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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 1232x81, retiree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58350078 No.58350078 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58350187

Can't retire if I never started :)

>> No.58350193

I really feel for you guys. I'd have kms if I had to wage forever.

>> No.58350198

Modern day slavery

>> No.58350485

If they are refusing to work now what makes you think they'll work in their 60s?

>> No.58350583

North american zoomers and millenials are never going to be afford to retire, period.

>> No.58350585

Most retired people don't know what to do with their time either. They sit at home, watch TV, spy on their neighbors and are grumpy. They should better work.

>> No.58350720

They'll be dead. Anyway, you can recover whenever you want. You just won't get boomer welfare that they opened up unlimited credit lines in the names of their kids to collect.

>> No.58350724

They're already retired.

>> No.58350793
File: 1.58 MB, 480x238, 1712570852925482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One advantage of being too ugly for a wife and kids is that I will be retiring at 35.

>> No.58350820

Dude, that 75 number is out there for the people currently in their 50s and 60s. Millenials and zoomers aren’t retiring. Ever. They will work until they die, and if they can’t work, they’ll live in poverty until they die. That’s why it’s so important if you’re a millenial or zoomer or to hedge against the hard times. Forget about a house. Forget about a new car. You need to find a way to have a fund that you can tap into when you can’t work anymore because of your arthritis when you’re 70 years old. And no, the state won’t take care of you. The state despises you and wants you to suffer and die.

>> No.58350857

>You need to find a way to have a fund that you can tap into when you can’t work anymore because of your arthritis when you’re 70 years old.
almost like not having kids wasnt a great idea huh

>> No.58350999

See this
I don't work. Do the bare minimum to get back. I'm an only child, no wife no kids... women in this country aren't worth marrying. Why would I work? There's nothing to attain. So I can take out a half a million loan to live in a house by myself... when I'll inherit two of them? It's stupid.

>> No.58351004

unironically by having less kids

what we're seeing happen is that the leech parasitic castes (let's face it, races) are outbreeding higher IQ people, because they higher IQ people are essentially subsidizing the lives of the cockroach lower caste. Middle class whites are just not having kids anymore because they can't afford it. Meanwhile nothing is stopping poop brown people and nignogs from breeding like animals. You can see where this is going

>> No.58351158

Retirement is a meme peddled by Bismarck to have more ways to steal money from Germans.
If your country has a public pension fund system you're already fucked.

>> No.58351181

i'd kms if I was too impotent to work on things that I'm proud of, desu anon kun!!! You live in a hell of your own making
work for yourself if you don't like working for someone else, the reality is your slavery is self-imposed
I will inherit my parents house and have over 7figs at 35, I think I will be okay bbq'ing with the lads and shitting on glowies

>> No.58351196
File: 1.35 MB, 2202x2836, Schizo Pooping2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plot twist that nobody discusses: boomers could afford yearly checkups. Most zoomers and millennials cannot, so it is relatively safe to say the average life expectancy is going to get rugpulled soon. Raising retirement age will be a burn the candle at both ends event

>> No.58351208

>I have such low self-esteem that I am not attractive to any woman, not even a kindly, homely 6/10
>despite knowing I am ugly and insufferable I think I deserve a 10/10 model with 18th century outlook on gender roles
you realize you are spiritually dead right? I don't even feel bad for faggots like you, society is best off without your progeny whom you would surely abuse as you have been abused

>> No.58351221

im unvaxxed, not fat and eat well - I will outlive most of you faggots and I'm never going to the doctor again

>> No.58351230

He never said any of that. I don't feel bad for them either because they literally never go to work

>> No.58351260
File: 510 KB, 1271x1581, TFW Fats Try to Shame Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure you are Fats, that's why you're inheriting 2 houses

>> No.58351267

>he never said that
your brain is made out of rocks

>> No.58351279

Zionists really do hate whites.

>> No.58351318

>and I'm never going to the doctor again
Based and same

>> No.58351417

Better to be a retard than a midwit

>> No.58351518

you don't get the meme, because you are a midwit - you will never be a based retard or gigabrain and you will never be naturally intuitive

>> No.58351613

You'll only inherit debt after your parents reverse mortgage the houses to go on cruises the rest of their time on earth.

>> No.58351639

relax you’re none of that either
you come off as a tryhard teenager, I’m actually ashamed for you that you’re like this at 35

>> No.58351654

No you won't

>> No.58351679

I mean, I'm 31 now and if I didn't have a mortgage I could easily retire by 35. It's not that hard with a high income (and surprise, people who are regulars on a business board have lots of money).

>> No.58351686

You're even dumber than I expected lmao

>> No.58351714

Stop projecting, I've already retired at 30. It's easy if you're frugal and have no family. It's the family that's expensive, solo existence is cheap as chimps.

>> No.58351770

Oh yeah? Well I've already retired at 19! Checkmate!

>> No.58351788

you do know there’s actual rich people on this autist board right

>> No.58351805

so you truly think nobody on here made it after /biz/ being here for 3 cycles and being early on several winners
whatever helps you cope with your poverty ranjesh

>> No.58351854

>pajeet can't read
every time

>> No.58352610

>you realize you are spiritually dead right?
kek shut the fuck up wage slave