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File: 7 KB, 236x214, 1696673934773393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58343236 No.58343236 [Reply] [Original]

But not by accident. It was intentional. It was a tactical poop. I did it so I could keep posting on /biz/ without having to go to the toilet.

>> No.58343251

Mommy's going to be mad

>> No.58343276
File: 103 KB, 1000x800, janny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean it up janny!!

>> No.58343289


>> No.58343338

nah nah, yeh *shart noises*

>> No.58343344

OP is a girl btw :3

>> No.58343371


>> No.58343395

Mom im on stream your embarrassing me in front of my viewerrrrrs

>> No.58343464

honestly I assumed everyone here is currently taking a shit. you actually spend your freetime combing through rugpulls and shills?

>> No.58344074
File: 615 KB, 1020x1014, king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered having a battery pack in your toilet? So you wouldn't have to leave the throne while posting. Just an idea. Saves on laundry too. And if you want to get a sol shitter while you're at it - pic rel. 25f4SEFpExeZTmorMvDi7zWAx9h2zxM7Q7SgkSra9mYz

>> No.58344111

Oh are you the one that keeps fudding Link?
Makes sense.

>> No.58344132


>> No.58344184



>> No.58344559

/biz/ - Business & Finance
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File: 1696673934773393.jpg (7 KB, 236x214)
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I pooped my pants Anonymous (ID: CK2YWzLL) 04/09/24(Tue)20:01:06 No.58343236▶>>58343251 >>58343276 >>58343289 >>58344074 >>58344111 >>58344184
But not by accident. It was intentional. It was a tactical poop. I did it so I could keep posting on /biz/ without having to go to the toilet.
Anonymous (ID: adnqTZ2x) 04/09/24(Tue)20:02:42 No.58343251▶
>>58343236 (OP)
Mommy's going to be mad
Anonymous (ID: Siz0jmPF) 04/09/24(Tue)20:05:45 No.58343276▶
File: janny.png (103 KB, 1000x800)
103 KB
>>58343236 (OP)
Clean it up janny!!
Anonymous (ID: qXrY0cUH) 04/09/24(Tue)20:07:15 No.58343289▶>>58343338
>>58343236 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: Siz0jmPF) 04/09/24(Tue)20:11:46 No.58343338▶
nah nah, yeh *shart noises*
Anonymous (ID: kbONtNKG) 04/09/24(Tue)20:12:45 No.58343344▶
OP is a girl btw :3

>> No.58344608

Fuck off. I hate people that do this shit. It's just purely lazy shitposting.

>> No.58346696
File: 97 KB, 430x350, 1446575880233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a shit post, but that happened to me once, and I was recently, was playing blocklords and I needed to fart, so I farted, It was a shart, wasnt on purpose....

>> No.58346733

Dont bullshit anon, what's so great about that game that you sharted like op.... on purpose.

>> No.58346739

a what in the toilet?

>> No.58346741

>shitting my own pants by playing some cheapass game
you deserve any kind of disease you could get

>> No.58346750

just turn your bathroom into mini office

>> No.58346753

anyone else ever used their shit as lube to jerk off? i know it sounds gross but it's pretty nice

>> No.58346754

Look into early onset bowel issues, bros. You can save yourselves from having to wear a diaper by 40.

>> No.58346761
File: 241 KB, 526x503, 1709139157708254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. literally check biz and x for like 10 mins while i take a dump very rarely do i lurk in any other moment of the day. kinda weird to imagine people sitting in front of a computer brwosing this shit.

>> No.58346765
File: 9 KB, 215x235, 1601238591203950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOT YET... Not ye...t...

>> No.58346771

is this how ai LLM models are fed data?

>> No.58346774

it's pretty funny not gonna lie but only because its done rarely. when people spammed this stupid shit like two years ago it was obnoxious