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58353234 No.58353234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Got with girl way out of my league and she treats me with no respect
What do I do?

She is incredibly smart and beautiful and athletic, everywhere we go people say how beautiful she is and how lucky I am

But when we go out she talks about how hot other guys are and how they look like real men and how I have a weak jaw and don’t look that masculine

Also she says I am her safe backup option who will always be loyal and she’s thinking about cheating on me

What do I do? I think maybe she is slightly autistic cause she gets really mad when I complement her. I tell her I’m so lucky to wake up in the morning and see her face cause she’s so beautiful. And she gets mad and says I’m just being nice to trick her into liking me.

I said I just appreciate her and want to make her feel good.

>> No.58353267

I think your situation is pretty damn clear lmao. She is literally telling you. You are the safety guy right now. She probably had her heart broken by a few chads in the past and settled for you. Is it worth it? That's up to you. I'd personally rather date a homely woman that respected me.

>> No.58353311

Actually that’s not true

She is really difficult as a person and never dated anyone before just a few tinder hookups in college

Were both slightly on the spectrum so we are incredibly compatible as friends and we have tried dating and now that she feels confident from me wanting to date her she thinks she can do better

I just told her I can’t stop her from getting other guys but don’t expect me to be loyal in the future if I’m in better shape / have more money

I’m a broke NEET so I really feel so lucky she wants anything to do with me at all, I have nothing to offer her at all. She just does like being with me. But isn’t super sexually attracted, there is a little attraction but she says she has crushes on other guys who are more masculine (but she is scared of masculine guys and doesn’t talk to them)

>> No.58353318

Start talking to other girls to make her feel ugly and attached to you.

>> No.58353336

God you are pathetic

>> No.58353361


Is that what she told you? "Just a few tinder hookups"? My nigga this is what all attractive girls do after getting burnt out by one too many chads, they grab a safety guy and see if it's worth it.

>> No.58353384

I mean. She does really like me for me.

I have no money and no status. All she likes is me as a person…

Literally she pays for most of my things too.

>> No.58353385

this is bait

>> No.58353439

I second this.

>> No.58353486

You will be happier with a looks matched 6/10 girl who actually likes you.

>> No.58353520

is her name Ella?

>> No.58353608

if she liked you she wouldn't be so mean to you, grow some self-respect bro or be treated like a doormat by everyone forever

>> No.58353628

on second thought you are right kek

>> No.58353648

some of our frens have very active imaginations and get great kicks out of eliciting emotional responses from made up scenarios

>> No.58353667

This belongs on r9k, man.

>> No.58353777
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>> No.58354409
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Leave her, Anon.