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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5834689 No.5834689 [Reply] [Original]

Why is no one else on this? They just finished their first successful stress tests. Moon mission before they go live in April for sure. Over $1 by end of March easy.

>> No.5834920

very much in this senpai

>> No.5834989

im in with half my net worth, holding 6000 tokens

>> No.5835095

news this month. they need someone to back the loans, it needs to be a big financial institute and there are rumors about partnering with an asian lending company

>> No.5835158

If this is the january news, well you know

>> No.5835285

wallet offline
routine maintenance on bittrex

you goys know what's going to happen next don't you?


>> No.5835341

what this is

>> No.5835399

Ripio Credit Network

>> No.5835499

if that's the case then i'd expect $2 this month at the very least

>> No.5835893

Contract with major lender incoming. Goes love in April. This could be $3 + by the end of March.

>> No.5836059

Because im in BlockMason (BCPT) which has actual patents and a better team. It also has a lower market cap and is primed to explode.

BCPT is gonna rape ripio. get on it.

>> No.5836126



please don't compare that piece of shit to this gem
Ripio is by far superior.
at least the token has utility
unlike bcpt

>> No.5836229

what a cuck

>> No.5836261

alright buddy. youve been warned. enjoy your ripio.

>> No.5836296

Why are these in competition with each other? What does BCPT have that RCN doesn't, and vice versa?

>> No.5836392


on a serious note here, please explain how BCPT's token has any utility or why anyone would bother with their shitty app lndr seriously!!!

please explain !! PLEASE
what a shity shitty idea
they haven't even addressed the issue of collection in case someone doesn't repay their obligations. so bad

>> No.5836469

bcpt has patents that they havent revealed yet that could absolutely assblast ripio into oblivion. check out their team and advisors. they recently partnered with one of the biggest subsidized health organizations (3 billion dollars per year) in british columbia. its gonna be huge.

>> No.5836517

wtf does that even mean you dumbshit!

patenting a credit protocol?
that's how weak their idea is.

>> No.5836603

actually something to look into. thanks anon!

>> No.5836623


they don't have shit you moron
the lead dev's daddy FILED a patent which will take decades to be reviewed and 99% shut down because guess what!? it ain't gonna happen kiddo

RCN is cross continental and partnering with players all over the globe. you clearly haven't read either white paper to discern any difference.

>> No.5836814

why don't you check out RCN's advisors and backers before you come here with your autistic screeching about muh patent

then again check how many exchanges RCN is trading on and then check BCPT, that should give you a slight indicator about where you should be putting your money

>> No.5836834

no problem. it's a guaranteed money maker.

>> No.5836905

lol the only person autistically screeching is you. youre triggered as fuck right now lol

>> No.5837058

i enjoy dick slapping philistine FUDsters like you because it's so easy to shut you down

you still haven't answered my question about BCPT's token.
i'll give you a hint, it has absolutely ZERO use and LNDR is probably the biggest joke to ever hit the app market

>> No.5837103

They are done, just get your money and go on another moon mission because the news on these guys are so far out unless you want to hodl throughout the accumulation phase.

>> No.5837159

that's fine. you invest in ripio. i dont care. people can do their own research and decide if blockmason is shit or not. btw blockmason is advised by the cofounder of ethereum.

>> No.5837272



you're that dismissive huh? i'll take your refusal to answer as a confirmation that BCPT is worthless. Thanks!

oh btw RCN on-boarded an ethereum cofounder weeks ago.

>> No.5837403

nah im not gonna argue with a dipshit like you. obviously people who are interested will research and decide for themselves. BCPT's team is so connected it's literally impossible for it to fail. And when you're dealing with banking, it's all about connections. Enjoy your ripio.

>> No.5837424

Sold mine for xlm. Coming back in feb. Their release is April.

>> No.5837624



hmmm i wonder if Ripio has connections with the following heavy hitters:

Tim Draper
Fenbushi Capital
Pantera Capital
Funders Club
Medici Ventures
Huiyin Blockchain Ventures
Boost VC
Digital Currency Group

but keep dismissing critical questions about BCPT's token value.

>> No.5837878

it's fuckin based in argentina lol. they dont have the connections that bcpt has. again, enjoy ripio. im sure you make nice profits. not as much as blockmason but that's ok. have fun friendo.

>> No.5838238


let me educate you a bit since you buy into things without reading up on them, because had you read about BCPT you would know that it's entirely flawed and their biggest failure is their pajeet tier lndr app. it doesn't even use their token as a settlement coin. it uses ETH. second of all why the shit would i want to download an app to settle debts with other people by paying them back in ETH!? WHY! seriously? to needlessly worry about capital gains or for my money to be held back by fucking crypto kitties because the network is so congested.

pacify yourself with a dick and read this carefully

Ripio is tailor made for emerging markets like Latin America and SEA because consumer credit penetration is very low due to high cost of borrowing and restrictive banking regulations that renders a large portion of the population without basic banking facilities like credit cards or auto loans or personal loans or payday loans.

Ripio is a GLOBAL P2P consumer credit lending application that has mitigated the problem of loss given default of introducing co-signers in their network that will absorb these losses and pursue collection on a local level. these agents are paid a few by the lender in the form of a small premium thereby migrating credit risk from the lender to the co-signer.

now, why don't you explain to us how your research into BCPT has yielded any sort of brilliance and why you're investing in BCPT. is it because of muh patent?

Even in the slightest and most negligible possibility that they are granted that retarded patent the US government can't do shit out of it's jurisdiction. so no it has NO AFFECT on RCN
perhaps SALT but SALT sucks anyways