that meme of the split personality fudder/shill

>> No.58369513

I was joking babe. You take yourself way too seriously

>> No.58369641
File: 460 KB, 1220x1017, 1705527366142964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone have that meme of the split personality fudder/shill

boy do I

>> No.58369693

dang that brought back memories. kek i even remember how everyone said it was such a good project too because no token and here we are with a token anyway.

>> No.58370075
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